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Authors: S.M. Lynn

Out of the Ashes (5 page)

BOOK: Out of the Ashes
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More like eviscerating.  “Enough.  It was an interview; no panty dropping required.  Anyway then he proceeds to tell me that while Jacobs Enterprises would be happy to have me in the accounting department he would prefer to have me on his personal staff as his assistant.”

“Oh, I’m sure there are plenty of personal things he would like to
do with you.  Even though, apparently he has already done most of them.” There’s a wicked gleam in his eyes and his lips tip up into a smirk.

“Stop it Gav.  For the most part it was profession
al but I’m not an assistant; I would have no clue what I’m doing.  Here take a look at this.”  I say shoving the portfolio with the job details at him.  Gavin takes his time going through the pages; jaw dropping when he sees the pay and then needing to be scraped off the floor as he peruses what I can only imagine is the travel portion of the contract.

“The pay is outrageous.  You would be a fool not to accept on that alone but then look at this travel schedule and a stipend for clothing in addition to being given time during the work day for shopping.  If you won’t take it
, where can I sign up?  I’m sure I would look just as nice as you on the arm of that juicy man.”

At that I ca
nnot contain my laughter.  Gavin has always been outrageous and now is no exception.  “Seriously Celeste, with that amount of money for clothes you would have extra to spare for some naughty lingerie and I’m sure that would please Mr. Hot Boss.”

, stop it.” I try to reign in my laughter.  “I would be going to work
the man not under him.  But he is so attractive and distracting.  I almost had to wipe the drool away just thinking about last night. Oh, I must have looked like such a twit.  I’m surprised he went through with the interview and offered me the position at all.  Then that brings me to final and most important question.  Why did he choose me for this job?  I’m sure if this position was advertised it would draw many, many better-qualified applicants than myself.  And if he was just talking with Rebecca about the applicants she had for the accounting position, how did he discover my application among all the others?  There must have been quite a few resumes; I can’t imagine him having the time to go through them all.  So does this job offer just boil down to the fact that we had amazing sex last night?”  My resume would give no indication that I am qualified for this position.  So what is his basis for choosing me?  I hope and pray it’s not about our encounter last night because I know with every fiber of my being that that can never happen again.  Then again with Ian’s behavior at the close of the interview, I get the feeling that he doesn’t want a repeat performance either.  So maybe there is truly nothing to worry about?  However, this thought makes me sadder than the prospect of having to dodge his advances at work.  God, this man has me so confused I’m not sure which way is up.

“Oh darling, you always
doubt yourself.  You’re very accomplished and have worked hard to get here.  You should be snapping up this job not questioning why it was offered to you.  He obviously sees your potential.”

’s just a lot to take in.  I think I’ll head to bed and take some time to mull this over.  He asked to meet tomorrow for lunch so we could discuss any questions I had about the position or the contract and so I could give him my answer about the job.”

“Over lunc
h, huh?”  Gavin gives me an eyebrow waggle with a sly smile like there is some secret I need to tell him.  Impossible, incorrigible man! 

’s just lunch.  I made it clear there could be no more said about last night if I was to consider the job.  And if I decide to take it, things will have to be completely professional between us.  Can you imagine what it would look like if other people found out we slept together the night before he offered me a job?”

“Screw other people; this man obviously ma
de you happy in a way I haven’t seen anyone do since you got here.  Granted his departure is still somewhat of a mystery to me but I wouldn’t totally discard the fact that he may want to get in your panties again.”  This conversation is going nowhere and doing nothing to help me make up my mind.  So I take myself to bed; hopefully a good night’s sleep will give me some clarity on this.

ter 4


Sleep evades me for most of the night. And when I finally do fall asleep in the early hours of the morning, perfectly tailored suits and blue eyes plague my dreams but I’ll take those eyes over my nightmares any day.

ow in additional to looking like an idiot during the first interview, I will have dark circles under my eyes and look groggy for the second one.  I’m still not any closer to a decision on the job though.  It’s great to know that Gavin will be okay with the hours and the travel schedule.  His career is really starting to take off and his agent sees more big things for him in the future. So he will probably be away most of the time on auditions and photo shoots anyway.  With that part of my mind at ease, it only left the gigantic elephant in the room.  Why me?  Well, Mr. Jacobs will definitely be explaining that to me today before he gets my answer.

Since it is
a lunch meeting, I am able to spend the morning getting ready.  My black pencil skirt comes to just above the knee, slightly shorter than I would like for an interview.  Add to that the slit in the back to make walking more comfortable and it might be a bit on the risqué side.  But it is one of my favorites and I look great in it or so Gavin says when I step out of the bedroom.  My top is a shell with billowy fabric that does great things for my figure. I will have my jacket over it so the fact that it’s sleeveless doesn’t matter in the slightest.  For once, my hair is behaving.  Taking another quick look in the mirror to make sure I am put together reminds me that I needed to make an appointment soon to have it done.  It falls in blond waves around my shoulders and looks very sleek today so I decide to leave it down.  This gives me a few extra minutes to focus on the bags under my eyes.  With the help of a little concealer and some highlighting cream, my eyes are bright and fresh when I finally slip into my black heels.  Grabbing my bag and giving Gavin a wave goodbye, I start out the door.

“You are taking it, right?”  He call
s as I’m pulling the door open.  “So we should celebrate tonight?  I have an audition this afternoon but should be finished around 5.  Want to meet at Prestige for some dinner and drinks and then maybe hit the clubs?”

“Drinks are definitely in order.  Not sure if they will be celebratory or consolatory at this point.  That will depend on a couple answers from Mr. Jacobs.  But yes, that sounds wonderful.  We need a night on the town regardless of the reason.”  With that I make my
way downstairs to get a cab.  I’ve taken too much time getting ready to catch the train and even then I would still have several blocks to walk to get to the tower and in these shoes, several blocks would not be pleasant. 

As my cab nears Jacobs Tower, I see a sleek black Audi
Q7 pull up out front.  Ian Jacobs steps out of the backseat.  This gorgeous man strikes me immovable.  I can’t get the memory of his hands on my body and his lips pressed to mine out of my mind.   Shaking these thoughts from my head, I see him turn offering his hand to a gorgeous auburn haired woman in a designer sheath dress as she climbs out of the car.  He guides her into the building, his hand on her back, followed by the burly security guard that kept me company yesterday.  I feel a sudden twist in my gut at the sight of the two of them together.  The gestures were innocent enough but clearly they have a close relationship.  I completely forgot about the possibility that he could be married by now though the articles in Page Six clearly contradicted that.  So maybe this is just a girlfriend, either way it’s very clear that they’re more than friends.  My chest aches at the thought of him with someone else.  Why am I even thinking about this?  If I accept the, job he’ll be my boss not my boyfriend.  Besides I couldn’t imagine anyone calling him their boyfriend, lover maybe but boyfriend is just too juvenile for this man.  The man is sex on legs.  Oh, there my mind goes again.  If I can’t get it together enough to handle the next few hours, how am I ever going to work day in day out with this man?

Shaking off the slight pangs of jealousy I
’m feeling, I walk into to the lobby and let the receptionist know I’m here for my meeting with Mr. Jacobs.  She gives me another look, very similar to the one from yesterday and directs me to have a seat.  After a few minutes, the dark and, I must say, intimidating security guard is back and escorts me up the elevator to the penthouse conference room.  Once we arrive, security guy, I really should come up with something to call him, invites me to have a seat at the table, which is already set for lunch.

“Mr. Jacobs will be with you momentarily.”

“Thank you.” Then I realize that this is my chance to put a name with that hulking frame. “Oh I’m sorry; I don’t think I caught your name when I was here yesterday.”  Or when you drove me and Mr. Jacobs back to my apartment the other night, I want to add but don’t.  It occurs to me in that moment that there is someone at the office who knows I met Ian the night before the interview.  In fact, I would go so far to say that he probably knows exactly what happened between us because Ian doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to call a cab.  So my money is on Ian calling the hulk here to pick him up when he was done with me.

Connor, miss.  Mr. Jacobs’ personal security so I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”

very presumptuous of Ian Jacobs to tell his other staff that I’ll be working here when I haven’t accepted his offer.

“If I decide to take the job.”  I retort and
I’m sure that my foul mood is showing through.  Poor Connor; it's not his fault that his boss is such an arrogant ass.  With that he smiles and turns to leave the room.

A few minutes later, Ian
walks into the room.  The air seems to change with his arrival and I feel his presence long before I see him.  Once I turn to meet his eyes, he gives me a smile.  Oh what this man and his smiles do to my panties!  I would do anything he asked for one of those smiles. 

“Celeste… May I call you Celeste?  I feel that with us working so closely together we should probably be on a first name basis.”

My name rolls of his tongue like a caress.  I almost don’t hear the rest of what he’s saying; I’m so focused on my name coming out of that mouth.  Oh, and all the other things he can do with that mouth.  Wait, did he just assume I had already agreed to take the job as well?
“Mr. Jacobs,
I have not accepted your offer yet.  But yes, please call me Celeste.  And allow me to apologize for my rude behavior yesterday.  It was just a surprise to see you again.  And after everything…  Well I just want to apologize and assure you that I can remain professional despite what happened between us.”

e smiles again.  Stop doing that; it’s so distracting. “I completely understand.  You were taken off guard and didn’t expect to see me.”  He looks slightly downcast as he says this like my reaction is not the one he was hoping for.  Stop, I scream at myself, there is no way in hell that he wants you so just stop torturing yourself.  “I trust you found everything in order?”  He says gesturing to the portfolio.  “Shall we sit down to lunch?  I’m sure you have questions for me.”

, that would be wonderful.”

“I took the liberty of ordering from a little deli around the corner.  They have
the most wonderful turkey on rye.  I hope that’s okay.  I’ve had such an exhausting morning and these are so good, I felt I needed a little pick me up.”

Exhausting morning, I
’ll bet.  By the looks of the woman he got out of the car with, I can guess the source of his exhaustion.  Damn, there’s that uncomfortable feeling again.  What’s wrong with me?  Maybe I need to meet someone; I’ve been so focused on my career that I haven’t taken much time to date.  I’ve had a few boyfriends since I moved to the city 3 years ago but nothing that ever lasted longer than a few dates. So yeah since the only man, I have slept with in 3 years is sitting across the table interviewing me for a job; I think a new man might be exactly what I need. Yeah a hot man to roll around in the sheets with.  Maybe tonight while Gavin and I are out…  I shake my head at myself.  What the hell are you thinking?  Look what happened two nights ago when you were out with that exact same thought. I should have stayed with Mark and gone home with him.  But there’s no hope for that now.  Besides, with my life devoted to this new job once again, I’ll have no time for a relationship.  Maybe I should invest in a good B.O.B.

Ian clears his throat pulling me from my reverie.  “Sorry, what were you saying?”
  I blush slightly, knowing that he caught me in the middle of my naughty thoughts.

“I was asking if you had any questions.”

Instead of a nice segway into the conversation, I jump straight in.  “Why me?”  I blurt my voice just above a whisper. Turning my eyes toward my sandwich, afraid of the answer that awaits me.

“Celeste, you are a very bright, hard working, driven young woman.  Your credentials are impeccable for someone so young.  As soon as I saw you
, I knew I had to have you.”  The double entendre of that statement is not lost on me, and by the look on his face, he clearly means what he said in both ways. In that moment, I get the feeling that he’s not really talking about the job at all.  Probably just wishful thinking on my part; I have got to get these hormones in check.  “You are well spoken and have a way with people.  That is exactly what I need from someone in this position.  Then there’s, and forgive me for being out of line here, the fact that you’re absolutely stunning.”  Stunning? I’ve never heard that word used to describe me.  I’ve been told by drunk guys at clubs that I’m hot, like I’m really going to bank on that, and Gavin often tells me how beautiful I look.  But I have always thought of myself as being rather ordinary.  My blond hair comes to just past my shoulders but is usually so untamable that it has to go up in a ponytail or bun with lots of pins.  My figure isn’t bad.  I have a small frame; I’m only 5’6 so if I were carrying any more weight you would definitely be able to tell.  I try to take care of myself but I would be lying if I said I didn’t love a good cheeseburger.  I’m fairly toned though my exercise routine is somewhat lacking.  I enjoy a run when I have time; it helps to clear my head and Gavin is always dragging me to yoga with him on the promise of hot, sweaty men and a latte afterward.  But stunning?

BOOK: Out of the Ashes
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