Read Operation Revenge Online

Authors: Kate Hopkins

Operation Revenge (9 page)

BOOK: Operation Revenge
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"You're late," Marian said when she let Simon into the house, twenty minutes later.


"Traffic was a nightmare." He kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry. I know you hate to be kept waiting."


"And yet it seems as though that's all I do these days." She glared at him. "Go to the sitting room. I'll join you after I speak with the cook about dinner."


Simon arched an eyebrow. "You're not going to lecture me about being late?"


"Do you want me to?"


"No, ma'am."


"All right then." She turned and limped from the foyer, her cane making a thumping sound as it struck the hardwood floor.


Shaking his head, Simon headed to the sitting room, where to his surprise he discovered Haley. She was sitting on the sofa, looking through an old photo album. He stopped and stared at her. She was wearing a white blouse and a green skirt that had tiny white polka dots. Her hair was swept back from her face and secured with a clip. She looked lovely. Aware that he was gawking at her, he gave himself a mental shake, crossed the room and sat down beside her.


"You're late, Wilcox." Haley turned her head and smiled at him. "Did she scold you?"


"No." He cleared his throat. "How long have you been here?"


She checked her watch. "About ten minutes. Your Gran invited me to dinner."


"She invited me as well." Simon jerked his tie loose. "This is either going to be an interrogation or she wants something."


Haley closed the album and placed it on the end table next to her. "Maybe she's just lonely and wants some company."


Simon snorted. "That woman doesn't get lonely. She's too busy interfering in other people's lives."


"Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe she interferes in other people's lives because she's lonely and just wants someone to pay attention to her?"


Simon thought about it for a minute. "You could be right."


"Or I could be wrong and she's just a meddling old bat," Haley said, her eyes lit with laughter.


Chuckling softly, he gently nudged her in the side. "I'm glad you're here."


"So am I."


"Dinner will be ready shortly," Marian announced as she entered the room. She moved toward an armchair and slowly sat down. "While we're waiting let's talk."


Simon had seen that look in her eyes plenty of times and knew what she wanted. He sat back with a sigh. "All right, Gran. What do you want to know?"


"I want to know what's going on between you two." She glanced from her grandson to Haley. "I know for a fact that you spent Saturday night with him."




"Let me guess," Simon said dryly, interrupting Haley. "Mrs. Kraft called you." He looked at Haley, who had a bewildered expression on her face. "Mrs. Kraft lives across the street from me. She's the neighborhood nosy body and Gran's friend. If I so much as step one foot outside in my
t-shirt and boxer shorts she's calling Gran to let her know. Then I get a phone call and a scolding."


"Going outside in your underwear is undignified," Marian stated stiffly. "You are not a Neanderthal, boy. When you do something bad, it reflects on the rest of the family. You would do well to remember that." She paused. "Now I was under the impression, young lady, that you are involved with that Chad fellow. What were you doing spending the night with my grandson? I never pegged you as a hussy. I-"


"Nothing happened between Haley and I," Simon cut in. "She was too upset to drive home, so I suggested she stay the night. She slept in the guest room." He looked to Haley. "Should we tell her everything?"


"Will she keep quiet about it?" she whispered.


"Yes," he muttered. "She can keep a secret."




Simon leaned forward and gazed into his grandmother's eyes. "Chad cheated on Haley. She found him entertaining another woman. He admitted to her that he was cheating through out their relationship." He felt Haley stiffen and he took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "She broke up with him. Now she wants him to pay for betraying her. So we came up with a plan. Pretend to be a couple to make Chad suffer. He gets extremely angry and jealous when he sees us together. In order for our plan to work everyone has to think that we're together. Therefore, we need you to keep quiet about this."


Marian smirked. "I knew there was something fishy about that boy." She nodded. "Your plan might just work." She eyed Simon and Haley's intertwined hands with a smile. "Yes. I think it will work just fine."


"Dinner is ready, Mrs. Wilcox," the cook said from the doorway.


"Thank you, Harry." She snatched up her cane and rose from the chair. "Come along, kids."


In the large dining room, Simon pulled out a chair for Haley and then one for Marian. Once they were seated, the cook began to serve them. He set bowls of thick, steaming soup in front of them, along with plates of salad. A basket of bread and a bottle of wine completed the meal. Simon poured them each a glass of wine and then passed around the breadbasket.


"Tell me, dear," Marian said to Haley as she picked up her spoon. "How do you feel about marriage?"


"Gran," Simon growled softly. "Don't start with-"


"It's all right." Haley stirred her soup while she thought about the elderly woman's question. "How do I feel about marriage? Well . . . I'm not against it. If the right man came along I could see myself settling down and having a family with him."


"Define your idea of the right man."


"Kindhearted, smart, funny, trustworthy." She fiddled with her spoon. "I'm looking for someone I can depend on . . . someone I can share my life with."


"You didn't mention money," Marian uttered.


"He doesn't have to be wealthy. I get that money is important. Without it, you can't survive, but the size of a man's bank account doesn't matter to me."


"I see. What about-"


"Gran," Simon sighed. "Enough. Let her eat."


Marian pursed her lips. "Very well."


. . . .


An hour and a half later, found Simon walking Haley to her car. It was dark out; the only source of light was coming from the streetlights. Except for a dog barking in the distance, it was quiet in the neighborhood. The seasons were changing, bringing with it a nip in the air. Goose bumps erupted on their skin and they shivered. At Haley's car, they stopped and turned to face each other.


"I'm sorry about Gran's interrogation at dinner," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets to warm them.


"That's all right." She smiled at him. "Do you think I passed the test?"


"It's too early to say," he informed her. "I think you impressed her though, especially with your response about money. She hates gold digger's."


"I don't blame her." Haley leaned back against the car. "She wants you and I to get together, doesn't she?"


"She does." Simon grinned. "If I hadn't stopped her from questioning you further I think she would have gotten around to proposing that we get married."


"And start having children," she added.


"That too." He rocked back on his heels. "I'll keep her in line. If I put my foot down she'll drop it."


"Now I see why you don't date much."


"Once Gran gets a hold of a girl I'm dating she's gone. I never see or hear from her again."


Haley tilted her head slightly and gazed at him. "Well I'm not going any where. Your Gran doesn't scare me."


"I'm glad," Simon muttered.


"I guess I should go." Shoving away from the car, she dug her keys out of her purse. "It's getting late." She leaned in close to kiss Simon on the cheek. He turned his head at the last second and their lips touched. They sprang apart and stared at each other.


"I'm sorry," he murmured, his lips tingling.


"Why are you sorry?" she whispered. "It was an accident." Her eyes locked with his. "A nice accident. I wouldn't have pulled back, but you surprised me." She took a step closer and laid her hand on his chest. "You're going to have to kiss me sooner or later, Simon. If we're going to pretend to be a couple, we have to make it appear real. I would prefer our first kiss to be in private and not in front of other people." She shrugged her shoulders. "I just think a first kiss is special and I don't-"


"I don't want to play with your emotions," Simon blurted out. "You just broke up with Chad and you're vulnerable. I don't want to hurt you."


"Oh, Simon." Haley embraced him and he slipped his arms around her waist. "You could never hurt me. I trust you. I always have." She pressed a kiss to his jaw and then moved out of his arms. "I'll see you tomorrow night. Seven sharp?"


"Seven sharp," he croaked.


"Good night, Simon." Haley opened her car door and slid behind the wheel.


"Good night." With a storm of mixed emotions in his eyes, he watched as she started the car and drove away.














Chapter 9


Haley rushed home after work, the following day, to get ready for the party. After a quick dinner, she took a shower and then stood in front of the open closet in her bra and panties, searching for something to wear. Deciding on a pair of black slacks and a red turtleneck sweater, she put on the clothes. Once she was finished dressing, she retrieved a pair of pumps from the closet floor and knee-high stockings from a dresser drawer. She perched on the side of the bed, rolled on the stockings, and shoved her feet into the pumps.


Haley made her way to the bathroom, where she ran a hairbrush through her hair and applied makeup. She grabbed silver hoop earrings from a small dish on the vanity and put them on. A spritz of perfume and she left the bathroom. In the bedroom, she fastened her watch to her wrist and then checked to see what time it was. It was a few minutes before seven.


Just then, the doorbell rang. Haley turned out the light, hurried down the hallway, through the living room, and into the small foyer. She peered through the peephole and saw it was Simon. Smiling, she unlocked the door and opened it. Now that she had a better view of him, she saw he was wearing slacks, a dress shirt, and a blazer. In his hands, he had a box of chocolates. "You brought me candy," she said as she let him inside.


"I did." Simon turned and held out the candy. "Grandeur hired the agency to promote their new chocolates. One of the benefits of promoting a new product is the company sends you samples. I thought you might like a box."


"Thank you." She stared at the box in Simon's hand and tried to remember if Chad had ever given her candy or anything else for that matter. She came up empty.






"Are you all right?" he asked concerned.


"I'm fine." She took the candy from him. "Let me grab my purse and we'll go."

BOOK: Operation Revenge
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