Read One Thousand Brides Online

Authors: Solange Ayre

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Programming Languages, #Computers, #Erotica

One Thousand Brides (10 page)

BOOK: One Thousand Brides
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Her eyes widened as her pussy pulsed. His scent was irresistible. She gazed down at his large erection. How wonderful it would feel as he pumped in and out of her.

“Janis, I want to spread you open and thrust into you over and over. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

She knew she would. She wanted to jump down from the tree, throw herself into the soft grass and open her legs wantonly.

She had to mate.

Where was Delos?

Chapter Eight


Wait for Delos.
She stayed quiet.

Hannus peered up into the tree. “Janis!” He fumbled with his cord, staring up at her. She looked down into his yellow eyes, a bird caught in a snake’s gaze.

A rustle came from behind her, breaking the spell. Jan’s nostrils were suddenly full of a distinct cocoa scent.

“Find another female.” Delos’ voice was quiet but firm. “Janis is mine.”

Hannus turned but didn’t back away. “Go away, Del. I was here first.”

Delos leaped at him. Faster than Janis’ eyes could follow, Delos raised his arm. A moment later, blood ran from a long scratch on Hannus’ chest.

“First cut,” Delos said. Hannus growled and slunk away.

Don’t make it too easy for them.
Remembering Goldus’ advice, Janis jumped down from the tree. A bubble of happiness swelled inside her as she ran.

She giggled as she brushed by long leaves of grass. Delos followed swiftly. She glanced back once. The eager look on his beloved face made her heart skip a beat. What would he do when he caught her?

No one had ever wanted her like this before.

Her heart pounded as he grasped her around the waist. She stumbled—or had he tripped her?—and they rolled to the ground.

She wanted him—God, how she wanted him—but a Terilian female always fought. She elbowed him and rolled away, breathless, trying to get to her feet. Swiftly, he caught her from behind. His palms captured her breasts.

His hands were rough, squeezing, groping. Her nipples were instantly erect. She opened her mouth, tempted to shamelessly beg him to fuck her.

She made one last effort, jerking away and trying to flee.

He caught her leg and pulled her down underneath him. Wriggling, she struggled to free herself. He subdued her easily, his arms like steel bands. She ended up face down, panting, while he straddled her butt, pinning her down with strong thighs.

I’m helpless. He can do whatever he wants to me.
The thought was so stimulating that her pussy throbbed.

Moving her hair, he licked her neck. She moaned, all thought of resistance disappearing.

She was wild with arousal, pulsing with eagerness. She’d die if he didn’t put his cock inside her.

She felt him shift as he unwound his cord, freeing his organ. His excited growl rumbled through the air. He raised up, giving her room to move. “Spread your legs.”

She hurried to take the mating position, raising her hips, opening her legs. He came up behind her on his knees, hands gripping her hips, pushing the big, cylindrical head of his cock against her pussy lips. She was ready and wet and eager.

“Janis,” he groaned and slid his cock inside her with one powerful thrust. Her vagina thrilled at the invasion. She moaned as her slick channel pulsed around his size and heat.

He plunged deep. He was so big, filling her in a way she’d never known. Her pussy gushed with liquid, welcoming him.

He pulled all the way out and that back-stroke was even better than his first hard thrust. Every nerve pleaded for more. He plunged into her again, frantically and she had to cry out. Leaning forward, he bit her shoulder. Pain mingled with pleasure as her pussy contracted.

He thrust fast and hard, pounding her with his thick organ as her juices spurted against him, easing the tight passage.

Pleasure built and built each time he moved. She had one brief thought that others might be nearby. Then she lost all worry about that. Every one of his fierce thrusts demanded that she cry out in response. She gasped and moaned mindlessly, waiting for the orgasm she knew he would give her.

His cock was buried deeply inside her. He reached underneath her and took her nipples with his fingers, rolling and rubbing them.

The extra stimulation was everything she needed. Racking waves of pure delight flooded her pelvis and she clenched against his steel-hard cock over and over. Her orgasm radiated through every inch of her sensitized pussy.

” he growled, triumph filling his voice. His hips jerked and he shouted aloud. All her senses told her that he’d come.

* * * * *

Delos watched Janis slump forward, panting with the force of her orgasm.

He sank into a kneeling position. Never before had sex satisfied him so completely.

He gazed down at his half-erect cock, coated with her juices. Janis had been even more incredible than he’d hoped. Their mating had been soul-satisfying. When he achieved orgasm, he felt as though she’d drained every drop from him.

She was human, he was Terilian. Yet when he’d filled her with his penis, he’d felt that he was part of her. Or as though they were both parts of one being, finally whole.

Her dark hair was disheveled. Her tunic was pushed up past her waist, leaving her lovely naked buttocks exposed to his gaze.

His organ stiffened. Urgency filled him.

“Janis—again.” He waited with a touch of apprehension. Had he shocked her?

“Yes!” She rose up and parted her thighs. The scent of her aroused sex made him mindless with lust. His organ was hard and throbbing, more than ready to plunge inside her again. It took every bit of control he had but he delayed, rubbing the head against her labia.

She moaned, trying to thrust her sex against his organ. “Delos! I want you!”

“What do you want?” He teased her, letting his organ slip an inch into her wet channel, then withdrawing. She raised her hips, desperately trying to take his penis inside her.

“Mount me again. Now, Delos! I can’t wait!”

He thrust into her, moving with fast, shallow strokes this time. The tight walls of her vagina clung around his organ, caressing and milking him until he thought he couldn’t bear the searing pleasure.

She moved with his quick rhythm. “Harder!” she gasped.

Instead he stopped moving, his eyes half-closing, drinking in the sensation of her tight channel clutched around his organ.

“Don’t stop!” she pleaded.

“Move for me,” he ordered her.

Hesitantly, she rocked back against him, then forward. “That’s right, that’s good,” he gasped, encouraging her. She moved again, harder this time. He held still, letting her plunge against his stiff penis, taking it as hard as she wanted. Taking it deep.

He groaned as she thrust faster and faster, rutting against him wildly, her channel like a hot, wet pleasure device made for his organ alone.

His palms massaged her buttocks, heightening their excitement. She screamed and clamped down around him. White-hot cum shot from the base of his penis and up his shaft like liquid fire. He’d never felt such pure, whole sensation before.

Finally his organ receded. She pulled forward, breathing hard and lay on her side. He stretched out beside her, stroking her flushed cheek, then gave her one of those wet human kisses she liked so much.

I like them too
, he thought as her tongue glided languidly against his.

He had to take her again. Maybe from the front this time, so he could watch her beautiful breasts quiver as he thrust into her deliciously hot, clinging sex.

He cupped her right breast in his hand, enjoying the softness against his palm.

“I thought of a way to defeat Taddus,” she said.

His eyes flew open.

She pulled away from his arms and grabbed one of her shoes, lifting something out of it. “Look!” She held it under his nose. Even though the package was sealed, he smelled the sweet aroma. “If we rub this on our skin, it’ll change our scents. Taddus won’t be able to find us.”

What an incredible female she was. Not only beautiful…not only his perfect mate…but wonderfully clever.

A pity her plan wouldn’t work.

“Taddus won’t track you by scent, the way I did,” he explained. “The primuses follow computer links to their chosen females.”

“That seems like cheating.”

“It’s our way.”

Trouble darkened her gaze. “Then there’s no escape from him?”

He didn’t answer, just pulled her back into his arms and kissed her until they were both gasping with arousal.

“I don’t know what’s the matter with me,” she murmured. “I want you again.

“Then make me hard.” He rose to his feet. “Suck me.”

Eagerly she knelt in front of him, grasping the base of his organ. Her beautiful rosy lips closed around the head and she stroked him with her tongue.

She gently cupped his testicles, rolling his sac as her mouth caressed him. She sucked him, devouring him as his pleasure built. His organ stiffened. He cried out hoarsely and she made a delighted noise in her throat.

“Lie on your back,” he said. She lay in the grass, her thighs parted. The smile she gave him filled his heart with joy. Stroking his hard penis, he gazed down at her.

She’d always been beautiful but now, with her skin flushed with pleasure and her nipples and vagina still swollen from their mating, she was breathtaking. He knelt between her thighs. His inflamed organ demanded that he thrust into her again but he paused to kiss her mouth and her breasts. She whispered his name, stimulating him further.

He raised her legs onto his shoulders and thrust deep. His hard, hot penis slid easily into her wet channel. He rocked back and forth inside her, watching her white breasts quiver as he thrust and withdrew, thrust and withdrew.

“I never knew it could be like this,” she whispered.

“I didn’t either.” His palms traveled up and down her soft thighs. “I want to give you more pleasure, beautiful one.”

“I’m so close!” she gasped.

He moved his hand to where they were joined and fondled her swollen clitoris with his thumb. Her eyes flew open. She cried out, her back arching, her hips bucking. He felt her tight spasms clenching against his organ. Pleasure wrenched a shout from his throat as she screamed.


Janis lay half-dozing against Delos’ chest, worn out from the three orgasms that had filled her with unbelievable pleasure. Their mating had been so beautiful…but soon it would be over. She’d be another male’s wife. Delos would never hold her again, or kiss her, or make love to her.

“He’s near,” Delos said quietly.

She jumped to her feet, extending her claws.

“Put your claws away,” he told her. His eyes were shadowed.

“Are you leaving now?” Desolation flooded her.

He rose easily to his feet and rubbed his face against hers. “Whatever happens, remember I love you.”

Suddenly alarmed, she asked, “What are you going to do?”

There was no time to answer as Taddus loped up before them and released his cord. His dark organ was swollen, the head purple with arousal.

In a few minutes, the primus would use that organ on her. She shuddered with dread.

The primus’s tongue passed over his lips. He looked at her, slowly stroking the head of his penis. “My wife.” Taddus’ tone was formal. “Janis Stone, I am here to claim you.”

Delos’ tone was equally formal as he took one step forward. “Primus Taddus, I refuse to yield her to you.”

Jan gasped. So he wasn’t going to merely hand her over to the higher-ranked male. He loved her enough to face down the big primus.

A thrill ran through her.

Taddus stared at him. “Are you
me, Delos? You’re insane! Seek another mate!”

“You know our law. It’s my right as a secondus to fight for this one.”

Taddus lowered his head and growled. Jan’s hand flew to her mouth. Slender Delos had to weigh fifty pounds less than Taddus. How could he possibly defeat the primus?

Delos growled back, a terrifying rumble. “State the rules, Primus.”

“Claws permitted, no biting, no foreign objects,” Taddus said. “We fight until one of us yields.”

“Agreed.” The two males glared at each other. Delos planted his feet and raised his hands, palm outward. Taddus did the same. They locked fingers and counted together, “Four…three…two…one!”

They unsheathed their claws. Agony washed over both males’ faces as their claws dug into each other’s hands.

Jan’s heart galloped with fright as they tumbled to the ground. Delos, on top, got his right hand free. He swiped at Taddus’ face. The primus threw himself clear and rolled, switching their positions.

“No female is worth this!” Taddus hissed. “Yield, Delos!”

Delos clawed Taddus’ back. “First cut!”

“Fool!” Rage bellowed from Taddus’ throat. “I have twice your strength!” The two males twisted and struggled, their growls growing more fierce. They rolled over and over, kicking and clawing. Jan watched, afraid to make a sound, fearing to distract Delos.

Taddus’ back was bleeding. Delos didn’t make a sound as Taddus scraped three claws down his chest.

Taddus, on top now, achieved a hold on both of Delos’ wrists and forced Delos’ hands to the ground.

Jan’s heart sank. Taddus sneered, “Yield and I won’t hurt you, little secondus.”

Delos remained silent. Sweat beaded on his brow and shoulders. Blood dripped slowly from the wounds on his chest.

Taddus brought his face closer and threatened, “I’ll notch your ear.”

Delos’ ears twitched. “Rules!” he gasped. “No biting!”

Taddus laughed. His lips pulled back, revealing his sharp fangs. “Yield!” he commanded.

“Not—to a cheater!” Delos panted.

The big primus lowered his head.

Would Taddus really mutilate Delos? Unbidden, a low growl emerged from Jan’s throat. She leaped forward, grabbing Taddus around the neck. Her claws sank into his flesh. Blood welled and he shouted in pain.

For a moment, the two males stared at her with identical, shocked expressions.

Then Taddus’ hands shot up as he tried to free himself from her claws. Delos, suddenly loosened from Taddus’ grasp, slashed the other male across the face.

BOOK: One Thousand Brides
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