One Step Too Close - Coffin Nails MC Louisiana (Gay Biker Stepbrother Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 6) (5 page)

BOOK: One Step Too Close - Coffin Nails MC Louisiana (Gay Biker Stepbrother Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 6)
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Ryder’s life became a
set of slots, and each contained a different boring activity. Only two days in,
Ryder longed for cold wind in his hair, for the beastly machine between his
legs, and for the taste of flesh on his tongue. But as the days went by, he
kept telling himself that he was serving short time, and he’d be out of jail
mid-March. He’d miss a sexy Valentine's surprise from Jess and decent food. But
at least he finally had time to read some classic speculative fiction. He’d
been a fan as a kid, but as responsibility piled up, there was less and less
time left for him to read. He was also about to see Jed within the next week,
which was the one bright spot in the gray misery of Ryder’s days.

“Fuck, I’m so bored I
could start digging in the floor just to waste some time. I read fucking
last month, that’s how bored I am,” said Max, Ryder’s cellmate.

Max wasn’t particularly
bothersome, he took the upper bunk without much issue, and knew who the Coffin
Nails were, so he was happy to get friendly. Problem was, he was getting a bit
friendly. Just yesterday night, completely out of nowhere, Max had started
talking about Ryder’s dick piercings, and was asking intrusive questions about
the ones he’d taken out—proof he’d noticed the scars on the underside of
Ryder’s cock. Max even made a joke about licking the holes to make them better.
That one had Ryder laugh at him openly, even though the comment stirred a very
visceral part of Ryder’s brain. The one that simply wanted to fuck when it was
so blatantly offered, but Ryder would not do that. He was into women, and he
wouldn’t stoop as low as to fucking the prison bitch, especially with a girl as
pretty as Jess waiting for him outside.

“Read some Philip K.
Dick. I think it would be just up your street,” said Ryder with a smirk. It
seemed like being in a cell with Max was considered some kind of treat, judging
from the comments he sometimes got, but he didn’t exactly see it that way. Not
that Max wasn’t attractive. He had a pretty face that made Ryder uncomfortably
think back to Jed, a compact tight body, and a short blond mohawk that he
carefully shaved into shape almost every single day.

But he was temptation.
Were Ryder the cellmate of some ugly old man, that would had been so much
easier than watching Max undress, massage his fit muscles with baby oil, piss.
He would also frequently come back into the cell with a flush on his face and
neck, mouth bruised in a way Ryder knew very well. And those times, he would
imagine that mouth closing around his cock. Taking his spunk. Sometimes, he
would even let those fantasies finish him off at night, when he couldn’t steer
them away to tits and very straight porn.

Max looked down from his
bunk with a wide smile. “Oh, yeah? I like his name. Do tell me more.”

Ryder looked at him from
where he was leaning against the wall with a novel in hand. “You know the movie
Blade Runner
? The one with Harrison Ford? It’s based on Dick’s book.”

“The guy must be really
something if his dick writes books.” Max wiggled his eyebrows and got down in a
swift move. “I bet your dick could write a book all over my face.”

“I’ll pass,” said Ryder,
though his brain immediately sent a bolt of electricity all the way to his
junk. But in his fantasies, the hair Ryder was holding was much longer than the
mohawk Max was sporting. It would be long and coarse, and the skin on the
shoulders Ryder would touch next was not softened by oils and creams.

“To each their own.” Max
winked at Ryder and began his routine of pullups on a pole installed between
the bunk and the wall. “No one would judge you here, you know? Every guy needs
to get off, or his balls would fall off.”

Ryder laughed and tossed
his book on the bunk. He was done here. Maybe watching some news in the
communal space would cool him off?

He walked out of the
cell and went downstairs, sharing a few words with one of the guys he hung out
most with since arriving at this place. He was on his way to the television
room when a guard approached him.

“You have a visitor,

Ryder looked at him,
startled. Jed was only set to be here in a few days, and he didn’t know about
anyone else wanting to make the journey to see him this soon, but he followed
the guard nevertheless.

The visitation room was
all white, which was a damn shame, because all the white walls, white tables,
and white chairs only made it more clear just how beat-up the place was. As the
guard led him inside, for a moment Ryder searched the people gathered for the
familiar mop of blond hair, but when his eyes settled on a pretty tan face
framed by brown hair, his mouth stretched into a wide smile.

Heart pounding, he
walked up to Jess and gave her a quick but sweet kiss. “Babes, aren’t you
working today? I thought you’d visit me next week the earliest,” he said, briefly
hugging her before one of the men standing guard made a gesture for him to cut
it out.

“This can’t really
wait,” she said quietly, but the lack of smile on her face made Ryder’s
adrenaline levels spike. Did Jed do something the club wouldn’t tell him about?
Was Ripper’s health declining? Jess wouldn’t look into his eyes.

Ryder slowly moved his
hand over the table, ignoring the unpleasant way it stuck to his skin in one
place, and held her hand. “Babes? What’s up?” he asked, increasingly worried
with her grim look. “Are you having trouble at work?” he asked, squeezing her
hand. She could have if she was here on a day that she never had off.

Jess swallowed, and a
red flush surfaced on her cheeks. “I’m pregnant,” she whispered.

It was as if the floor
crumbled beneath Ryder’s feet. They hadn’t planned this, and yet... it wasn’t
that he didn’t want children at all, so maybe this was a sign? Maybe it was a
good moment after all. He would be out just in time to help Jess once her belly
started getting uncomfortably big. He gave a short laugh and squeezed her hand,
not sure if he should kiss her again so soon. The last thing he wanted now was
for this visit to be cut short, and so he just sat there, close to
hyperventilating as he looked into her eyes.

“That’s great news! I
know we haven’t really talked about it, but it’ll be fine. You have a job, I
can work a bit more... we will get by.”

But Jess slipped her
hand out of Ryder’s grasp and sat back in the chair with her shoulders
slouched. “It’s not yours, Ryder.”

“What?” Ryder leaned
forward, suddenly out of breath. His brain wasn’t capable of fully processing
what he just heard. What? When? How? And Jess wouldn’t even look up at him.

“I— There’s this guy...
It doesn’t matter.” She swallowed and took another deep breath. “I can’t be
with you anymore.”

“You sick bitch,”
whispered Ryder, but just as he thought he could be civil about this and just
tell her to fuck off, he got to his feet so rapidly his chair clattered to the
ground. Anger exploded in his chest with so much power, he hardly contained the
need to grab her by the throat. This once, he’d really tried to build something
with a girl, he’d tried to be good and provide all she needed. He’d even gotten
her a fucking cat!

And that bitch cheated
on him, already bored with the outlaw lifestyle that had made her pussy so wet
at the beginning.

“Arige, you either sit
down, or you leave,” an officer warned, taking a few steps closer.

Two fat tears slid down
Jess’s cheeks, as if she had any right to cry now. Lying scum. Ryder had had a
lot of hope for their relationship. She seemed responsible. A fucking nurse,
for Christ’s sake!

On New Year’s Eve she
even said she loved him, and that wasn’t so long ago. Had she already been
fucking that other guy back then?

Ryder stepped away, his
heart bleeding all over the floor. “I’m going. There’s nothing more to talk
about,” he said and faced away from Jess. He didn’t need her shit. He wouldn’t
feel sorry about her tears, because it was all her own damn fault. She would
not be his old lady. Her loss.

Ryder was grateful to
the guard for not making any stupid comments on the way back, because as much
as he wanted not to be hurt, he didn’t know whether he could trust his voice to
stay level in the face of such betrayal. Clearly, he had only been an exciting
distraction for her. A hot rush to set her pussy on fire, but to get a kid, she
turned to someone else. As if there was something wrong with him.

He should have known
that the only people he could trust were his club brothers. Jed could be a
stupid fucker at times, but he would never pull a stunt like… well, of course
he wouldn’t, because he wasn’t a girl. But a betrayal like this was out of the
question. Jed wasn’t even his blood, yet always stood by his side. Even if he
did something rash, it was never malicious or aimed to hurt Ryder’s pride. At
this moment, he missed Jed even more, and all of a sudden, the visit scheduled
in a few days couldn’t come soon enough.

How dare Jess do this to
him? He treated her like a princess, took her places, he even conditioned his
hair because she wanted him to. And he complied because he wanted her to find
him attractive. He was respectful, she said so herself, much more than the
other guys in the club. He really tried to make her happy, but clearly it
wasn’t enough for her. Maybe she scored some wealthy doctor who could offer her
a big house and wouldn’t ever go to jail. She was out there, let loose without
him watching over her. This wouldn’t have happened if he actually kept tabs on
her all the time, like he had on his former girlfriend, but Jess he’d trusted
not to do anything stupid. Clearly he had been wrong, and it was as if not only
his relationship but his whole life was falling apart.

He spent the rest of the
day restless, walking around the block and trying to distract himself with
mindless conversations about sports and the movie everyone watched two nights

It was only after dinner
that he returned to the tiny cell he shared with Max, and the sheer presence of
the other man made his skin break out in goosebumps for the first time. He
needed to release some steam so bad his body ached. But he’d always told
himself it was a choice, so he could have the self-control not to make it. With
the amount of pussy always available to him, there was no reason he should be
tempted by a male body just because it would feel different. Fags made that
choice, and he was not like that.

But the doors locked,
lights went off, and he was left alone with Max’s warm, willing body. Was the
guy charging for his services, or was it all for pleasure? He didn’t dare ask,
and yet as he lay down on his bunk and looked up into the darkness, it almost
felt as though he could smell Max, and the scent was getting all the more
intense. Ryder listened to each breath from above, so peaceful and shallow. Max
was fast asleep.

Ryder sat up and looked
at the wall across from him, restless. His mind kept taunting him with images
of Jess fucking someone else behind his back. If she was free to do so, why
wouldn’t he? It wasn’t like he had anyone waiting for him now.

And even if someone
found out, no one would blame him for fucking a guy in jail. The topic mostly
went unmentioned. It was a biological need. It wouldn’t make him gay, he had a
history of girlfriends, and just because he could appreciate a male body didn’t
mean shit. Everybody did, and yet all the guys who gave in to their needs were
completely fine after they did time. Why wouldn’t Ryder give it a try if it was
so readily available? If he could resist a young naked Jed climbing into his
bed when they were still in high school, he could put an end to this when he got

He just needed something
to cheer him up after today’s blow. That was all it was.

Pulled by an invisible
string, Ryder got to his feet and looked at Max in the dark. The guy slowly
turned around, as if he could sense Ryder’s lust in his sleep. He opened his
eyes and they shone with a faint glint in the dark. For once, he didn’t say

Ryder swallowed hard and
slid his hand into Max’s short hair, touching his scalp. He didn’t know what to
say, but just the way he was touching Max now felt both wrong and very, very

Max leaned closer, but
then pulled away, to get down to the floor. He was a good few inches shorter
than Ryder, yet not at all like a girl.

Ryder found himself
staring into his face, which in the dark of night seemed even softer and
prettier. He wasn’t sure how to begin this, but then his fingertips moved over
the trail of hair below Max’s navel, and Ryder’s heart began to race. It was so
different from touching a girl, and yet he couldn’t stop himself from exploring
the flat chest and stomach further, stroking his fingers up into the valley
between Max’s pecs. It instantly made him think of Jed’s, hard to the touch and
dusted with blond hair.

The wake-up call came
when Max stood on his toes to kiss him.


Ryder flinched back, too
surprised to do much else.

Max sighed. “No?”

Ryder shook his head and
took a deep breath so that his no could be even firmer. “Rubbers?” he asked
after that. With the number of people Max was fucking here, there was no way
Ryder would risk doing him without protection.

BOOK: One Step Too Close - Coffin Nails MC Louisiana (Gay Biker Stepbrother Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 6)
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