One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1)
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“Come out with me and my friends, she said. It’ll be fun, she said,” I mumbled this as Cole walked off with Reece, not even glancing in my direction as he left.

When she suggested this stupid bonding night—her with me and Dad with Cody—I wanted to protest, but when she said she’d introduce me to all her friends who she caught up with once a fortnight and that it’d be a group thing, I couldn’t help get excited at the fact that Cole might’ve been there. So I pathetically agreed.

Now I wished I hadn’t. Cole hadn’t said a word to me and wouldn’t even look at me. One glance—that’s all I got.

I wanted to kick myself. I’d become
girl again. The one clinging onto hope that my one-night stand could be more than that. I was starting to realise I wasn’t the one-night only kind of girl.

Cole made it perfectly clear last week that that was definitely all it was and all it could be, but I decided to come here and torture myself anyway.

“It’ll be a lot better after those two have their little fight. It’s Cole and Reece, they’re known for this kind of thing,” Hunter said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

Holy crap, the underwear model has his arm around me!
My schoolgirl excitement over that was short lived when his words sunk in. Clearly, Cole and Reece had a past, and it was intense, but part of me wondered if they pissed each other off
much, something might still be between them. No one gets
worked up unless they care. Then I told myself that it wasn’t my place to be jealous even if there was something still going on. I’d be angry for my dad, because for some stupid reason he seemed to love Reece, but I didn’t have the right to be jealous.

“I had a feeling I’d be seeing you again, Paige.”

Shit, Hunter remembers me.
“We didn’t know … I swear. I—”

“I just had this conversation with him. It’s all good. But I do have to ask why you’re here. If you two are so adamant that it was a mistake and it wasn’t going to happen again, why did his face light up the second he saw you, and why did you agree to come at all when you knew he’d be here?”

“I didn’t—”

“Oh, I think you did,” he cut me off, unwrapping his arm from around me. He tried to give me a stern look, but I have a lawyer for a dad—Hunter’s attempt was laughable.

So that’s what I did. I laughed at him and admitted it. “Okay, fine. I was hoping he’d be here, okay? But I get the feeling Reece was hoping
be here and that we’d hit it off.”

“Sorry, but I’m not really into girls who want to screw my roommate.”

“Good to know.”

“But I was told of a hot friend of yours.” He nudged me with his elbow.

“Nuh-uh, no way. I’ve heard of your manwhorish ways.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry about the whole condom thing. But in my defence, he hadn’t needed them in like six months, so there was always some there.”


“Shit. I shouldn’t have said that. I take that back. Never said anything. Come on, let’s go back inside.” 

I wanted to hear more. Why hadn’t he been with anyone in six months? How many had he been with before that?
Why did I suddenly want to know everything there was to know about Cole … shit, I don’t even know his last name.

Cole and Reece were still heatedly yelling and gesturing with their hands just outside the door as we approached the entry.

“Screw you, Reece.” Cole turned and stormed inside.

She turned to Hunter and me. “He has some serious issues. It shouldn’t be a surprise I don’t want my son spending time with him.”

“He’s his son too,” I blurted out before stopping myself from going further.

She glared at me, but at that point, I couldn’t care less. What was so wrong with Cole wanting his son to be with him and not his ex’s fiancé? I mean, my dad was great and everything, but he wasn’t Cody’s dad and never would be. Cole was willing to give up his night out, just so he could spend time with his kid, but she felt bonding with me—or pimping me out to Hunter—and Dad spending time with Cody was more important.

“Really, Reece? You can’t pretend to be innocent in all of this,” Hunter said exasperatedly. “Come on, Paige, let’s go inside.”

I didn’t miss the grin on Reece’s face as Hunter put his arm around me again. She seemingly no longer cared about the argument she was having with someone only minutes ago and was more pleased with herself as a matchmaker.

Back inside, Cole was back in the booth, chugging down whatever was in his small tumbler glass. I hoped it was only Coke, but part of me wondered if there was anything else in there too.

I watched him stand and start heading towards the bar for another.

I think I just got my answer.

Cole’s eyes met mine across the room, and his brow furrowed when he saw Hunter’s arm around me. I shrugged out of his grip, but it was too late, Cole had already averted his gaze and was at the bar.

Why did I come tonight?

My stupid brain thought that if I saw him again, I’d realise I built up an image of him that wasn’t true. That he wasn’t as good-looking as the guy I had in my head. I was so wrong.
So very wrong.
He was exactly as I remembered, if not even better looking. He hadn’t shaved for days, and he had that sexy scruff guys get—the type that leaves pash rash all over your face. I’d so endure pash rash for him.

“Want a drink?” Hunter asked, bringing me out of my Cole daze.

“No, I’m fine for now. Thank you.”

He led me over to the table of their friends and pulled me in the booth beside him. I tried to keep my attention with the group, but my eyes kept looking back towards Cole at the bar.

He finished off another drink and then left, heading towards the toilets at the back.

I remained seated for a good twenty seconds after he disappeared—I counted—before I announced to the table I had to use the restroom.

Making my way back to the bathrooms, I hesitated outside the men’s toilets. I inhaled a deep breath, working up the nerve to push the door open.

When I did, Cole was standing at the sink, splashing his face with water.

“Are you okay?” My voice was smaller than I intended.

His head snapped up to mine. “You’re in the men’s toilets.”

“Thanks, Captain Obvious. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after—”

I was cut off by him slamming into me and crashing his lips down on mine. His tongue swept into my mouth, making me moan from the intense need behind the spontaneity.

He pulled my hips towards him and started walking backwards, bringing me with him. His lips never left mine until we were in the toilet stall and he was locking the door behind us. Pushing me against the door, he parted my legs with his knee as he pressed his body to mine, his lips landing on my neck.

I ran my hands through his hair as his lips made their way down to the top of my breasts. He palmed one in his hand while he focused his tongue on the other.

His lips slowly came back up to mine as his hand reached around, grabbing my ass.

My breathing was staggered, and I knew I had to stop him, but …
just a couple more minutes? Please?

His hand ran up my thigh and under my skirt. He fingered the edge of my panties before pulling them aside to touch me. I threw my head back and moaned, pushing myself onto his fingers. I practically hissed as they entered me.

As much as I wanted more, I couldn’t do it. It’d already gone too far considering the only reason he was doing it was because he was angry at Reece.

“Wait,” I said, trying to pull back, but the door behind me didn’t let me get far.

“I don’t want to wait. I want you, Paige.”

“Only because you want to get back at your ex for being a bitch.”

He pulled away from me abruptly, removing his hand from underneath my skirt. “Is that really what you think?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t know. You haven’t even looked at me since I arrived, and—”

He pressed his body to mine again, bending slightly at the knees, his erection straining against his jeans and pushing into me right where I wanted it. “You feel that?” He rocked his hips against mine and I had to hold in a whimper. “I’ve been like that since I met you. No matter how many cold showers I have, no matter how many times I make myself come thinking of you, I go hard again the minute I remember our night together. The reason I haven’t looked at you tonight is because I haven’t let myself. This has nothing to do with Reece and everything to do with wanting to be inside you again.”

“I’m not having sex with you in a dirty bathroom stall, Cole. I’m a lady, remember?”

He chuckled. “Sorry, I keep forgetting.”

The door of the bathroom swung open, and Cole put his hand over my mouth to quiet me.



“You haven’t seen Paige by any chance? Reece is looking for her.” There was a smile in his voice.

Cole moved his hand from my mouth to the side of my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “I have no idea where she is.”

“Dude, you suck at lying. Plus, I can see her feet. Hi, Paige.”

I laughed. “Hey.”

“I’m all for you guys going at it, but seriously—time and place, okay?”

“Yes, Mum,” Cole said.

“I can stall, but not for long. Not enough time to … you know … finish what you were doing.”

“We’ll be out in a minute,” Cole said.

Hunter left and I started laughing again.

“Come home with me tonight.”

“You’ve been drinking.”

He pulled back, cocking his head to the side. “No, I haven’t.”

“I saw you down that drink at the bar.”

“Of Coke. I was thirsty after yelling at Reece. I promise you, I haven’t been drinking. I don’t drink spirits, ever, and I wouldn’t be offering to take you home if I had been. It worked out okay last time, but—”

“We shouldn’t. You said last week that it’s not appropriate.”

“Screw appropriate. If Reece wants to break her own rules, I don’t want to play her game anymore.”

“I have to go home with Reece. We’re meant to be ‘bonding.’” I didn’t know why I was fighting him on it when my body was screaming at him to touch me again.

“I’ll sort it. Don’t you worry, Shortcake.”

He pulled me off the door, unlocked the stall, and held my hand until we reached the hallway.

Hunter was leaning up against the wall next to the bathrooms. “Probably not a great idea for you two to walk out there together. Come on, Paige, I’ll walk you back.”

“Actually, I need you for something,” Cole said. “I need you to hit on Paige.”

Hunter and I started laughing. “What?” I asked.

At the same time, Hunter said, “I’m in.”

“If it looks like Hunter’s taking you home …” Cole raised an eyebrow until I caught on.

“Oh, right.”

“Give us a minute?” Cole asked me.

With a giant smile, I made my way to the table by myself and sat in the booth next to Reece, noticing everyone else had left. “Where are the others?”

“Pip and Gage left because they were sick of the guys giving them shit for not being together, Blair met some girl and left with her, and Spencer’s over there chatting up some other girl.”

“Sorry I was gone for a long time. The line for the bathroom was ridiculous, and then I ran into Hunter in the hall.”

“Oh, so he found you all right, then?” Reece asked with a smile.

“Yeah, until Cole stole him away.” I tried to sound disappointed.

“I ordered you a drink.” She slid a glass of wine towards me.


The seat beside me dipped as Hunter slid in next to me. His arm draped around the back of the seat and he leaned into me. “Hey.”

“Hi.” Even though I knew he was just doing what Cole told him to, I could feel my face flush. I couldn’t help it. He was intimidatingly good-looking. But that’s as far as the attraction went.

“I like this skirt,” Hunter said, running his finger up my thigh.

I flinched at his touch and not in a good way—that was taking the charade a little too far. It must’ve registered on my face because he swiftly removed his hand with an apologetic expression. But it was too late. He winced in pain and glared at Cole who was smirking.

“Damn leg cramp,” Hunter bit out.

“I bet.” I laughed, realising Cole kicked him under the table.

“What?” Reece asked.

“Nothing,” Hunter said. “So, Paige, did you want to get out of here?”

“Does that line really work on girls?” Cole asked.

“Well, you’d know, I’m sure you’ve used it yourself,” Reece said.

That sounds like jealousy to me.

Cole shook his head. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

BOOK: One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1)
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