Read One Night In Amsterdam Online

Authors: Nadia C. Kavanagh

One Night In Amsterdam (18 page)

BOOK: One Night In Amsterdam
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Finally, the elevator dinged, announcing that we arrived. We turned the corner and suddenly I was speechless. In between priceless paintings, there was a neatly prepared table for two: Red and white checkered linens, matching napkins, a champagne bottle with two glasses and a wicker basket. All of these, set up right in front of the one of the most famous paintings of all time: Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’.

“How would you like to have a picnic with me, watching Starry Night?”

“Oh, my God Dylan, This is unbelievable! But …how?” I stuttered in disbelief.

“You wanted to visit the Gogh Museum in Amsterdam but we didn’t have time. So, what you think?”

“What do I think…? I think you are amazing. Full of surprises.”

“And that means… you like it?”

“Of course I like it! Having a picnic and drinking champagne in front of the most beautiful painting in the world. How could I not like it?”

“Then… shall we start? Would you like to look around first?”

“You already know my answer.  Please tell me about the paintings, just like you did in Amsterdam.”

We walked around, his hand on the small of my back, caressing me softly as we appreciated the amazing paintings; from ‘Hope’ by Gustav Klimt to ‘Sleeping Gypsy’ by Henri Rousseau. After my private and very informative personal tour, Dylan whispered in my ear. “Would you like another glass, or maybe something to eat? I packed us some cheese, crackers, grapes and your favorite sandwich.”

“You know my favorite sandwich?”

“Peanut butter with honey and sliced bananas.” He spat out surely.

“How do you know that?”

“I am a good researcher and I like to keep my sources secret.”

“I should tell Sydney to stay out of my personal life.”

“Oh, come on, take it easy on her. She was so excited that she got to help.” He admitted with a sly grin.

His peerless blue eyes didn’t leave mine for the rest of the night. He held my hand and brushed his lips over my fingers before he pushed my seat in. We sat at the table, talked and laughed for almost an hour.

“It is so easy to connect with this painting.” Dylan said as he turned his gaze away from me for the first time, looking at ‘Starry Night’. “I think that’s why it’s so popular. It is a scene that anybody can relate to, feel comfortable and at ease with. Swirling clouds in the night sky, a bright crescent moon… below the hills on the horizon, a small quiet town. At the center, a tall steeple of a church. It is such a serene scene that reminds me of peacefulness. Then the dark, biggest object in the painting, maybe a bush or a mountain, reminds me of isolation, loneliness. It evokes many different emotions at the same time.”

“I don’t even know how to describe how I feel. It’s … amazing. Thank you, Dylan. Thank you for bringing me here tonight.”

“There is one more thing…” He said, and brought his phone out of his pocket. He started playing a song. I instantly remembered the tune; it was the one we danced to in Amsterdam. “Shall we?” He asked and extended his hand. I took it nervously. With a killer combination of Dylan, his intoxicating smell, his fathomless eyes and champagne, I was already feeling dizzy. My heart was throbbing so fast and I thought my legs were going to give way.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He said in my ear, probably sensing my dizziness as he moved slowly with the music.

“I am not worried. Not with you.” I said back, looking at his eyes, his perfect lips only an inch away. The pull, the attraction, the intense air between us was ineffable. I bit the edge of my lower lip to restrain myself, but I couldn’t resist him any longer. I leaned in and kissed him. It was everything I was scared of. Kissing him meant losing myself in him and I did. I closed my eyes and dove into the abyss as his lips moved softly over mine. Warm. Tender. Sensual.

I had no idea how long we kissed. As if it was just us, and everything else was an irrelevant. A nuisance detail in the background. “Emma…” He moaned abruptly. “We have to go. Jeff is probably downstairs waiting for us. But don’t forget where we left off.” He said playfully and pulled my hand.

We got in the limo, “To the Opera House, but tour around the block ‘till eight,” he said to Jeff.

As soon as we were in, he closed the partition. He pulled me on his lap and immediately we started kissing again.  Our kiss was not tender or gentle as it was in the museum. It was full of passion and desire. I held my breath and broke away for a second to ask. “What about Jeff?”

“He can’t hear or see a thing.” Dylan answered. “We have twenty minutes.”

I pulled up my gown up and straddled him. I could feel his definite bulge underneath me. “Let’s see what we can do in twenty minutes.” I winked and whispered in his ears boldly. His eyes grew big. Full of desire, promising me pleasure like no other.

“Are you sure about this Emma? I don’t want this to be another night like in Amsterdam. I want you and I to be all in. Don’t play with me.”

“I am in.”

“That means you and I…”

“Yes, I’d like to give this boyfriend, girlfriend thing a try.”

And hearing my confirming words, he kissed me fiercely while he slid one hand under my gown and with the other, he lowered the straps of my dress, exposing my breasts. He took one into his mouth and teased me with a wet, velvet swipe of his tongue as he circled over the thin lace of my thong with his deft fingers where every nerve ending in my body merged. I gasped, tormented with his touch firing off my body, aching and trembling with the need between my thighs. I needed friction. I needed to feel him in me. I moved on his lap, up and down, slowly, almost instinctively.

“Not yet baby.” He rasped. “Let me get you ready first. Then, you get to ride me.” He smirked, denying me what I wanted so badly, making me squirm inside, all the while I was feeling his forceful hardness between my thighs.

He grabbed my hips and lifted me up as he pulled my thong aside, swiftly with one hand. He started kissing my inner thigh, slowly reaching my heat. He slid one finger in me first and then another, as he sucked my wetness, torturing me with his slow strokes at the same time.

“Dylan…Please.” I said huskily, craving for more pressure. I was about to shudder as he dipped his fingers and swirled his tongue over and over again.

“Give in Emma. Enjoy it. I know you are close…I’d like to give you two orgasms before we park.”

He increased the intensity of his strokes while he circled my bud with his thumb. I was inebriated with extreme pleasure. The intensity of ecstasy was building up every passing second as his tongue continued doing amazing things. I slowly climbed up, and with his last touch, I shuddered. Panting heavily, my body convulsed and I held on to his shoulders tightly to keep myself steady.

“This is the first one…” He kissed my lips. With a mischievous smile, he added “Now let’s work on a second one where I can join in.”

“Condom?” I mumbled, still trying to catch my breath.

“There is one in my wallet. Please don’t think I was planning this.”

“Don’t worry. There is one in my clutch too.” I grinned.

“Oh, you are so amazing.” He pulled my face to his and kissed me hard, fervently. I pulled down his zipper and finally freed him of his boxer briefs. I took his rock hard length between my fingers, feeling elated for getting my turn to torture him with pleasure. I stroked him slowly, leisurely, grazed my fingers over, teasing him unmercifully and then lowered my head and licked his velvet tip with my tongue. He squirmed and groaned my name. “Emma.”

I loosened his bow-tie, unbuttoned his white shirt and slid my other hand inside, feeling his chiseled abs under my palm. I wanted to slide my lips over his perfect masculine body and taste his skin. I grazed my fingers slowly over his chest following up with my lips, slowly descending to his navel and then took him in my mouth again.

“Oh, God, Emma. Stop this torture. We don’t have time.” He ripped open a condom and clasped his fingers over mine as I slowly put it over his length. “Come on. You get to ride me. Now!” He ordered as he gripped my hips, and lowered me on to him.

I grabbed his shoulders and began moving up and down, slowly first, then going in deeper, taking his length all in. “Oh, fuck. It feels so good. Ride me harder and faster baby.” Dylan demanded. And I did, making him fill me completely.

“You feel amazing. I missed you so much.” He whispered in my ear and claimed my lips again.

With every stroke, the pleasure was building higher and higher in me, and I knew I wasn’t going to last long but I wanted to keep going, and stretch this pleasure as much as possible. He moved his hips with me while he put more pressure on me with his thumb. I was there, ready to shudder, coming down hard.  His final touch with the flick of his finger threw me over the edge as I screamed his name, and he joined right after. Our hard breaths and moans filled the small area in the limo. He was panting as hard and fast as I was. He brushed his lips on mine, and was about to say something but he stopped, glared into my eyes instead.

Only a minute later, our limo came to a full stop, indicating our twenty minutes were over. Dylan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, while he buttoned his shirt and tucked back in his pants. “I guess we should go.” He said reluctantly.

I fixed his bow-tie, smiling broadly. Then I pulled the straps of my dress up and tidied my dress quickly, looking for my underwear.

“I’m keeping it. A reminder how great it feels when we are together for the rest of the night …” Dylan said playfully and put my thong in his pocket. He got out of the limo without giving me a chance to respond and extended his hand to help me get out.

I was speechless. I bet my cheeks flushed crimson red. He was making my head swirl and I was falling hard for him with every passing second.





The last hour with Emma was like a dream. She agreed to give us a chance, and I was determined not to disappoint her. I couldn’t fail… not with her.  I loved her too damn much. Oh, God… I almost said it out loud twice but managed to hold it back. I didn’t want to scare her again, coming off too strong, too demanding. If only she knew the thoughts in my mind, that I dreamed about her all the time. I wanted to spend every minute of my time with her, to wake up with her in my arms every morning, and to go to bed with her. God damn it. I was so in love with her that it hurt.

I had become a different person since I met her this summer. My company was no longer my priority. All I wanted was to be with Emma and now that I had her, it wasn’t enough. I wanted her for myself and all the time. Never mind that she was about to become a doctor, worked sixty hours a week and could only spare me a few hours here and there. I was asking for the impossible. I was so desperate and helpless when it came to Emma.

Lost in my thoughts, I followed the young attendant taking us to our seats. I clasped Emma’s hand tightly as I felt her panties in my pocket, reminding me of our intimate, mind-blowing moments a few minutes ago. We were alone in the reserved box in the center of the parterre level of the exquisite opera house. I kept the remaining eight tickets to myself since I didn’t want anybody from work to mess up our special night.

Over the next two hours, while Emma watched the most talented opera singers in the world performing on stage, I watched her. My mind was occupied, completely elsewhere. All I could think about was finding a way to convince her to come to my apartment and stay with me for the night. I could still taste her in my mouth. Her jasmine smell was infused into my shirt and every breath I took made my head dizzy with pleasure. My body craved to make love to her, but holding her in my arms, caressing her soft, milky white skin and watching her fall asleep would be just as wonderful.

At the end of the opera, we waited outside for Jeff to pick us up. It was one of those moments where I was hoping she would say something, ask to stay in the city but she didn’t. Her hand on my arm, she looked away without uttering a word.

“I know it’s late but I wonder if you’d like to come to my place.” I asked a bit hesitatingly.

“I would have loved to but I need to work on my dissertation. I was supposed to work on it today but you know … I preferred to spend it with a charming man.” She said with a big smile. “Tonight was great Dylan. I enjoyed it so much.”

“I understand.” I said, hoping the disappointment in my voice wasn’t too obvious. “As long as you promise me, I get to see you again soon.”

“Yes. I promise.” She agreed.

In the limo, she fell asleep on my shoulder before we even got to the Brooklyn Bridge. It felt so good to feel her soft hair touching my face as I inhaled her heavenly scent. Her soft, deep breathing was a soothing sound. I watched the New York skyline disappear as we drove towards her quiet, historical neighborhood. She opened her eyes when Jeff parked in front of her house.

“I am so sorry. I can’t believe I slept the entire way.” She said shyly.

“It was a beautiful sight watching you sleep so peacefully. I wish I could sleep like that.”

BOOK: One Night In Amsterdam
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