Read One Hot Summer Anthology Online

Authors: Stephanie Morris

One Hot Summer Anthology (6 page)

BOOK: One Hot Summer Anthology
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The moment he’d laid eyes on her, something inside of him had awakened, that’d been dormant for a long time. He just couldn’t quite place his finger on it. 

Releasing a pent up breath, he closed his eyes. Overthinking the situation wasn’t go to help. No, he had to stick with his original plan. Show her a good time. Help her to relax. Then everything else would work out as he hoped.

Tonight’s dinner had been all about that. At first he’d been certain Imani would back out, especially when she realized the location of their date. However, it might have worked out in his favor. She’d been so distracted she hadn’t paid much attention to the fact he’d served her a main course that required she used nothing but her hands to eat.

He chuckled. The first time she’d come into Baxter’s he noticed her instantly. He’d been even more intrigued when she’d ordered the lobster roll and began to eat it with a knife and fork. It’d prompted him to go over and introduce himself. He felt safe to say he’d fascinated her as well even if it had been like pulling teeth to get her to tell him her name.

The second time she’d come back, Kallie had been in the front of the restaurant, but quickly rushed back to let him know Imani was back and prepared the lobster roll even before the order came back to the kitchen. When she’d picked up the sandwich with her hands this time, he’d been even more consumed with the desire to spend more time in her presence.

He’d taken a risk in serving the seafood bake for their dinner. But he’d wanted to create an ambiance in which she could relax and not worry about putting up any pretenses. His plan had worked because she’d dived right in with no hesitation.

Now he just had to figure out his next step. She’d go home in a couple of weeks, but he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible until then. What bothered him most was he only had until then to convince her they could have something beyond that point. 









Chapter Six



              Carson stared across the table at Imani, wondering how it was she seemed to be more beautiful each time he saw her. She’d swept her hair up into a sophisticated style that allowed the loose curls to cascade down around her face. The turquoise off the shoulder shirt she wore offered him teasing glances of her soft skin. The jeans she wore had rendered him speechless.  When he got a good look of her from the back as she’d walked to the booth, he nearly swallowed his tongue.

His mind was complete mush. He couldn’t think about anything other than how much he wanted to have her in his arms the same way he had last night. If he was lucky, he’d at least get to kiss her again.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Promise you won’t slap me if you tell you?”

She laughed. “No, but you just told me indirectly.”

“Would you like for me to tell you right out to be certain?”

She shook her head. “You are truly something else, Carson.”

He reached across the table and touched the hand she had resting on the table. “So are you.”

“Thank you, I think.”

“Oh, it’s definitely a compliment.”

He pulled back and reached for his glass of wine. Lord, the woman had a way of turning him inside out. On one hand that scared the hell out of him. On the other it sent a tingle of excitement through him. At this rate he’d be a raving loon by the end of June.

He sat his glass down as the waiter delivered their check. It’d been nice to bring her to a restaurant outside of Baxter’s, away from prying eyes. Kallie was thrilled to see him showing interest in a woman.

Too excited.

He already had enough pressure in trying to figure out how to not overwhelm Imani to the point she ran off as fast as she could in the opposite direction. After reaching into his pocket, he pulled his wallet out, withdrew his credit card and placed it on the table. Several moments later they were leaving the restaurant.

“How about we go for a stroll to walk some of this food off?”

“I’m game. Just don’t let me keep you out too late,” he said.

“I won’t. I have the pleasure of opening the restaurant again in the morning. That alarm goes off a lot earlier than I would like.”

He didn’t protest as she interlaced her fingers with his. “Would you like to take off your shoes?”

“No. I don’t plan to get close to the water’s edge tonight.”

They walked a few feet down the beach in comfortable silence. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been in a woman’s presence and not felt the pressure to keep a conversation going. Just being with Imani seemed to be enough.

Glancing over at her briefly, he saw one corner of her mouth curved upward. Sweet mercy she had a luscious mouth. Every time his gaze zoned in on it he had to fight the urge to kiss her senseless. He’d been successful so far tonight, but that was about to change.

Several feet later, he stopped and turned to face her, taking her other free hand in his. “Confession time. How much work did you do today?”

When she didn’t respond, he inched closer, and his nose tingled from the delicate fragrance of her perfume.

She chuckled. “I’m not all work, Carson.”

He traced her lips with a light finger and she shivered. “You have such a beautifully distracting mouth.”

“Is that an insult, Mr. Baxter?”

At the same instant she reached up for him, he lowered his head. Great minds. “I would never insult your mouth, Imani,” he whispered against her lips. “Never.”

It started out quite innocently, soft and teasing, a mere brushing of lips. His tongue traced just inside her mouth, sending quick sparks of desire racing through him. When it seemed she wanted more, he held back.

Today, he was in no hurry. He loved the taste of her. It was wonderfully intoxicating. Imani was a temptation he couldn’t resist. He didn’t hide anything from her; his unsteady breath, the quickening of his heart. The way her hands caressed and stroked him in return. All of it went straight to his head.

A breeze drifted over them. In the distance, the city moved forward. Car horns honked and, somewhere in the distance, a group of people laughed. Yet, the spot on the beach they stood on had become a haven.

Unable to resist the temptation, he took her lower lip in his mouth and sucked, fascinated by the feel of her soft skin under his fingertips.

He pulled her closer until her body was flush against his, his hands firmly gripping her waist. With an easy sigh, she melted into him. The sound drove his desire up several notches. Already, his body throbbed with heat. Her tongue tangled with his, impatient, but then she slid her tongue deeply in his mouth and covered his chest with her hand, her touch gentle and soothing.

He kissed her with a slow, incessant rhythm that made her shift her hips until she came into direct contract with his erection. Even then, it didn’t seem to be enough. She rubbed against him, the sensation providing a poor substitute for what his body demanded.

Nearby voices buzzed in the background, reminded him of where they were. Carson lifted his head, tracing her cheek with an unsteady hand. “You’re killing me here, Imani.”

“I don’t mean to.”

“I know.” He glanced down at his wristwatch. “Look at the time. It’s getting late. We should go.”

              She averted her gaze, staring out at the water. “I don’t want the night to end. I know I wasn’t ready last night and tonight still might be too soon, but I don’t want to spend another restless night tossing and turning. Our time is limited as it is. I don’t want to waste a moment of it.”

He should say no, turn her down as gently as possible, drive her home then go to his own house. But when her gaze met his again, the intense need he read there punched him in the gut. Why fight the desire to give them both what they wanted? “Your place or mine?”


* * * *


              They made it to his home, where he took his keys and undid the locks, and to his great relief, they were inside. While she kicked off her sandals, he tugged her jeans down, her hands impeding his as she fumbled with his zipper.

Finally he stepped away from her and had them completely naked from the waist down before he could take his next deep breath. He groaned when she reached out and cupped his erection in her palms. Almost losing all control, he eased out of her grip.  

“I need to get a condom,” he whispered, as he stepped away again, scrambling for his pants. “Stay right here.”

She didn’t move, plastered against the door, waiting. “Hurry up.”

He jerked his wallet out of his back pocket. Opening it up, he reached for one of the two packets he’d placed there before tonight’s date. While he hadn’t known what would happen tonight, he’d wanted to be prepared. He was glad he had now.

“I can’t wait,” he murmured, taking her lips in a quick kiss.

She clutched his shoulders. “Now.”

He sheathed himself with shaking fingers. “I wanted this to be slow,” he said, lifting her.

She wrapped her legs around his waist. “I need to feel you inside me. Now. We can go slow later.”

He took one step forward, braced her against the door. She locked her hands behind his neck.

And then he plunged inside her.

Carson staggered for a second, amazed by the intense overwhelming pleasure of being surrounded by Imani. Warm, drenching pleasure. Her heat made him frantic. He needed to find control, but all his control was gone.

Now she was his. Finally. Her hips ground against him, and he started to move, thrust inside her, deeper, as if he could touch her soul. His eyes held her heated gaze, unflinching. The way she looked at him, with need and something more, made anything possible. For now, nothing could touch them.

She was his.

He drove inside her, over and over, determined to please her. In this, there would be no one but him. Carson kissed her again, her tongue tangling with his, her breathing as ragged as his own.

Over and over.

Her head rolled to one side, her hair falling across his arm, just like he dreamed it would. She bit her lip and still, he moved.

Over and over. Not yet.

A moan of surrender fell from her lips. She was close. Her nails bit into his shoulders, but there was no pain. Instead, he moved faster, harder. He felt her muscles clench around him, saw her eyes go blank, her lashes drifting downward. She gasped and trembled, and he smiled with satisfaction.

At last.

He thrust inside her one last time, as far as he could go. His body jerked, a charge of energy roaring through him. Then his climax came, the undeniable pleasure, the undeniable truth.

He was starting to fall for her.


* * * *


Carson leaned against her, his panting breath, like hers, slowly returning to normal. She unhooked her legs from around him, sliding down until she stood, and felt a sense of loss as their bodies pulled apart.

Cupping her chin with his palm, he raised her head. Dismay crossed his face at the silent tears running down her cheeks. “Imani? Oh, God, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No!” She shook her head vehemently. “You didn’t hurt me.”

His thumbs wiped at the moisture on her face. “Then why are you crying?”

“It’s silly really. I’ve never…” She sniffled, her face burning with embarrassment. “It’s never…I’ve never…during you know, had that happen before. Not like that.”

Absently, his fingers tucked a strand of her escaping hair behind her ear. Then understanding dawned on his features. “You’ve never—”

“No.” She glanced away, struggling to find the words to describe her joy. “It was so unbelievable. I felt so…” Her eyes met his again and she gave up the struggle.

“Unbelievable?” he teased her with a smile.

“You’re making fun of me,” Imani accused, too happy to really be offended.

He shook his head, his face suddenly serious. “No, Imani. I feel honored I was able to give you such immense pleasure. If anyone deserves to be made fun of, it’s me. Usually, I have more control.” He frowned. “I’ve never resorted to ripping a woman’s clothing off before.”

“Then I feel honored I was the first one to give you that pleasure.” Running her hands up his wide chest, she grinned suggestively. “Shall we do it again?”

Carson laughed then gave her a long and lingering kiss. “Yes, again,” he promised, kissing her eyelids. “And again,”—he kissed her cheeks, her nose—“and again.”

When he pulled away, she moaned in objection. She pulled the hem of her shirt down while he pulled his over his head, then he picked her up, an arm under her knees. “In my bed this time. I’ve waited a long time to see your soft hair spread out on my pillow.”

“A long time? But we’ve only—”

Leaning his head down, he silenced her with a blistering kiss.

When they finally broke apart, she couldn’t remember what she’d been about to say. The man need only kiss her and her mind went blank, her body enveloped by sensations she never thought possible.

He carried her to his room. Once he stood her on her feet, he reached flick a switch that turned on the bedside lamp and it bathed the room in a soft glow of light.

Pushing the door closed behind them with his foot, he stopped to kiss her before moving over to lay her down on the bed. Her eyes barely had the chance to focus before he bent down to kiss her again.

“When I came to pick you up earlier, I wanted you so badly it took my breath away.” He gently tugged at her shirt, pulling the material upward. “If it weren’t for the little self-restraint I had, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have taken you right then.”

Imani sat up and he drew her shirt the rest of the way off.

“Maybe I should tell you what I wanted to do while we were at the restaurant.” She playfully nibbled his square chin, slipping her hands under his shirt and pushing it off his shoulders. “On the beach a little while ago.”

He pulled away and stood, shrugging the clothing from his arms. “Tell me.”

Rising to her knees on the edge of the bed, she pressed kisses onto his chest. “I’d rather show you.” Her fingers dipped lower and he moaned as she stroked the velvet tip of his shaft.

Grasping her hand, he held it tightly against him, halting her movements. “No. This time is for you.”

He quickly rid her bra she still had on then set her on the bed before carefully untangling her hair, watching it cascade over her shoulders.

Weaving his fingers into her soft mane, he gathered some and brought it to his rough cheek before drawing it across his lips. “Your hair is like silk. Beautiful, shining silk.”

BOOK: One Hot Summer Anthology
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