Read One Good Reason Online

Authors: Nicole Salmond

One Good Reason (17 page)

BOOK: One Good Reason
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replayed the complement over and over in her head. The way Hayden had looked at
her and how smoothly he’d spoken the words,
“You should wear your hair down
more often, you look really beautiful when you do.”

awkwardly thanked him and ran out of the house like her clothes were on fire.

over analysing things again, Ava
, she told herself. Maybe she was right. She was overanalysing it. It
was a simple compliment said to make her feel better, instead, it left her
confused and stunned.

it was something that was said to her by someone other than Hayden, it might
not have been so bad. But things with Hayden were different. Complicated.

she rinsed the final layer of shampoo from her hair, she reached her arm out to
grab the bottle of conditioner, barely looking at what she was grabbing. But
when her hands clasped around what was meant to be the smooth outside of the
bottle, to only feel a furry, rough surface, her eyes flew open. There, in all
its glory, was perhaps the biggest, scariest looking spider she had ever seen.

had never been much of a “girly girl” so to speak, but there was nothing that
she feared more than spiders.

screamed at the top of her lungs. Turning around in the spot, she tried to grab
onto the shower curtain for protection, but in the chaos of it all, she pulled
too tightly on it, causing it to snap off at the hooks. She crashed down onto
the ground, screaming in fear of the spider and the fact she’d just fallen to
the ground with the curtain twisted around her.

Hayden yelled out from the other side of the bathroom door, but before she had
time to respond, he broke the door down, the lock snapping off the door into
pieces on the ground.

gun was drawn as he raced to her side. Ava, forgetting the current state of
undress she was in, screamed and pointed at the spider on her conditioner
bottle. “Get rid of it! Please!”

quickly looked up at the spider and then back at Ava, and hung his head
shaking. “I thought you were being attacked.”

was!” Ava exclaimed. “Have you seen how big that spider is? It nearly killed

stood up and put his gun back into his pants. He then reached over and grabbed
the conditioner bottle. He carefully opened the bathroom window and held his
arm out. In one swift movement, he shook the bottle, the spider falling off it
and into the bushes. He then placed the bottle back on the shelf and reached
down to help Ava up.

must have been in some sort of state of shock, because she took his hand
without hesitation and stood in front of him. Completely. Naked.

you, Hayden. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I could be dead
right now,” she rambled on to Hayden. Hayden smiled and listened to her.

was just trying to wash my hair and next thing you know, it’s leaping out at
me, trying to attack me. I don’t even know where it came from, or how long it
had been there.”

was still smiling the same smile at her. But it wasn’t like his usual smiles.
It was sexy and a bit smug. Something was off?

do you keep smiling

smile?” Hayden said, his smile only growing bigger.

one you’re doing right now,” she said pointing at his lips.

eyes did one quick look down and up her body, and then he grabbed the nearby
towel from the rack and held it out to her. Ava followed his gaze and then her
cheeks flamed bright red. She quickly grabbed the towel from him and wrapped it
around herself at the speed of light.

could see Hayden was trying not to laugh.

Ava didn’t know what to say.

covered her face with her hand, trying to hide the embarrassment, not like it
wasn’t obvious enough.

you’re okay now, I might leave you to it,” Hayden said, turning and walking
towards the door.

nodded and then quickly looked up at Hayden. “Wait.”

stopped and turned.

opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t find the words. “Never mind.”

smiled one last smile and walked out of the bathroom, leaving a completely
mortified Ava to drown in her embarrassment.




stood holding the bedroom doorknob, knowing she would have to face Hayden
eventually. She couldn’t spend the rest of her days hiding in her room,
especially when she was getting hungry for dinner.

braced herself and turned the doorknob. Walking through the door, she could
smell the aromas of her favourite pasta dish; spaghetti bolognaise.

emerged from the kitchen carrying two plates.

was just about to come and get you. Dinner’s ready,” he said, placing the two
plates at the dining table.

Ava replied, walking over to the table and sitting across from Hayden.

focused all her attention on the pasta dish in front of her, like her life
depended on it. She was studying the colour and texture of the meat, the smooth
lines of the pasta, all in hopes to avoid Hayden’s eye contact.

lifted the fork to her pasta, twirled it around, and then took a bite. It was
just as she predicted, bloody awesome.

was starting to believe there wasn’t anything Hayden couldn’t do. His cooking
abilities had surprised her and made her look forward to every meal.

you like a beer?” Hayden asked as he stood from the table and walked towards
the fridge that was powered by the generator.

yeah. That would be great,” Ava replied nervously.

left and returned seconds later with two bottles of beer, and handed one to

Ava went to take the beer from Hayden, she made the mistake of looking at his
face. Hayden still had that smug, cocky smile on that he had earlier.

doing that smile again,” Ava said crossly.

continued smiling and sat down across from her. “I’m smiling because of how
acting right now.”

am I acting?”

know,” Hayden replied. “All nervous and scared to look me in the eye.”

took a huge sip of her beer before placing it on the table. She took a deep
breath and spoke softly, “You saw me naked.”

stifled a laugh.

eyes narrowed at him.

sorry,” Hayden said seriously. “It wasn’t the fact that you were naked that I
find funny.”


the fact that I can’t understand how you didn’t
that you were

don’t get it. Spiders literally scare me to death. I can’t think straight when
I’m near one.”

Hayden said laughing.

laughing!” Ava said, a smile creeping onto her own lips.

but it’s pretty funny.”

shook her head and hit him on the arm. “You’re a dick, you know that.”

didn’t stop laughing and Ava couldn’t help it as she started laughing right
along with him. “You’re right. It is a little bit funny.”

a little.”

what about you? Storming into the bathroom, breaking the door down with guns

thought you were in trouble.”

you didn’t think to knock first?”

you forgotten that there are people out there searching for you?”

But I guess lately, I haven’t been thinking about it as much, so I kind of
forgot in that moment. Like I said, spiders scare me. A lot.”

took another sip of his beer. “It has been nice the past few days, hasn’t it?”

smiled and nodded, taking a sip of her beer. “I’m going to miss this place.”

too,” Hayden said seriously. His eyes focused in on Ava. She quickly pulled her
gaze away, knowing his beautiful blue eyes would only stir up unnecessary
thoughts and feelings towards him.

they had both finished their meal, Hayden stood to take Ava’s empty plate.

okay, I’ll wash them up,” Ava said, standing and taking her plate to the sink.

followed behind her. “You wash, I’ll dry.”

placed the plug in the sink and began filling it with the water, preparing the
dishes and cooking utensils Hayden used. When the sink was full with water, Ava
began washing the dishes. Hayden stood by her side closely, taking each piece
from her hand to dry when she’d finished washing it. She looked up at the
window and watched Hayden’s reflection next to her.

Hayden reached out to grab the next dish from Ava, his hand rubbed up against
hers, sending a shiver down her spine. She didn’t know why, but the atmosphere
had changed- like it always seem to do with Hayden. Even though he was standing
next to her, it was like she could feel the heat of his body all over her.

movements slowed as she watched their reflection. Hayden’s eyes moved up to
look in the window as well. His eyes connected with hers and she felt herself
get lost in his intense gaze. Each movement he made, she focused on it. Her
breathing was deeper; her chest pounding through the white dress she was
wearing. She had almost forgotten that she was still washing the dishes, until
Hayden moved his hand over hers in the water. She pulled herself from his gaze
in the reflection and turned to him. He took a step closer to her, his height
made him look down at her with his eyes- so intense, so seductive.

those eyes.

bit down on her lip nervously as Hayden’s other hand reached out and held her
waist, pulling her in closer to him.

wet hand left her side as she placed it on his chest. She could feel his heart
beating, his chest rising and falling as deep as hers was.

other hand held hers softly in the water. His touch was sending her in
overdrive. She knew what she wanted, what she craved.

she whispered. Her voice barely audible as she looked into his eyes.

moved his hand from her waist and softly pushed the hair back from her cheek
and behind her ear. He lowered his head slowly.

couldn’t resist anymore. She couldn’t deny it, whatever ‘it’ was. She wanted
him. She wanted Hayden.  But what about everything else? What about what
was really happening?

you think…” she started, closing her eyes as Hayden’s breath reached her lips.
“If things were different-”

Hayden replied as his lips touched hers.

a deep voice asked. Both Hayden and Ava quickly pulled away from their embrace,
Hayden drawing his gun from his pants and pointing it towards the tall, blond
haired guy staring at both of them in the kitchen.

Hayden replied surprised. He quickly put his gun away and walked towards Mason.
“You’re here.”

am,” Mason replied awkwardly.

talk,” Hayden said.

tried to hide her embarrassment by turning her attention back to the dishes, as
she watched Hayden take Mason outside.

turned and looked back at Ava briefly before putting his arm around Mason’s
shoulder and leading him to the fire pit.

stopped washing the plate and took a deep breath when she could see Hayden and
Mason deep in conversation around the fire.

been so close…  Now reality had set back in on what was really happening.
Mason was here now, soon they would be flying back to Australia and everything
that had happened between Hayden and her, would be long forgotten. The only
problem was, she didn’t know if she could forget. How could she forget?










Although Hayden was focused on his conversation with Mason around the
fire, he still couldn’t help but look back at the house occasionally, to see if
he could see Ava.

been so caught up in life with Ava, he’d nearly forgotten about Mason’s pending
arrival to the island. He knew what Mason just saw would have looked bad.
Hayden was meant to be protecting Ava, not falling for her.

that’s the plan, then?” Mason asked Hayden.

replied, “I can’t see how else we are going to get her out of the country. If
what you say is true about
men, then they will
be expecting me to be with her. They’ll be looking for me. I can’t risk Ava
being caught again.”

Ava going to think about your plan though? I mean, it looks as though things
between you two have changed.”

didn’t mean for you to see that,” Hayden said seriously.

it’s not what it looks like?” Mason asked grinning.

paused. “It’s complicated.”

sure it is.”

looked at his old friend grinning at Hayden like a schoolboy. He knew he could
tell Mason anything, he trusted him with his life, but he didn’t know how to
explain what was going on with him and Ava.

are you going to tell Ava?”

was about to reply when he heard Ava ask behind him. “Tell me what?”

and Mason both turned to see Ava walking up to them. Hayden could tell Ava was
nervous as she approached them, but hid it well when she sat down across from
them on the tree log.

Ava by the way,” Ava said to Mason. “But you probably know that by now.”

I do. I’m Mason. Here to save the day,” Mason replied winking at her.

smiled back at him. “And how exactly do you plan on saving the day?”

turned and looked at Hayden.

going to take you back to Australia,” Hayden said reluctantly.

Ava asked with a broad smile on her face. “You’re going to take me home?”

the plan,” Mason said smiling back at her.

about you?” Ava asked Hayden. “Are you coming back to Australia?”

bowed his head and kicked the dirt under his feet. They’d gone over the plan in
every way they could, and there was no way they could get Ava home safe without
some sacrifices.


do you mean, not exactly?” All the excitement and happiness had gone from Ava’s

looked up at her and took a deep breath. “Mason can get you to the airport and
on a flight with him, but with
men everywhere,
we can’t risk any one of them recognising you or me. They don’t know what Mason
looks like, and if I create a diversion with
, it
will hopefully create enough time for you guys to get out of the country. Once
home safely, Mason will get your Dad in a safe place as well.”

kind of diversion?”

it’s the safest plan we have, this will get you home safely.”

kind of diversion, Hayden?” Ava asked sternly.

going back to the house where
is,” Hayden replied

mouth dropped open. “And do what? Have a friendly chat with him? Are you
kidding me, Hayden! You know what he’ll do to you.”

tried to remain calm. “We don’t know what he will do. I’ll have a talk with him
and it will be fine.”


was right. It was bullshit.
would tear him to shreds
the moment he saw him without Ava. But with little people left to trust, Mason
was the only hope of getting Ava out of this alive.

the only way, Ava.”

it’s not,” Ava said angrily. “There’s another way. There has to be another


shook her head and looked at Mason. “So you’re okay with this?”

looked at Hayden, paused, and then looked back at Ava. “No, but-”

don’t let him do it!”

complicated, Ava,” Mason said soothingly.

course, it’s complicated. Everything is fucking complicated!” Ava yelled and
stood up from the log. “If you think I’m going to play along with this
ridiculous plan, then you have another think coming. I won’t go along with
this, I refuse to. I’ll stay on this island for the rest of my life if I have

watched as she turned and walked away. She was angry, hurt, and upset. He
didn’t want to make her feel this way, but he didn’t know how else to fix this.

stood quickly to go after her. “I’ll be right back,” Hayden said to Mason,
running from the fire to chase Ava.

ran down the sand and saw her body disappear just around the bend behind the

stop!” he yelled out. Within a couple of steps, he was right behind her. He
held his hand out and grabbed her arm, stopping and turning her on the spot.
“Ava, please.”

looked up at Hayden and his heart broke. Tears in her eyes, she still spoke
with fire, “No Hayden. I won’t let you do this. I won’t let anyone die because
of me, especially you.”

don’t know that will happen.”

it will. I know it will. You are living in a dream land if you think it won’t.”

reached out and wiped the tear from her cheek. “I need you to trust me on

Why should I trust you, Hayden,” she said with more tears forming in her eyes.
“Give me One. Good. Reason.”

hesitated no longer, as he crashed his lips into her. He kissed her full, soft,
supple lips with all the intensity he had. He kissed her, knowing they may
never kiss again. Knowing this might be the only time Ava will know how he
really feels about her. How in some crazy way, he had fallen in love her.

was everything to him. He would do anything for her, including sacrificing
himself for her.

held her closely; his arm wrapped around her waist and his other hand on her
face. He slowed his kiss down, taking in one last touch on her lips before
pulling himself back from her.

rested his head on her forehead, his eyes still closed.

won’t lose you, Ava,” he whispered quietly, his hand stroking her face gently.

don’t,” Ava replied softly.

opened his eyes and drew his head back to look at Ava. She was looking back at
him with her gorgeous, innocent, green eyes.

reached up and touched Hayden’s face with the tips of her fingers. Her eyes
moved down to his lips, making Hayden draw a deep breath. When her lips touched
his, he knew in that moment what everything meant. What every feeling he had
over the past few weeks meant. It was Ava. It had always been Ava.

felt her lips slide over his smoothly, her kiss was gentle, yet it burned into
his mouth, and all he wanted was more. He kissed her back with the same
intensity and soon their kiss became more determined, more passionate, as they
expressed their need and desire for each other.

hands travelled up his torso, each touch sending him into even further
overdrive. He grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, her legs wrapping
around his waist.

held her firmly as his kiss left her mouth and travelled down the side of her
neck. She let Hayden take advantage of her exposed neck as she kept her eyes
closed. He could hear her breathe on him, the sound making him crave her.

lowered her onto the soft sand as they both found each other’s lips again. Her
hands travelled down his torso, stopping at the hem on his shirt. She wrapped
the fabric in her hands and pulled it up and over Hayden’s head, their kiss
only stopping for a moment.


stopped and looked down at Ava.

want this,” Ava spoke in a soft seductive tone. “I want you.”

you sure?” Hayden asked. He wasn’t about to do anything in the heat of the
moment, unless Ava was one hundred percent positive that was what she wanted.


breathed deeply when she said that one word. The word that changed everything.
The word that he had wanted her to say for so long. Hayden wasn’t going to try
and hide it anymore. The more he tried to bury it, the worse it got, and now
with everything about to happen, he couldn’t just walk away. Not now. Ava was
his salvation.



closed her eyes as her hand slipped down to his arousal. The heat on her chest
flamed as she felt his hardness against her. She’d never been so turned on
before by just the feel of a man.

when she thought she couldn’t take anymore of him, the pleasure he’d been
giving her just with his hands, he pressed himself against her and she
whimpered in anticipation. She pressed her lips hard against his shoulder as he
moved against her. She bit down on his shoulder to stop her crying out as he
moved inside of her, like a burning desire for a passion that she’d never known

breathing was hot and heavy. He took his time with her, making sure she felt
every inch of him. She tried to keep her eyes open, to look up at Hayden’s
naked body over her, but her body was drowning in passion and she couldn’t
resist. His hands travelled her body, pleasuring her in ways she’d never
dreamed possible. With every touch, every movement, she wanted more. Her body
arched against him as sweet soft moans escaped her lips.

pressed her lips against Hayden’s temple. “Hayden,” she moaned in desperation.

movements increased as he took her with him. Hayden’s muscular frame pulsated
with every movement. Their pace was quicker now and she could feel it coming.
She tried to slow her breathing down, she didn’t want it to end, but it was too
good. It was too much.

gripped onto his shoulders with such intensity she surprised herself. She
closed her eyes tightly as she cried out Hayden’s name. Her body had found its
release, like a wave of passion flowing and crashing through her. A passion
she’d never experienced before and one she knew she now couldn’t live without.

kissed her lips. His hands trailed down her body, gipping her
tightly as he rode it out with her. She felt the world
spin around her. Her body embraced Hayden like they were two souls meant to be.

Hayden’s movements slowed, and Ava felt her body coming out of her trance, she wanted
to speak, to say what she’d just experienced, but she had no words. So instead,
she held Hayden close to her, breathing heavily into his neck.

you,” she whispered.

what?” Hayden replied, out of breath.

that. For everything. It was… It was amazing.”

looked into her eyes and smiled. He then leant down and kissed her, a kiss that
spoke a thousand words. Words for once, she completely understood. This was
life. This was living. This was love. 





Ava grumbled when she woke from her sleep. The
sun was stinging her tired eyes.

rolled her body into Hayden’s, hiding her head into his shoulder for
protection. He wrapped his arm around her, stroking her arm with his fingers.

he mumbled, kissing her forehead.

wish it wasn’t,” Ava replied.

thought back on the night. They’d both barely slept. She couldn’t resist the
urge to want to be with him over and over again. She didn’t think she could
ever get used to it. Get used to the amazing feeling she felt with him.

curled her leg up over Hayden’s waist. They were both still naked, the heat of
the day was already upon them, so Ava didn’t care that she was naked. It was
too hot, and she didn’t deny that she also liked being naked with Hayden.

you have a good sleep?”

smiled. “Yeah, I think that whole hour was just enough,” she replied

you’re the one that kept asking me to-”

slapped him playfully on the chest. “I was joking! It was fine.”

moved his head so he could look at Ava. With a raised eyebrow, he asked, “Just

we talking about my sleep or the sex?”

what I want to know,” Hayden replied smiling.

think you know how I feel about the sex,” Ava said trying to hide her face.

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