Read One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Romance, #new adult

One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2)
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When I was growing up in this house, my room was my safe place. Sure, people would barge in, but they never stayed long. My mother very rarely came to this room; in fact, she rarely made it to this side of the house. My bedroom was the farthest room from her own, a fact that I had always believed was not an accident. When I was little, it used to hurt my feelings that I was so far away from my mother. When I got older, I appreciated the distance and didn’t really care what the reasoning was.

Now, having Jace here, I wasn’t sure if I would feel the same about this room. Or if I would just spend my time here feeling nervous about what he was thinking, what he was feeling, if this was all too much for him. I had no idea what to say, how to even begin to attempt to prepare him for what he would inevitably witness in the next few days.

Feelings started flowing through me. No longer was I numb. Nerves began bubbling up inside me as I tried to formulate the right words to create a picture that would adequately detail the force that was Angelica James. Part of me wanted to cry; another part wanted to throw up. Questions that, for some odd reason, had not presented themselves until now started flashing in my brain like neon signs. Insecurity, fear, and anxiety crashed into me like Mack trucks in a three way pile up.

What would Jace think of me after he met my mother?

After he saw how my mother treated me?

How she spoke to me?

The things she said about me?

Would he still see me the same way?

Would he realize who I really am?

“Cat, I would ask if you’re okay, but it’s obvious you’re not. Is it just your mom? Are you worried about seeing her?” The smooth timbre of Jace’s words stopped the questions playing bumper car in my brain.

Again, I felt the muscles of my neck start working as my head nodded of its own accord. It almost felt like I was a puppet and my head was attached to strings someone else was controlling. Why couldn’t I just open my mouth and tell him what I was worried about? Lay it all out there, it’s not like any of it was avoidable. Maybe I didn’t tell him the truth because I didn’t have the right words, or maybe it was because I knew that, no matter what I said to him, nothing could prepare him for what was coming. I’d been dealing with my mother for eighteen years and I wasn’t even sure I was prepared for it.

“I’m here. It’s going to be okay, and if it’s not, we’ll leave.” Jace’s deep voice infused my body. I stared out the window and tried to let his words comfort me.

“Cat?” I heard the questioning sound of my name.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t look over at Jace. I knew that, if I did, I would give in to the tears that were already building behind my eyelids. I didn’t want them to start falling, because if they did, I wasn’t sure I would be able to stop them.

I heard and felt Jace move behind me. His strong arms snaked around my waist, holding me snugly, pulling my back flat against his stomach and chest. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and melted against him, closing my eyes at the sheer pleasure of being in his embrace. I loved the way I fit perfectly into his arms, as if I had been created for just that purpose.

And then it hit me. This room was no longer my safe place. Jace’s arms were.

I felt his lips as they kissed the top of my head and tingly warmth spiraled all the way down to my toes and every place in between—some places a little more concentrated than the others. I could tell from the erection that was straining against Jace’s jeans and pressing into my backside that he was getting just as much pleasure from the embrace as I was. I, instinctively, wiggled against him, wanting to feel more of him, all of him, and I felt, more than I heard, a moan rumble from deep in his chest.

“Ignore that,” he rasped. “I know this is not that kind of hug, but my body has its own ideas.”

I thought silently.
Let’s go with those ideas.

Because, if we did, I knew that I could lose myself, even if just for a little bit. I would definitely be
, but it wouldn’t be fear, anxiety, or insecurity. It would be pleasure, acceptance, love. I could push the world away and become completely enveloped in Jace. In his touch. His kiss. His body.

Unfortunately this whole sex thing was still relatively new to me. Normally,
, Jace initiated our encounters. This time it seemed like I was going to have to, at least, give him the green light if we were going to head in that direction. Swallowing hard, I said quickly, before I lost my nerve, “I think your body has the right idea. I…need you, Jace.”

Jace’s hands tightened on my hips and he spun me around to face him. His eyes searched mine in a way I was finally getting used to. Normally, it made me nervous when he did that, but right now, I wanted him to see me, to see how much I
him. I stared back into his crystal-blue stare, letting everything I was feeling show in my gaze. Leaving every raw emotion totally on display. I watched as his eyes darkened with barely-restrained desire and his pupils dilated. Then his hand cupped my jaw, his fingers brushing against my cheek as he tilted my head up, and he pressed his lips to mine. I automatically opened to him and his tongue swept in as he devoured me in a deep, passionate kiss.

My breathing grew deeper and more rapid. I could feel my core heating up and my nipples hardening as they brushed against the lace of my bra. Every cell in my body was alive with electricity. An almost manic sense of desire and need flowed through me like a wave from my head all the way down to my fingers and toes, making some very pleasant stops along the way.

Suddenly, I wanted more. This wasn’t enough.

I threw my arms around Jace’s neck. His hands moved to my rear and he lifted me as I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I clung to him as if for dear life, deepening the kiss we shared until it felt like our tongues were not just entwining but actually melding into one. I couldn’t tell where his mouth ended and mine began.

That particular question was answered for me in the most definite way possible when Jace removed his mouth from mine and began trailing passionate kisses back to my ear and down my neck. My head fell back as needy sounds, that I almost didn’t recognize as my own, fell from my lips. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins like lava underneath my skin, and the trail that Jace’s mouth and tongue followed down my neck burned just as hot.

“Shower,” I heard myself say in a desperate tone. I wanted to be naked with Jace. I wanted to wash away everything except for the feeling of his touch, his tongue, his mouth on my body.

With my hands gripping his hair, Jace moved with panther-like strides across my room, steady but fast. He pushed the bathroom door open and roughly set me on the counter, brushing aside all of the lotions and other bottles I had sitting there. The brazenness of the whole maneuver took my arousal to the next level. I had to feel him against my skin right then, right there. I couldn’t wait even a fraction of a second longer.

I tore off my tank top and bra in one swift and desperate motion. I needed to feel Jace’s mouth and hands on my bare skin. I needed to feel his fingers trailing up and down the sensitive skin of my belly and his tongue flicking the hard nubs of my nipples. I needed to feel his strong hands encircling my waist, making me feel safe and secure in his powerful grasp. I reached out and quickly whipped his T-shirt off, too.

Jace peppered hot open-mouthed kisses over my collarbone and down my chest. He brushed his hands up my sides and then down again, leaving gooseflesh in his wake and causing my entire body to tremble convulsively. This was how it was with Jace. Every touch, every kiss was like an all-consuming fire that couldn’t be put out. Every touch or kiss, that was heaped on the flames, stoked our passion to even higher heights of bliss.

As Jace’s mouth continued its inexorable journey down my body, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. One moment, I was unable to suck air into my lungs at all, and the next, I was practically hyperventilating. I loved it. I loved how Jace made me

I arched my back, pushing my breasts forward, begging him without words to take my sensitive peaks in his mouth. Oh, there was nothing in this world like the amazing feelings Jace’s talented tongue could bring out in me when he put it to work in all my sensitive places, and I desperately needed him to start doing that now.

Jace read my signals like he always did and cupped both of my breasts in his hands. He slowly kissed his way down towards my nipples and then gently teased them, one by one, with the hard tip of his tongue. Once they were fully coated, slick and shiny with his saliva, he started alternating brushing his thumbs over them with the actions of his tongue.

The shivers his tongue was sending through my body started at the tips of my breasts and zinged like lightning all the way down between my legs. They got more and more intense with every stroke of his tongue, and I could feel myself growing wetter and wetter with each pulse. I felt like I would explode with the sheer joy and intensity of it all.

My inner walls became tighter and achier with each passing second, crying out for release in the form of a touch from Jace’s fingers or tongue. I disentangled my hands from where they were grasping his hair and moved my trembling fingers down to unbutton my jeans.

Without ever stopping the achingly perfect attention he was giving my nipples, Jace moved his hands down to cover mine and stilled their shaky movements.

“Not yet,” he whispered against me, “We’ll get there. But not yet.”

I wanted to object, to say that
was already there. My core throbbed like it was going to implode from the tension Jace was causing. But when I opened my mouth to speak, all I could muster was a groan. I fisted my hands back in his hair and pushed my chest forward, causing my nipples to be even more fully engulfed by his fiery mouth.

He picked up the pace of his movements, sucking my nipples into his mouth and curling his tongue hard around them. I closed my eyes and saw whirling colors that I would have sworn mirrored the swirling patterns his tongue was using on my breasts.

“God, I love your body,” he gasped, “It’s so perfect. I could just worship it all day.”

“Not all day,” I protested breathlessly. Then I begged, “

He chuckled, a low, rasping sound, as he bit down on one of my nipples.

Again, I opened my mouth to protest that it wasn’t funny, but I surprised myself by crying out instead as a particularly intense erotic bolt shot through me.

“Okay.” Jace flattened his tongue and licked my nipple—which still stung in the best way possible—he’d just bitten. “Since you asked so nicely.”

I bit down on my bottom lip as a small moan of gratitude escaped my lips when Jace’s large hands moved to my waistband. He lingered there though, teasing me until I thought I would die. When I lifted my head and stared into his ocean-blue eyes, which were heavy lidded and surrounded by thick dark lashes, a small smile lifted on his face and he
began unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans, although it was a much slower pace than I would have preferred.

Then, instead of ripping them off my hips and taking my panties along, which was what I wanted him to do—or at least I’d thought I did—he pulled my jeans down my legs and left my panties on. Once those hit the ground, his hands ran up my trembling thighs and parted them further as his eyes ran up and down my body. Sitting in front of him, topless in nothing but white cotton panties, I felt so…sexy. The way he looked at me made me feel desirable, wanted, craved.

My thighs flexed against the cold marble of the countertop as I watched him run his long fingers along the sides of my underwear. He inhaled sharply as he brushed his knuckles over the damp center of my core before slipping two fingers beneath the soft, cotton barrier. My body shivered with delight as he began to stroke my wetness.

“Mmmm…so hot…so wet…” he murmured against my nipples, which he began suckling again.

I started to feel the distant tremors that indicated that an orgasm was right around the corner. I hadn’t actually started coming yet, but I could tell that, with just three or four more expert strokes by his amazing, strong fingers, I would be coming apart at the seams. I wouldn’t be able to pull it back once it started.

I put a hand firmly on Jace’s wrist, stilling his movements. I couldn’t speak in anything other than a ragged gasp. “Jace, I’m gonna come…”

He looked up at me, naked lust burning in his eyes. “I know. I want to make you come.”

My body jerked against his hand and I almost did exactly what he wanted from just listening to his words. He wasn’t even moving his fingers yet.

I nearly gave in, surrendered to the mesmerizing effect his body, his hands, his mouth, and his voice combined to weave around my mind, but I managed to grab the one last, tiny shred of awareness I still had. It was just enough to allow me to put the words together to clarify my meaning.

“No,” I panted. “I mean… I want to come with your mouth on me or while you’re inside me. I want to save it. You know?”

He rose up so that face was just millimeters from mine, never moving his fingers from where they were pressed intimately against the sensitive nub at the top of my sex. He was so close that I could feel his lips moving as he said, his tone low and intimate, “That’s so cute that you think you’re only going to come once. No. That’s not what’s going to happen here today. I want you to come like this. I want to watch your face as you lose control. First, I’m going to make you come right now, with my fingers”—he began to move his fingers, ever so slowly and gently, in a small circular pattern over my clit—“and then I’m going to make you come with my tongue, and then I’m going to make you come with my cock.”

With that, he forcefully thrust his tongue between my lips, capturing my mouth with hungry urgency as he fisted one hand roughly in the hair at the base of my neck, tilting my head so that he had total control over our kiss. At the same time, he slid his fingers down and plunged them into my opening, moving them in a powerful rhythm while his thumb resumed the circular pattern his fingers had just abandoned over my clit.

BOOK: One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2)
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