Read Once More (Mercy Heart #1) Online

Authors: Madeline Rooks

Once More (Mercy Heart #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Once More (Mercy Heart #1)
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Chapter 3

Katelyn answered the door wearing a short black skirt, with a low cut red v-neck shirt and knee-high black leather boots.  Clem smiled, and admired the view from behind when she turned to welcome him in.  She went to her bathroom to finish getting ready, leaving him alone for a moment.  Small and sparsely decorated, her apartment made it immediately obvious to him that this woman was anything but frivolous.  Her apartment was very clean, and the aroma was very feminine, much different from the frat house he shared with twenty other guys.  She had bookshelves crammed with various medical volumes, and a desk with a laptop next to even more books.  A couch faced a small television, and a table with just two chairs divided the living room and the kitchen.  Her bedroom door was open, and he was able to get a glimpse into her tidy bedroom, with a perfectly made up bed.  He thought for a brief moment how enjoyable it would be to mess up her bed later on, but then shook his head in dismissal.  Her initial decline of his request for a date had been a welcome change, as it had been a long time since he had experienced the thrill of the chase with any of the other women he came in contact with.  Most were ready to head straight to his bed, and while other men might not find anything to complain about in that, he was over the one night stands and ready for something more.

As she finished applying her makeup, her hands shook with the vision of Clem in her mind.  The gorgeous, strong arms showcased in his t-shirt that fit snugly around his biceps, and his jeans that emphasized all the right bulges.  She gasped out loud at herself for just thinking about it.  She couldn’t help but feel slightly overwhelmed at this experience.  That someone as handsome as Clem was even interested in taking her out to dinner seemed implausible.  She never took time away from her studies or her work at the hospital to enjoy much of anything else.  With a final sweep of lip gloss, she looked in the mirror and silently promised herself to try and enjoy whatever happened tonight without over-thinking. 

They climbed into his truck and headed to his favorite restaurant that offered a variety of Southern food fare.  She couldn’t help but notice how he gallantly opened doors for her and pulled her chair out.  She was shocked with herself to realize she hadn’t been on a real date since she had started college, or any time before, for that matter.  She was so focused on getting good grades and graduating that she hadn’t taken a lot of time to enjoy the other side of college life.  She didn’t regret her choices for one moment, because she knew a lifetime of doing a job she loved was going to be much more important than any parties she might have missed.

They ordered their food, each choosing the chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes.  He was taken aback when she ordered the same thing he had.  Most women he dated ate what amounted to rabbit food, and he was very interested in getting to know even more about the woman who was willing to share deep fried meat with him.

As if in answer to his surprise, she said shyly, “I don’t usually eat like this.  I always try to eat healthy, and I do exercise.”

“No explanation needed.  I wasn’t making any judgments.  What kinds of exercise do you do?” he asked, not only because he was interested but also because he was enjoying the sound of her voice, no matter what she was talking about.

“Running mostly.  I’ve done a couple of 5k’s with a team from the hospital for medical related causes.  Heart Walk, March for Babies, Race for the Cure…,” she said, and stopped, as his bemused expression left her feeling slightly exasperated and most incredibly self-conscious about the fact that he was staring at her with what she considered precarious intent.  “What?” she finally asked, ducking her chin down in a protective manner, cursing herself for sounding less than the self-assured strong woman she usually portrayed.

Clem had zoned out for a moment after she said running.  His thoughts roamed to visions of her perspiration-damp body running along, in a sports bra that bared her athletic midsection and showcased her beautifully restrained breasts, tempting him to set them free from their confines, as well as a pair of tiny shorts that displayed firm thighs he’d love for her to wrap around him.  Her question brought him back to reality, though the mental image left him shifting uncomfortably in his seat to adjust his growing hard-on.

“I think that’s great.  I’d love to go running with you sometime,” he said with a handsome smile as the waiter delivered their food.

With a blush, she paused for a moment and then said, much to her own surprise, “I would like that.  I’ll need a run after this meal.  I’m going early tomorrow morning if you’d like to join me.”

Was that an invite to spend the night?
  Maybe messing up her neatly-made bed wasn’t so far out of the cards after all.

*    *     *    *

After they ate dinner, she slid into the truck cab and set her arm on the console, wishing they were sitting closer together.  As they started on the way back to her apartment, she was startled with what a wonderful time she was having with him.  Her joy soon turned to alarm as they made their way down her street.  She spared a glance at him, and when their eyes met, he gave her a smile that seemed to melt her insides.  Would he want to come upstairs?  What if he was interested in getting physical with her? 
What if he wasn’t interested at all?
  Her lack of experience would probably be a huge disappointment to a man like Clem, whose handsome features and gorgeous body obviously gave him access to any number of female companions.  Her warring emotions left her so distracted that when his hand reached out and grabbed hers, she pulled away. 
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!  Now he’ll really think you’re a prude – and he won’t be entirely mistaken!

That was not the reaction he was expecting.  He thought they were having a good time.  He sharply inhaled as he moved both hands to the steering wheel. 
Maybe she doesn’t think this is a date.
  Did she think they were just out as friends?  As he parked in front of her building, he figured this would be the moment of truth.

He got out and came around to open her door.  With the assistance of his large hands around her trim waist, she hopped out of his truck, careful to be prim and proper about her movements.  As they walked up the sidewalk, he took her hand in his, and this time she did not pull away.  At the door, they stopped and she slowly raised her eyes up to meet his. 

“Would you like to come up for a moment?” she asked tentatively, the color of her cheeks growing pinker by the second. 

“Yes.  I would love to,” he replied, trying to stifle his own enthusiasm. He’d been in plenty of women’s bedrooms.  Why was the potential of being in Katelyn’s so different? 
Because she’s different.  Because she’s wholesome and beautiful and probably better than I deserve.
  As she led him up the narrow staircase, he not only enjoyed the movement of her achingly beautiful behind in front him, almost at eye level, but he also noticed how she held onto his hand as they climbed, as if he might bolt at any second.  Surely she didn’t believe that.  Why would anyone run away from her?

Climbing the stairs, she held onto his hand as if it were an anchor keeping him firmly close to her.  She was afraid of losing her nerve, but just once she wanted to feel what it was like to let her emotions make the decisions in her very scheduled, very planned out life.  She didn’t know what she expected to happen when they reached her apartment, and she wasn’t even sure she’d know what to do if things did escalate further, but she certainly wasn’t ready for this evening to end.  As they reached her floor, she dropped his hand to search her bag for her keys, and he gently caressed the small of her back, which proved to be beyond distracting to her.  His touch felt like electrical energy on her body, even through her clothes.  After she finally found her keys and unlocked the door, they awkwardly stood in the entryway for a moment before she led him in to sit on her couch. 

“Would you like a drink?” she asked.  “I’m afraid I don’t keep any desserts in the house.”

“A drink is just fine.  I’m still stuffed from dinner anyway.  Do you have any beer?” he asked.

“Um…no, I don’t drink,” she replied sheepishly.

“Ever?  Is it a religious thing?” he asked warily. 

“No, it’s nothing like that.  It’s not that I won’t drink.  There just aren’t many occasions or events that I make time for.  I’ve always thought drinking alcohol was a social thing, and I’m not really a social kind of person,” she answered quickly and truthfully, with just a hint of humiliation.

The awkward silence in the room was deafening.  She swiftly turned and went into the kitchen area, keeping her hands busy with getting two glasses and filling them with ice from the freezer in the corner, the cool air doing nothing to resolve the heat of the blush on her face.  As she turned to ask Clem if he’d like water or a soda, she was startled to see him standing in the kitchen as well.  

“You know,” he said, in a low sexy voice that caused her temperature to rise impossibly higher, “I’ve already said it once tonight, but I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable or pass any judgments on you.  I just want to get to know you.”

He bent down towards her, and she knew instantly what he planned to do.  She backed up and turned abruptly, avoiding his kiss. 

“Thank you.  I appreciate that.  Would you like a soda or just some water?” she said, cursing her shaking voice as well as his warm, exasperated breath on her neck. 
Now he is going to think I don’t like him!
  Did she like him?  This dating nonsense was so foreign to her.  She didn’t know what she was supposed to do or how to act.  Her hands trembled as she poured herself a glass of water, and for a brief moment she wished she did have some kind of alcohol in her possession, as she had always heard it might help calm the nerves that were making her feel so jumpy.

He stared down at the back of her head in disbelief.  Why had she turned away from him?  He was fairly certain that her introversion wasn’t a façade, though he did wonder for a moment if she was playing games with him. Surely that wasn’t the case, as he was almost positive that her shyness was genuine.  What was causing her to be so shy?  He placed his hands on her upper arms and began gently caressing her to soothe whatever tension she was feeling, but her immediate reaction was an increased stiffness.  Was she holding her breath?  He turned her around, and saw her biting her bottom lip in an effort to mask the trembling, though her attempt was unsuccessful. 

Before he could speak, she whispered, “I don’t kiss…”, but then she stopped.

He continued for her, stroking a wayward curl from her face, “On the first date?”

“Um…well, that’s not entirely the case though it does seem to be accurate at this point,” she said, focusing her eyes on his chest so she didn’t have to look into his eyes. 

“What are you saying?” he asked, and then, as if the realization had just hit him, his eyes widened as he whispered, “You’ve never been kissed, have you?” 

Her tremulous silence was his answer, though it left him dumbfounded.  How is that even possible that this beautiful woman standing in front of him had gone her whole life without someone giving her such a simple, affectionate gesture?   He hooked his finger under her chin, pressed her head up and then, with a commanding purpose, he leaned down and brushed her lips with his own once, then twice.  By the third swipe, she hadn’t pushed him away, so he crushed his mouth onto hers, his tongue probing her soft, full lips until she finally let him in.  The kiss went from sweet to steamy in no time.  His hands held her face and then roamed down her neck, to her arms and down to rest on her hips.  Unsure of what to do with her hands, she placed them on his chest and felt his muscles ripple through his t-shirt. 

Her mind raced as the kiss continued.  She had never made time to date when she was younger, and now she was so embarrassed by her inexperience that she had continued to avoid it for fear of any awkward moments.  Now that it was happening, she was kicking herself for avoiding it for so long.
But would this moment with Clem seem so momentous if this wasn’t her first kiss?
  As the kiss continued, she felt sure it would.

Her soft moans were making it very hard for him to be gentle with her.  He finally broke away and looked down at her, her swollen, rosy pink lips leading his mind in many hot directions, all of which resulted in the same intense hardening in his jeans.  Her eyes fluttered open and when she met his gaze, he was not surprised to find alarm in her eyes, as she waited to see what his next move would be. 

He kissed her forehead, took her hand in his, and led her to the couch.  As he sat, he drew her down as well, wrapping his arm around her in an effort to provide some comfort and hopefully allow her to see that she could trust him. 

Before she could relax completely, she turned suddenly to him and said, “I can explain.” He gestured with his hand as a silent signal for her to continue.  She paused for one more moment, took a deep breath, and began quickly.  “I don’t think I’ve told you this yet, but I already have a job lined up for after graduation.  At Mercy Heart, I’ve had to do nursing training in all areas, but I knew a long time ago that my main focus would be oncology.”  As she looked down and wrapped her arms around herself, a fleeting smile spread across her lips, and then just as quickly disappeared before she continued.  “My mother always had a tan.  During the summer, she would lie in the sun for hours, and in the winter she kept it up at a local tanning booth.  She said looking in the mirror and having a little color on her skin made her feel alive.  Ironically, it was the one thing that caused her death.  I was 15 when she was diagnosed with skin cancer, and it had already metastasized to her bones.  It was incurable, but she fought anyway.  The treatments allowed her to live for a few more years, but during that time, I was her main caregiver.  I kept up with my school work, but my social life was non-existent.  She died two days before my high school graduation.”  Once she paused, she finally looked up and found nothing but compassion and sympathy in his face.  “I started college that summer and haven’t stopped.  From the moment she started cancer treatment, I knew I had found my calling.  I have a unique perspective to offer those suffering with cancer, because I have been on the patient and family side of the care-giving.  I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life.”

BOOK: Once More (Mercy Heart #1)
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