Read On Thin Ice Online

Authors: Matt Christopher,Stephanie Peters

Tags: #JUV032050

On Thin Ice (4 page)

BOOK: On Thin Ice
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“Sure,” Bizz replied, “but don’t expect me to take up figure skating!” Laughing, the two girls joined the others.

The party lasted another hour. After the last guest had left, Savannah helped her parents tidy up. Then, yawning, she headed for her room to change into her pajamas.

In the middle of her bed was a gift-wrapped box. Savannah sat down next to it and opened the card attached to the top. It was a Christmas card from Bizz and the others. Below their signatures Bizz had added a special note: “I hope you like these. I added a surprise to one of them. See if you can find it.”

Savannah opened the box. Inside were a pair of blue-tinted goggles and a white fleece face warmer. It took her a moment to discover Bizz’s surprise. When she did, her eyes welled with tears. Embroidered into the fleece in tiny blue letters were familiar words: “Friends to the end.”

What Do You Need?

So you want to snowboard? Before you hit the slopes, you need the right equipment. New snow-boards can be very expensive. However, you can save money by renting or borrowing a board or by purchasing a used board at a sports resale shop. Ask for help finding a board that suits your height, weight, and foot size. Short, lightweight people with small feet will do better with smaller, lighter, skinnier boards, for example. And be sure that the bindings are positioned correctly for your stance. Most right-handed boarders lead with their left foot. Lefties ride goofy foot, or right foot forward.

Boots are also a necessity. If your own winter boots fit the bindings and feel comfortable, you can use those. Otherwise, you can purchase special snowboarding boots. Both types should fit snugly around your ankle and heel. Loose-fitting boots make it more difficult to control the board when turning and stopping; they also let in the snow!

Now you’re ready to suit up for the hill. You’ll want to keep the heat in and the wet out, so dress in layers. Thermal long underwear made of wool or wool blends works well as a bottom layer. Fleece tops and pants are warm, flexible, and lightweight, making them good choices for a second layer. On top, wear snow pants and a jacket of water-resistant material. If you get hot while boarding, you can always remove one layer.

You should pay special attention to your hands, feet, head, and face. If you’re boarding when it’s very cold, wear two pairs of wool socks. Choose mittens or gloves that extend past your wrists, and seal out the snow with drawstrings. (Mittens keep fingers warmer than gloves do.) And be sure to wear a hat, since most body heat escapes through the top of the head. Finally, add a pair of ski goggles or sunglasses made with safety glass to block out the sun’s glare and to prevent the wind from causing your eyes to tear up.

Now that you’re all set with gear, you’re ready to hit the slopes!

The eXtreme Team








BOOK: On Thin Ice
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