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Authors: Mari Brown

On the Edge (10 page)

BOOK: On the Edge
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“Kat, what the hell were you thinking?” Bruce asks as I walk into the foyer.

“I’m fucking great, thanks for asking. Enjoy talking with your asshole son,” I bark out as I rush up the stairs to my room.

Slamming the door closed, I lock it because I don’t want anyone bothering me right now. I find myself hating Cole. How can he be so sweet to me one moment, and then such an ass the next? I feel like a yo-yo, going up and down with him sometimes. Cole is an asshole but I have seen his sweet side. I don’t know why he thinks I’m going to allow him to talk to me the way he was talking to me.

I walk circles around my room, picking things up and then slamming them down again. When I hear a knock on my door, I try to ignore it.

“Kat, let me in please.” Justin’s voice comes from the other side.

I unlock and open the door for Justin, but once he’s inside, I slam it shut and throw the lock.

“What do you want, Justin?”

“Give Cole a break, please. He doesn’t mean to come off so harsh with you. A lot of it goes back to what happened with our mom.”

I turn to Justin, giving him my full attention. This is the first time any of them have willingly talked about their mom. I don’t know much other than she died when Cole was 13, because he and the twins don’t say much about her. I fling myself on my bed and motion for him to sit.

“Our mom was killed in the crossfire of a fight that should’ve never happened. It nearly destroyed our father, and Cole witnessed the whole thing. It haunts him still. He probably cares about you more than he admits even to himself and that has to scare him.”

I process what Justin is telling me. It explains so much. It doesn’t give Cole the right to try to control me, but I understand why he does these things a little more.

“That’s why he goes overboard with my protection?”

“Yes! He doesn’t want to lose you the way my dad lost our mom.”

I fiddle with a pillow, my mind whirling with the information that Justin has given me. Then it hits me. I know what I need to do.

“Where is my brother?” I ask.

“He was in the family room when I came upstairs.”

“Will you go down and ask him to come talk to me? Please.”

“Um, sure.” Justin stands up, looking at me with a confused expression. He doesn’t understand my sudden request, and honestly, that’s perfect. I don’t want anyone to know.

My brother is only one I trust to handle this and do it for me right now. I wear a path in the floor waiting for him to show up.

“Kat,” Drew calls out as he enters my room.

“Shut and lock the door, Drew,” I say. I continue circling the room while Drew watches. Puzzlement is evident on his face. I’m not sure how to start this conversation with Drew, so I pace and think a little bit more.

“Kat, spit it out already!”

“I want you to get me a gun and teach me how to use it,” I blurt.

“Fuck, no,” he yells.

“Yes, Drew. I need to be able to protect myself. I want to know that, if for some reason one of you guys isn’t around to protect me, I can do it myself.”

“Kat, I don’t like this.”

“You don’t have to like it, but I need you to help me. I want to do this, and I want it to stay between us for now.” I plead with my brother. “Drew, do this for me please.”

“Fuck! I’m not happy about it, but I get why you’re asking, and it really can’t hurt for you to know how to protect yourself. Maybe in addition to learning the gun, I can take you to the gym and the guys and I can teach you some basic self-defense as well.” Drew sits down on the edge of my bed.

“I would like that, Drew. You know I’m not going to sit around, looking pretty as someone’s arm candy. I need to be able to take care of myself.” I finally stop pacing, sit down beside my brother, and lay my head on his shoulder.

“Yea, I get it, Sis,” he says, quietly resigned.

Drew and I are talking quietly about starting a training regimen for me next week, when my door slams back against the wall and Cole comes storming in the room.

“Out, Drew!” he yells.

“Man, cool down. I’m not leaving you with my sister if you’re this angry!”

“Fuck man, I’m not going to hurt her!” he yells at Drew.

“It’s okay, Drew. I’ll be fine,” I say softly, encouraging Drew to leave Cole and me to work this out between us.

Once Drew closes the door, Cole stalks towards me and yanks me towards him causing my body to slam hard into his.

“You’re fucking crazy, bitch. You’re going to be the death of me.”

Then his lips harshly attack mine. This kiss is one of possession, of dominance, and I let him have it. I get his needs to reassure himself that I’m okay. That he is in control of the situation. I let him kiss me until my lips are bruised and swollen.

Breaking away, he rests his forehead on mine. Our breathing labored, we just stand there. I look into those pretty eyes and see a range of emotion running through them. Cole is just as far out of his comfort zone in this relationship as I am. Neither of us is sure how to act with the other. We have this connection, yet neither of us wants to feel this strongly about another person. We each have our reasons for this, and I just hope that, in the end, we don’t destroy each other. There is no doubt he has the ability to make my world crumble. I know he can destroy me. And quite frankly, that scares the shit out of me.

Just as Drew said, the guys start teaching me basic self-defense moves. Before long, I’m caught up in the atmosphere of the gym. I love the adrenaline rush I get learning new moves, lifting weights, and working out until my body is the most physically fit it has ever been. Drew, Rocco, and Justin are the ones helping me the most. My training includes some mixed martial arts and I’m ready to kick ass. I love sparring with the guys and my goal is to one day be able to take Rocco down. I have big dreams. In a matter of weeks, I’ve made huge progress.

Cole isn’t happy about all of my defense lessons, but he doesn’t stop me. Still, it’s a good thing he doesn’t know about the shooting range. I don’t think he would be as quiet about that. Drew stays true to his word and picks me up after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to teach me how to use the small handgun he’s bought me. It doesn’t take long for me to learn to shoot it.

I take all my training seriously. I know that it could mean the difference between dying and surviving. I think Drew is a little surprised by how quick I pick things up. Maybe a little concerned as well.

“Kat, you’re enjoying this a little too much,” he says.

“What are you talking about, Drew?” I don’t fully understand what he means.

“Dude, you just shot the hell out of that target like a boss, hitting the heart and then the head each time. That smile on your face? It was a little scary.”

We’ve just finished one of our top-secret gun sessions, and have stopped at a local diner for burgers and fries while we have our little chat. Drew is only helping me because he sees that I might need to know how to defend myself. I just wish he wasn’t so worried about Cole’s reaction when he finds out. I’ve told him I would handle Cole.

I find myself laughing. “Drew, be glad I’m learning so well. Now you know I’ll be able to handle things if I ever need to.”

“I know. That’s what scares me,” he replies dryly.

“Whatever. Come on. We need to get out of here or I’m going to be late getting ready.”

Tonight, we’re going to a party at one of the Knight’s clubs for the guys who work for Knight Construction. I’m a little nervous because this is my first official event as Cole’s girlfriend at an official Knight function. I really hope I don’t do anything to embarrass Bruce. He has been so good to me. I also don’t want to do anything that will make Cole ashamed of me.

Julie and I have hair and make-up people coming to the mansion to help us get ready. We’ve spent weeks shopping for perfect outfits for the party.

My silver, sequined, La Femme dress, is a princess style, mini cocktail that makes me feel beautiful. The chiffon falls to mid-thigh and it has a jeweled sweetheart neckline. The sexy, silver heels with crystal-embellished straps make my legs look a mile long. This feeling of joy takes over when I see myself in the full-length mirror and stop to admire my dress.

When I answer the light knock on my door, Juliana walks in, wearing a mini red cocktail dress with black strappy heels.

“You’re gorgeous, Juliana,” I say to the girl who has become the sister of my heart.

“Oh my God, you’re stunning. My brother is going to have a heart attack,” she says with a giant smile on her face.

She links arms with me and we walk towards the noise traveling up from the family room. I’m eager to see Cole tonight. The guy always looks good, but something tells me that when I see him in a suit, the small part of my heart that I’ve held back will become completely his.

When our heels click quietly against the marble tile, the voices stop. Justin walks out of the family room and stops when he sees us.

“Holy shit!” he exclaims.

Bruce calls out, “Son, really?”

“Wait until you see the girls, dad. You’re going to feel the same way I do.”

I’m left wondering just what Justin is feeling as Julie and I enter the family room. The room goes deadly silent and the guys just stare at us.

“Fuck! This is going to be a long night,” Bruce finally says.

“Daddy,” Juliana says with a giant smile and soft laugh.

“Girls, y’all are both stunning. I have a feeling I may have to shoot someone for disrespecting one or both of you before the night’s over.”

I search the room until my eyes meet the pretty blue ones I’ve come to love. I slowly take in every inch of Cole as he stands there staring at me with his mouth hanging slightly open. He looks hot in his black suit and white dress shirt. Time stands still as we silently check each other out.

He slowly moves towards me, lifts my hand to his mouth, and plants a kiss on the top. “You’re gorgeous, Kitten.” His husky tone says he’s more than a little turned on by what he’s seeing.

“Thank you. You look very handsome yourself. I love you in a suit. Hmmm, very sexy.”

A throat clears, drawing attention to my brother standing next to us. He looks right handsome in his own suit. He’s concerned about something, and gives me a strange look.

“Hey Drew, you look very handsome.”

“Kat, you’re beautiful as always.”

“What’s wrong? Something is bothering you.”

“It just struck me how grown up you really are. You may still be in high school, but damn, Kat, you’re a beautiful young woman now. You’re not a little girl any more.”

“I will always be your little sister, though,” I whisper quietly as I wrap my brother in a hug.

“I think we should all head to the cars so we’re not late to our own party,” Bruce breaks in.

Cole places his hand on the small of my back, sending tingles through my body. We’ve made it three months now, but I’m not sure if we’ll make it the next three. I don’t think I have the will power to hold off much longer. I want to feel Cole deep inside me and that’s the wrong thing to think right now. A shiver travels through my body.

“Are you cold, Kitten?” Cole’s seductive whisper in my ear draws another shiver that he knows has nothing to do with being cold.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply through my nose. “I’m fine,” I say as we walk out to the waiting limo.

Excitement for the night permeates everyone’s chatter inside the car. I’m quieter than normal as so many thoughts tumble through my mind. I’m surprised that I’ve allowed myself to grow so close to my new family. I’m nervous about making a good impression at the party so I don’t embarrass Cole. I want to take back my six-month waiting period and tell Cole to take me home and ravage me at the end of the night.

Cole’s hand innocently rests on my thigh, but his thumb slowly circles over my skin and it’s driving me crazy. It’s hard to sit here and act normal, but I do, because the car is full of family. I don’t think anyone would appreciate it if I attacked Cole the way I want.

“Kitten,” Cole whispers in my ear. “Try to be on your best behavior. I really don’t want to fight anyone because you’ve run your mouth.” Humor laces his voice.

“I’ll try, but I make no promises if someone says or does something stupid. You know I have no control over my temper.” I’ve already decided that I need to keep my temper under control tonight but I’m not telling Cole that I plan to make tonight easy for him. I lean over and give him a quick kiss on his cheek, hoping that it will reassure him. He gently squeezes my thigh and I grow damp at that touch. I hope it’s not obvious to any of the others how aroused I am right now.

When we pull up in front of the club, valets rush to greet people as they pull up in the circle drive. It’s not long before the limo stops and the door opens. Justin and Drew step out of the limo, and turn to help Julie. Bruce, with Trish by his side, gets out next, and lights flash as photographers snap picture after picture of our group.

My stomach twists with nerves, but I know I can do this.

Cole turns to me and smiles. “Ready to make your debut, Kitten?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Cole steps out of the limo, turns back, and reaches his hand out to me. I slide across the seat, placing my hand in his. I let him be my strength as I place one foot out of the limo and then the other. Cole gently pulls me out, and I stand, pressed against his chest. He leans down and places a small kiss on my lips, and the flashes go off like crazy.

BOOK: On the Edge
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