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Authors: Taryn Plendl

Omission (12 page)

BOOK: Omission
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Chapter 22


“It’s time to get up!” I laughed at Jackson’s banging on the door. “It is Christmas, you two. Enough already!” He stomped down the hall toward the kitchen.

“Sorry, he’s still a kid at heart.” Payton rolled over and smiled at me.

“Well, let’s not keep him waiting.” I watched her climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom, glancing over her shoulder and smiling when she caught me looking at her.

Two weeks had solidified in my heart that Payton was it for me. She had slipped into our family like she was made to be there. You would never know how things had begun with her and Jackson. They were like best of friends, and I could see that she loved him like he was her own brother.

Jackson was registered for college and would start classes in the beginning of the year. He was more sure of himself and happier than I could remember. Maybe even since before our parents had died.

He had sat down and talked to me about the night our parents died for the first time
—with Payton holding his hand the entire time. It broke my heart to think that he had been carrying that by himself all this time. We cried and hugged, and in the end, I think we healed a bit more.

Together, all three of us were learning that
it wasn’t healthy to hold on to the past, especially if it hurts. Let go, move on, and be happy with what life has given you. Look around and count your blessings.

Payton had told us that she
held her past close to her heart, but not for the pain. Only because it reminded her that she was a strong person. And she was.

I climbed out of bed and threw on my jeans and a t-shirt. Payton came out of the bathroom looking incredible. She could make a pair of jeans and sweatshirt look like a
ball gown. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against me.

“Merry Christmas.” I kissed her softly, loving the way she melted into my arms. “Let’s go before Jackson comes back.” I chuckled.

“So, have you given it any more thought?” I asked as we walked into the kitchen. Jackson sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal, clearly excited about opening presents. Some things never change.

“You don’t think it’s too soon?”
she asked as she sat down with a cup of coffee and a muffin.

“Too soon for what?” Jackson asked around a mouth full of cereal.

“I asked Payton to move in with us.” I watched his reaction. I probably should have talked it over with him first, but I had just blurted in out one night. I didn’t want her away from me anymore.

“Well?” Jackson turned and asked Payton.

“You would be okay with that, Jackson?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Are you kidding?
Of course, Payton. I love you, too, you know. You’re like the sister I never had.” She reached out and squeezed his hand.

“You know that I am not going to be your
House Mom if I move in here.” She giggled. I had no doubt that all three of us could take care of ourselves, but I liked that we could prove to each other that we didn't have to. That was what family was supposed to do.

“I don’t think either of us expect
s that,” I said looking to Jackson. “And a mom-anything is the furthest thing from my mind when I look at you.” I waggled my eyebrows at her.

Eww.” Jackson got up and took his bowl to the sink.

We laughed, knowing he was just giving us a hard time. “Come
on; let’s go see what’s under the tree.” I pulled her up from her seat and kissed her.

In a short time, I had found a love like no other.
Family was not only made up of those you have by blood, but those you chose in life. Sometimes, the ones you chose as family were just as good, if not better than the ones you were born with.

About the Author

I discovered my love for books at an early age, spending many hours lost in someone else’s story.

It wasn’t until well into adult hood that I discovered, late at night while the house was quiet, that I had just as many stories inside me just waiting to be let out.
Writing has been a way for me to step away from reality and live a bit through my fun and sometimes damaged characters. You will almost always find a Happy Ever After at the end of my stories. I can’t help it, it’s an addiction.

I’m a Southwestern girl living a Mid-Atlantic life with my husband of seventeen years and two incredible daughters who inspire me daily. I
am proud to be an advocate for my child with autism, and feel incredibly blessed to be able to see the world through her eyes. She teaches me more than I could ever teach her.

I enjoy reading, writing and spending time with my family, but cherish those quiet nights after everyone is asleep when I can curl up on the couch with my fifteen year old dog (
Shh, don’t tell…He’s not supposed to be on the couch.)

Keep an eye out for more from me!



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Also by Taryn Plendl


The Philadelphia Series-

In My Arms

Book 1 in the Philadelphia Series
He's deliciously handsome and completely arrogant. Exactly the last thing Ava needs on her first night out following her bad breakup.
New to the Philadelphia area, Trevor is instantly taken with Ava's beauty and witty attitude. After sharing an unexpected but amazing kiss, Trevor manages to stick his foot in his mouth and watches as Ava walks out of his life before he has a chance to explain.
When the two unexpectedly cross paths again, they struggle with the undeniable chemistry between them. Ava fights to keep it platonic, afraid to get hurt again, as Trevor sets out to change her mind.
With a little bit of humor, a lot of drama, sexual frustration, dancing and plenty of alcohol, Ava realizes that Trevor just might actually be perfect for her.
Due to language and sexual content, this book is recommended for 17+.


A Part of Me

Book # 2 in the Philadelphia Series.
You don't always need a chance at a new beginning. Sometimes you just need a chance at a different ending.
Tom and Talia aren't strangers. They've been walking a tight rope of attraction since the day they met, but after an accident rocks Tom's world to the core and changes it forever, he spirals into a free fall of emotions. No longer the laid-back, happy guy, he now worries that he will never be enough for Talia. After all, who could possibly love such a broken man?
Talia is a tenacious ER nurse by day and a fun-loving loyal friend and party girl by night. Her developing feelings for Tom are put to the test after his accident as she fights to break through his walls and show him how much she cares, even as he continues to build them back up, determined to keep her out.
As Talia tries to take care of Tom, stronger feelings emerge for both, and neither of them will come out untouched. Everything they thought they knew about themselves and each other will be put to the test as they finally realize it isn't important how many times you fall down, but only how many times you get back up.
**Ages 18+ Contains adult language and sexual situations.

Out of My Element

Book #3 in the Philadelphia Series.
"We are playing an entirely different game, Nick. While other girls might wait patiently until you breakup with your many girlfriends, I can't. You see, I have been waiting all my life for something real. And if this isn't real, no way am I spending another hour on waiting."
Nick has never allowed himself to get attached to a woman. While his friends were settling down, he was having the time of his life, a womanizer with a heart of gold. Right up until Chelsea came into his life. He was drawn to Chelsea from the first time he saw her ... well, actually it might have been the second time, but it didn't take Nick long to realize he might be over his head and completely out of his element.
Chelsea wrote Nick off after their first encounter, but soon she realizes she has found a good friend in him. Falling for Nick was never Chelsea's intention, but sometimes even the best intentions prove to be out of your control.
The closer Chelsea and Nick get, the more they push seem to make a mess of things. Can Nick figure out how to have a healthy relationship before he loses Chelsea forever?





BOOK: Omission
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