Read Oliver's Online Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #General Fiction

Oliver's Online (10 page)

BOOK: Oliver's Online
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Oliver stared into Lane’s eyes for a long moment, trying to catch his breath. “Fuck it.”

Grabbing a fist of Lane’s shirt in one hand, he yanked him forward. He had never ached for someone like this before. Ruthlessly pushing thoughts of Dave away, Oliver gave all his attention to Lane. While he kissed, bit and devoured Lane’s mouth, his fingers nimbly unbuttoned Lane’s shirt. He deserved a gold star for his brilliant multi-tasking or at least a hard cock in his ass.

Lane broke away. Oliver froze. He blinked at his lover, confused. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re still wearing a shirt,” Lane complained.

“Oh.” Oliver stripped it off and dropped it to the floor. “Better?”

“Much,” Lane purred with satisfaction.

“Good.” Oliver attacked Lane’s zipper, happily discovering Lane hadn’t pulled on any underwear when he’d redressed. “Nice.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“Oh, I definitely do,” Oliver said. He stripped off Lane’s shirt and tossed it on the floor behind him. Licking his lips, he stroked Lane’s perfectly smooth chest. “You wax?”

Lane smiled. “I’ve done it for so long hair feels weird.”

“I like.” Oliver agreed. He’d like it if Lane had fur, too. He liked him any way he could get him.

“Good.” Lane pulled on the small patch of hair Oliver had on his chest. “I like too.”

Oliver let out a relieved sigh. He didn’t really want to wax. As much as he liked the smooth look, the idea of voluntarily letting someone rip hair off his body didn’t sound like something he’d want to do.

He stepped forward to brush their bodies together. The clothing removal had made them step apart. Oliver yearned for more contact, more kisses. As if reading Oliver’s mind, Lane wrapped an arm around Oliver’s waist and pulled them tighter together.

“You were too far away,” Lane explained.

“I was,” Oliver agreed. Anything further away than flesh to flesh was too far apart.

Words disappeared among the sighs and whimpers. Oliver wrapped a hand around Lane’s exposed cock.

The door swung open behind them.

“I see I was right. You do cum for your cash,” Eddie’s voice cooled Oliver’s ardor more effectively than a gallon of cold water poured over him.

Oliver slid his fingers out of Lane’s pants and zipped him carefully up before turning around to face the intruder. He knew his cheeks were probably flaming red but he refused to be embarrassed. If he wanted to have sex with his boyfriend in the office he would.

“Did you need something, Eddie?”

Eddie sneered at Oliver. “I wanted to see what it took to get a better paying job. Now that I know, I’m ready to sign up. I’m sure I can do better than this kid.”

“You’re fired,” Lane said.

Eddie paled and his mouth dropped open. “You can’t fire me. I’m the best guy you have on the phones. Fire me, and you don’t have a company anymore.”

“I can hire new people. I can’t replace Oliver. I won’t have him uncomfortable in the work place. I warned you once before. You’re done. Get your stuff and get out. I’ll mail you any money due.”

“Be that way. I don’t want this crap job anyway. I only came here hoping to meet hot guys.” He slid a scathing gaze across them both. “I see I’m not missing anything.”

Turning around, he slammed the door behind him.

Oliver let out the breath he’d unconsciously held inside. “I’m so sorry, Lane. I didn’t mean to ruin your business.”

Lane stroked his fingers through Oliver’s hair. “That wasn’t your fault. Eddie was looking for trouble ever since he started. I’ll put out an ad and try to get more people in here.”

The frustration on Lane’s face cut Oliver to the quick. “I wish it could’ve gone differently.”

“Me, too.” Lane gave Oliver a forced smile. “What do you say we get back to work? I don’t know about you, but I’ve sort of lost the mood.”

Oliver laughed. “Yeah. That definitely cooled me down.”

He reluctantly handed over Lane’s shirt.

“I’ll be sure to warm you back up later.”

Oliver pulled his shirt on and went back to his desk. His ass barely hit the seat before the door opened again and five gorgeous men with spectacularly fit bodies sauntered into the small room.

“Hey, guys,” Lane stood up and went to greet them.

They all looked vaguely familiar. Oliver thought he recalled one of the guys was named Mark and worked at Vance’s studio. From the looks of the others, they probably did, too.

“We heard you were looking for help,” a buff blond spoke for the group.

“I don’t think Vance will like it if I stole his talent,” Lane said, a frown marring his face.

Mark laughed. “He sent us. We were whining about not getting enough hours, and he said if we needed more to come see you.”

Lane smiled. “That’s…that’s really great. I need guys for the phones and for live camera shows. I pay per call or event.” Lane gave them the rate and nods went all around.

“I don’t know about the others, but I’m on board,” Mark said.

“Great. Oh, everyone, this is Oliver, my boyfriend.” Lane pointed a hand at Oliver.

“Hi, Oliver.” the five men waved.


“I’ll introduce you to everyone later. Now, I want to get them all settled,” Lane said. He shooed the men out the door.

Oliver relaxed in his seat. Happiness bubbled up in him as he realized Lane’s new company was at least temporarily out of danger of falling apart before it even started.

He turned his attention back to the computer and finished organizing Lane’s files. Maybe if things worked out here, he’d go back to school and become a real CPA. He might never have the high level accounting career he once dreamed about, but he could be happy.

Learning to live without Dave might be possible after all. He knew his dead lover would’ve wanted him to move on. No one had a bigger heart than Dave, and a small portion of Oliver’s love would always belong to him.

Sinking into his work, he lost track of time. An ache in his leg pulled his attention back to the world of the living. He stood up to shake out the painful twinge. Stretching, he propped his foot onto the small corner of his desk to get in a good angle. The door opened with a creak.

“Sorry, love, I had to get up and move around.”

“I don’t understand what he’d want with a gimp like you when he could’ve had me.”

Oliver slowly slid his foot to the floor and turned to face Eddie.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to tell you I don’t hold a grudge. I mean, if I could get a sweet job by giving up my ass, I’d do it too.” Eddie’s slimy smile enraged Oliver.

He limped over to confront Eddie. “First of all, I’m not selling my ass for a job. Maybe that’s the difference between us. I really like Lane, and I’d have sex with him even if I didn’t work here.”

Eddie smirked. “Sure you would.”

“Get out!” Oliver shouted. He was tired of explaining himself to people. He was done.

“Who’s going to make me? You? You can barely stand. How long do you think it’ll be before Lane is looking for someone more limber?”

“Never,” Lane spoke from the doorway.

“Lane!” Oliver smiled at his lover’s entrance.

“Yeah, are you going to carry him around?” Eddie asked.

“What are you still doing here? I know I asked you to leave. Do I need to call building security?”

“No. I’m going. I just wanted to figure out how you could pick that—” He pointed to Oliver. “—over this?” He pointed to himself.

“Because Oliver has something you never will,” Lane said.

“What?” Eddie asked.

Oliver stayed silent because he wanted to know the answer to that too.

“Integrity. Oliver wouldn’t sell himself for a buck or a job. He has more self-respect than that.” Lane’s lip curled in disgust as he examined Eddie. “The same can’t be said for everyone.”

Eddie folded his arms across his chest. “Well, you two lovebirds enjoy your boring existence. I’ve got better things to do.”

Lane stepped aside to allow Eddie to storm out.

“Why do I think he’s going to go cause trouble elsewhere?” He asked Oliver.

Oliver shrugged. “Maybe because he’s that sort of person.”

“Maybe.” Lane walked up to Oliver and wrapped him back into his arms. “But you’re the type of person I’m interested in.”

“Good.” Oliver sighed into Lane’s kiss.






Chapter Eleven



Oliver walked away from Lane then went to the office door, and with great purpose, locked it. He then turned back and smiled at his lover.

Lane grinned back at him. “What are doing?”

“Well,” Oliver said as he began to slowly make his way back to Lane. “I just realized we have some unfinished business to take care of.”

Lane let out a groan as he felt up his own cock through his pants. “You’re going to be the death of me. I just know it.”

Oliver returned to Lane and pulled him by the tie. “But what a way to go.”

Still holding him by the tie, Oliver walked backward until his ass was flush with Lane’s desk. “You know what a fantasy of mine has always been?”

“What. Just tell me and I’ll make it come true.”

“I’ve always wanted to be fucked on the boss’s desk.”

No sooner had Oliver said those words than Lane reached out and swept all the contents off his desk with one movement of his arm. He then grabbed Oliver by the hips and sat him on the desk.

“Take off your shoes,” Lane ordered, his eyes dark with desire.

Oliver toed off his shoes and then took off his socks, tossing them to the side. Lane undid Oliver’s pants. Oliver lifted up his hips, so Lane could slide them and his underwear off. Those, too, were tossed to the side, leaving Oliver naked from the waist down. When Oliver went to take off his shirt, Lane shook his head.

“Leave it on,” he said.

Okay, Oliver could go with that. Lane undid his own fly, but only enough to get his cock out, yet not before he reached into his pocket to grab a condom and a travel size packet of lube.

“I like a guy who’s always prepared,” Oliver purred.

“I’ll bet you do. Now lay back.” Lane gave Oliver a gentle shove on his chest.

Oliver did, making it so his legs were hanging over the edge of the desk. Then he waited to see what Lane was going to do next. It was kind of heady to give up control like this. It was all so new to Oliver, and he found that he quite liked it.

Just when he felt that he was going to jump out his skin from anticipation, he felt the velvet sensation of Lane’s lips brushing against his stomach. He kissed his way around Oliver’s navel before working his way down to his groin.

Oliver let out a gasp when he felt Lane licking the head of his cock. He swirled his tongue over the head a few times before finally sucking in the whole length. Oliver cried out in pleasure as his dick was surrounded by a warm, moist suction.

At almost the same time, Oliver felt a cool finger probing his tight opening. He spread his legs out to give Lane more room to work, at the same time relaxing his body. When Lane finally did thrust the digit in, it came as a sweet relief.

“Oh God, yes,” Oliver cried out as he clawed at the desktop for purchase.

Lane sawed the finger in and out, all the while continuing to suck on Oliver’s cock, the combined pleasures driving Oliver crazy. Then when Oliver didn’t think it could possibly get any better, Lane added a second finger.

Oliver’s body arched on the desk as he let out a cry so loud there was no way the people on the other side of the door couldn’t have heard it. But he was past the point of caring. All that mattered was Lane and what he was doing to Oliver’s body.

Then Lane added a third finger and twisted his wrist so he pegged Oliver’s prostate and all bets were off. Oliver let out a yell so loud that they probably heard him all the way back at his apartment. Hell, they probably heard him two states over.

“Lane, please, screw me now. I need you in me.”

Lane just let out a humming sound and continued to finger fuck Oliver, torturing him in the sweetest way possible. Oliver grabbed the edge of the desk and let it bite into his fingers, the pain keeping him rooted, so he didn’t come too soon.

Finally, when Oliver thought that he couldn’t possibly take anymore, Lane took out his fingers and let Oliver’s cock slip free from his mouth with a popping sound. Moving up, Lane gave Oliver a deep, open-mouthed kiss. Oliver returned it, tasting his own essence on Lane’s tongue. They made out for a few minutes before Lane pulled back then held up the condom like it was some kind of prize.

“Is this what my baby wants?” Lane asked.

“Please,” Oliver whimpered.

Lane ripped it open and slipped it on before using the last of the lube to slick himself up. He then lined himself to Oliver’s opening and slowly thrust inside him. Oliver let out a moan as he felt himself being filled and stretched to his limits.

Lane ran a hand down Oliver’s chest and paused a moment. “Are you ready?”

Oliver nodded and Lane began to move in and out at a steady pace. Oliver knew he wasn’t going to last long. Not only because Lane had already had him so close to the edge, but because this really was one of his fantasies come to life. He just hoped that he didn’t disappoint Lane by coming too soon.

Sure enough, after only a few moments, Oliver could feel himself cresting. He tried biting on his bottom lip to hold it back, but this time there was no controlling it. His cock twitched then shot off, spurts of cum covering both he and Lane.

“Sorry,” Oliver said.

But no sooner did he get his apology out than Lane stiffened and let out a groan as he came too. Oliver let out a breathy laugh, relieved that the porn star hadn’t outlasted him after all. Go him!

“Are you laughing at me,” Lane asked.

“No, I’m just happy that I didn’t blow my load way ahead of you,” Oliver admitted.

“Well, I’m glad I could accommodate you.”

Lane kissed him on the tip of the nose then pulled out. He went into the tiny adjoined bathroom to get rid of the condom. Oliver sat up and then realized what a mess he’d made on his shirt. Great, how was he supposed to go home with spunk all over him?

BOOK: Oliver's Online
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