Read Off Sides Online

Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Young Adult, #new adult

Off Sides (8 page)

BOOK: Off Sides
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Apparently, tonight's the night. I hope it's not happening too fast for Danny. It's certainly not happening too fast for me but I feel like a teenage boy getting ready to have sex for the first time. I'm apprehensive and excited all at the same time. And I don't mean horny excited, although I'm sure I'll get there. I'm excited to be with Danny in this way because then she'll be truly mine.

Danny opens the door to her apartment and we walk in. She flips on the lights and lays her purse down. I stand there with my hands in my pockets watching her. She turns and the look on her face is one of nervousness and it makes me doubt what we've set out to do tonight.

I walk to her and cup her cheek. She takes in a shaky breath and smiles at me tremulously.

"Ryan..." she whispers.

"Sshhh...we don't have to do this tonight," I assure her.

She gives a slight shake to her head, closing her eyes briefly. When she opens them back up, the anxiety is gone and in its place is desire. It makes my heart trip over and my body harden with anticipation.

"I was going to say that I want you so much it scares me," she murmurs as she reaches on her tip toes to place a soft kiss on my mouth. My eyes close and I inhale deeply. I clench the fist that's still hanging down by my hips, otherwise, I might grab her and throw her over my shoulder like a caveman. I let my breath out in shaky spurts.




My entire body is trembling over the way Ryan is looking at me right now. With nothing more than a soft touch to my face, I'm already a hot mess of firing nerves. I want this so badly that the depth of my need scares me. If I could crawl into Ryan's skin right now, I would...just to be closer to him.

Ryan puts his hands on my hips and draws me closer to him. My hands go to his chest and curl into his shirt. He's wearing a light blue, button down shirt and dress pants since the players have to wear formal attire on game day. His jacket and tie are in his car, tossed haphazardly in the back. He smells of spicy body wash and I put my nose to his chest and inhale deeply.


"Mmmmm?" My lips are to his chest so I can't give a more complete answer.

"Is this your first time?"

My cheeks flame a little red as I nod. "Am I that obvious?"

Ryan tucks his hand under my chin and draws my face up to look at him. "Not at all. I was merely hoping I’d be your first."

My mouth curves into a smile because the look he is giving me is one of possessiveness and craving. "It's the right time, Ryan. I want you to be my only."

Ryan groans at my words and captures my mouth. It's demanding and sweet all at the same time. Pulling back he looks at me, bringing his fingers to graze over my lips. "I'm a little nervous. We'll go slow because I don't want to hurt you."

I shake my head and giggle. "I'm a twenty-one year old virgin who has been fairly athletic most of her life. I doubt I have much of a hymen for you to shred."

Ryan chuckles as he swoops back down for a quick kiss before he pulls back. "Stay right here and then come back to your room in about five minutes, okay?"

I nod my head. He starts down my hall but then turns to look back. "Where's Paula?"

I shrug my shoulders. "She said she'd see me back here but she may have decided to be scarce. I think she knows I plan on seducing you tonight."

"Is that so?"

"That's so. Now hurry...your five minutes is ticking."




Danny is a virgin and she's chosen to give that sacred gift to me. I'm beyond honored and now ridiculously nervous all over again. I don't want to hurt her and I want to make sure I pleasure the hell out of her. The responsibility is heavy but I'm up to the task. Literally.

I get busy setting up her room. I turn on her lamp with the red scarf over it and turn the rest of the lights off. I pull out my iPhone and hook it to her alarm clock stereo. I scroll through my playlists, finally choosing some Jill Scott and turn it down enough so we can just hear the beat. Putting a condom on the bedside table, I sit on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands. I want this to be so fucking perfect for her.




I slowly open the door and my breath catches.  Ryan is sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I'm fearful that he is regretting this but then he looks up at me and my knees almost buckle from the heat in his eyes. They seem to be glowing like new pennies in the soft red light from my lamp.

He holds his hand out to me and I walk toward him. Locking his hand around my wrist, he pulls me forward until I'm standing between his legs. Placing a kiss on the palm of my hand, he releases it to wrap his arms around my waist and lays his head against my breasts. My arms automatically come up and wrap around his head, holding him tightly to me.

I don't know how long we stay like that but I tune into our mutual breathing which is slow and heavy. Finally, Ryan pulls his head back and looks at me. His hair flops boyishly over his forehead and is hanging over his eyes. I brush it back so I can see him.

"Danny, I'm falling in love with you. I just...need you to know that."

I smile at him and I can feel my eyes misting. "I'm already there. Glad you caught up."

I say those words without hesitation because the realization hits me overwhelmingly that I am hopelessly and completely in love with Ryan. And I could give a shit that we have known each other for only a week. There are no doubts for me. I may choose to regret the speed with which this is happening later in my life, but I won't regret it now.




My chest literally swells and expands to the point where I think it might explode. Danny loves me?  Danny loves me! And that realization makes me happier than any moment I can even remember in my entire life. About the closest thing I can compare it to is when I got recruited to play at Northeastern and even that feeling fizzles compared to this.

Standing from the bed, I hoist Danny up to my waist and her legs grip me tightly. I turn and kneel on the bed, taking her with me. Covering her body completely, I begin to kiss her.  Long slow strokes, rimming the inside of her teeth, licking her lips, pulling on her tongue. She is moaning softly and her fingers are dug firmly into my shoulders. I want her to dig harder so I move down her throat, lightly sucking on her collarbone.

Danny turns her head to the side so her lips are near my ear and whispers, "More.” She flexes her fingers into me a bit harder.

I pull away from her and kneel between her legs. Reaching down to cup the back of her head, I pull her into a sitting position and whip the jersey and her t-shirt over her head in one swift move. She's wearing a black bra made of lace and it looks sinful.

While I'm gripping the back of her head and gazing at her breasts, Danny reaches up and starts to unbutton my shirt.




My hands are shaking with the need to touch Ryan's bare chest. I slowly work the buttons open and then peel the material back and off of his shoulders. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath. I lean forward and place a kiss in the center of his chest, my lips burning from the heat coming off his skin and through the cotton material.

Ryan scoots off the bed and stands. He shrugs his dress shirt off and pulls his t-shirt over his head. Then he stands straight and undoes his belt buckle. My pulse freezes for a split second then it jackhammers into overdrive. Ryan is stripping in front of me. I'm all at once shy and hungry. Do I stare? Do I avert my eyes?

I opt for stare.

Ryan holds my eyes as he removes his belt. He toes his shoes off and bends quickly to remove his socks. Before going further, he reaches over and pulls my shoes and socks off, taking time to lightly run a finger of each instep. Goosebumps spread over my body and I try hard not to giggle. He grins mischievously at me before straightening back up.

And then his look turns serious as he starts to unzip his pants. I swallow hard but my mouth just waters again. My eyes can't help it but they leave his gaze and travel downward. Like a dream, he reveals himself slowly to me and I think he is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. He's both hard and soft, soft and rough. The hard planes of his body synchronize perfectly with gentle curve of his biceps, his ass, his shoulder. I want to run my lips over every square inch.

I glance back up at him and I can see a muscle ticking in his jaw as he watches me shamelessly ogle him. I curve my mouth upward in a grin and he responds before he bends over the button of my jeans. I can't help but look down again at that hard part of him that will very soon be sunk deeply into me and I hunger for him.




My blood is pumping so hard through my body that I hope I don't have a coronary. When Danny's gaze travels from my eyes to my dick, I'm surprised I don't come right there by the way she's devouring me. My breathing increases and I feel like the earth tilts further on its axis.

I bend over Danny and work her jeans open. Her belly button piercing glimmers in the soft light and I lightly run my tongue over it. She arches into me and I feel her hands lightly in my hair.

Pulling her jeans down, I see the briefest hint of the lacey black panties she's wearing and I swear I get harder. When her jeans hit the floor, I crawl up her body and settle between her legs. Her hands are back in my hair and we kiss again, both trying to savor the moment. But it doesn't take long before our tongues move fervently and a groan rumbles out of me when Danny moves her hips against mine.

Her hands are turning insistent, tugging on my hair, digging into my scalp. She may draw blood and I find I want her to. I love my sweet Danny but right now I want the part of her that's dyed and pierced to come through. She grinds her hips up against me and moans. Aaahh...there she is.

I rear back and roughly command her take off her bra. She sits up and does so without question, her eyes shimmering with lust. I grab the edges of her panties and pull them down her legs and fling them aside. Kneeling between her legs, I do nothing but just look at her. I let my eyes roam and feast, memorizing the path I intend for my lips to take.

I look to her navel.

Yes, I think I'll start there.




Ryan bends over me and my breath hitches when he kisses my stomach. He runs his tongue over my piercing and his long hair falls to my stomach, tickling and burning me at the same time. I thread my fingers through his hair and sigh.

Then his tongue drags across my belly to my hip bone. He sucks hard and I gasp. His mouth becomes soft and he licks me like a bowl of cream.

Ryan moves everywhere below my stomach.  Kisses to the inner most part of my thigh while his fingers dig into the globes of my ass. He's getting closer to that most intimate part of my body and I let out a husky shout when he finally makes contact. And then I'm spinning out of control.

My body is coiled tight like a snake about to strike and the pleasure is so overwhelming I feel like I’m going to burst into tears of joy. I'm on the edge and I want to fall. Unable to tell where his lips end and his tongue starts, Ryan murmurs against me, "Let go, Danny," and I take the plunge over the cliff. I can't help myself but I scream out and I think it's Ryan's name that falls from my lips but I can't be sure. My body is quaking, little shocks of pleasure still coursing through me. All I know is that I've just experienced the most physically intense sensation of my life and I've verified that I am indeed a screamer.




Danny tastes sweeter than I ever could have ever imagined and I can't imagine anything hotter than when she comes. I place a few more soft kisses on her belly and then I raise up. Her eyes are soft, shimmering. I reach over and grab the condom, opening the wrapper and tossing it aside. As I start to put it on, Danny reaches out and softly says, "Let me."

She takes the condom and my hands fall to the side. She's awkward and fumbling but my heart is lost to her over the fact that she wants to do this. When she first touches me, a low guttural sound erupts from my chest and I jerk in her hands. She gently finishes her task but she continues to stroke me and my eyes practically roll in the back of my head.

Pulling her hands away, I put them over her head and hold them with one hand. I lay between her legs and press against her. As I lean down to her mouth, I whisper, "I love you" before plunging my tongue into her. She meets my desire and her legs fall further open. I slowly, gently rock into her while we continue to kiss.

Her breath is coming out in harsh pants and I move my head to her neck. I grit my teeth over the intense pleasure and with one more firm move of my hips, I'm fully seated. I pull up to look at her and her face is flushed with pleasure.

"Are you okay?"

She nods, her teeth holding on to her bottom lip, her eyes half closed.

And then we start to move.

Our hands are roaming as we both try to cover every inch of flesh that we can. My head moves to her breasts while her hands dig into my shoulders. I'm moving faster, harder within her and I feel a slow burn begin at the base of my spine. I'm not going to last much longer.

"Danny, I want you to come again," I pant with a particularly hard thrust.

She answers me with a small cry, and then her fingers dig into my shoulders as she comes apart. It's all over for me and I explode inside of her. I swear, my vision goes black for just a second, then Danny's beautiful face comes into clear focus.

My lust is completely spent but my heart is full.  Danny's fingers skim lightly over my lips and she says, "That was fucking awesome."  I bust out laughing and squeeze my girl to me, reveling in the feel of her skin against mine.





I bounce out of the shower the next morning, completely hyped up on post-coital bliss. Ryan's lovemaking was more than I had ever imagined and I am thinking about a million different dirty things that I want to do to him. Holy crap, I just made myself blush and I giggle to myself.

After I get dressed in a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt, I practically skip my way to the kitchen.

Paula is in there, leaning against the counter and drinking her coffee. She looks adorable with her face freshly scrubbed and wearing a pair of pink flannel pajamas with little yellow ducks over them.

I hop over next to her and plant a loud kiss on her cheek. "Good morning, my lovely roommate."

Paula groans. "You got laid last night, didn't you?"

I don't say anything for a minute as I pour myself a cup of coffee and lean against the counter opposite of her. After I take a small sip, I say, "More than once."

A slow grin comes to Paula's face. "Was it good?"

"Oh. Em. Gee. It was freakin' amazing. I never knew. If I had known, I would have been doing this all along."

Paula snorts at me. "No you wouldn't because first, you're not that type of girl, and second, it's only amazing like that because you both are so sickly in love with each other."


"Really. Trust me."

I take another sip and then I give her a sobering look. I want her to understand I'm not kidding around right now. "He's it for me, Paula. He's my one and only."

Taking her last swallow of joe, Paula places her cup in the sink. She turns to look at me with her arms crossed. "You know I'm enough of a skeptic that I would tell you that is a young and idealistic way of looking at this relationship. But...I actually believe that he may be your one and only.  I'm happy for you, kiddo. You deserve that type of love."

I put my cup down and grab Paula in a tight hug.

"I'm ready for it," I whisper. "I am so ready."

We squeeze each other for several seconds then release. Paula starts padding down the hallway. She calls back to me. "What do you have planned today? You and Ryan aren't going to be around here having wild monkey sex are you?"

"Nope. You're safe. Ryan said he'd be back in a few hours to take me on a picnic."

Paula makes a gagging sound but I see her smiling. "That's so fucking sweet my teeth hurt."

"That's two cigarettes you owe me," I remind her. "One from last night and one for just now."


Paula is gone to work by the time Ryan shows to pick me up. I have been buzzing with nervous energy and I must have looked at my watch every thirty seconds.

It's unseasonably warm today for the first week of October and I've decided to wear a long maxi-dress with a light cardigan over it. I put on a pair of white sandals and braid my hair into two long pigtails that follow the form of my neck and hang over my shoulders.

I open the door and Ryan runs his eyes down my body. I can see the appreciation over the low cut of the dress and the way you can just barely see the inside curve of my breasts. He looks back up and says, "Those pigtails are hot."

He steps in and pulls me to him hard and kisses the breath right out of me. His hips flex into mine and his desire is evident.

I have two choices. With a mere suggestion I'm sure I can get Ryan to take me into my room and make love to me, or I can do something I have been thinking about all day. I decide to go with the latter.

I break away from Ryan's kiss and start working the button to his jeans.

"What are you doing?" he asks in a sexy, growling way.

"Something I've been fantasizing about all day."

I hear his sharp intake of breath and I know he knows what I want to do. I finish undoing his pants and pull them down over his hips, dropping to my knees at the same time.

Ryan's hands lightly grip the side of my head but he is uncertain when he says, "Danny...are you sure?"

I don't answer but show him what I want to do. Ryan's breath hisses through his teeth and he bucks against my mouth, holding my head tight. "Fuck, Danny...please don't stop."

I have no intention of stopping, especially when I see how he completely and utterly unravels in front of me. I'm apparently pretty good at this because Ryan doesn't last long, shouting my name as he releases into me.

Hmmm...that might take some getting used to, but everything up until that point was mind blowing. I'm already calculating when I can do this to him again.

Ryan pulls me up by my shoulders and gives me a hard kiss. I know he can taste himself on my lips and I'm shocked beyond reason that he does this. But it also turns me on in a deep, dark way.

Finally pulling away from my kiss, Ryan says, "Let's go before my plans for a picnic get ruined by me taking you to your bedroom and screwing your brains out."

I snicker and hurry down the hall to brush my teeth before we leave.


The park Ryan has taken me to is busy.  The green fields are dotted with people just like us, taking advantage of a warm Boston day.  We are able to find a spot that is away from the hustle and bustle of the numerous flag football and Frisbee games going on.

Ryan and I are laying side by side on a blanket. The only place we are touching is our pinky fingers which are hooked around each other. The sun is warm and bright. I'm full from our lunch and I feel lazy and in love. It’s a wonderful combination and I highly recommend it.

Rolling over to my side, I put my head on my hand and look at Ryan. Running my fingertips along his jaw, his lips curve into a smile and he opens his eyes. He turns to his side, resting his head on his bicep and just stares at me.

"Tell me more about your family. You're unusually quiet about them," I say.

Ryan grabs my fingers that are skimming his face and kisses the tips. "What do you want to know?"

"Just...everything. Tell me what you want me to know."

He looks at me earnestly. "I want you to know everything about me."

I lean over and kiss his jaw. "So spill."

Ryan chuckles. "Well, I don't have the type of relationship with my parents that you had with yours. It's cold...almost sterile. There wasn't a lot of love or hugs in my household." He pauses a second. "I think that’s why I love touching you so much."

My heart squeezes painfully thinking of the boy that didn't have hugs. I vow to myself that I will hug him every day for the rest of my life.

"Do you have any siblings?"

Ryan nods. "My younger sister, Emily. She's a senior in high school here in Boston."

"What's she like?" I'm thinking we can have girlfriend/sister shopping and lunch dates.

"She's a lot like Angeline. Spoiled, bratty, entitled. We aren't very close.  My mother has had more of an influence on her than anyone."

Okay. I’ll mark the girlfriend/sister lunch dates off my list.

I scoot over close to Ryan and lay my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist. "I'm sorry you don't know what it's like to have a loving family. That must have been tough."

He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess. I'm close to my uncle...the one I told you played in the NHL. He’s one that comes to all my games. He's the one that calls me to see how school is going."

"I'd like to meet him sometime," I murmur.

Ryan squeezes me. "I can't wait for him to meet you. He's going to adore you."

"Do you think I'll meet your parents anytime soon. I mean, you've met mine...Paula and Sarge that is."

Ryan releases me and pushes me back a little so I can see his face. He rubs his thumb over my cheekbone and has a sad look on his face. " parents wouldn't like you. I am so ashamed to say that they will judge you because you look different than them and you don't come from money. They won't even bother trying to look at all of the amazing things that I see in you. And I'm so sorry for that because they'll never know what a fantastically amazing woman you are."

Ryan's words hurt me, not because of what they would think about me, but because they don't have the ability to care enough for their son the way parents should. I hate that his parents are so rigid in their ideals of what constitutes the right girlfriend for their son, that they would sacrifice his happiness.

"You deserve better than that, Ry."

“Ry?  I like that.” He kisses me softly then sits up on the blanket. He looks nervous and I sit up opposite of him, cocking my head slightly.

"I need a favor. I would like you to do something for me."

I smile indulgently at him. "Anything for you."

Ryan turns his back on me to reach into the gear bag he brought. He had our lunch packed in there along with a bottle of wine that we drank a few hours ago. I can't see what he's doing but when he pulls back from the bag and turns to me, my breath freezes in my lungs.

Held in his hands is a violin case. "Will you play for me?"

I look at him and his eyes are wary because he knows I would not want him buying anything for me. I clasp my hands in my lap and look down at them. The tears are filling up in my eyes and yet my fingers itch to take the instrument.

"Before you say no, Danny, please know that I need to give this to you. I need you to be complete and you can't be until you have music back in your life."

Oh, how those words affect me. Ryan is trying to make my life complete. What have I done to deserve that from him? I look up to him and a single tear falls down my cheek. He reaches out and wipes it away.

"Please let me do this for you," he begs.

I reach out and my hands are shaking as I take the case from him. I lay it gently on the blanket and pop the clasps to open it. Inside is a gleaming Bazzini violin. I rub my fingers lightly over the wood and look back at him.

"Thank you," I whisper. "It's beautiful."

"Play it for me," he demands softly.

Lifting the violin out of the case, I take measure of its size and weight. It feels strange in my hands and I feel an overwhelming sense of grief over the violin that I had sold a few months ago to help pay for my mom's medical expenses. I had had it since I was eleven years old and it was like losing an old friend.

I look into the case and there is a small pitch pipe. I pick it up and blow on the A note. I pluck the corresponding string on the violin and it rings true. I do each of the successive strings, only having to make a small tweak to each tuner.

Glancing at Ryan I see he is watching me intently. He gives me an encouraging smile.

I pick up the instrument and tuck it under my chin. I tighten the bow, draw it over the rosin and quickly run through the scales in each key. I'm rusty and awkward but I don't care. The simple notes coming out are beautiful in a way that only a music lover would appreciate.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and I start playing
Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 5 in A
. The music is ingrained in me and the notes come out smoother and cleaner with every second that passes. I immerse myself in the sound, in the vibrations running through my hand, in the way the strings are cutting into my fingers because I've lost my callouses from lack of play. My heart swells with the music and I can feel tears leaking out of my eyes, but I keep playing. I don't want to stop, ever again.

After what could be minutes or hours, awareness of the outside world sweeps back in as I play out the last, long notes of the piece. I inhale shakily and let it come out slowly. And then I hear loud applause and my eyes spring open. Several people have gathered nearby and were listening to me play. I give them a small smile and then turn to look at Ryan.

He has a light sheen in his eyes and it's clear he is deeply moved. I just stare at this incredible man who has given me back something that I honestly didn't think I would ever have again. And then I throw myself into his arms and kiss his face all over, whispering I Love You's with every touch of my lips. He takes the violin from my hands and sets it aside. Pushing me back down to the blanket, he rolls over on top of me, framing my face with his hands.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"My pleasure," he replies and kisses me again. When he pulls back, he grins wickedly at me. "You know, that was really hot. Think I can get you to play for me naked while you straddle me?"

I burst out laughing. "I think I can arrange something."

BOOK: Off Sides
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