Read Ocean of Fire Online

Authors: Emma Daniels

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Ocean of Fire (8 page)

BOOK: Ocean of Fire
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Nicole felt a flush of utter shame rock through her, as it dawned on her exactly why he’d kissed her. Her stomach churned in self-disgust. How could she have let such a thing happen, and out in the open where other people could see them?
“Now do you see how much your subconscious has given away? Look at you! Your eyes are misted with desire, your lips moist with longing, and your body...” He brushed his fingertips across the peaks of her nipples.
“Stop it!” she snapped, struggling to sit up. “All right, you’ve proved your point. I hope you’re happy with yourself, but don’t for a moment think it’s going to happen again.”
They were both sitting up now, facing each other like the adversaries they were.
“Oh, I think it will. It’s the hair, you see,” he said, reaching out to twirl a russet ringlet around his index finger. “You’ve just proved to me most beautifully how strong the red hot fire burns in you. There’s no need to repress it any longer, my fiery little redhead, because I have the passion to match yours.”
Nicole couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was completely mad, totally insane. No normal man would say such outrageous things. Then why did those seductively spoken words make her insides contract with a shuddering pulsing ache to taste his kiss again, to feel his strong hard body against hers once more? Because he’s an expert at seduction, she answered herself, and not the slightest bit interested in you. All he wants is to make you think you want him, and once he’s achieved his goal he’ll drop you like the proverbial hot potato.
“I told you before that I’m not interested in that kind of thing. I think you should look elsewhere for your cheap and nasty affairs,” she said as forcefully as she could.
For a moment she thought she saw a shadow of pain cross his face, but it was so fleeting, she wondered if she’d imagined it. It was quickly replaced by the coolly nonchalant expression she’d grown used to seeing on his handsome face.
“That was very presumptuous of you. What premise did you base that deduction on, I wonder, the fact that I took your friend out?”
“It’s you - your entire manner. I simply don’t like it.”
“You can’t cope with it, you mean. You’re not used to a man desiring you, particularly not one as forthright as I.”
“I distinctly remember you telling me you weren’t going to make a move on me.” Nicole knew that had been a pointless comment to make. It was obvious he’d changed his mind, but she wanted to know why. Now that they were no longer on the yacht, it couldn’t be to rile her father. So why then, when he could have any woman he wanted, beautiful women like Trisha, whom he’d he let go to Jim?
To get back at her for thumping him, of course. What other possible reason could there be?
“I did say that, didn’t I? But that was until I held you in my arms. Desire has no qualms about when it hits you, or who it draws you to... If the passion is there then the rest will follow. That’s why you and I are so well suited.”
“Well suited? We have absolutely nothing in common. Respect and understanding, tenderness, togetherness. Those are the things I’m looking for.”
He raised a dark brow. “And you think I couldn’t give you any of that?”
Of course, she was about to declare, but managed to contain herself, when another strangely troubled look crossed his face.
“Oh, how little you know me,” he sighed.
He was right on that point. Nicole didn’t know him, had convinced herself she didn’t want to know him. Yet she was conscious of all the times she’d thought about him and looked at him, wondering what made him tick. She had to admit he would be an interesting person to get to know. And as for that kiss! The mere thought of doing it again made her whole body ache with longing. No, she told herself sternly, I am not going to let that sexy mouth of his anywhere near me again. He’s only interested in one thing, and now that he can’t get it from Trisha, he’s going to try and get it from me.
When she didn’t say anything he went on. “Why don’t we spend some time together until you leave for your tour? It’s obvious you’re still overwhelmed by what had happened between us. Perhaps I’ve rushed things a bit, but I want it to be me who shows you the world of passionate desire.”
“Why? Because of your wealth of experience?”
He smiled, reaching for her hand, clasping it in both of his. “I won’t deny I’ve been around, but
can’t deny that you respond to me.” Bringing her hand to his lips, he continued. “You did the first time I did this.” He kissed her palm, and then moved his lips to the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. “Oh yes, I saw it in your pretty green eyes.”
And he was doing it again. Nicole couldn’t deny it any longer. His touch did arouse the most beautiful sensations she had ever known. The sexy way he looked at her from under his long dark lashes was enough to melt what remained of her defenses. He was far too handsome, much too persuasive. His ultimate goal was to make love to her and for the first time Nicole found the prospect rather exciting. Despite his abrasive manner, his arrogance and overconfidence, she knew he would be gentle with her. There had been nothing forceful about his kiss, and his hands had only touched her with tenderness.
But he would never love her. No matter how much she enjoyed his kisses and caresses, she couldn’t allow him to overwhelm her. He wasn’t the type of man she’d ever envisaged herself getting involved with, and she couldn’t allow herself to do so now.
Yet, she felt flattered that he desired her, perhaps more than she should. No man had ever wanted her before, and she was still stunned that one so good-looking and world-wise should show an interest in her.
“I think it’s time we headed back,” Philip said, glancing over his shoulder. He started getting to his feet, pulling Nicole up with him, but as he stepped back, he winced. Releasing her from his grip, he brought his hand to his ribcage.
“What is it?” she asked, watching in concern at the way he clasped his side.
“I’d forgotten about the injury a perturbed young woman inflicted on me yesterday,” he grimaced. Nicole realized that he wasn’t acting. She
hurt him.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured uncomfortably.
“Do you really mean that?” The grave way he was looking at her made her realize that he didn’t entirely believe her.
“I didn’t mean to hit you so hard, but -“
“I deserved it. That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?”
“It was the way you said it.”
“Shall we call a truce? I promise not to make any more comments which might offend your sensibilities, and you promise not to thump me again. Deal?”
He smiled whimsically, and Nicole realized there was another, more considerate side to him. She couldn’t lose sight of his dark, piratical side, but decided it couldn’t do any harm to be civil to one another for the next few days.
Once she left for her tour there would be no need to see one another again. No matter what he said about developing a sexual relationship, Nicole had to ensure it never eventuated. A relationship based only on physical fulfillment would never do. For her it had to be all or nothing.
“Deal,” she said.
They headed back to the waiting bus, arriving at the same time as Trisha and Jim. Nicole wondered what was going through her friend’s mind as she watched Philip slip into the seat beside her. Robert also cast them a curious glance, for it was his spot Philip had commandeered. But with a small shrug, the teenager headed for the seat beside the attractive young girl Philip had kept entertained on the outbound journey.
Nicole knew she’d over-done it by going out for the day. She rested her weary head against the cushioned seat, and soon found herself dozing off. She became aware some time during their journey of Philip slipping his arm around her shoulders, and of snuggling against him, resting her head against his chest. It made her aware that all too soon life would return to normal. He would go his way and she hers. She would be left with nothing more than sweet memories of his strong arms holding her close, and the way his devastating kiss had torn her senses asunder.


If he could go on holding her forever he would. She felt so right in his arms, her head on his shoulder and her small hand against his chest. Kissing her had been sweeter than he’d ever imagined a kiss could be, and the way she’d stroked his hair and pulled him close had sent his senses scattering to the four winds. Even her words about togetherness and commitment hadn’t deterred him. Those things were obviously important to someone who’d spent the past four years studying people and their psychology.
It should have sent him running, but Philip didn’t want to run from Nicole. He wanted to get as close to her as a man could get to a woman, and stay there.











Nicole spent half of the following day sleeping off the rest of the after-effects of her illness. She didn’t wake until Trisha returned to rouse her for lunch. Knowing that she hadn’t eaten for over twelve hours, she forced her uncooperative limbs into motion.
“Besides a certain dark-haired sailor has been inquiring about your welfare,” Trisha said with a grin, as Nicole headed for the bathroom to wash the sleep from her eyes.
“Oh?” she murmured, feigning indifference.
“I think he cares about you.”
Nicole had been too weary the previous evening to ask Trisha why she’d changed her mind about him. Now seemed as good a time as any, she thought, as she reemerged from the bathroom.
“Before we left you’d captured his interest, and you seemed just as keen. Now you’re besotted by a certain blonde-haired sailor. What gives, Trish?”
“I was wondering when you were going to ask that. I realized the night we all went out that Philip’s mind was on anything but me, and when everyone started joking about what had happened on the yacht, it became obvious he had his sights set on you. Everybody could see it. Jim must have decided then the coast was clear, and that he stood a chance with me. To tell you the truth I prefer him anyway.”
Nicole pulled on another one of her voluminous T Shirt and a comfortable pair of leggings. “Well, he does seem to be more easy-going and more down-to-earth. I take it you’re hoping for something long term?”
Trisha smiled, crossing her fingers for Nicole to see. “So, what are you going to do about Philip?”
Nicole shrugged, slipping her feet into her joggers.
“Oh, come on, Nic. He’s rapt. Give him a chance. Let go of the past. Live a little. Enjoy what he’s got to offer.”
“Which isn’t a great deal,” Nicole muttered peevishly. “He’s got a one track mind, and you know what I think of that kind of relationship.”
“You don’t know that for sure. Perhaps in time he might decide he wants more. He is thirty after all. Most men at that age start thinking about settling down.”
“Not him. He’s made it quite clear what he wants.”
“Well, didn’t you yourself say you didn’t want to get married because - let me see if I can recall your words - it is an outdated institution designed to keep women subjugated.”
“I said I didn’t want a marriage like my parents.”
Trisha sighed. “Sometimes I wonder if you know what you want, Nicole. Your mother is right, you know. You are pushing men away the minute they show an interest in you because of what happened when you were at school. You’re not that overweight introverted person anymore. You’re an attractive woman now, with needs and desires that Philip is only too happy to fulfill.”
It was Nicole’s turn to sigh. Trisha had hit the proverbial nail on the head. She’d never quite quelled the jealousy she felt for women like Trisha, and now that she was receiving the attention, it had to come from someone she could never envisage herself forming a meaningful relationship with.
Sure, he’d aroused the most beautiful sensations within her, but did she really want what Philip was offering? Should she step into the blissful void of sexual fulfillment he promised? Would it in fact turn out as exciting as he seemed to think it was? There was only one way to find out, of course; get to know him better, and she had to admit she was tempted - very tempted.
“Let’s get some lunch and then head down to the Dock. I heard that they’ve got a market day on at Salamanca Place,” she said finally.
“That’s right, avoid the issue, but you won’t be avoiding him tonight,” Trisha insisted.
“Yes I know.” Her father had booked a table at an exclusive restaurant near the hotel to see the new year in. Everyone who had anything to do with
Gail Warning
had been invited.
Yachts were still arriving at Constitution Dock, and the concourse was busting with activity. There was no one aboad her father’s yacht when Nicole and Trisha headed past it. No doubt they were all resting in anticipation of the long night of revelry ahead.
BOOK: Ocean of Fire
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