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BOOK: Obsession Down Under
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Chapter 10

It was just on dusk and the crimson sky was fading to navy as Whip turned off the highway and slowed to a stop.

They’d arrived. The entrance to the property was impressive. A rendered cream wall fifteen feet long stood on one side of the gravel road. At its peak the highest pillar reached six feet and curved down in a sweeping line to its lowest point of three feet. A mirror reverse wall stood on the other side. Thick charcoal lettering depicted
on one wall and
on the other. A black-barred metal gate hung between the two columns and proclaimed the entrance to Whip’s home.

“I’ll get the gate,” she offered, sliding out before he could move.

Whip drove on through, and she pulled the big gate closed and secured the latch.

“One down, two to go,” he informed her as she climbed back into the Ute.

After she’d closed the third gate and gotten back into the car, Whip continued along the uneven road. The property was much larger than she’d imagined, and the big house when it came into view was a pleasant surprise.
were two words that popped into her mind.

Someone had turned on the outside lights, throwing the huge two-story sandstone house into display. A grand dwelling from a bygone era. She couldn’t have imagined a more beautiful home. It could easily have been built in the late eighteen hundreds, but you wouldn’t know that from the impeccable condition. She could hardly wait until morning to get a proper look.

The vehicle came to a standstill in front of the house, and Whip cut the engine.

“Be it ever so humble.”

“There’s nothing humble about your home. It looks amazing.” This was so different from the three bedroom bungalow she’d envisaged.

“Here comes the welcoming committee,” Whip announced, indicating the three men and a woman who spilled out onto the wide wraparound veranda. “Didn’t think it’d take them long once they heard The Beast. You ready for the onslaught, babe?”

Before she had time to nod or say yes, her door was yanked open, and a younger version of Whip stuck his head in and took her by the arm.

“Welcome to Highland Glen Jess. I’m Mark, Whip’s youngest brother, the good-looking one,” he said by way of introduction and helped her out of the car.

“If you believe that, Jess, you’ll believe anything.” Another young man appeared, shouldering Mark aside. “Hi, I’m Drew, and as you can plainly see, I’m the good-looking one. He’s the comedian.”

“Would you two clowns back off and give the girl some space?” Whip materialized at her side.

Jessica extended her hand to the young men. “No ugly sticks here either, Whip. They’re both handsome.” She laughed, joining in the fun.

“That’s a matter of opinion.” Whip groaned and, grasping her arm, led her up onto the veranda. “Do us a favor you two and bring in the luggage,” he threw over his shoulder.

The woman on the veranda, a petite redhead, was dwarfed by the man standing beside her. Jessica knew at once he was Travis.

“Welcome, Jess, it’s going to be so much fun having you here.” The redhead stepped forward and gave her a hug. “I’m Annie, and this big dope here is my husband, Travis, who only opens his mouth to change feet.”

“What can I say, Jess? I’m a mere male. Do you forgive me?” His sheepish expression had her heart fluttering. He was the dead ringer of Whip.

“With a face like that, how could I not?” She stood on tiptoes and planted one on his cheek. “All is forgiven.”

“This is all very cozy, but isn’t anyone going to say g’day to me?” Whip asked.

“Oh you big baby, of course we missed you, and it’s good to have you home so soon.” Annie hugged Whip, then gave him a playful punch in the upper arm.

“Next time when I tell you to call me, call me.” Travis chimed in, throwing his twin a stern look.

“I hope everyone’s hungry,” Annie said.

“I don’t know about anybody else, but I could eat the crutch out of a low-flying duck,” Drew answered as he dumped the bags by the stairs.

“Me, too, I’m starving,” Mark agreed.

“Well, you’re both out of luck because duck crutch isn’t on the menu. I’ve cooked a lamb roast, so both of you get yourselves into the kitchen and help me dish up.”

“I’ll help,” Jessica piped up. At least by pitching in she could show her gratitude. She wasn’t the type who needed to be waited on hand and foot. Her upbringing had seen to that. Although an only child, she hadn’t been spoiled or pampered. Her parents had been very strict and set daily chores she didn’t dare shirk.

“Thanks, Jess, but there will be time enough tomorrow for you to find your way around the kitchen. Just take a seat, and Travis will pour you a drink.”

“Okay, but I’m not a bad cook, so tomorrow night it’s my turn, agreed?”

“Um, okay, if you insist.”

Dinner with the family was a noisy, rambunctious affair with ample food, free-flowing beer and bubbly, a little needling, and a lot of laughter. Jessica, despite being the center of attention, wasn’t overwhelmed. She was made to feel like one of the family, answering questions and giving as good as she got. But by the time coffee and dessert were finished, it was late.

She placed her coffee cup back on the saucer. “That lemon meringue pie was delicious, Annie,” she praised, dabbing her mouth with the napkin to hide her yawn.

Travis caught her and winked, then turning to his wife said, “As usual honey you’ve excelled yourself, but we’ve got an early start in the morning, so we’d best call it a night.”

Annie followed his lead and stood. “I’ll see you all tomorrow, and Jess, if there is anything you need just let me know.”

“Thanks, I will.”

She and Whip walked them out to the front porch.

“Annie and Travis have a bungalow not far from the main house,” Whip explained as they saw them off.

When they were out of sight, he ushered her back into the house and said, “Come on, babe, I’ll show you our room.”

“I’ll just lend a hand to tidy up first.”

“No, the boys are on it.”

“That’s right, Jess, Drew and I have it sorted. You two skedaddle,” Mark hollered from the dining room.

Whip didn’t wait for a second invitation. He picked up their suitcases and climbed the stairs, and she trailed behind, admiring each rise and fall of his ass cheeks as he went.

The master suite was large and airy and smelled of furniture polish and citrus. A big four-poster bed dominated the room. The adjoining bathroom was not original. “This is the old nursery,” he explained, opening the door. “Mum had it converted before Brenda was born. Annie’s always telling me to have it remodeled, I guess I’ll get around to it one day.”

“I wouldn’t be in a rush to do anything. It’s lovely just as it is.” Another yawn had her covering her mouth and apologizing. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m so tired.” She crossed the room to where Whip had set her suitcase down. “Do you mind if I just go and freshen up?” She scrimmaged through her bag for her nightgown and toiletries as she spoke.

“No, that’s fine babe. You go right ahead, and I’ll keep the bed warm.” He waggled his eyebrows and gave her a lascivious grin.

After Jessica disappeared into the bathroom, Whip prowled the room. It was the first time in all his adult life that he’d brought a woman here. He’d always done his screwing on neutral territory to avoid his partners jumping to conclusions, like misconstruing a casual fling as a commitment. He contemplated what lay ahead as he drew the heavy curtains, but the thought of Jessie Rose here didn’t bother him one iota. In fact, it felt right. Surprised by the revelation, he stripped off his clothes and tossed them onto the winged backed chair that stood in the corner, his dick already half hard in anticipation.

When she emerged, Jessie Rose was wearing a red silk nightgown that practically covered her from neck to ankle and molded her voluptuous body like a second skin. Her combed-out hair reached past her shoulder blades and bobbed around her face in chocolate waves.

“What do you know? I seem to have found my second wind.”

The wink and little half-smile she gave him pressed his buttons like he could never have imagined
“You look so sexy in that I almost don’t want to take it off,” he said, pushing back a  curl that was resting against her cheek.

Like a kitten wanting to be petted, she rubbed up against him and inched her arms around his neck, and as he lowered his head she captured his lips with hers.

The kiss deepened, and he pulled her closer. His hand cupped her ass and she melted into him. The little mewing noise she made in the back of her throat kicked his libido into overdrive, and he crushed her against him. She was soft and supple, and his fingers skated up and down her back. When she writhed against him, he swept her up and carried her to the bed.

“I know you’re big and strong, but I don’t want you doing your back in. I’m no lightweight.” She laughed, but he knew she was being serious, and he got the distinct impression that for some lame reason she was feeling inferior. Record straight time.

“Jessie Rose, you let me worry about my back. And just for the record, I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”

“Really?” She blinked and squirmed in his arms.

“Really. Now let me get you out of this gown so I can truly admire you.” He stood her upright as he spoke, and grabbing the hem of the slinky garment, pulled it over her head and discarded it by the bed.

“Mmm, much better,” he crooned and leaning down mouthed her breast. She arched against him, her nipple pebbling against his tongue. He gave it a gentle tug with his teeth.

When she sighed, he let go, gave the other one a brief kiss, and then scooped her up again. She felt fantastic naked in his arms, her skin silky and smooth, and she smelled amazing, like a spring garden. She must have doused herself in some fragrant body lotion before slipping into her night attire.

Their lips met again, and he ravished her mouth before placing her on the snowy sheets and straightening. He stared down at her with pride.

Stretched out on her side and propped on her elbow, she had more curves than a racing car circuit, and she was watching him strip with what he hoped were hungry eyes.

When he crawled into bed, her right leg curled around his thigh and her pussy pressed against his hip.

He rolled until she was poised against his erection. “Jessie Rose, are you sure you’re up for it?” he whispered in her ear, his voice gruffer than usual.

“You’d better believe it. I can take whatever you’ve got.”

The words enflamed him. She wiggled for position beneath him. She was wet and warm, and he sank into her with an easy move and began a rock that she responded to with a counter motion of her own.

The rhythmic pace was steady, but when she moaned and bucked he backed off. He wanted this to last, wanted their first night together in
bed to be memorable.

“No fair,” she cried, hugging him tighter and giving a little whimper.

“Easy, babe, not yet, we’ve got all night.” But when she peered up at him with soulful eyes, he couldn’t resist her silent plea and plunged hard and deep again and again, giving her what she craved until she screamed her orgasm.

He wasn’t letting her off that easy, though. He’d promised to ravish her until they couldn’t walk, and he was a man of his word.

As he worked her into another orgasm, he thanked heaven and hell for his stamina. She was one wild sexy woman, and he was one lucky son of a bitch. She met him thrust for thrust, her clenching muscles gripping his shaft so tight that when she climaxed yet again, it was so cataclysmic she forced on his own orgasm.

Jessica lay slumped against Whip, boneless. Incapable of movement, she couldn’t have stirred to save herself. Every time with him was better than the last. Never had she had such amazing sensations with any other partner like she did with Whip. It was like they were built for each other.

“You are incredible, babe.” He nuzzled the length of her neck. “And you smell so damn good.”

She tilted her head to give him better access. He was so affectionate, and his praise bathed her in a warm glow. Not even daring to contemplate the L word, she pushed whatever the emotion was to the back of her mind and snuggled against him, her hand resting on his sternum, her fingers toying with his chest hair.

Chapter 11

When Jessica awoke the following morning, the unfamiliar room had her perplexed for only the briefest second.

She rubbed at her eyes and sat up. The bedside clock revealed it was early, too early for her to be awake, but it was apparent not too early for Whip. His side of the bed was empty.

With a delicate yawn, she rolled onto her side, and stretching like a contented cat, cast a discerning gaze around the room.

Tiny dust particles floated and danced in the filaments of light shining through the break in the brocade curtains, creating intricate patterns as they splashed onto the rug. An antique dresser stood opposite the bed and a navy-colored chair sat in the corner by the window. Her discarded nightgown lay like a ruby pool on the polished floorboards by the side of the bed.

The door swung open and Whip entered, carrying a loaded tray.

“Good morning. I hoped you’d be awake. I’ve made breakfast.”

“Good morning to you, too.” She leaned over and scooped up the pool of red satin.

“I see I’m just in time for the floor show.” Whip beamed and set the tray on the bedside table.

“Mmn, my mouth’s watering.”

“So’s mine. No, don’t cover up,” Whip said, restraining her hand as she started to slip the nightgown over her head.

“I can’t eat naked,” she complained, eyeing the tray.

“Sure you can, and my eyes can feast on your breasts while you eat. It’s a win-win situation.”

His boyish grin was enticing as was the aroma of bacon, eggs, and fresh coffee wafting over her. After such a big dinner the night before, she shouldn’t be hungry, and she should be considering her waistline, but it smelled too good to pass up or to waste time arguing about her state of dress . . . or undress, as it were.

“You’re incorrigible,” she said, shifting over to make room for him on the bed.

“And you are a vision. Now eat up and enjoy.”

Whip lowered himself to the mattress and brushed his knuckles over her breasts.

“What are we going to do today?” she asked, forking some egg, bacon, and toast into her mouth and trying to ignore the tingling in her nipples.

“First up, I thought we’d take a look around the north pastures. There’s some fencing I want to check on. We can cut back via Travis and Annie’s place, and then I thought you might like to take a look at the calves.”

“Sounds good. Will we drive or go on horseback?”

“Neither, we’ll take one of the motorbikes,” he said, circling her areole with his fingertip, which in turn sent tingles down to her toes.

“Okay, I’m game for anything, but I have to warn you, I’ve never been on a bike before,” she told him and forked another mouthful of the yummy breakfast.

“Nothing to it. Just sit behind me and hold on tight.” He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and it jutted and stiffened and felt exquisite.

“That I can do.” He was distracting her, but she fought the sensation as she devoured more of the delicious food he’d prepared.

“After lunch I’ll saddle up Millie, and you can demonstrate your riding skills then.” His hand moved to her other breast, and he gave that nipple a sharp flick.

Her legs quivered as the tingles ricocheted through to her core. Her shoulders pulled back, thrusting her chest forward, and with deliberate slowness she placed her cutlery side-by-side on the plate. “I’m done eating, so how about I demonstrate some of my riding skills here and now?” She summoned what she hoped was a coquettish grin and served it with a suggestive wink.

“I’m always up for a demonstration, babe.” He picked up the tray and set it on the floor.

Her eyes didn’t leave him as he began to undress, his movements measured and deliberate. First, he unbuttoned and discarded his shirt. His arms were thick and strong, the muscles bulging, his chest hard and broad with a light smattering of hair. The top two buttons on his jeans opened with a flick of his thumb, the sides parting in soft denim folds and exposing the crest of dark hair beneath. Her eyes were drawn downward. When he thrust his pelvis forward and rotated his hips, she caught her breath, recognizing what he was up to—acting out another one of their cybersex plays. Teasing, tormenting, keying her up, and dragging out the anticipation, frustrating her beyond endurance. Well, to hell with that. “Get your butt into this bed before I change my mind.”

He shucked his jeans and briefs in a scramble. “Yes, ma’am.” He saluted and crawled in beside her.

She pushed him to the mattress and straddled his hips.

“That’s what I like, a man who does as he’s told.”

“You’d better believe it, baby.”

His eyes crinkled and his lips parted, showing even white teeth as she rose up over his manhood. Firm hands gripped her waist as she lowered herself onto his rigid cock, squirming and wriggling until he was embedded deep inside her.

The thrusts he began were slow and rhythmic, her response an exact imitation.

“Mmm, that feels good.”

“Ditto, Cowboy.” She allowed her hands free rein to explore his biceps, his torso. Slender fingers rolled a nipple, bringing a smile to his face and a groan from his lips. She leaned forward and kissed his mouth. He kissed her back with a passion that was both intense and exciting. The pace increased, the initiative hers, the rhythm frenzied, making her breasts bounce and her pussy weep as he responded to her need with deep, hard thrusts until they were both spent.

An hour later, Whip said, “I’ll take this tray to the kitchen and meet you downstairs when you’re ready, babe.”

Her head bobbed, but she found she was too emotional to speak. Whip left, and she went to the bathroom for a long hot shower, after which she put on a pair of jeans, a cotton shirt, and a pair of sturdy boots.

Dressed and calmer, she braided her hair, letting it hang in a thick damp rope down the middle of her back. A quick tidy of the room and she was set to go.

Once downstairs, she found Whip sitting on the porch waiting, one booted foot resting on his knee.

“Anything you want before we leave?” he asked, getting to his feet.

“No, I’m good.”

“You won’t get an argument from me on that score.”

She tilted her head back and looked him in the eye. His held a devilish gleam and came with a cocked brow.

“Shh, Mark or Drew might hear.” Her green-eyed glance flicked along the length of the veranda reassuring her they were alone.

“Nah, they’re not here. Besides, their hearing’s not that good, although maybe last night they heard a thing or two . . .” His voice trailed away on a suggestive note.

“Oh no, was I too loud?” Her face heated. His shifted into a smug grin.

“Babe, there ain’t no such thing as too loud for a guy when the woman he’s pleasuring shows her appreciation with that much enthusiasm. Had they heard, Drew and Mark would have been green with envy.”

Her cheeks now burning, she groaned and smoothed down her shirt with nervous fingers.

“Babe, relax, I’m joking. Those walls are so thick you’d have trouble hearing anything through them. Besides, you weren’t that loud, but I did have you worried for a minute, didn’t I?”

The twinkle in his eye was wicked.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—you’re incorrigible.” She laughed, and he joined in. In that moment he appeared almost boyish, and she captured a glimpse of what he must have been like as a child, full of fun and mischief, and she felt somehow deprived for not knowing him then.

“Time we made a move.” He took her hand and together they sauntered out to the big building where the vehicles and machinery were housed.

Half a dozen or so dirt bikes with the property logo emblazoned on the fuel tanks stood in the far corner. Whip selected two helmets from a nearby shelf and handed her the smaller one. “This is Brenda’s. Should be just about your size.”

“Brenda won’t mind, will she?”

“Nah, course not,” he said with confidence as he pulled his helmet on.

“If you’re sure then.” Despite her misgivings, she put the purple helmet on and pulled down the visor.

Whip threw his leg astride a medium-sized blue bike and revved the engine. “Hop on,” he called over the noise.

Eager to begin her adventure, she jumped on and circled his waist with her arms. It felt good to be tight up behind him as he maneuvered the bike out of the barn, past the homestead, and toward the open spaces.

“Hold firm.”

She didn’t have to be told twice and tightened her grip as they bounced and slid over the undulating landscape.

It was stacking up to be a magnificent day. Breakfast in bed and then amazing sex with a gorgeous man, both unheard of at home. At any moment she expected someone to pinch her so she’d wake.

Jessica beamed. The sun was a shining disc that even with the morning breeze had a bite to it, and the sky was a cloudless cerulean. The size of the property had her flabbergasted. Whip hadn’t mentioned the magnitude of it, and she’d just assumed it was a small working farm. She couldn’t have been more wrong. It was huge.

There was so much to see, and she drank in every sight, every sound. When they at last arrived at the northern pasture, Travis, Cyril, and a couple of roustabouts, were already there, hard at work.

Whip pulled up, and she jumped off before he’d switched off the engine and kicked down the stand. He had a few words with Travis, who caught him up on progress before introducing her around.

The next couple of hours were spent mending and replacing the fencing. She pitched in, making herself useful wherever she could. Mid-morning saw the project finished.

“Come on over for a cup of tea and a bite to eat.” Travis was quick with the invite and his mouth curved into a smile. “Our cottage’s not far from here,” he explained.

She was eager to accept but looked to Whip for his input.

“To misquote the Bard, ‘Lead on, Macduff.’ You know I can’t resist Annie’s baking.”

Both men straddled their bikes, and she climbed on behind Whip. It wasn’t far as the crow flies, but it was a bumpy, bouncy, teeth-rattling, ride over some arid rough country. The grass was the color of ripe wheat, and trees were few and far between on this patch of the property. At one point Whip pointed to his left.

Jessica turned her head and spotted a couple of red kangaroos grazing in the distance. It was exciting seeing the marsupials, but by the time they arrived at the cottage, she was glad to get off the bike.

Travis and Annie’s home could be called many things, but a cottage wasn’t one. Although not as big or grand as the homestead, it was a sizeable structure all the same.

Annie met them at the door and smiled a greeting at her and Whip, but her face transformed when she saw Travis, who followed them inside.

“I hope you don’t mind Whip and I dropping in unannounced?”

“Good gracious, no! Take a seat the kettle’s just boiled. These guys will have regular tea, but we have any number of flavors, as well as coffee, hot chocolate, or perhaps you’d prefer a cold drink?”

“No, tea’s fine.” Whip pulled out a chair, and she took a seat at the large kitchen table. He took the seat beside her and Travis sat opposite them.

“How do you take it? Annie asked, measuring tealeaves into a pot.

“White please, no sugar.”

“Coming right up.”

The tea and pastries Annie set before them went down a treat as they sat around the dining table in the big country kitchen.

“This apple turnover is amazing.” Jessica licked cream from her fingers. “I don’t know when I’ve tasted anything so good.”

“Yeah, Annie’s known far and wide for her baking. If Travis hadn’t snapped her up when he did, I would have married her.”

“Now you tell me. If I’d have known that, I would have held out.”

“Turn it up, you two. I was the catch of the county, and everyone knows Whip was too busy drooling over Donna Macklin to notice anyone else.”

“Speaking of Donna, I heard she’s back in town.” Annie narrowed her gaze and turned her attention to Whip as she spoke.

“Is that so?” He shoved the last piece of apricot pie into his mouth, thus avoiding further comment.

“Really, I hadn’t heard.” Travis scratched the line of his jaw. “We’ll have to get together for a catch-up.”

Jessica watched Whip for his reaction to Travis’ suggestion, but his face was a blank mask and gave nothing away. She only hoped her face was just as schooled.

When it was time to go, Annie issued her own invitation.

“I’m off to town tomorrow for a little R and R and retail therapy. You’re welcome to join me Jessica, if Whip can let you out of his sight, that is.” Hazel eyes sparkled and her lips parted, showing small even white teeth.

“Ah, thank you, but I’m not sure what Whip has planned for us.”

“You go honey and have a good time. I really should put in some hard yards with the irrigation system. Cyril said there were a few problems, and you’d only be bored.”

“Okay, then that’s settled, I’d love to tag along.”

“Great. I’ll swing by for you about half nine.”

The morning was on the downhill run by the time Whip and Jessica arrived back at the barn to swap their wheeled transport for the four-legged kind. Whip saddled Rocket, his big roan stallion who was tossing its head and stomping the ground, eager to get out for a run. After saddling Millie too, the little bay mare whinnied as he gave Jessie Rose a leg up.

BOOK: Obsession Down Under
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