Obedient (The Plunge Crew Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Obedient (The Plunge Crew Book 2)
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hat the fuck
did you do, Carly?” I spit into the phone.

Carly is technically my business partner. We fuck on camera for a shitload of money, but it’s just a business relationship. Our videos are pre-scripted in terms of what sexual acts we’ll perform on tape and we split the profit 50/50. She was here earlier to check to see where I’ve been. We were scheduled to film two days ago, but I have been busy with Charlotte, and call me crazy, but fucking two girls at once just isn’t my style.

When I didn’t show for our scheduled filming, Carly started blowing up my phone. The calls I’ve been dodging from her were adding up, and she was getting nervous about the next paycheck. She showed up here and stormed her way in. I told her that our business was on hold until further notice, which didn’t go over very well. She demanded to know why and when I didn’t answer she went crazy. I left the room and when I came back she was gone, but my phone was lying on the table with Charlotte and I’s texts open.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she purrs seductively.

“You have no business going through my phone. Keep this shit up and you’ll never see another paycheck where I’m concerned.”

“Don’t make promises you aren’t going to keep. We both know that this is more to you than just money. You love my pussy, and it loves you.” I cringe at her crudeness. I may coach Charlotte to talk dirty, but it’s entirely different when it’s coming from Carly.

“You’re delusional, and I’m hanging up now. Leave her the fuck alone. I won’t tell you again.” I slam the phone down in frustration.

I have no idea how I’m going to explain this one to Charlotte. The whole situation with Carly is a little…sensitive. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and after one too many bailouts, compliments of my brother Brian, I decided I needed to make my own money. My buddy Adam hooked me up with this website Plunge.xxx and Carly. I liked the set up because I only had to have sex with Carly and vice versa.

Carly’s just pissed I’m losing her money. I get it, but she better not fuck things up with Charlotte. I’m having fun right now and it’s none of Carly’s business. It’s not like Charlotte and I are dating. We’re just having sex. Mind-blowing sex, but sex none-the-less. I’m not sleeping with them both…currently, so it shouldn’t be a big thing, but I know Charlotte would never approve and would most likely end things.


I’m not going to lie. I’m kind of loving what Charlotte and I have going right now. I’m not ready to end it, so Carly will just have to be patient. When things are over with Charlotte and me, Carly will get her fucking video. But right now, I have to make things better with Charlotte.

Me: We need to talk.

Charlotte: No. I’m done.

Me: Stop being ridiculous. You don’t even know the story there.

Charlotte: I don’t need to know anything. We’re done.

Me: Okay.

I wait for it…

Charlotte: WHAT? That’s it? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

Chuckling, I decide to throw her a bone, since she does have a right to be angry.

Me: I’m sorry. I swear Carly is NOT my girlfriend, and I did NOT give her your number. She stole it out of my phone. I was ignoring her phone calls, so she came to my place to check on me.

She doesn’t respond right away, which makes me nervous as evidenced by the incessant tapping of my fingers.

Charlotte: Was she ever your girlfriend?

Me: No. Never has been, never will. It’s not like that.

Charlotte: She seems to think otherwise.

Me: I can’t help crazy. I can only tell you how I see it. She’s nuts.

A few more minutes go by with the tapping of my finger, the pulling of my hair, the biting of my lip. Little signs that my nerves are wrecked over this. It’s strange, and I don’t like it.

Charlotte: Okay. I believe you. Are we still on?

I sigh in relief and quickly type back.

Me: Definitely. See you in 3 hours.

* * *

the next three hours dodging Carly. She’s persistent as shit. I told a little white lie to Charlotte. At one point, I did want more with Carly. Until the day she came to my house gloating about how she was about to sign with an agency and would be making big bucks in the adult film world. With this current setup, it’s just her and me, nobody else. I can’t be with someone who thinks it’s okay to be with other guys. It doesn’t work like that with me, so she ruined things the day she made it clear she’d fuck anyone to get to the top of the porn industry.

I click on my texts to see her words staring back at me.

Carly: I need you. Please don’t do this. Don’t be Adam.

Me: Stop, Carly. You and I were just a thing until you made it into some big agency. I’m not into sharing.

Carly: It doesn’t have to be this way. I’ll stop. I swear I’ll stop.

Me: You wouldn’t be happy and neither would I. Good luck, Carly. I wish you the best.

With that, I throw my phone and start getting things ready for tonight. This whole thing with Carly has me wanting to get to know Charlotte. The two couldn’t be any more different from each other, and that’s exactly what I need in my life. Good ole fashioned no strings attached sex…

With a good girl gone bad.


my three hours preparing for our meeting. I want to blow him away literally and figuratively. If I have to vie for his attention and go up against another girl, I better bring my A game. For whatever reason, I really don’t want him thinking about anyone else. I know I shouldn’t feel this way. He’s my fun not my forever…


I take a quick glance in the mirror. My long brown hair has been curled to perfection and hangs loosely down my back. The green eyes staring back at me don’t look like my own. These are large and intense with the smoky eye shadow helping to make them pop. A black shift dress hugs every curve of my body and showcases my toned back with its dramatic dip to just above my ass. I feel beautiful.

I smile at the stranger in the mirror, grab my bag and then head towards my man…

For now.

* * *

to the hotel just before eight. I should make him wait, but I can’t. I need him to reaffirm that I don’t have competition. I rasp my knuckles on the door three times, and it swings open to the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. Bryce literally takes my breath away. His dark brown hair is tousled just enough, and he’s wearing a plain white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Jeans adorn his legs, and his feet are bare. My mouth is watering.

“Charlotte. Wow. You look incredible.”

I smile demurely. “Thanks, but do you think I could come in? I kind of feel like a prostitute out here.”

He grins while opening the door wider so that I can pass through. The room isn’t done up like it was the other day, but that’s okay. I don’t need the royal treatment every time.

This isn’t dating, It’s just sex.

“Would you like a drink?” Bryce’s voice brings me back to the here and now.


I watch as he pours a glass of some champagne. I couldn’t tell you the brand as I’m more of a wine type of girl, but champagne is a treat. He hands me the glass, watching as I bring it to my lips and sip lightly. The bubbly liquid slides delicately down my throat eliciting a moan from my lips.

“Delicious,” I murmur more to myself.

“You are,” Bryce says, causing me to laugh.

“Corny much?”

“Always.” He blushes just a tad. It makes me smile.

Watching him affected at all by me gives the confidence needed to stalk towards him. The inferno making its way through my body needs to be smothered, and he’s the only one who can do it.

“What are you doing, Charlotte?” It comes out breathy, only fueling me further.


I bring my finger to Bryce’s lips to quiet him. I go to lean in, but he grabs me, pulling me the rest of the way. Our lips collide, and I melt into him. We are all tongue and teeth until he begins to lift my dress over my head, discarding it somewhere behind me. I pull at this shirt failing miserably to release him from it. I can’t take it I need to feel him. I use both hands to rip away every button, and they scatter everywhere.

His hungry eyes take in my bare body. He licks his lips ready to claim me. “You aren’t wearing anything under your dress.”

Tonight is my show, so I place a hand on his chest and lightly push him back onto the bed. His eyes go wide, and his left eyebrow rises in question, but I shake my head to silence his inquisition. He slides up the bed with me hot on his trail. When his back is positioned against the headboard, I crawl onto the bed and hover my mouth close to his cock. The urge to take him in my mouth is all consuming, and my tongue juts out and swipes away the moisture collecting on the tip then swirls around the head eliciting a groan from Bryce. The sound makes me feel powerful and brazen, making me open my lips wide and take the head. Once his crown is in, I start to fuck him with my mouth.





His hips work in succession with my moves, pushing his cock to the back of my throat. “Keep that up and I’m going to come down your throat,” he grits out as his dick twitches in my mouth.

My lips part into a smile and I pull off him. Slowly, I move above him, eventually lowering myself onto his length. He groans in pleasure. Working my hips, I move up and down helping him to grow harder inside of me.

“Fuck, Charlotte…”

His words incite me. I begin to move faster and slam down harder as he bucks up into me. Our rhythm is torturous and absolutely divine. He brings out a vixen in me I didn’t know existed. He doesn’t need to teach me anything when I’m with him. He’s my own aphrodisiac.

I lean forward and whisper in his ear, “Do you like the way my pussy walls clench your cock? It’s just like my mouth all wet and hot. Would you like my mouth wrapped around your dick again?”

His head falls back, and he shudders beneath me. “Charlotte. God, you’re making me crazy.”

“Tell me what you want, Bryce.”

“I want your pussy. Only yours.”

Not quite what I asked, but the words do something to me. Some small piece of me breaks away and opens up for Bryce.

“I’m coming, Bryce.” My orgasm builds as he slams up into me, pulling me down by my hips to meet his cock.

“Fuuuuccckkkk,” he says ruggedly as he pours every ounce of himself into me.

My body goes lax, and I fall forward onto him. Our breath intermingles as we both try desperately to calm our racing hearts and process everything. After several minutes of silence, Bryce speaks.

“Charlotte. What the fuck was that?” His tone is bewildered, and my cheeks redden.

“You do something to me, Bryce. I’ve never had someone make me feel so liberated.”

He chuckles. “Well, you certainly shocked the hell out of me.” He grins, and I smack his chest. “Here, lie back,” he says as he lifts my body up and pulls out of me. He places my body on the bed next to him, then he makes his way to the bathroom. As I lie alone on the bed, I hear the water running. A few seconds later he reenters the room, this time carrying a towel. He moves between my legs and runs the wet towel in between them, taking careful consideration over my well-used pussy.

A smile spreads across my face. “I could get used to this kind of treatment.” And it’s true. There’s just something about Bryce that has my insides going all warm and fuzzy when I see him looking at me like that.

“Good, I could get used to giving it.”

After he cleans me, he goes back to the bathroom and appears a few minutes later dressed in a fluffy white robe and another in his hand. He looks so cute I might melt. God, is that what he would look like every morning if I slept next to him? My eyes flutter shut as I imagine what it would be like to actually be with him like that. Would I want that? A feeling spreads through my chest.

Yes, I would.

“How about we order some food?” Bryce’s voice filters in through my daydream.


He lets out a chuckle at my response and leans into me, brushing his lips against mine as he places the robe on my thighs. “Want to grab a bite?”


“Yeah, why not?”

He looks so cute as he waits for my response. His upper lip is being gnawed on like he’s nervous for my answer which can’t be the case. No one as beautiful as Bryce Decker could care that much about spending time with me.

“I’d really like to hang with you for a bit longer, Charlotte. Would you like that?”

“Yeah, I would.”

“Okay how about we order room service?” he says as he reaches for the menu on the side table and hands it to me.

“Sound like a plan.” I open the menu and know exactly what I want. “I’ll have a cheeseburger with fries.” I flash him a huge smile and hand him back the menu. The bed dips as he takes a seat at the foot of the mattress and looks over the choices.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I want too.”

As Brian orders the food, I place the robe on and head to the bathroom to freshen up. When I step out a few minutes later. Bryce is sitting at the little table in the corner of the room.

“They said it would take about twenty minutes.”

“What should we do for twenty minutes?” I ask as I raise my eyebrows seductively at him.

“None of that, Charlotte. I need to feed you.” My stomach growls in response and Bryce smirks at me. “See, you’re hungry.”

Rolling my eyes, I plop down in the chair next to him. “So if we aren’t going to do that, what do you want to do?”

“How about you tell me a little something about yourself?”

“Um, what do you want to know?”

“This isn't a test, Charlotte. I just want to know something about the girl I’m with.”

“The girl you’re with? I thought this was just sex?” Please say it’s not. Please say you want more.

“Honestly, Charlotte, I won’t lie. It started out that way.” My stomach plummets and I think I might be sick as I wait for the rejection that’s surely going to follow.

“But when I’m with you, it doesn’t feel like that. When I’m with you, it’s like a breath of fresh fucking air in my crappy life, and I’m pretty sure a girl like you won’t want to spend time with me for long. So until that moment comes, I plan to bask here as long as you’ll let me.”

My heart aches at his words. For someone who appears so confident, I realize now that’s just a façade. He’s just as insecure about himself as I am. I realize there is so much more about Bryce Decker then I ever thought, and even if in the end he breaks my heart, I want to find out everything and I want him to know everything about me as well.

“Okay, hmm. So I’m a teacher, but you know this already.” I declare, ready to open myself up to him totally.

“Did you always want to be a teacher?” His gaze is locked intently on mine.

“Yeah, I did. When I was younger, I was pretty much scared of everything. I couldn’t even read out loud in class when I was in third grade because I was so scared I would mispronounce a word or something and everyone would laugh at me. That year, though, I had an amazing teacher. Her name was Mrs. Martin, and she really helped me find my way. She would work with me every day and gave me the encouragement I needed to not be scared of making mistakes. I decided that year I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to help kids like me find their way.”

“Wow. That’s really amazing, Charlotte.”

Smiling brightly, I nod. “So what about you, Bryce? What’s your back story?”

BOOK: Obedient (The Plunge Crew Book 2)
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