Now (New Adult Erotic Romance) (The Tryst Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Now (New Adult Erotic Romance) (The Tryst Series Book 2)
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Chapter 5

Maybe it was housekeeping wanting to know if I needed any more towels or pillows. This place seemed pretty accommodating.

What was the likelihood that on the other side of the door was Jaxon? There was only one way to find out.

“Dee, hang on. Someone’s at the door.”

I walked over to the door and took a deep breath before flinging it open. An uncontrollable screech flew from my mouth when I saw Dee standing there. I dropped my phone to the floor and tossed my arms around her. She screeched back and we started jumping up and down while we hugged.

“You’re really here,” she said, squeezing me a little tighter.

I pulled away and gave her shoulder a playful shove. “Why didn’t you tell me you were on your way here?”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

I narrowed my eyes and she swatted at me. “I don’t care if you hate surprises. I love them. And don’t tell me that wasn’t the best surprise ever.”

A smile spread across my face, and she pulled me in for another hug. Then I remembered the surprise in the room next door.”

“I’m still mad at you.”

“Well get over it. I’ve missed you and we don’t have time for that. I have four days to make you fall in love with Michigan and never want to leave.”

“So you’re really not getting married. This was all a ploy to get me here? A little elaborate don’t you think?” 

“Is everything okay? I heard screaming.” That voice was like an orgasm to my ears and could only be one person.

“Hey Jax,” Dee said with a wave. “We’re good, just seeing my girl for the first time in forever. Don’t you think she should move to Michigan?”

I turned my head toward her, crinkled my nose, and gave her my best evil eye. She didn’t let it deter her.

“I’ve been telling her for months to move here. Maybe we can convince her.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Jaxon said, scratching the back of his neck.

“We’re still on for tonight?” Dee asked Jaxon, and I eyed her curiously.


“On for what?”

“We’re going out and you”—Dee waved her finger up and down my body—“need to change.”

“For what?” I asked, looking down at my t-shirt, really wishing I put a little more effort into my outfit that morning.

“I told you. I’m going to make you fall in love with Michigan. First stop, drinks. Second stop, dinner. See you at eight in the lobby?” Dee asked Jaxon.

I glanced up catching his gaze, a slight smile tugged at the corner of his lip. “Eight,” he said and disappeared into his room.


A couple of hours later, I stared at my reflection in the mirror before leaning in to put my gold leaf earrings in. My dark hair hung in curls just below my shoulders and I had dusted a little shimmer on my chest and t-zone, giving me a perfect glow.

I thought about what Dee had said earlier about Jaxon. What she continued to say while we were getting ready. It was just like the old days. Back in our dorm room, dolling ourselves up to go out to the bars. Despite her pestering, I missed it. I missed her. Just having her in the same room as me made me feel like I was home.

Maybe Michigan wouldn’t be so bad. Jaxon being in the same state was just an added bonus. So I decided I was going to spend time with Jaxon and see if I could find out what his secret was. If we happened to have sex then I wouldn’t complain. Who was I fooling? I was hoping for it. More than anything, I really wanted to know the guy beneath the darkness and behind the mystery.

I adjusted my bra, making sure to have the right amount of cleavage in my coral scoop neck tank top without looking like a cheap whore. I did a little shake to make sure they weren’t going anywhere. Then I turned and checked out my ass in my black leather leggings.

“You look hot,” Dee said, coming up behind me and pushing me from in front of the mirror. She ran a finger around the sides of her mouth then puckered her pink glossed lips at her reflection.

I leaned my head on her shoulder. “You do, too.”

She tossed her black wavy hair over her shoulder and smirked. “Of course I do,” she said and we both laughed.

“So Cole is meeting us here?”

“He just texted me. He’s already with Jaxon. They pregamed it. They’re in the lobby when we’re ready.”

“I’m saving my pregaming for tomorrow night at your bachelorette party,” I said.

“I’m beginning to think having my bachelorette party so close to my wedding was a big mistake.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get home safely with all your nails and hairs in place.”

“You’re the best,” she said with a smile.

“That’s what friends are for.”

“Ready to head downstairs?”

I held my hand up. “As long as you promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“This is the last time you try to secretly hook me and Jaxon up because I’m seriously pissed, but I’m giving you a pass because it’s your wedding weekend.”

“That’s not… I mean, I didn’t.”

I cocked my head. “Bull.”

“I’m just trying to help a sister out. When’s the last time you had sex?”

It’d been awhile, but I was trying not to dwell on it. Besides that’s not what it was about. “To be honest, I’m more annoyed that you didn’t tell me he was here.”

“I told you, Cole made me promise.”

“I get it. But you’ve known me longer and it hurts a little that you’d keep something from me as stupid as this.”

“It’s not like I didn’t try to tell you. Why do you think I was so adamant about you coming to Michigan? Did I or did I not tell you there were a lot of hot mysterious guys here who like Jack Daniels? I was trying to tell you without actually telling you. I should get some credit for that.”

“You know I’m not good with reading in between the lines.”

“Well, you need to work on that.”

“And you need to never lie to me again.”

Dee held her hand out to me. “Deal.” We shook on it then she smacked my ass. “Now let’s go get you laid.”

“What did I just say?”

“You might not be good with reading in between the lines, but I am.”


Chapter 6

Dee and I made our way downstairs and spotted Jaxon and Cole at the hotel bar. Jaxon would look good in anything, but the dark jeans and black button down shirt had moisture pooling between my legs.

He laughed at something Cole said then his eyes caught mine. Cole said something else, but Jaxon only nodded in response, his attention solely on me. Cole followed Jaxon’s line of vision and his face lit up when he saw Dee. He stood from his stool and greeted her with a kiss.

“Hi Lyla. It’s so good to have you here,” Cole said and gave me a welcoming hug. I had only met him a few times before he and Dee moved away, but between mine and Dee’s Skype calls, and my last visit, he managed to become a huge part of my life anyway.

“I’m happy to be here. It’s been too long.”

“It has. You should think about moving here,” Cole said and I rolled my eyes.

“She has you on it too?”

He wrapped his arm around Dee’s shoulder and drew her in. “She may have mentioned how she misses her best friend. Though for the life of me, I can’t figure out why since you guys are always talking.”

“It’s not the same,” Dee said and signaled to the bartender.

“Jaxon,” I said, acknowledging him finally even though his gaze on me had not wavered.


“So what are we drinking?” Dee asked as the bartender approached.

Cole held up a full bottle of beer. “I’m still good.”

Dee turned to the bartender. “I’ll have a glass of pinot.”

She pointed to Jaxon and he shook his head. “I’m still good too.”


“I’ll have a pinot too,” I said.

Jaxon moved close to me, lowering his mouth to my ear. Goosebumps spread across my skin as his warm breath blanketed me. “No Jack tonight?”

I turned to face him, defiant in my stance. His lips only inches from mine took all that I had not to stare at them. I wanted them on me,
me, bringing me to the brink. “I could ask you the same.”

He tipped his head until his mouth was back against my ear. “I like to save the hard stuff for later.” And the way he said it made me wonder if he was talking about liquor at all. Because all I could think about was how the longer we went the harder he pounded into me. How my body met him thrust for thrust, begging for more.

The bartender brought our drinks over and I leaned away from Jaxon to grab my glass. I brought it to my lips and took a generous sip, allowing the liquid to calm my hot and frazzled mind.

“So you want me to fall in love with Michigan.” I focus my attention on Dee and away from Jaxon. “Work your magic.”

“We have to get you some Vernor’s,” Cole said.

“Some what?”

“The best ginger ale you’ll ever have,” Dee added.

“Ginger ale is ginger ale.”

Dee laughed. “Jax, help us out here.”

Jaxon pulled the beer bottle away from his mouth, swiping his tongue slowly across his bottom lip. “Let’s just say one taste and the others will never be the same.”

His eyes bore into mine and all I could do was gulp down the desire rising inside of me. One taste of Jaxon and all other guys were tainted. No one would be as good as he was. No one would taste and feel as amazing as him.

If I could just get one more taste so I could savor every single second of it. Maybe then I could quench my thirst. But I knew that wouldn’t happen. Once I got what I wanted, I’d only want more. I’d be addicted to his touch. The way his big hands ran across my body and in between my thighs. I didn’t think I could handle another taste. It’d be too much of a tease. 

“We ready to get going?” Dee asked and I snapped my gaze away from Jaxon’s.

I finished the rest of my wine in one sip, grabbed my purse, and nodded. “Let’s go.”

The nights were cooler and I welcomed the light breeze against my scorching skin as we walked out of the hotel and into the parking lot.

“Who’s driving?” I asked.

“Me,” Jaxon replied.

“I meant to thank you, Jax,” Dee said, pulling her head away from Cole’s shoulder. “For picking Lyla up at the airport.”

“It was no problem. I’ll give Lyla a ride anytime she wants.”

Everything that came out of his mouth sounded sexual. Was it me? Or was he doing it on purpose?

“Where are we going?” I asked to change the subject.

“I was thinking we could go to Baile.”

“What’s Baile?” I asked.

“This amazing bar with the best Irish pub food. It’s right on Grand River Avenue which is full of bars and coffee shops and restaurants and bookstores. You’ll love it.” 

Jaxon came to a stop at his car and then gave Dee an amused look. “It’s closed for renovations.”

“I thought since you knew the owner and all you could pull some strings,” Dee replied.

With a slight lift of his lip Jaxon said, “Nice try.”

“How do you know the owner?” I asked.

Jaxon’s mouth pushed into a straight line and he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Story for another time. I’m starved. Can we please eat?” Cole said before Jaxon could reply.

“If we ever get in the car,” Jaxon said, and for the briefest of seconds I watched him glance at Cole and offer up an appreciative nod which Cole returned before ushering Dee into the backseat.

Suddenly, I felt like there was more to the story and I was the only one in the dark.


After dinner Jaxon and I said goodbye to Cole and Dee in the parking lot then headed into the hotel. He held the door for me and just as I was about to turn to the elevator his hand wrapped around my wrist halting me.

“Have a nightcap with me,” he said and even though I was already four glasses of wine in, I couldn’t say no.


We made our way to the hotel bar and slid onto a set of stools in the far corner. The bartender approached and Jaxon held up two fingers.

“Two Jacks.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” I said. “I already had four glasses of wine.”

“I told you I like to save the hard stuff for later.” He winked and my thighs quivered.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me.”

He draped his arm across the back of my stool and leaned into me. That mouth watering scent of his invaded my senses. “We both know I wouldn’t have to get you drunk.”

Words sputtered in my brain and I couldn’t manage to get a single one out.

His finger dipped into my glass and then he dragged it across my lips. “Though, Jack did help a little last time.”

My tongue snaked out catching the tip of his pointer as he pulled it away from my mouth. “Mmm,” I moaned in response.

He picked up his glass and downed the entire thing then threw a few bills on the bar before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

I looked back to my own drink on the bar, but I didn’t need it. Plus I didn’t want to waste another second. I’ve been waiting two years for this very moment.

The elevator doors opened and as soon as they closed, Jaxon’s hands were on my face, backing me into the far wall. His mouth greedily took mine and I surrendered to his delicious attack.

I ran my hands up his chest and around to his back, rediscovering how amazing he felt beneath my touch.

His phone rang in his pocket, but he never pulled away from me. He continued trailing a fiery line of kisses down my neck. A moan rumbled up my throat and he crushed his lips back to mine.

He took my hand and placed it on his engorged cock. His gorgeous dark eyes locked with mine. “Do you see what you do to me? Drive me fucking crazy,” he growled then his long fingers wrapped around the back of my head and his lips crushed mine.

Soft whimpers muffled against his lips and his hungry tongue demanded I part my mouth for him. I didn’t hesitate, opening to his succulent assault.

Jaxon rubbed his fingers across my nipples hardening them into tight peaks. He yanked the top of my shirt and bra down, exposing my breasts. He kissed the swell then traced his tongue down to the rose-tipped pebble, taking it between his teeth.

A soft cry echoed in the small space and I arched into him, wanting more. My pussy ached for his touch. Soaking wet and waiting.

The elevator dinged and Jaxon tugged my shirt back into place, kissing my neck as he adjusted the material.

The elevator doors opened and luckily no one was standing there to witness the show. This time I grabbed Jaxon’s hand and pulled him toward the door when his phone rang again. I stopped at the threshold as he reached into his pocket and looked at his screen.

“Fuck. I have to take this,” he said and answered with a curt hello.

“Are you kidding?” Jaxon asked, but I couldn’t hear the person on the other end. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.

My heart sunk at his words and I didn’t try covering it up.

He slid his phone back into his pocket and frowned. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

“It’s okay,” I said, but really wanted to burst into tears. We were so close. This was worse than a taste. This was pure fucking torture. “I can go with you.”

For a moment it seemed like he was actually thinking about it, but then the brightness in his eyes dulled and he shook his head. “No. It’s okay. I’m going to be awhile and you have a big day tomorrow.”

The bachelorette party, how could I forget? At least I wouldn’t have to be near Jaxon, wondering what would’ve happened if he never got that phone call. And how important could it really be? Was he just using it as an out?

“Yeah, big day,” I managed.

I stepped away from the elevator door and watched Jaxon disappear as they closed. My body was still all worked up and I needed a release. I went to my room, tossed my bag on the chair, and headed right to the shower.

I slipped out of my top and my leather leggings, wishing Jaxon was the one pulling the material down my legs. Once the water was warm enough, I stepped out of my thong and unsnapped my bra, letting my breasts fall free from the restricting cups.

Water trickled down my skin as I leaned against the wall and ran a hand across my body. Thoughts of Jaxon and our one night together filled my mind as I slid a finger inside of me. My eyes fluttered shut and I imagined Jaxon’s hands on my breasts, his mouth claiming my nipple while he rolled the other between his fingers.

Instinctively my body arced and I slipped another finger between my folds. Slow at first and then picking up momentum. My teeth nipped at my lip as the heated intensity grew inside me until it exploded.

My body convulsed against my hand as I rode out my orgasm. I leaned into the water, expecting to feel spent and satisfied, but the only thing I felt was an even stronger desire for Jaxon.

Damn it.


BOOK: Now (New Adult Erotic Romance) (The Tryst Series Book 2)
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