Noah's Journey (Sawyer Brothers #3) (9 page)

BOOK: Noah's Journey (Sawyer Brothers #3)
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Chapter Seventeen





I had butterflies in my stomach from the moment Noah walked out of my shop five hours ago, and my mind raced with the dirty thoughts he had put there. Closing time felt like it would never arrive. I had my keys in my hand, ready to lock the front doors at 4:45. I was giddy and a whole lot turned on. I mean, how could I not be after the visit he had given me earlier? Noah was a man that knew exactly how to leave an impression and give a girl a whole lot to look forward to.

As I locked the front doors and turned toward the bakery and my apartment just above it, I smiled wide. There leaning against the corner of the building was Noah, with a knowing gleam written all over his face.

As I crossed the road, he pushed off the building and placed his hands in his front pockets, never taking his eyes off me. If at any point in time I thought it was impossible to get turned on by just a look, I had just been proven wrong. Noah was looking at me like I was a meal he had been waiting days to receive.

“Good evening, sweetheart,” he said with a smirk.

“Yes, it sure is,” I replied with a matching smile.

As I stepped up in front of him, he encircled my waist with his arm and pulled me close. “And it’s about to get a whole lot better,” he whispered before his mouth covered mine.

In that moment, I probably would have done just about anything, but in the center of town, on full display for curious eyes, was not the best place.

When he pulled back, we were both breathless.

“Maybe we should skip the trip upstairs to your apartment,” he said, still staring at my lips hungrily.

“Why?” I asked

He chuckled. “Because if I follow you upstairs, I’m pretty sure we won’t be leaving.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he pointed down toward his waist. I followed his gesture with my eyes and immediately noticed an impressive erection pressing against his jeans.

“Maybe I should go up alone. Give you a little time to gain some control.” I bit my lip to fight my laughter.

“Yeah,” he groaned as he placed his hand over his cock and pressed down. “That’s probably the best way to handle this.”

“I would have to agree,” I said, my voice laced with desire. I stepped around him, keeping a safe distance and began backing myself down the alley toward the back entrance to the bakery. My goal was to move as quickly as possible, gather my stuff, and get back downstairs. I wanted to move things along just as bad as he did, if not a little more.




The sweet aroma that hit me the moment I stepped past Noah and into his home was mouthwatering. It was sweet and tangy all mixed together, making my stomach growl with yearning.

“Wow, that smells amazing.” I moaned in delight.

As I felt Noah step up behind me, my entire body came alive. “Thank you, but the only amazing thing I smell is you,” he whispered only inches from my ear, and chills immediately covered my neck, rushing down my back and arms. He skimmed his lips over my ear before he placed a soft kiss against my neck. “The way you smell, that sweet vanilla scent, does things to me.”

I stood frozen in place while I concentrated on the feel of Noah’s lips and their sensual assault.

“I’m sorry about how tense things have been lately,” he said in a strained voice.

I turned at his words and faced him. “There’s no reason to apologize. I know it’s been stressful for you with not knowing what would happen with Austin from one day to the next. Yeah, things got a little strange for a while, but I understand.”

He placed one hand on each side of my face and tilted my face upward. Our eyes locked. “You are incredible,” he said in a whisper before he placed his lips against mine. “Now that things are more secure, I hope that means I can take this thing between us to the next level.”

“Well, I have to admit, that sounds perfect to me,” I confessed, and the smile he now wore was the kind that made a girl do things without thinking twice about them.

I rose up on tiptoes, placed my lips against his, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Within seconds, he spun me around with my back against the door and hooked one of my legs over his hip as he ground his hardness against me. I moaned into the kiss when he hit the spot where I needed him most.

“Can dinner wait?” I asked before pressing my lips to his once more. I lowered my hands to the waistband of his jeans before he could answer and began unbuttoning his jeans.

Noah was fit—not overly bulky, but solid. He was strong and dominating, and in his hold I felt so fragile and delicate. And with each touch, he treated me as if I was a treasure, the perfect gift given to him to savor.

“Dinner can definitely wait, sweetheart,” he said in a husky tone.

I knelt before him as I slid my hands inside his jeans and lowered them down his thighs. I peered up at him through my eyelashes, giving him an innocent look. I couldn’t help biting my lip to stifle a moan. The look in his eyes gave me chills. He was so turned on, and that fueled my desire. I wanted to please him. I wanted to hear him moan and know I was the one person who could make him feel so damn good.

The moment I encircled his cock with my fingers, he thrust his hips just enough to urge me to continue. Wasting no time, I held him firmly as I lowered my lips to his erection. Ever so slowly, I began sliding my lips over him as I took him in farther and farther.

“Damn,” he moaned as he braced his hand on the doorframe above my head, his eyes locked on my lips. I continued to slide him in and out of my mouth, watching him as he focused on my movements. The hunger in his eyes was a huge turn-on. I allowed my eyes to close as I focused solely on giving him pleasure.

“Alena,” he whispered.

My eyes opened, and I looked up to find him squeezing his eyes shut so tightly, he looked as if he may be in pain.

I let his cock fall from my mouth. “Are you okay?”

He shook his head and took in a deep breath. “We need to move this to the next room.” He took a step back, his eyes now half-open as he reached for me. “Come on, sweet girl.”

Without hesitation, I placed my hand in his and allowed him to lead me to his bedroom as I hummed with need.









Chapter Eighteen





I slipped from bed long enough to turn the oven on warm. As I slid back beneath the comfort of the cool sheet, I curled around Alena’s naked and oh-so-inviting beauty. Contentment washed over me when she wiggled and snuggled back against me. A satisfied sigh left her when she found the warmth she was seeking. Her hair slightly tickled my nose before I carefully gathered it and laid it above us over the pillow, giving me an unobscured view of her face.

After spending over an hour devouring one another slowly, she dozed off, spent from our lovemaking. I no longer cared about dinner or the dessert I had picked up from Amber at the bakery. Now all I cared about was this moment, this closeness with Alena. The sun had begun to set, and it cast a soft glow over the lake. The light shined through the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the back wall of my bedroom.

I lay next to her, just taking her in, etching every freckle, every dip and curve of her body into my memory. She was without a doubt the most alluring woman I had ever met, and she had that sweet innocence I loved. Yes, being the man I was, I had dreams of corrupting that innocence, but who could blame me? She was breathtaking.

I jumped in surprise when my phone rang from the floor beside the bed. In our rush to get our clothes off, I was surprised we hadn’t broken it. Hanging half off the bed, I retrieved it from my jeans pocket and answered the call, hoping to not wake Alena in the process.

“Hello?” I said as I righted myself and rolled over to face Alena, where I found her watching me with a gleam in her eye. I followed her line of vision and found that the sheet had slipped below my waist and left me completely exposed. I smiled and looked up to find she was now looking directly at me, biting her lower lip.

“Noah.” A soft voice came from the phone pressed to my ear, and I remembered I had a phone call.

“Uh, yeah,” I said before clearing my throat to try to take my focus off my growing erection. “It’s me.”

“Hey,” Stacey said, sounding timid. “I hate to bother you, but I think Austin left his blanket at your house. I tried to convince him that he could go one night without it, but he won’t budge. He’s got a severe attachment to it.”

I scanned the room and saw the familiar piece of green material dotted with a firetruck pattern. “Yeah, it’s here. Do you want me to run it into town?”

“No, actually, if it’s okay, I was already in my car on the way over. I was hoping to save time by just calling you from the road. He’s exhausted and kind of turning into a little grizzly bear.” She laughed.

“Yeah, sure. See you soon.” I ended the call and turned to face Alena.

“Stacey is on her way over,” I said. Alena cocked an eyebrow in question, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. She was fucking adorable. “Austin forgot his blanket and he needs it.”

Alena’s hard look softened at the mention of my son needing something, and that warmed my heart.

“What do you say we get up, get dressed, and maybe have dinner? Maybe meet back here in a couple hours for a repeat of earlier?” I wagged my eyebrows suggestively, and she smiled brightly. Her smile did shit to me, made me weak and willing to give her whatever she asked for.

“I think that sounds perfect.” She leaned over me and kissed me, gently nipping at my lower lip. “Especially the part about the repeat.” Now she was the one wagging her eyebrows.

I watched in awe as she crawled over me and strutted off toward my bathroom, gathering her clothes on the way. Fucking hell, I was in trouble with this one.




I slipped on my clothes and quickly made my way to the living room, where I stood by the front door, watching through the small window at the side, hoping to make the exchange before Alena emerged from the bedroom.

The moment I felt her arms slip around my waist and her palms sneak beneath the hem of my shirt, I shivered. Closing my eyes, I focused on controlling the urge to turn around and take her against the wall. Her touch lit me on fire like no woman’s ever had before.

A soft knock made me jerk in surprise, and Alena buried her face against my back, laughing softly. I could only shake my head at her. She obviously knew she could get my mind racing—and my body.

Her laughter stopped, and she pressed her lips to the center of my back, between my shoulder blades. “I’ll just go get dinner ready for us,” she said as she stepped back and moved toward the kitchen.

Most women would have stayed right there, hoping to prove a point, stake a claim, or whatever the hell you want to call it. But Alena left without another word, not even a glance over her shoulder as she disappeared around the corner.

I opened the front door to find Stacey wrapped in what looked like a robe. She had on pajama pants, a pair of fuzzy boots, and a beanie. Not the look I was accustomed to when it came to her.

“Hey,” she said as she looked down at her appearance and rocked back on the heels of her boots. “Forgive the attire. It’s movie night, and I didn’t see the point in changing.”

“I’m all for comfort,” I replied as I held out Austin’s blanket.

“Thanks. This will make tonight go a whole lot smoother.” She offered me another smile as she took the blanket and stepped back. “Again, I’m really sorry if I interrupted your night.”

“No such thing as an interruption when it comes to something my son needs,” I assured her, and I could tell she felt the same way.

“Well, enjoy the rest of your night,” she added as she turned and began walking back down the steps toward her running car.

“You too,” I hollered after her. “Drive safe.”

She waved over her shoulder as she crawled inside her little red car.

I closed the front door as she began backing down the drive. When I turned, I found Alena rounding the corner with plates and silverware in hand. She offered me a wink as she began setting the table.

I just stood there in the doorway, thinking about how drastically my life had changed over the course of the last month. I couldn’t be happier than I was right then.

“You gonna come over here and eat? Or do you plan on just standing there staring for the rest of the night?” As Alena sassed me, I knew things were gonna be just fine between her and me.









Chapter Nineteen





I was sitting in the design room at the store with my head down, focusing on pinning the hem of a dress I was altering for a customer, yet my mind was wandering off to my last few nights with Noah.

We had spent every night together for the past week. He would stop by my place or call and insist I come to his. Either way, I had been in his arms every night, and I was growing accustomed to the security of having him near. And the way he touched me was incredible. Each moment with him was amazing.

The chimes of the bells I had installed above the door caught my attention, and I hurried to step out from the back room. I smiled instantly when I found my two very best friends standing just beyond the counter.

“Well, my oh my, look at that glow, Amber. I’d say Little Miss Alena has been having herself a taste of a Sawyer brother. She now understands just what the hype is all about.”

I rolled my eyes at Bailey as she fanned her face, pretending to grow flushed from the thought. She was such a weirdo. I picked up the pen lying on top of the counter and flung it in her direction. It bounced off her forehead, causing Amber to snicker and me to snort in laughter.

“Okay, horn dog, enough about me knocking boots with the other brother. What are the two of you up to?” I asked as I leaned over on the counter, resting my elbows against the cool surface.

Tammy was covering the bakery, but Amber still rarely left before closing even if she had help. So for them to walk across the street during opening hours meant they were up to something. When Bailey looked over toward Amber and they shared some sort of knowing look, I cocked an eyebrow at them.

“I’m waiting.” I drummed my fingers on the marble beneath my hand, trying to give off an impatient vibe.

“I was actually hoping I could convince you to make my wedding gown for me,” Bailey said with a shrug.

My fingers stopped their incessant tapping, and I was momentarily speechless. “Really?”

She laughed at my surprise. “Yeah, really.”

“Bailey, you could order any dress, from any top designer. Hell, you could even have your daddy purchase you the most gorgeous Vera Wang you can find.” I was suddenly breathing a little heavier than I had been five minutes ago. “Why would you want some knock-off design made by a nobody when you could have the best?” Just the idea of disappointing her was overwhelming.

Bailey stepped around the end of the counter and stopped near me. Leaning forward, she placed her hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look at her.

“Len, you know me. You know how picky I am, and you know my tastes. You and I have talked about every detail of how our wedding dresses would look for years. There is no one that knows the perfect dress for me better than you do.” She looked at me with a serious expression, which only made me panic more.

“But I—” She couldn’t mean this.

“But nothing, Alena. There is no one else I would entrust. I only want a dress designed by you. Because I know that’s the only dress I will truly love.”

“Len, there is seriously no need to argue. She isn’t gonna change her mind,” Amber added from the other side of the counter, where she had been quietly observing the entire exchange. “I loved the dress you made for me, and no one could have made me one I would have adored more.”

Amber was different than Bailey. Yes, Am was picky to a certain extent, but she was nothing like Bailey was. Our dear friend had always been a fashionista. She wore all the newest fashions, knew all the latest trends, and had more damn top-end high heels than half the city of Chicago.

But looking at her now, you may never have guessed it. Jackson had really rubbed off on our city girl. Bailey still loved her fancy cowboy boots and matching hats, but these days she looked like a ranch girl. She was the best of both worlds, and she was asking me to make the most important piece of her biggest day.

Tears instantly sprung to my eyes, and my lip began to tremble.

“Ah damn, Lenny Lou, don’t start with the waterworks. My hormones can’t take that shit,” Bailey announced with a sniffle. “At the rate I’ve been going, I’ll be a bawling mess for the next seven months for sure. Shit gets worse with each passing day.”

Amber and I shared a look of confusion, but Bailey continued, oblivious to her slipup.

“As if the achy boobs aren’t already enough, I cry at the drop of a hat too. I swear I’ll drive Jackson crazy before the end.” She took in a calming breath and began wiping at her tears.

Both Amber and I remained frozen, allowing Bailey the time she needed to gain some control. Any moment she was bound to realize what she’d just said.

“Phew, okay, now that we got all that girly shit out of the way, are you gonna make my dress for me?” When I only stared at her, she shifted her eyes to Amber. When Am only gave her the same look, she began bouncing her gaze between us.

“What on earth is wrong with the two of you?” Her forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Did I miss something?”

“Um.” I was the first to speak, and I said the only thing that came to mind. “Sounds like you missed something already—like your period.”

Her eyes grew wide, and she slapped her hand over her mouth. “Oh shit,” she said, and it came out in more of a mumble. “Did I—?” She closed her eyes tight. “Jackson is gonna kick my ass for sure. He didn’t want to tell anyone until after three months.”

Amber’s eyes widened, and we both began to squeal in excitement. “Oh my God, a baby,” Amber cried, causing Bailey to wince.

After about five straight minutes of gushy, happy overload on all our parts, Bailey made us vow to act just as surprised when the news finally came out as we did today. Seeing the happiness pregnancy had given both my girls made me want to rush straight over to Noah’s and curl up in his arms. I couldn’t help but want the same life both Amber and Bailey had been blessed with.




The days when my new inventory arrived from the vendors I chose to carry were like Christmas morning. I would close the store at two and spend hours getting lost in all the newest designs and materials, the feel of the newest line of silk nighties. The colors were always so bright and flawless.

It was honestly my favorite part of owning my own store.

I had been so consumed with stocking the shelves and hanging up clothes that I lost track of time. A light tap on the front door startled me, and I spun around with my hand placed on the center of my chest.

There stood Noah, holding a large cup of coffee with a huge smile spread across his lips. Just to his left stood Austin, with a matching smile and a bag from Heavenly Temptations. They were so adorable, looking back at me all innocent and sweet. I couldn’t help but return the grin. They just made me feel special.

I walked toward the door, flipped the lock, and pushed it open to let them in. I stepped back to let them enter, and Noah made sure to relock it before holding the coffee out to me. “Hey, baby, we thought we’d stop by with some fuel.” He nodded toward Austin, who held the bag out to me, matching his daddy’s movements.

My heart warmed both at their gestures and the yummy goodness they’d brought me.

“Thank you, handsome,” I said to Austin as I took the bag and peeked inside. “Chocolate chip, my favorite. And it looks like there’s just enough for all of us to share.”

Austin’s face brightened with excitement, and he looked over at Noah for approval.

“Well, go on, boy.” Noah nodded. “If a pretty lady offers you some sweetness, you take her up on that offer.”

I blushed as I picked up on the hidden meaning of Noah’s words. Austin rushed past me and waited patiently near the counter while Noah smirked.

“You think you can spare a little sweetness for me later?” he said in a low, husky tone, and once again I was blushing.

“I’m pretty sure that can be arranged,” I assured him as I sauntered over to Austin and began pulling the cookies from the bag. Refusing to look back at Noah, I focused on grabbing a paper towel and breaking the huge, still slightly warm cookies in two. Holding out half of one to Austin, I kept the other half for myself. Together we bit into the soft cookie, and my eyes fluttered shut as the sweet flavor of chocolate engulfed me. Amber was a goddess in the kitchen. That girl could bake anything and you would get lost in it. I was so consumed by the flavor, I hadn’t noticed Noah step around the counter to stand directly behind me. The moment he pressed against me, I felt his erection pushing against my hip.

“You can’t moan like that and expect me not to be affected. Holy hell, woman,” he whispered in my ear just before he kissed my neck in that spot that makes my entire body ache instantly. Now that he’d spent so many night exploring my body, the man understood what spots to touch to make me yearn for more. He played dirty when it came to teasing, and I found it hard to resist the urge to demand more.

“Sorry,” I said breathlessly. I was doing everything possible to remain calm in the presence of Austin. Good thing the little guy was so lost in enjoying his special treat that he was completely oblivious to the interaction between his father and me. I arched my back, which gave me just the right angle to push against his hardness more.

“Looks like Little Miss Sassy has picked up a little game of her own,” Noah said with his lips still hovering near my ear. “You better be prepared to back that up in a few hours, darlin’. Because I plan on taking this night into a little overtime.”

I looked over my shoulder and found Noah’s heated stare. He had that “I am gonna work you up and ride you hard” look. The man had the stamina of a hundred men, I swear. I had a hard time keeping up with him, but hell, I still truly enjoyed trying to outlast him, even if in the end I was exhausted and achy.

“My place or yours?” I asked before I bit down on my lower lip.

His gaze immediately shifted toward my lips. “Mine,” he said. “I have to take Austin back to his mom, and then I want to stop by and check on Momma. After that, I’ll head home and wait—very impatiently for my own sweetness to be delivered.”

“I promise not to keep you waiting long,” I said as I leaned toward him before pressing a soft kiss against his jaw.

“Okay,” he said before slouching enough to place his lips to mine. And once again, my body hummed with the promise of more to come.

BOOK: Noah's Journey (Sawyer Brothers #3)
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