Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

No Bra Required! (10 page)

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Lucy couldn’t help but smile herself as she recalled the
earlier bathroom incident.  A few minutes later Nate rushed into the room,
his school jersey tied around his waist.

“Excuse me young man, what is that?”  Lucy pointed at
the offending jumper.

“My jumper.”  Nate looked at Lucy, as though she were

“Yes I know that, but why is it tied around your
waist?  Put it on properly please.”

Nate sighed heavily and rolled his eyes.  “Okay.”

“Thank you.  And while I think about it, your dad has
said no video games for the next two days because of yesterday’s trouser

“I thought Daddy was poorly.”  Nate frowned as he
hauled himself up onto a stool at the breakfast bar.

“He is, but that doesn’t mean he can’t give orders. 
I’ll probably be looking after you again tonight, so once you’ve had tea, we
will do some reading, but no video games, okay?”

“Okay, can I have my cornflakes now please?”  Nate
asked, swinging backwards and forwards on the stool.

“Yes Nate you can.”  Lucy smiled and rubbed his
head.  She was beginning to adore this little boy and was going to be sad
when her two weeks of looking after him were over.


After dropping Nate off at school, Lucy finally got to the
surgery by 9:30 a.m.  Luckily, the waiting room was fairly sparse of
patients, and Callie appeared to be coping admirably without any help.

“Hi Callie,” said Lucy, breathlessly.  “I’m so sorry
I’m late. I was hoping to be here just after nine, but Nate’s teacher needed to
speak to me.”  Lucy shrugged off her jacket and took it into the staff

When she came out of the room, Callie was looking at her
quizzically, tapping a biro against her front teeth.  “What did she

She was nothing if direct, Lucy thought, but she wasn’t
about to spill the beans that Dr Bryce’s son had been misbehaving. 
Anyway, Mrs Bushnell had wanted to apologise for the calling Nate and Bradley
idiots, Lucy’s comments had obviously hit home.  However, their punishment
still stood, plus they were on litter duty instead of doing P.E. later today.

“Oh she just wondered how Dr Bryce was.”  Lucy was
careful not to call him Ed at the surgery.

“Oh right,” Callie nodded slowly.  “And how is he pet,
any better this morning?”

“No, not really.”  Lucy started busying herself with
the post that was still waiting on the desk.

“He did get up but, erm he didn’t feel well at all.” 
Lucy blushed as once more she remembered Ed and herself in the bathroom.

“When did he get up then, this morning or last night?” 
Callie smiled at Lucy as she sucked at the end of the biro.  She evidently
wanted to laugh at her double entendre.

“I will ignore that Callie. It was this morning, and he got
up out of bed and came downstairs.”

“Oh right.  You didn’t fancy helping him to sweat it
out then?”  Callie couldn’t help herself now and laughed heartily,
forgetting about the biro, she nearly choked on it.  “Oooh, huh, huh.”
Pulling the biro out of her mouth, Callie was laughing and coughing at the same

“Callie stop it, please.  Dr Bryce and I have a purely
professional relationship, nothing more.”  Lucy looked at her sternly as
she passed Callie her mug of tea.

“Ooh thanks,” she croaked, sipping the now cold tea. 
“You must admit you do fancy him though, don’t you pet?”

“No!”  Lucy hissed, conscious of the three patients
waiting.  “I’ve only just split up from my husband, of course I don’t
fancy Dr Bryce. It's far too soon, it wouldn’t be professional, I'm still
grieving for my marriage, and I…”

Callie lifted the palm of her hand to stop Lucy. 
“Alright, alright, forget I said anything, but to be honest pet, I think you’d
make a smashing couple.”

Lucy sighed heavily and shook her head.  “I’ll deal
with this patient, you go and make a fresh pot of tea.”  She pushed Callie
gently towards the staff room.

“In a few minutes pet, I’ll just stay in case you need help
with anything.”

Lucy furrowed her brow, why would she need help, Callie told
her she’d picked everything up quickly?  Lucy shrugged her shoulders, and
then smiled at the waiting patient.

“Hello sir, can I help you?”

The small, grey haired man smiled at Lucy and then smoothed
his greasy fringe down on his forehead.

“I’m Mr Drake, and I’d like to make an appointment to see a
doctor please.”  He said, in an exceptionally nasally voice.

“Well I’m afraid we have nothing available today Mr Drake,
unless it’s an emergency, we’re a doctor down you see.  I can do tomorrow
morning at ten-thirty, is that any good?”  Lucy looked at the little man
and smiled.

may be able to help.”  Mr Drake said,
smoothing down his hair once more.  “It’s this you see, what do you think
it might be?”  He started to fumble about with his fly, and before Lucy
could stop him, he’d moved around to Lucy’s side of the reception desk and
presented his penis on the flat of his hand.

Lucy almost choked as she held on to the desk.  “Well I
think it might be a penis,” she spluttered.  Looking for help she turned
around to Callie, perhaps a little too quickly as she felt a twinge of pain in
her neck.  “Oww,” she cried.

“I know that,” he said.  Ignoring Lucy’s obvious
discomfort he leaned forward and poked her in the shoulder.  “It’s the
thing at the end of it that I’m not sure about.  Do you think you could
take a closer look?”

Callie now stepped forward to come to Lucy’s aid. 
“Come on Mr Drake, we’ve talked about this, you can’t keep exposing yourself
pet, particularly when there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“But I can assure you there is.
!” he insisted,
taking a step forward and pulling it toward Callie and Lucy so that they could
get a closer look.

“No, don’t!”  Callie picked up her ruler and smacked Mr
Drake’s arm.  “Put it away.”

“I will not put my penis away, there is something wrong with
it, can you not see?”  The little man stamped his foot like a small child,
his appendage disappearing momentarily as he let go of it, quickly he took hold
of it again and placed it back on his palm, adamant that he wasn’t going to be
fobbed off.

Lucy had now composed herself, slightly, and realised that
he wasn’t going to be moved until someone looked at it for him.

“Shall I get Dr Kindler?” she asked Callie, who was now
standing hands on hips, equally adamant that Mr Drake would remove his silly
little dick.

“I want someone to look at it now!”

“Dr Kindler is busy so please put it away.” Callie insisted.

“No, I won’t.”

“Yes you will. I'll hit you again if you don’t.” 
Callie raised her ruler.

“No, Callie, don’t.” Lucy grabbed the ruler from her and
sighed heavily.  “I’ll look at it. He's not going to go unless someone
does is he, so I’ll take one for the team.”

“He does this all the time Lucy, don’t let him have his own

“Please Callie, let’s just get it over and done with. 
Right, hold still while I take a closer look.”  As she leaned forward,
Lucy held her breath, worrying irrationally that it was going to explode. 
Suddenly, she started to giggle.

“What do
think it is?” she asked the strange
little man, before holding a hand over her mouth.

“Some sort of cyst?”  He seemed genuinely concerned as
his eyes watered.

“It’s not a cyst.”

“What is it?”  Callie asked, now leaning her head next
to Lucy’s and peering at Mr Drake’s willy.

“It’s a piece of sweet corn.”  Lucy managed to say, her
teeth gritted to stop herself from laughing.

“Sweet corn.”  Mr Drake and Callie chorused.

“Yes sweet corn, so I suggest you go home and give it a
complete wash.  Now, if you wouldn’t mind removing your penis from our
reception it would be much appreciated.”


After spending the next half hour spraying the reception
area and Callie’s ruler, with antiseptic, Lucy actually found the situation
quite amusing.  Callie hadn’t stopped giggling since Mr Drake had left
with his tail between his legs, so to speak, and every time Lucy had looked up
from her scrubbing and spraying, it had set Callie off.

“Finally,” Lucy sighed.  “I feel as though I’ve washed
him away, disgusting little man.  Does he really come in and show it to
you regularly?"

Callie was now starting to calm down as she sipped her mug
of tea.  “Oh aye pet, every couple of weeks or so he comes in with it
hanging out.  To be honest, I think it’s the only airing it gets.”

“Urgh, he needs reporting.”  Lucy scratched her head
and grimaced.

“He doesn’t have nits pet, just a penchant for getting his
cock out.  Anyway, I canna report him, his brother is the desk Sergeant at
the station, it wouldn’t get anywhere and what would it achieve?  He’s not
harming anyone.  I usually just give him a smack with my ruler, and he’s
on his way.”

“Well, not today he wasn’t.  He was adamant that I was
going to look at it for him.  I tell you something, I'll have some tales
to tell when I get back home.”  Lucy giggled as she recalled both Mr
Presley and Mr Drake.

“Are you still going home then, Lucy?  Don’t you fancy
staying around here, be near to your dad pet?”  Callie finished her tea
and moved towards the staff room.

Lucy shrugged.  “I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought
about it.  I’ve got my house and my friends back in Cheshire.”  Lucy
called to Callie through the open, staff room door.

“Aye, I suppose, but you’ve got a couple of nice little jobs
here now.”  Callie said, re-emerging with her jacket.

“Hmm but they’re only temporary…Callie why have you got your
jacket? You're surely not cold are you?”

“No pet, sorry I forgot to mention I needed to pop out for a
couple of hours.  I’ll be back before you need to go.  We’ve only got
a couple of patients this afternoon, and one of them is for Ellen.  Howay,
here she is now.  Hello hinny, busy morning?”  Callie smiled warmly
at a frazzled looking Ellen.

“Ooh God if you only knew.  Why don’t some of these
women take bloody precautions? I’ve just delivered Shirley Hawkins eighth
child.  The little bugger must have been anxious to come out, I only just
got there in time.  Mind you when you’ve dropped seven before, it must be
pretty easy.  It was like a bag of laundry down a chute…anyway morning
Lucy, how are you my love?”  Ellen asked, flopping down onto a chair
behind the desk.

“Oh Lucy’s had the pleasure of Mr Drake this morning.” 
Callie started to giggle again.  “Anyway, I’d best be off.  See you

“Bye Callie, I’ll give you a call later…so Mr Drake hey
Lucy.  What did you think about his little fella then?”  Ellen asked
while watching Callie leave.  She now turned back to Lucy.  “Anyway,
how’s Dr Bryce is he any better?”

“Not really, well not when I left him this morning.” 
Lucy felt her colour rise as she thought about Ed.

“Oh dear, poor Dr Bryce.  You’ll have to soothe his
brow when you get back.”  Ellen winked at Lucy, before swinging the chair
around to the computer at the desk to look at the appointments. “So, just Craig
Mason’s blood sugar tests this afternoon then.”  Ellen stood up and
yawned.  “Oh well, no rest for the wicked, when he gets here send him in,
please, Lucy.”

“Okay,” Lucy said to Ellen’s back.  “I’ll bring you a
cuppa through in a minute.”

“Bless you my child.” Ellen replied, doing the sign of the


By 2 p.m. Callie still hadn't returned, and Lucy was getting
anxious, she’d said that she’d be back by noon. Lucy hoped that she was
okay.  Furthermore, she had to pick Nate up at 3 p.m., and it took at
least fifteen minutes to get to school at this time of day. 

The afternoon had been quiet, without drama or
incident.  Dr Kindler popped out of his room for a cup of tea and a quick
chat, but had subsequently disappeared again to do some paperwork while things
were quiet.  Ellen saw her patient and afterwards went home to get some
sleep; she had another expectant mother having a home birth, in slow

Then, just as Lucy was about to try Callie’s mobile, she
rushed in through the door looking hot and sweaty.  Her hair was
dishevelled and her top on back to front.

“Hiya, I was getting worried about you.”  Lucy said,
looking Callie up and down.  “Been having some afternoon love have you?”

“No, you dirty minded little devil.  I’ve been having a
bad back, so have been for physio’, but I’m okay.”  Callie smiled and
rubbed Lucy’s arm.  “I’m sorry that you’ve been on your own so long. 
I bet you're starving aren’t you?”

“No, I’m fine.  I had some fruit in my bag, so I ate
that.  Are you sure you’re okay, is your back hurting now?”

“Eeh pet stop fussing.  Like I said, I’m okay,” Callie
sighed, looking Lucy’s slim frame up and down.  “And fruit, for lunch you
say, no wonder there’s nothing of you.  Anyway, you get yourself off, and
I honestly am sorry pet.”

“Callie, stop worrying about it, I was just worried about
you.  Anyway, I may as well stay for a little while and then go straight
to school.”

“Okay pet but go and get a cuppa in the staff room."”

“I’m fine thanks, do you want one?”  Lucy asked,
flicking through a magazine.

“No, not long had one.  So, what are your plans for the
rest of the week, no surgery tomorrow for you pet?”

Lucy almost forgot that she’d done her three days of
work.  The time was going so quickly, and Georgina would be home in eight
days, then her time with Ed and Nate would be over.

“I don’t know, I guess it depends how Ed, sorry Dr Bryce is.”

“Oh Ed is it?”  Callie smiled as she nudged Lucy

“It just seemed strange to call him Dr Bryce when he isn’t
on duty, he told me to call him Ed, in fact, he insisted.”  Lucy nudged
her back.  “Stop stirring it, nothing is going on and nothing will in the

BOOK: No Bra Required!
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