Read No Apologies Online

Authors: Tracy Wolff

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

No Apologies (8 page)

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He moved his hand down and with his index finger gently tapped a pattern on her clit. She moaned his name, her head lolling forward even as her questing body arched into his caresses.


“That’s it, baby. That’s it.” He continued the pattern, watching as her hips moved more and more urgently against his hand. “I love it when you come. I love watching you and feeling you. I love being inside of you when your muscles clench around me again and again.”


He bent his head to her neck, licked the line of sweat dotting her nape. “I love your hard nipples and your hot little clit.” He brushed his lips over her lobe, his tongue sweeping against the sensitive spot behind her ear as he whispered to her.


Annalise moaned deep in her throat, her body moving feverishly against his even as tears of need streamed down her face. His words were enflaming her, taking her closer and closer to another climax, something she would have sworn was impossible only minutes before.


“I love that you’re always hot for me, always wet and willing. I love to fuck you, to thrust inside you and feel you clench around me.” He pulled out slowly then slammed back into her. “I love how you take all of me, how you always want more.” His mouth fastened on the juncture between her neck and her shoulder, sucking ravenously.


“I love how you seduce me, with your wild ideas and your open responses. I love how you let me fuck you anywhere. I love thinking of new places and new ways to fuck you.” He pinched her clit with his thumb and middle finger, leaving his index finger free to stroke the sweet bundle of nerves again and again. “I love you.”


“Gabe, stop!” she sobbed, her entire body shuddering. “I can’t take it. I can’t.”


He squeezed her clit a little harder and was rewarded by a high-pitched scream as she thrust her ass even harder against him. “You can take it. And more. Can’t you, baby?” His hips moved harder and faster against her as his control slipped another notch. “Can’t you?” He moved his right hand from her back to her nipple, flicking his thumb over the hard peak again and again. “Because you love fucking me as much as I love you.”


“Yes! Yes! Gabe, please!” She was screaming, sobbing, wilder than she’d ever been before. He thrust into her again and again, and she knew he was claiming her, branding her as his so that no matter how far she ran she would always remember that she belonged with him. As he pounded into her, she knew he took a part of her with him. Knew that she’d never forget the feel of him inside of her while his voice and hands took her someplace she’d never been.


He shifted so that he hit her G-spot with each thrust of his hips and she screamed. She was completely his at that moment, completely at his mercy, and she knew he realized it. She should be frightened of the control he had over her, but she was too aroused to care about anything but her next orgasm. She was going to die if he didn’t give in, if he didn’t come soon and stop this totally incredible, absolutely amazing torture. Desperate, she closed her legs, trapping Gabe between them, and then clenched her vaginal muscles as tightly as she could.


She was rewarded when he groaned deep in his throat and thrust against her one final time before spilling himself inside of her. His orgasm triggered her own and she screamed his name, again and again, completely caught up in the physical and emotional storm ripping her body apart.


When it was over, when they finally came back to themselves, Annalise tried to pull away from him. But he wouldn’t let her go, his body keeping hers pinned against the car while his fingers toyed endlessly with her nipples.


“I’m not letting you go, Annalise.” He thrust against her, more to make his point than for any sexual gratification. “You’re going to have to get used to that.”


She turned her head, met his steady gaze with one of her own. “You can’t keep me if I choose to go.”


He pressed more deeply into her, as if he could lock them together for all time. “So choose to stay,” he said, putting his hands on her hips and pulling her ass backward as he thrust forward as hard as he could. She gasped and he did it again. And again. “Stay with me, Lissy. Choose me.”


She swallowed, her eyes still locked to his. “I’m scared.”


He snorted. “So am I. Do you think you’re easy, Annalise?”


Her smile, when it came, was self-deprecating. “I’m pretty much the definition of easy.”


“Not anymore you’re not.” He pulled her up so that her back rested against his chest and he could wrap her securely in his strong arms. “I love you and I need you to stay with me. Please.”


His eyes were dark and vulnerable, his love for her right there for her to see. She stared at him for a moment, soaking up all the emotions pouring out of him and into her. And then she nodded, because there really was no other choice she’d rather make.




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ISBN: 978-1-4268-1206-4


No Apologies


Copyright © 2008 by Tracy L. Deebs-Elkenaney


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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.


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