Read Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess Online

Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess (20 page)

BOOK: Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess
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“It was too fast.”

“Way too fast. We’ll take it slow this time.”

He nodded his agreement, and he had every intention of keeping that unspoken promise until he slid halfway into her and felt her vaginal muscles tighten around him. It took everything in him not to move, to just enjoy the sensation of her clutching him, gloving his shaft in her warm woman’s sheath. He pressed his forehead against hers and took a deep breath. “Don’t move.”

“I won’t.” But her hands came up behind him anyway to grip his shoulders, her fingers digging into him, expressing desperate need that mirrored his.

“God, Nova, you make me so hot and wild. I just want to take you hard and fast whenever I’m inside you. It isn’t like me.”

“It isn’t like me either. I’ve been like this since I first saw y—

since I met you.”

He pulled back to look at her, searching her face and finding the truth, that they were irrevocably linked, afraid of where this was taking them but willing to go with the flow anyway.

She cupped his face with one hand. “I’ll take hard and fast. I’ll take slow and easy. I’ll take you any way I can get you.”

Hearing his own reckless thoughts said out loud made his heart throb in concert with his cock, reminded him of how deep he wanted to bury himself inside her.

Zane circled his hips, caressing just inside her opening with several quick, shallow thrusts, taunting them both before he drove deep and held still again.

She hooked a leg around his hip as her canal opened to accommodate his length and width and panted when he lifted her, pinning her to the slippery tile wall.

Nova moved first, bucking her hips against him and urging him to reciprocate. He followed her lead, twisting his hips, alternating between slow deep plunges and fast slight caresses, balls contracting right before he pistoned his hips in earnest.

She pulled his head forward for a kiss and he slipped his tongue into her mouth, tangling it with hers as he lowered his hands to her ass and pressed her flush against him. The shudders started again, inside and out, her pussy muscles squeezing tight around him, the increasing pressure signaling her approaching orgasm. She cried out as she nuzzled his neck and gently sunk her teeth into the skin bridging his shoulder and neck.

Zane shivered, her bite and climax inciting his release. He came inside her, rasping her name over and over again until the torrent abated. Breathless, they clung to each other beneath the shower’s warm spray, their tremors slowly fading as they exchanged gratitude and sorrow through touches and looks.

“What did I do to deserve you in my life, Nova?”

“Nothing at all, except be.” She smiled, drawing away from him with a resounding sucking sound as his flaccid penis slid out of her. She pulled the curtain back, as if her work with him was done.

“I’m going to get dressed and meet you in the living room. I don’t want Ransom to come in and catch us both in the shower if I can help it.”


Zane watched her go; he was bereft and satiated, lost and found, and until he held her in his arms again, he didn’t think he’d ever be whole.

He lathered up with the soap again and rinsed off as fast as he could, eager to be with her again but trying to take his time and let her get dressed. Turning off the shower, he stepped out and wrapped a towel low on his hips, then drew up short in the master bedroom when he noticed Nova standing at his bureau. He smiled.

"Hey you."

She started, turning quickly, hands behind her back. "Don't mind me. I just forgot something from my portfolio."

Zane smiled at the term. The thing was more like a bible and she carried it with her everywhere. "What are you hiding behind your back, lady?" he teased, meaning it as a joke, but he totally lost his levity when he saw the nervous look in Nova's eyes. Like she'd been caught with her hand in the cashbox. He crossed the room as lightly as possible, stopping short an inch away from her, and smiled down at her. "Show me what you've got there."

"It's nothing."

"I don't believe you."

"C'mon, Zane. You're making me nervous."

"That makes two of us."
You and she aren't out of the woods

Playfully covering her body with his, he reached behind her with both hands. He was truly surprised when she resisted strongly and balled up a piece of paper in her hands. "Something, you don't want me to see?" He slipped a finger into her fist and managed to get a hold of the paper with two fingers.

"Zane, don't…"

He slid the paper out of her hands, realizing she’d let him when it didn't rip in his fingers. "Now, let's see what we have here."

He felt her staring, standing anxiously in front of him as he sat on the foot of his bed and unfolded the paper. The thing that struck him first was his own features staring back at him. Next he noticed the well-worn creases, as if the paper had been folded and unfolded, taken out to display and then put away for safekeeping too many times to count, like a favorite photograph of a baby in a wallet. Then there was the scariest part of all, the date, carefully engraved on the bottom of the sketch, the impossibility of it striking Zane at the same instant he realized Nova had captured his likeness before she’d ever met him.

The sketch was so accurate it was uncanny, as if he’d posed for it but had forgotten. He could have been staring into a mirror, one that showed him as he looked a few years ago—slightly longer hair, light beard and mustache—instead of the fairly clean-cut guy he was now.

Zane glanced up and saw Nova wringing her hands, and her anxiety and confusion began to suffuse him.

"I was going to tell you."

"Tell me what?" He still didn't understand what the picture meant. Or maybe he didn't want to understand. That she was what, a stalker? That she had known about him for years, examining him and his life from afar when he wasn't aware, lying in wait before making contact? Or that Leary's suspicions had been on point and Nova was some sort of serial killer?

He didn't know which scenario was scarier. He swallowed hard before whispering, "Why?"

Between Darkness and Daylight

4 Hearts:
“After a near fatal climbing accident Nova Foxx begins having visions. Following these visions she relocates her home and job to another city in hopes of saving a man’s life. The man in her visions is Zane Youngblood a high school social worker who is has also been left in charge of raising his teenage nephew. It is because of an altercation with Zane’s nephew that Nova and Zane meet.

There is instant chemistry between the two. The two soon hook up and become intimate. Nova is afraid to tell Zane about the visions for fear of his reaction. In the meantime she tries to protect him from the evil that stalks him.

Between Darkness and Daylight
is an exciting and highly suspenseful romance. Three very compelling characters draw the readers into their lives as they meet and fall in love. A frighteningly insane stalker bent on evil wants to end their happiness. Readers will be glued to their chairs waiting the time when he makes his move. The tension is constantly building as the readers are allowed inside the mind of the stalker and see what he does and how he manipulates those around him. Readers will not be able to put this one down until they know how it will all end.

Nova is a woman that is manipulated by her visions into giving up everything she has to save a man’s life. For someone that hates the supernatural she embraces what she must to protect him. She wins readers admirations with her many strengths and courage.

Zane is a man that has suffered much heartache in life. He has a lot of responsibilities that he tries the best he can to fulfill. This includes raising his troubled nephew. He needs someone he can rely on and a break from the stress in is life. Nova can provide this for him if he gives her a chance. He is very hard headed and has difficulty trusting for very good reasons. He makes the readers care for him and pray that there is a happy ending in the future for these three characters.

The romance from the very beginning is steaming. Nova has spent time imagining what Zane would be like before she ever meets him. She is already in lust before they ever meet. The two characters almost combust from the heat of desire when they do meet. Readers will find that when these two finally come together it is with a desperation that leaves the hearts racing.

Between Darkness and Daylight
is a wonderfully creative paranormal suspense. Readers that enjoy the supernatural including psychics will be fascinated by this story of a psychic on a mission.

They will love the surprises in the end. I encourage readers to look for this story for its frightening suspense and its passionate romance.
Between Darkness and Daylight
by Gracie C. McKeever is a love story that offers something for everyone’s enjoyment.” —

The Romance Studio

Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: Nine Inches of Snow and the Ebony Princess
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