Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle) (13 page)

BOOK: Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle)
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Chapter 13



arm, and wrapped tight in a heavenly embrace, Roxy felt rested for the first time in so long. She breathed in deep, the scent familiar and inviting. Male, forest, and musk.

Fingers trailed up her arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Her eyes fluttered open to be met with Trevor
’s jade green gaze. “Morning,
A Chroí
,” he murmured in a sleepy rasp. “Did you sleep well?”

“Mmm,” she purred, “better than ever. You?”

“The same. I could get used to sleeping with you wrapped around me, Roxy.”

Her heart stopped and then slammed against her ribs. Trying to hide the sudden trill of fear and desire, she
whispered, “Tell me I didn’t do anything embarrassing in my sleep.”

Light danced in his eyes.
“Nope, but you do curl close, like you were made to be in my arms.”

Her smile returned.
“Sorry I fell asleep on you.”

“I don’t mind. It was the best night I can remember,” he confided.

With those words, he tore down the rest of her defenses. Whatever his flaws, there were so many positives she didn’t think it mattered.

Roxy leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.
“I’m going to take a shower. Consider this your invitation. It’s not like you didn’t see it all last night.”

“Roxy,” he said softly as she climbed to her feet.
Trevor sat up but remained seated as he stared into her eyes. “If I come in with you, I’m making love to you, and if I make love to you, I’m never letting you go.”

She took a deep breath and
boldly asked, “Will I be your only woman from this point forward?”

He stood and closed the distance with complete sincerity in his
expression. Taking her face in his hands, he sealed her fate. “Since the moment I saw you, you were the only one for me.”

“Then I’m yours.”

Trevor captured her mouth with his and pulled her back to the bed without breaking the kiss. She slid her hands under his shirt, her fingers trailed up as she pushed the fabric up over his ribbed abdomen.

He sucked in a breath as he leaned back to let her lift the shirt over his head.
“We could wait on that shower,” he offered.

“Yeah, this is a better plan,” she
agreed, pulling her top off.

He hurried
ly shed of the rest of his clothes as she slid her sweats down. Once they were kicked off, she was pushed back onto the bed as he loomed over her, staring down at her.

Trevor held up a condom. She sat up, snatching it out of his hand
. Ripping open the foil package only amped up her desire. Grabbing his hard length, she rolled it over him before pulling him down as she lay back.

His eyes flashed gold as he lowered his mouth to her pert bud. His tongue laved over her sensitive tip before his mouth closed over her. The growl that rumbled out of his mouth bathed her in sensation as his free hand caressed down her body.

Trevor’s gaze met hers, deep green rimmed with a burning ring of gold. Something in her whispered beast, but she pushed it aside choosing to focus on the true emotion she recognized, something she’d never seen staring back at her. She felt the same deep inside, a feeling she now understood she never experienced, her soul for once complete as he placed a kiss over her heart on his way to her other nipple.

“Trevor, need you,” she moaned as his fingers slid against her slick heat.

“So wet,” he growled, pressing one finger in. “Shit, you’re tight, love.”

Her laugh was strangled.
“Been a while.”

His thumb brushed over her
sensitive pearl as he stroked her deep, working another finger in. “You’re killing me, Roxy,” he groaned before taking her mouth.

She could feel his length, heavy against her thigh as he worked her body
, making sure she was ready. “Sorry,” she whimpered.

Pleasure radiated out from his touch, turning her blood to liquid fire. “Please, please,” she begged, her head falling back as her b
ody arched. So close, so painfully close to something bigger than she’d ever experienced.

“That’s it,” he coaxed, “
come for me.” Climax crashed over her like a tsunami, destroying every memory of pleasure that had ever come before as she melted against the bed.

“So beautiful,
A Chroí
,” he whispered against her ear, his body laying over hers, but braced by his elbows so he didn’t crush her. “You ready for me, love?”

“Yes,” she

“Look at me, please,” there was a vulnerability to his tone that made her open her eyes.
She saw the emotions there and she fell, harder than she had ever believed possible.


* * * *


Roxy opened her iridescent blue eyes and Trevor’s whole world shifted to align with hers. He pushed in slowly, letting her stretch to accommodate him. She was so damned tight, slick with desire, and he was terrified he’d hurt her.

“Trevor, please,” she

He froze, and her eyes widened
when he asked, “Did I hurt you?”

She groaned, wrapping her legs around his thighs to pull him hard into her, until he was balls
deep. She cried out in pleasure, her nails cutting past skin and holding him tight.

She let out a sigh, and asked,
“You okay?”

He nodded,
unable to speak, his lips grazed over hers before he explored her mouth with his tongue. Savoring every shared heartbeat, he pulled nearly out before slowly gliding back in.

Roxy let out a frustrated grow
l and pulled him into her until he slammed home. She scored his back as pleasure passed through her features. “I won’t break,” she encouraged. “Make love to me like you mean it.”

He let go and took her,
driving deeper. Each thrust more feral than the last as his beast pressed to the surface. She made a needy desperate sound each time he met her end.

Her hands threaded into his hair as he held himself over her. She took his mouth, her hips meeting his, grinding
against him with each stroke. Her desire pushed him harder, his control slipping as his rhythm sped up.

All the emotions he
’d felt since he first laid eyes on her collided and melded into something stronger, something greater than he ever imagined. Love, it was pure and untamed. His heart belonged to her.

He saw the same
emotion mirrored back at him in her big dazzling eyes.

“Yes,” she cried out, “yours

“Yours,” he growled back, meaning it with every ounce of him.

Trevor felt her body ripple, her magic flooding and then flowing over him in a wave that heightened his pleasure. They found their release together. His beast rolled through him, brushing against her magic. Emotions flooded. His, hers, alone they were powerful, but together they were unbreakable.

He rolled to his side, bringing her with him. She moved with him, wrapping herself tighter against
his body as he held her close.

“Never letting you go,” he promised against her hair. He would shatter into a million pieces if any harm ever befell her.
Her safety was his first concern, now more than ever.

“Good. I
can’t imagine letting you go.” She placed a kiss over his heart before rolling out of his embrace.

Roxy stood and flashed him a brilliant smile
, full of confidence. “Now, we need a shower. Your stomach is growling at me, and I guarantee you’ll need your stamina later, because I want you again, and again.”

climbed to his feet. “Your wish is my command,” he bowed low, causing her to giggle.


* * * *


Roxy’s fingers were happily entwined with Trevor’s. Something was different, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what. She felt alive, full of energy, and connected to Trevor in some fundamental way. There was more, like something had been awakened within her.

looked up from her book as they walked into the Jitterhouse. Her grin nearly split her face. She hopped up in full-on babble mode. “So, you two hit it off? Of course you did. I saw the way you two were kissing on the beach. There’s so much chemistry between you two I can feel it from here. God, I bet it was hot.”

’s eyes closed. She stopped and shook her head. “Seriously, Skylar? You’re going to ask that with him standing right here?”

Trevor chuckled.
“It’s no worse than the questions that are going to spring from Sorcha and Joey’s mouths.”

Her eyes widened as she turned to Trevor.
“Figures. Jason’s not going to be much better.”

Trevor grinned, pulling her close.
“Let them talk. I’m not letting you go.”

She believed him too, she felt it all the way to her core, which didn
’t make a damned bit of sense.

Skylar squealed and bounced up and down.
“You two are so spicy and sweet together. All lovey-dovey, but I see the fire burning between you.”

“Okay, okay,” Roxy giggled. She pulled Trevor to the counter. “
Skip the espresso, go with my breve.” Roxy looked up at Trevor with a raised brow.

“Americano, black.”

“You like your coffee strong?” Roxy asked with a grin. “I usually start with eight shots on ice.”

He purred,
“That is more caffeine than anyone ever needs, love.”

She shrugged, her eyes sliding away sheepishly.
“I’m not used to being able to sleep.”

“Mmm, then you can use my arms any night you wish.”

“I’ll be taking you up on that until you get tired of me.”

“Aww,” Skylar beamed. “You two are so damned sweet.”

Roxy shot Skylar a playful glare. “You are such a pain.”

Skylar shrugged.
“But you love me. Besides, I haven’t seen you this happy in…” her face scrunched up like she was doing math, which Roxy supposed she was, “damn girl, since you made your first genre list on Amazon.”

“Anyway,” Roxy
attempted to change the subject.

Skylar started the drinks without looking in Roxy
’s direction. There was worry in her tone. “I hear you broke up a fight last night.”

“Yeah.” Roxy let out a heavy sigh. “Look, some asshole was going to kill Jordan. Do you really think I’m capable of sitting back and letting it happen if I have a chance in hell of stopping it?”

“No, but that bastard doesn’t deserve your loyalty or sympathy.”

“I know.
And he’s pretty much lost the little I had left for him after what he said last night. Doesn’t mean I want to see him dead on the floor.”

Be careful, Rox. Jordan is a big boy. Let him clean up his own mess for once.”

From now on, I will.”

Skylar shoved the drinks their way and Trevor insisted Skylar take money.

He turned to Roxy with a nod at the door. “Now we need to eat. I have an idea of what we can do this morning.”

“Is it a surprise?” she asked.

There was a twinkle in his eyes. “It is, and one I think you’ll enjoy.” The combination of his voice and accent was definitely audible foreplay.

Then her phone
played “Savin’ Me” by Nickelback. She answered, “Hello, Mikey,” adding extra sugary sweetness.

“Roxy. Everything okay?”

“Everything is more than okay. Why?”

ot a bad feeling. Probably Jordan getting high again. He’s been wigging out every time he wakes up, like… like… shit, never mind. You really don’t want to know.”

She frowned, bu
t shook her head. There was probably a reason she didn’t want to know. “Well, okay. Look, I’m busy all day. After yesterday, I’m not checking in on Jordan. He needs to get a handle on his own demons. I’m done with him and his shit. I’ll come to practice when he’s ready, but my personal life is off limits. Make sure he understands that.”

Trevor gave her
a long look, but kept his mouth shut.

“Yeah, I know where you
r relationship with Trevor is headed. I’m happy for you. I’m not looking forward to breaking it to Jordan, but I’ll do it.”

“Good. Talk to you later, Mikey.”

“Later, Rox.”

She slid her phone into her pocket.
“What?” she asked, a little too harshly.

Trevor breathed in deep and let it out slowly.
“I never meant to come between you and your band.”

“You didn’t.
I was at this point before I even saw you. You just happen to be the best damned coincidence ever.”


Chapter 14



“I smell Trevor, but it’s too late,” Dina growled.

“What do you mean?” Boyd snapped.

“He fucking mated the bitch. The one we’re not supposed to touch. Killing her would be such sweet revenge.”

Boyd sneered at her.
“You still think you would have mated him? You’re nothing like that goody-goody piece of shit. You’re cold and heartless. You are my perfect mate.”

He was right. It didn’t dampen the need to tear Trevor down. She didn’t need him, but
all the same, she wanted him to pay for not wanting her.

Her lips twisted
cruelly. “Either way, the bitch stopped you from finishing what you started. As stupid as your behavior was, I want her to pay.”

“Well, with your
sights set on Trevor, we could even the score. You can play with your toy, and I’ll play with his.”

’s eyes narrowed as her chest heaved, but she reined in the sudden flair of jealousy. “First, we need William’s approval. He wants the girl for something.”

“William always wants something. Yet, he’s not here to
claim it.”

Boyd pulled her between two trucks
parked alongside the curb. “They won’t be in there much longer. Let’s wait.”

Dina nodded her consent. For once it was a smart move.


* * * *


Roxy had been right. Jason was
easily as intrusive as Skylar, maybe more so. Still he seemed happy for them, if a little skeptical.

Jason dropped the check by on his way to another table, and before Trevor could scoop it up, Roxy had it in her hand. She winked as Jason came back by
, and handed over the money with a grin.

“So, you’re going to be one of those couples who fight over the check?” he teased.

“Nope,” Trevor answered quickly. “Though we might race to get it first.”

Jason turned to go ring them up.

phone chimed with the urgent tone. He took a slow breath as he opened the text from Joey.

Dina and Boyd are waiting out front. Leave through the back, we
’ll pick you up. I’m driving.

He gave Roxy a smile.
“Let’s go,” he held his hand out for her as he stood and she followed. He tugged her toward the back.

She didn
’t argue, but gave him a funny look as he ushered her out the door.

Roxy finally stopped and turned to him.
“What the hell was that about?”

Trevor placed a finger over her lips. He could already hear Dina and Boyd bickering out front. It was about to go from quiet hissing to full
-on yelling.

’s eyes widened in confusion. She shook her head and her hands landed on her hips as a single dark brow arched in a demand.

Right, she c
an’t hear them.

Trevor whispered against her ear,
“Joey sent me a text. Dina and Boyd are looking for you. They are out front.”

Her expression turned angry and she raised her hand but he leaned in to kiss her, effectively stopping her argument while they were outside. He
’d let her yell in the car, or whatever she needed, to get her frustration out, but he didn’t want to draw Dina’s attention.

“I smell that cunt, where the hell is she
?” Dina screeched.

Roxy jerked her face away, her eyes narrowing as her hands curled into firsts.

Trevor loved her fire. “Shh, love,” he beseeched, pressing her against the wall. She melted against him. Her eyes still held anger, but desire was mingled there. “Trust me, you don’t want to tangle with them if you can avoid it.”

“Come on, hurry up before they catch on,” Sorcha quietly
urged from beside Trevor.

Roxy jumped against him, her breath coming in deep pulls.
“What the fuck?” she whispered harshly.

Sorcha rolled her eyes as Trevor took a step back. Then Sorcha took Roxy
’s hand and pulled her toward Joey’s Jeep.

Roxy hesitated, Trevor scooped her into his arms and dashed to the end of the alley, where he climbed into the backseat without letting her go.


* * * *


Roxy scrambled out of Trevor’s lap and put her hands up. “Whoa, hold up. What the fuck was that?” she exclaimed as Joey took off and she was slammed back in her seat. “Excuse me, I need some damned answers!”

Trevor sighed, closing his eyes.
“Roxy, I’ll explain. First, take a deep breath and calm down.”

“Calm down? I don’t even have a choice in what I’m doing now? What the hell?”

Sorcha twisted in her seat to look back at her. “Look, we drove by and saw Dina and Boyd arguing outside the Monsoon. This was after we overheard Dina trying to pry information from people at Charleen’s. Do you really want either of them to do to you what they did to your

“No, but you can’t shove me in a car without telling me what’s going on,” she insisted. “You know
what? Take me home!”

“No,” Joey growled and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. He softened his tone
, “They are looking for you. They know where you live now. Please, for Trevor’s sake, hang with us today.”

“Fuck,” she muttered, falling back in her seat and buckling up. “Where the hell are we going?”

“Snoqualmie Falls. You mentioned it yesterday and I wanted to see it,” Trevor said, hope in his words.

She turned toward him.
“Only if you explain what the hell is going on. Why are they looking for me? I’m not the one who started shit with them.”

Trevor scrubbed a hand over his face.
“They know you’re with me, they know I cherish you, and they would do anything to destroy me. Meaning, they would hurt you to hurt me. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Why?” she demanded, needing to know something substantial.

And why the hell is Joey growling?

Joey started.
“You could say Dina’s clan has always warred with ours. They will do anything to hurt us. Trevor especially, but that’s ancient history.”

explanation only confused Roxy more. “What does that even mean?”

Trevor turned to her, caressing her cheek. Instead of pulling away she leaned into him, letting his warmth wash through her,
easing the anger.

Then she jerked back, realizing he somehow
managed to calm her. She took a deep breath as she stared back at him. “Answers, please.” The anger had dulled, but she refused to go along without knowing why.

He took her hand and sta
red deep into her eyes, his features painted with anguish. “Roxy, it’s a long story, and I will tell you. All of it. I don’t have the words at the moment. Can you trust me when I say I made mistakes in my past, and that I have regret, most of which stems from Dina and her people?”

“I do, but you need to trust me not to freak out.” She reached up to brush her fingers over his cheek.
“Whatever happened, you aren’t happy about it. I get the feeling they deserved whatever it was, and you probably tried to make amends. You don’t strike me an asshole who acts without a good cause.”

His lids slid shut as he shook his head and then leaned into her hand where it rested on his cheek.
“Doesn’t make me feel better about what happened. I’ll tell you—“

She covered his mouth with hers in a
gentle kiss. “Not right now. I trust you. I have a slightly better understanding. I get it, I made a bad decision last night and drew their attention. I’m not stupid. I don’t want to put myself at risk.” She shrugged a little. “You can tell me when you’re ready. Okay?”

His fingers threaded into her hair as he drew her closer, to brush his lips over hers. Without thought, she swept her tongue into his mouth. His low purring growl rolled through her. He pulled her into
his lap, and she only briefly wondered about the seatbelt as his hand grazed over her breast.

Then she was whipped to the side as the Jeep swerved. Trevor caught her, pulling her to him before she could

“Fucking damn it, Joey. Watch it, a
rsehole,” he snapped.

Joey burst out laughing and Roxy looked over in time to see Sorcha punch his arm.
“Ow, babe,” he whined. “I only was having a bit of fun.”

“Yeah, well Trevor is likely to kill you if you harm Roxy,” Sorcha balked

Roxy laughed nervously as she pulled away from Trevor who glared daggers at Joey.
“Hey, Trevor, I’m fine.”

He let out the breath he was holding and nodded as he turned back to her.
“You sure?”

“Yeah.” She shot Joey a look. “Though, Joey, you should stay in your lane.”

Joey chuckled. “Yeah, well I didn’t want to be pulled over after he managed to get you naked.”

“He wasn’t undressing me,” she
protested as she scooted to her side and re-buckled herself in.

“I might have if he hadn’t stopped us,” Trevor

Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.
I would have let him.

His nostrils flared as
the corners of his lips lifted in a grin. Somewhere in the back of her mind, something was pinging, but she was too caught up in the passion in his eyes to figure it out.


* * * *


Roxy’s scent was going to drive him insane. He should have brought her back to his condo, instead of dragging her out for breakfast. He should have known that Dina and Boyd would track her down.

“Hey, Trev. You might want to let her know about tomorrow,” Joey reminded him. The scent of worry permeated the Jeep.

Her brow arched as Roxy turned to Trevor. “What happens tomorrow?”

“It’s a stupid tradition.” Trevor paused, and took a breath before continuing. “We go hunting one night every month. If I could get out of it, I would. I can’t.”

He watched as so many emotions played through Roxy’s expression. Hurt, jealousy, fear, and finally acceptance.

She gave him a small smile.
“It’s okay. I don’t expect to spend every second with you.”

He could smell the lie and it slayed him because he didn
’t want to leave her for any amount of time. If she knew, it would be different, but he hadn’t figured out how to tell her. The words died on his tongue every time he opened his mouth to open her eyes to a world she thought was only in her imagination.

“I’m sorry, Roxy. I don’t want to go.”

“It’s fine,” she assured quietly, turning to look out the window. “I get it. You have a life.” Her attitude came out in that statement, but he could sense her pain and embarrassment.

He felt like
an arse. “I really would cancel if I could.” There was no way in hell he could though, and as long as they kept their mouths shut about what tomorrow was, it might be okay. “I’ll make it up to you.”

She turned back to him. There was a real smile on her face
but it didn’t reach her eyes. “You don’t need to, and you don’t need to explain. I get it. You’ve made the last twenty-four incredible. I was a little greedy thinking I could keep you all to myself.”

“What are you going to do while I’m gone?” The answer was important. He would worry about her.

“Write. I have plenty of writing to catch up on.”

“Are you behind?” he asked softly
, feeling guilty for monopolizing all of her time.

“No. I’m ahead of schedule like usual. Even if you hang out with me until you have to leave, I won’t be behind.”

Relieved, he took her hand. “Good. I don’t want you out of my sight until four tomorrow afternoon. That’s when we’ll have to take off.”

“Sounds good.”

The car jerked to the left and came to a sudden stop. Trevor caught himself against Roxy’s door, barely holding himself off her enough to keep from squishing her.

“Damn it, Joey,” he growled. “Can’t you take it easy?”

“No,” Joey chuckled. “It’s not in my nature, and you know it.”

Roxy nipped Trevor
’s bottom lip and he groaned. “Roxy,” he whispered, “I should have brought you home.”

“Mmm, agreed,” she murmured before she opened the door and slid out.

He almost fell out of the car but caught himself and followed her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Down to the falls,” she called over her shoulder with a wink.

Joey caught him, and pulled him to a stop. “You had her, but you haven’t told her?” He wasn’t judging, merely asking.

“I don’t know how. She’s not prepared for our world.”

“She writes about our world, or at least how she interprets it,” Sorcha pointed out. “She uses a lot of the wrong names or words, but she describes much of what we’ve seen from witches, druids and mages.”

BOOK: Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle)
9.95Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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