New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York) (4 page)

BOOK: New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)
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Haylee brought her arms up and hooked them behind his neck, gently pulling his head down.  Tucking his head into her neck, Kyle nibbled on her ear lobe then planted soft kisses along her neck.  He never missed a beat as he slid his hands from her stomach to her hips.  Haylee felt the groan that escaped him, even though she couldn’t hear it.  She couldn’t help but smile.  This was turning out to be the night of her life.


“Haylee?” His voice was low and husky in her ear.




“Can you feel what you do to me?”


“Oh, yes.”  Haylee could barely answer, her breaths short and raspy.


The song ended and another song came on that she didn’t recognize.  The beat was fast and she realized Kyle had stepped away from her.  Other dancers around them were throwing their hands out and bumping in to them.  He grabbed her hand in his and turned her, then led her to a darkened corner.


“Haylee, I need to tell you something.”


“Oh?”  Shit, he’s married.  Or dying.  Or moving.  She could barely see in the darkness, except for the one nearby lamp that cast a glow on Kyle’s face.  He had a seriousness about him that made her shudder.


“I want you.  Bad.”  Haylee’s eyes practically popped and her mouth dropped open.  Not what she had expected to hear.  “I want to taste every inch of your skin and feel your soft fingers on my naked body.  I know we just met, officially, tonight, but I have a confession.”


“A confession…?”  Haylee stammered.  Her mind was slow to catch up as images of touching Kyle’s naked body were flitting through her head.


“Jake has shown me pictures of you. I, um, have seen you before tonight.”  Kyle ran his hand through his hair and down the back of his neck.  He was staring at her forehead, not looking in her eyes.  She waited for a minute, to see if he’d say more.  He did.


Looking her straight in the eyes, Kyle squeezed the hand he was still holding.  “I have dreamt of you for months.  I’ve wondered what it would be like to kiss you, to hold you, to feel your body pressed against mine.  I’ve imagined what it would be like to slip inside of you and claim you as mine.”


Oh. My. God.


“I had to come tonight.  I had to see you in person.  To know for sure that you are real and that if things were different, I could’ve had a chance.”


Hello. Planet. Earth.


Haylee pulled her hand from his and stepped back.  “If things were different?  What the hell does that mean?”  She couldn’t explain the anger that overcame her.  Maybe it was an adrenaline crash.  Maybe it was the fact that he had her floating on cloud nine, only to yank it out from under her.


“If…Look, I leave for London in the morning.”


“London?  But…why?”  Haylee could barely get the words out.  A trip to London wasn’t a big deal, usually.  His serious tone created an uncomfortable feeling that it wasn’t a short trip, but possibly a permanent move.


“Jake and I signed a major company that is based in London.  One of us has to go over there and work out all of the transitions from the old software to the new, integrations, employee training and so on.  Since he’s married, the only other person to go is me.”


Haylee couldn’t fault him. It was a million-dollar business deal and it sounded quite involved.  Of course one of the software program’s developers would have to handle it.  It all made perfect sense to her.  Yet, she felt an overwhelming sense of loss.  She’d come out tonight hoping for one amazing night with a stranger and that’s what she got.  She couldn’t expect more.  Yet, deep down, she wanted more with Kyle.  At least a chance to explore the chemistry between them.


Kyle tipped up her chin with his finger.  “But, we could have tonight, Haylee.”


Haylee gazed into his intense green eyes and considered what could happen if she shared just one night with this beautiful man.  It would be amazing.  It would be memorable.  It would crush her after he was gone.  Two out of three benefits.  She’d worry about her heart later.  Right now her body was making the decisions.


“Just one night.” Haylee whispered.  She had to make it clear that she didn’t expect more from him.  She was a big girl.  A one-night stand at her age wasn’t anything unusual.  She just had to guard her heart.  Make it only about the physical.  Keep the personal stuff to a bare minimum.  When Kyle cupped her face in his hands and stared in to her eyes, his own reflecting his desire to her, she realized that one night with him would be worth the heartache later.


“I have my own room at the hotel.” When Haylee cocked her head, he continued.  “I didn’t want to disturb everyone else when I have to leave at seven in the morning.  I didn’t expect to need a private room, but now I am insanely happy I have one.”  His smile lit his face.


Haylee melted, she couldn’t help it.  When he smiled at her like that, everything just went all mushy inside of her.  The way his eyes sucked her in, she felt beautiful…wanted…sexy.  She stepped on her tip toes and brought her lips close to his, “Let’s go. I want you right now.”  She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and giggled at the expression on his face.  It resembled the “deer in headlights” look of shock. 


Kyle grabbed her hand and led her back to their friends.  Haylee suddenly realized that her friends were going to be well-aware of what they’d be doing when they left the pub.  Heat infused her face as they got closer, but luckily, only Melissa and Jake were left.  Everyone else had apparently gone on their own way for the night.  Melissa gave a surreptitious thumbs-up and Jake winked at her, and then nodded at Kyle. 


“See you guys later.” Kyle called out as he directed Haylee to the exit.


Getting a cab on New Year’s Eve was practically impossible, so they bundled up and made their way over to the hotel, swerving through the mobs of people wandering the streets.  Kyle put his arm around her shoulder and tugged her close to his body.  Haylee felt safe with him and wondered at herself for that.  She didn’t know him all that well, after all.  She knew Jake and trusted him implicitly which transferred over to Kyle a bit.  But, now she was going back to a hotel with a stranger.  One hot, gorgeous, amazing kisser-of-a-stranger.  Before she voiced her doubts, however, he was guiding her in to the lobby of the hotel. 


While Kyle got his key from the front desk, Haylee mulled over the situation in her mind.  Jake wouldn’t have let her go with Kyle if he was involved or was some kind of jerk.  They were going to be in the same hotel as her friends, so she’d have somewhere to go if things got out of hand. And, she had promised herself one special night.  By the time she talked herself back off the ledge, so to speak, Kyle was at her side, escorting her to the elevator.  His hand slid down to her hip and sparked fresh desire through her.

Yep.  She was doing this.  With Kyle.  Tonight.  Wow.




Nerves churned in her stomach
the entire ride upstairs.  Kyle stood close and kept his body turned slightly toward her.  There were a few other couples in the elevator, one of which was caught up in an intense lip lock.  Their hands roamed one another and it was obvious they didn’t care that they were in public.  The elevator stopped at the third floor and the other people got off, including the kissing couple.  The girl looked back at Haylee and Kyle and winked while grabbing her man’s ass, then turned and walked away as the doors closed.  Haylee looked at Kyle as he turned towards her, and she felt herself blush.  He grinned at her and pulled her in front of his body, wrapping his thick arms around her waist.  Even through their heavy coats, she could feel his erection.


For a second, Haylee panicked.  He had to be huge.  What if it didn’t fit?  A nervous giggle bubbled up from her throat and she tried to stifle it with her hand.  The elevator dinged and they got out on the fifth floor.  Her heart began to thump quickly as she followed Kyle to his room.  This was not her.  What was she thinking?  Her body broke out in a sweat, her hands clammy, as Kyle slipped the card key from his pocket and reached for the electronic lock.


She could stop now.  She could simply go down the hall to her friend’s room.  She thought for a second and realized she’d be alone…with Cara and the “kilt guys.”  For some reason, the mental image of Cara and two almost-naked, kilt-wearing hotties caused a twinge between her legs.  Sexual tension thrummed through her body as she followed Kyle in to his room.


The door clicked behind her, but Haylee couldn’t bring herself to turn around.  The room was dimly lit.  She didn’t have to see anything to know he was standing right behind her.  She could smell his cologne, hear his breathing and feel the heat emanating off of his body.  He caused the tiny hairs on the back of neck to prickle and despite her nerves, she leaned back ever so slightly.


“Would you care for something to drink?” Kyle’s warm breath grazed her ear.


It was a simple question.  Haylee wondered if some liquid courage would be needed or if she’d want to decline, staying sober enough to enjoy this night.  The thought of being intimate with Kyle both excited her and scared her.  Maybe just a sip of something she convinced herself.


“Sure.  Anything is fine.”


Kyle came around her side and headed to the mini-fridge across the room.  He took out a handful of small liquor bottles and held them up.  “Vodka, Rum, Tequila?”


Haylee wasn’t much of a drinker and all three options didn’t appeal to her.  “Vodka,” she squeaked out.  Clearing her throat, she said, “If you don’t mind.”


Kyle flashed a smile at her.  “Of course not.  Sorry I don’t have anything better to offer.”  He opened the fridge and brought out a small container of orange juice.  It wasn’t much, but enough that Kyle could make two screwdrivers.  Haylee sipped her drink and walked over to the windows overlooking the city.


“It’s breathtaking,” she murmured.


“Yes.  Absolutely beautiful.”  Kyle stood beside her, gaze focused on her, not out the window.


Haylee tipped her head toward the window. “I meant the view.”


“Me too.”


Haylee was losing this conversation quickly.  She couldn’t explain why she wanted to draw his attention away from her, but the enormous bed in her line of sight made her feel jumpy.  She frowned.


“Haylee, it’s okay.  We don’t have to…” Kyle let his sentence drift off.  He was offering her an out, giving her permission to not go any further.  His thoughtful gesture made her want to jump him all the more.  She knocked back the rest of her drink and set the cup down on a nearby table.


“Kyle, I have a confession for you as well.  This isn’t me.  I don’t go to hotel rooms with men I barely know and drink cocktails ten feet away from a bed.  I also don’t see what you find so attractive about me.  I don’t get why you want me.”  Haylee dropped her head.  She hadn’t meant to go down that familiar train of thought, but alcohol tended to make her feel sad and right now, she felt pretty low.  Her confession brought out her insecure side and a tear formed, sliding down her nose.


Kyle stepped close to her, so close that the tips of his boots almost touched her toes.  She found the sight erotic for some inexplicable reason.  Her bright red toes peeping out of her heels, so feminine and dainty.  His thick black boots, so tough and manly.  It was just like the two of them; she small and insecure, Kyle tall and handsome.  Another tear fell and dropped on his boot.


“Can I show you?”  Kyle reached out and caressed her cheek.  “Can I show you why I want you?”

BOOK: New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)
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