Read New Year's Kiss Online

Authors: Tielle St Clare

New Year's Kiss (10 page)

BOOK: New Year's Kiss
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The werewolf’s mouth opened and his tongue came out, stroking up the line of her throat, rough and hot. He growled but this time the sound was different—not threatening, not warning. Sexual. She glanced down and saw the beast was aroused. His cock was huge, probably twice the size of Mikhel’s and
been big to begin with.

No way she was fucking that thing. She was willing to do a lot to save Mikhel but fucking this creature wasn’t it.

He stared at her, his head tilting to the side as if he didn’t recognize her. Then his body began to shift, following the same path that Zach had when he’d reverted to his human form. His bones crackled and snapped as he shrank, turning back into the man she knew…and maybe loved? Was it possible?
Oh good. More confusion for me to deal with.
That was something she would face later. Now, she was just glad that Mikhel was back.

Except he wasn’t fully back. The body was Mikhel’s but the eyes weren’t quite right. The color remained the brilliant blue but there was no humanity in them. The werewolf was still in control. And he still wanted her.

She took a step back but Mikhel shook his head, low and slow, warning her not to run. It took all her strength not to spin around and race for the pathway but she knew she’d never make it. Mikhel would be on her.

Mikhel. That’s right, this was Mikhel.

“Mikhel—” And she realized she didn’t know what else to say. “Uh, let’s talk about this.” He stepped forward, again reaching out and grabbing her, this time pulling her against his naked body. The motions were strong but a little awkward as if he wasn’t quite comfortable in his own body. He pulled her up and covered her mouth with his. Their lips touched and Mikhel froze—for just a moment, then he drove his tongue into her mouth, commanding and controlling the kiss.

Taylor wanted to hate it, wanted to be afraid but it was Mikhel, the taste and the body. And even the power. She remembered his strength last night, the way he’d commanded her and dominated their lovemaking.

Zach was right. Mikhel was inside this beast and she just had to free him. Not sure if it was the right thing or not but deciding she needed to do something, she kissed him back. Moaning when he sucked her tongue into his mouth. She smoothed her hands up his arms, curling them around his neck, holding him. Her body moved by instinct, cuddling closer, letting his hard cock slide between her legs. The silky material of her skirt blocked any direct contact but the heat that flowed off him was incredible.

And then it was ripped from her grasp.

Mikhel threw himself backward, thrusting her away. Needing to get away from her. His breathing was labored and the strength of his muscles had turned to tension, binding him. He glared across the clearing. The anger of the beast still raged inside him. God, she smelled sweet. The lovely scent of her pussy blended with the dark forest air and settled in his groin, squeezing his cock like a fist. He was hard and so ready to fuck.

Taylor advanced toward him but he backed up. “Stay back.”


“I don’t have full control of that thing.” He shook his head. It was the truth. The beast was clawing at his insides, demanding his satisfaction. Demanding that he fuck his mate, drive his cock into her cunt over and over again until she shook with need, to come inside her.

He couldn’t do that. He’d never come inside a woman, had never minded the absolute need to wear a condom. But now he wanted to feel her pussy against his naked cock and pour his cum into her.

“Mikhel, it’s okay.”

Again he shook his head. It wasn’t okay. She didn’t understand. But she also didn’t back away. She kept coming, moving slowly like a woman approaching a wild animal. Maybe she understood better than he thought. As she got closer, the scent of her arousal almost overwhelmed him—tempered by the faint traces of Zach on her skin. The beast inside him growled. Zach had licked her, maybe fucked her.

Mikhel felt his body moving but had little control as he grabbed Taylor and pulled her against him. The need to claim, to taste, to dominate surged through his veins. The kiss was brutal but he couldn’t stop himself and when he found the strength to raise his head, to beat the demon back long enough to let Taylor escape, her lips were pink and swollen. She licked her lower lip and leaned in, gentling him with a sweet kiss. The action soothed the creature’s anger but did nothing to quell the desire. He had to have her.

She kissed her way down his jaw, letting her teeth scrape against his throat. The dainty bite made his cock twitch and his hands tightened on her. He immediately tried to ease his hold, not wanting to hurt her.

“It’s okay.” Her voice was a comforting caress along his skin.

“It’s not, baby,” he said, trying to find the words. “God, just being around you.” The muscles in his neck tightened, pulling his head up and back. His teeth felt too big for his mouth. “All I can think of is throwing you down and mounting you like an animal.” His hand tightened in her hair, dragging her head back, baring her throat. She willingly moved, offering him her neck. She didn’t know, couldn’t know, what that small action signified. She was baring herself, submitting to him.

came to life again. Mikhel bent down and nipped her throat, a shade harder than he’d wanted. But it wasn’t enough. He needed to drive his teeth into her. The frantic need to take her consumed him. He bit down on her skin, knowing he was leaving a mark but unable to stop himself.

Her cry joined the night birds singing. Mikhel spun her around, trying to control himself enough to not hurt her. He held her to him, struggling to subdue the beast. Her ass pressed against his groin and she wiggled. Just a tiny movement but the roaring in his head exploded.

He took her to the ground—part of his mind fighting to make sure she wasn’t hurt, but the rest was focused on one thing. Getting inside her. Fucking her. He flipped the long fluffy material of her skirt out of the way, leaving her bare ass in the moonlight. Round and tight. Perfect. He kneed her legs apart and placed his cock to her opening, driving deep in one hard thrust.

She cried out but he recognized the sound—pleasure. She leaned forward, pushing her ass higher, letting him go a little deeper.

“That’s it, little wolf. Give yourself to me.” The words fell from his lips. He reared his hips back and plunged into her, feeling that sweet cunt open to him, squeeze him as he filled her. The sensation clouded his eyes, turning the world black and white as the
fought to reclaim his power. Almost a rider in his own mind, Mikhel felt his body moving on hers, hard and deep, relentless, pounding into her. The only thing that kept his panic at bay was the slick grip of her pussy and her seductive groans of pleasure, pleas for more. She took him, all of him, and begged for more.

howled its pleasure. The mate was worthy of him. Mikhel felt his teeth extending and the sleek line of her shoulder called to him. Distant, human voices screamed for him to pull back but the
and the instinct to claim her were too much. He bent down, his hips still pistoning inside her. He opened his mouth and bit down, sinking his canines into her shoulder.

Her body shuddered beneath his, her pussy contracting around his cock. The
beast howled as his mate came and thrust deep, and again, trying to draw out her pleasure before he released, hot and long inside her.

* * * * *


Taylor came back to herself with two realizations—she was lying on the forest floor…and she’d just been fucked by a werewolf. There was no other way to say it. The creature, beast, whatever she called it, had fucked her, hard. She blushed at the memory. Even though it had been Mikhel’s body, the other creature had been in control. The harsh grunts and growls as he’d pounded himself into her had been exciting and strange.

She took a deep breath, letting her mind adjust to everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. She’d had sex with two men and then learned they were werewolves.
Wow, this is starting off to be a very strange year.

She opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. The moss of the forest floor pillowed her head and the warm earthy scent of the soil filled her nostrils. Mikhel’s body was behind her, warming her, his face buried in her hair. His cock was still inside her, still hard. He wasn’t thrusting but slow random pulses reminded her that he filled her. His hand cupped her pussy, claiming her.

He slid a finger into her slit and teased her clit. Her groan shattered the almost silence of the forest.

“Am I hurting you?”

She shook her head because it was true. Though her body should have been worn out and overused, she still ached for more. It didn’t seem possible—she’d been fucked five ways to Sunday last night and tonight but she wanted more. Wanted to feel that strong powerful body on hers, coming inside her.

“Let me know if it gets too much,” he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. “I just need to be inside you.” He followed the statement with a harder, deeper thrust.

“Yes.” She pressed her hips back, giving him the access that he wanted. Still they didn’t move to truly fuck. They just stayed locked together.

The presence of the other creature was gone and all that remained was Mikhel.

She smoothed her fingers over the back of his hand. “Does that thing show up very often?” The question seemed a little out of place but she wanted to know. If she was going to be hanging around these guys—and something told her that she was—she deserved to know what to expect.

? No. Never.”

She glanced over her shoulder at him.

“Okay, almost never. I mean I’m almost thirty and this is the first time it’s ever shown up.” He continued to touch her but she could tell he was lost in his own thoughts. “We all have it but only something powerful can draw it out. Usually we just turn into our wolf form. Never the

“What caused it tonight?”

She felt him shake his head. “The full moon. You. Smelling your pussy juices on Zach.”

They both froze. “Zach.”

“Oh shit.” Mikhel eased himself away from her, sliding his cock from her passage and rolling onto his back. “Zach.” He rubbed his fingers across his forehead like he was trying to encourage the memories to return. “Did I hurt him?”

“He was kind of scraped up but he seemed okay when he sent me in here.”

The edges of Mikhel’s eyes tightened and the look of concern and sympathy changed to anger. “He sent you after me?”


“Fuck, what was he thinking?” He jumped up. “What the fuck was he thinking?” He held out his hand. “Come on. Let’s go have a chat with that boy.”

Chapter Nine


She followed Mikhel through the forest. He was completely naked but she still wore the skirt and blouse she’d put on for dinner with Zach. The beast—the
—hadn’t torn her clothes off. He’d just pulled the skirt out of the way. His sole purpose had been getting to her pussy. A little shiver raced down her spine and settled in her sex as she remembered the power and energy, the pure desire that had erupted from the
. He’d been solely focused on fucking.

Heat pulsed through her veins as she walked, each step seeming to make the need worse. The tight muscles of Mikhel’s ass as he led the way made her palms itch to hold them, to squeeze them as he was above her, pumping inside her. Oh yes, that was what she wanted.

The house came into view. She looked at the back window—or the gaping hole where the back window used to be. And down to the lawn. Glass created weak reflections on the grass. Mikhel had done some serious damage to the house. Thankfully Zach seemed to come out of it relatively unharmed.

As she thought of him, Zach appeared on the back deck. The sight of the house tempered the desire that flooded her system but seeing Zach dressed and looking so sexy made the need rebound.

She stared at him. So delicious. So different from Mikhel—long and sleek, where Mikhel was strong and powerful. Her pussy throbbed.

What was wrong with her? All she could think about was sex, fucking these two men. One in her mouth, the other filling her pussy, taking her over and over again.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Mikhel demanded as he stalked up the deck stairs. He didn’t seem to care that he was naked and Zach was dressed. Taylor stayed back, watching the two men. Trying to follow the conversation but the desire was growing by leaps and bounds, as if her body craved more now that both Zach and Mikhel were near.

“I did what needed to be done.” Zach’s voice was firm, rock solid.

“I came inside her.” Mikhel waved his arm toward her. “Is that what you wanted? I
inside her.”

He said it with such intensity Taylor knew it was significant. Did he have a disease or was he thinking she’d get pregnant? She was on the pill but the disease thing…she should have been more cautious but when a seven-foot beast is stalking you and only seemed soothed by the thought of fucking you, a little thing like a condom faded in significance.

But Zach didn’t seem surprised or worried about Mikhel’s announcement. He just nodded as if that was what he’d expected.

What the hell is going on?
It was a question she imagined asking a lot in the next day or so.

“Did you think about what you were doing?” Mikhel demanded. Violence shimmered between the two men, so strong Taylor could feel it. The energy vibrated in her body and sent the hairs on the back of her neck straight up. Her nipples, already hard, tightened painfully and it was all she could do not to grab herself and pinch the tight peaks. “You bared your throat and your belly. You want to be my sub? Because right now, all I can think of is making you bow to me.”



“It was time. You’ve been running for five years.” Zach seemed to be warming up to his topic. “We’re pack animals. As much as we live in the human world, as much as you’d like to deny it, we’re made to live in a pack. This lone wolf bullshit we’ve been living isn’t cutting it. You were made to lead a pack.”

“That wasn’t your decision to make. And you sure as hell shouldn’t have dragged Taylor into this.” Mikhel stalked forward, putting his face two inches from Zach’s. She could see Zach’s tension, his desire to back down but he kept his eyes trained on Mikhel. “You set me up. You manipulated me. And Taylor. But you screwed yourself. As leader of this pack, I can order you to stay away from her. You’d never see her, let alone fuck her again. Did you think about that? All you’d know was that I was mounting her night after night. Coming inside her.”

Taylor’s knees weakened as her pussy pulsed, the images created by Mikhel’s words a vicious caress to her cunt.

“You’ll have to kill me to keep me from her.”

Zach’s low, soft words caused the violence to bubble to the surface. Mikhel’s shoulders tensed and rolled up, back, his strength gathering.

And something inside Taylor snapped.

“That’s it! Stop, back up.”

Both men froze in position then slowly turned. The full weight of their stares didn’t faze her a bit. The sexual need that flowed through her changed to pure power, confidence.

She strode up the two steps to meet the guys on the same level, standing between them.

“Both of you, back up.” For a moment they didn’t move then they each took one step away. “The last twenty-four hours of my life have been all out, over the top fucking weird and I’m not going to cap off the day by cleaning up a bloody battle between two pissy werewolves. You—” She jabbed her finger at Mikhel. “You don’t own me. You don’t make decisions for me. And while I admit I don’t understand half of what is going on here, I’m not going to just roll over and play dead. This is my life and I’m involved in it.”

Mikhel’s eyes tightened to a squint. “What happened to the submissive woman we fucked last night?”

“Yeah well, I’ve discovered I like being dominated during sex, but that doesn’t extend to the rest of my life.”

Zach laughed and Taylor directed her glare to him. The smile disappeared from his face.

“And you—you set this up. Mikhel’s right. You manipulated both of us.”

“I was—”

“Zzzt!” She cut off his explanation. She didn’t want to hear it. She wasn’t sure she could listen to it. Not now. Being so close to both men had multiplied the desire and it was difficult to focus. It was like she could smell their need for her. And her body responded, clamoring for those hard, hot cocks moving in her. She suppressed a groan and tried to maintain her anger. “I don’t want to hear it. Not now.” Her legs trembled and she grabbed Zach’s shirt, holding herself upright. “Damn, I’m hungry.”

The two men looked at each other.

“I’ve got some steaks in the fridge,” Zach said, starting to back away. Her fingers tightened on his shirt, dragging him forward.

“I wasn’t talking about food.” She used her grip to pull him close, stretching up to reach his mouth and covering his lips with hers. Last night, she’d been commanded, controlled, dominated by these two men but tonight the power flowed through her. She would take it. Seize it.

She pulled back from the kiss, leaving Zach hungry for more, and turned, directing her commanding stare to Mikhel. He watched, his mouth open, his eyes trained on her lips.

“Come,” she commanded, holding out her hand. He hesitated, as if to tell her he only responded because he wanted to. But after a breathless moment, he took the one step and was there, his mouth on hers. Taylor couldn’t resist, couldn’t take a slow gentle stroke. She wanted more. She wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him to her. Zach kissed her throat, reminding her that her other lover was there, still waiting, still hungry. Her pussy clenched. Yes, this was what she needed.

She drove her tongue into Mikhel’s mouth, feeling his shock, his surprise but also the power that surged through her body. They were males, here to pleasure her. Come inside her.

Yes, perfect.

She swirled her tongue through Mikhel’s mouth, capturing his taste and then drawing back when she knew he wanted more. She danced her tongue away from his as he fought to take control.

Instead, she scraped her teeth across his lower lip, biting, just a shade too hard, leaving a mark.

Mikhel’s hand tightened on her hip and he growled.

But Taylor wouldn’t be swayed. Last night had been different but tonight, tonight she was in charge.

She pushed Mikhel back and snarled at him, warning him to back away. The red lights flickered in his eyes but she wasn’t afraid of them.

She snapped her head back and stared down at the naked form of her mate. His cock stood tall and hard, so ready to fuck her. Something inside her wanted to torment him, just a little, tempt him with what he wanted.

She pressed her hand down on his shoulder, urging him to kneel before her. “Lick my pussy,” she commanded. The lights flared in his gaze but after a moment’s hesitation—enough to tell her to worry about the man she’d commanded—he sank to the ground. His eyes held hers. His hands pushed up the long skirt and moments later, his mouth, his lips, were hot and hard on her sex.

Nothing like Zach—who teased and tempted. Mikhel fucked with his mouth, taking control, commanding her flesh to flow with hot sensual moisture. He drove his tongue into her passage, warning her that she would feel his cock, before he took a moment to lap at her clit.

A low growl penetrated the seductive fog that surrounded her and she looked up. Zach watched, his eyes trained on the space between her legs. Knowing he was watching, she dragged the tail ends of her skirt out of the way, revealing the sight of Mikhel eating her pussy.

Zach’s lips pulled back and she could see the long incisors of the werewolf. But she felt no danger.

“Come here,” she commanded, widening her stance to give Mikhel better access. He took advantage driving his tongue into her pussy. She couldn’t stop the groan and held Mikhel’s head in place, silently demanding more. Zach came close and she grabbed him, taking him for another deep kiss, clawing at his shirt, needing his skin, his flesh, his cock. Buttons popped and faded away. Material tore but she didn’t care. She needed his cock. Needed him.

Her hands—almost out of her control—tugged on the strong rivets of his jeans. His cock was just behind those points. Mikhel thrust his tongue up, driving deep inside her. She cried out, her fingers pulling Mikhel’s hair. Her other hand pulling, tearing at the material that covered the shaft she needed.

Ripped denim appeared in her hand and she tossed it aside. It was nothing. She needed Zach. Hot and hard. For her.

She curled her fingers around him, rolling her pussy against Mikhel’s tongue. Her hand slid up and down Zach’s beautiful cock. Hmmm, she wanted it inside her. Wanted it filling her. Fucking her. The dual attack on her senses was too much. Mikhel moved his lips to her clit, sucking, his tongue teasing one side with delicious strokes. She was close to coming. He was going to make her come.

“No!” She shoved Mikhel away. The startled, irritated look in his eye made her smile. She was in control. Her pussy juice coated his lips. “I want to fuck.” He stared at her for a long time and she thought he might refuse. He could easily overwhelm her and he didn’t like being denied but then he lowered his eyes. The movement could have appeared submissive but she knew better. He was giving her control, permitting her to take the lead.

The power from his acquiescence rolled through her cunt.

She turned to Zach, her body, her pussy, zeroed in on the hot, hard cock that waited for her. She looked at the male she would mount.

“You.” She looked at Zach. “Lie down.” There was a moment’s hesitation, like he was asking Mikhel for permission but then he was down, flat on his back, the hard deck beneath him. She remembered his jeans disappearing but somehow he’d lost his shirt as well. Strong sleek muscles crossed his chest and she wanted her hands on them, her claws scratching them.

The fact that she was thinking of “claws” as a personal feature should have slowed her but nothing could penetrate the viscous need. She licked her lips, imagining his taste. That strong, gorgeous body was hers to play with. With a gentle tug on Mikhel’s hair she pulled him back, leaning down to place a kiss on his mouth, tasting her pussy juices as she flicked her tongue over his lips. He tried to capture her for a deeper kiss but she teased him with a soft laugh and turned away.

She stepped over Zach’s body, stretched out, his cock long and stiff. Straddling his hips, she sank down to her knees, letting her wet pussy brush against his skin. He hissed and pumped up, trying to drive his shaft into her. Laughter teased her throat. Yes, so delicious. She placed her hand on his chest and slowly dragged her nails down, leaving pale pink streaks across his skin.

His lips pulled back in a silent growl but he didn’t move. Leaning forward, the need to mark him so strong, she opened her teeth on the smooth, tight skin just above his heart and bit, harder than she could have imagined but knowing he could take it, that he would love it. He groaned and grabbed her hips, rubbing his cock along her slit, silently begging for entrance.

His taste lingering on her lips, she sat up and pushed her skirt out of the way, cupping his shaft in her hand and placing the tip to her entrance.

“Is this what you want?” The fingernails of her free hand bit gently into his side, holding him as she teased the head of his cock to her opening.

“Yes, mistress.” It was more groan than spoken word and the inherent submission in his words made her pussy clench with need. She would fuck him, ride him, give him what he wanted and take what she needed. She swirled the tip of his cock around her clit, enjoying the wicked tingle through her pussy and loving the powerful groan that poured from Zach.

“Oh poor baby. You definitely need my pussy, don’t you?”

“Yes, mistress, please.”

She chuckled softly. “Since you asked so nicely.” She guided him to her entrance and slowly pushed down, letting him fill her, stretch her. Hot hands slid around her waist as Mikhel’s hard body pressed against her back.

BOOK: New Year's Kiss
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