Read New Game in Town Online

Authors: Cora Lee Gill

Tags: #Erotica

New Game in Town (5 page)

BOOK: New Game in Town
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What was there to think about? It sure as hell hadn’t been Matt who had given her an orgasm in the club.

A reckless streak had pushed him into cornering her in the dressing room. Initially he had only planned on teasing her a little, maybe give Gina a small taste of what was to come between them. But his need to dominate had overridden any caution he had told himself to exercise.

Looking at her face, now soft from her climax, Connor let out a heartfelt groan.

What he wouldn’t do to get inside of her and feel her slick pussy envelope his cock like a glove.

Shaking his head at his timing, Connor said, “I have to get to the dressing room to get ready for the game.” His breathing was still ragged. Closing his eyes, he took long deep breaths, fighting to get himself back in check.

Opening his eyes, he pinned her in place with a determined look. “I think we know which jersey you’ll be wearing tonight.” Connor reached for his jersey from where he had hung it and, with precise movements, pulled it over her head. When her head poked out of the top, he dared her to deny him with his piercing gaze.

He dropped a quick kiss on her bruised lips and opened the dressing room door. “I need to get to the dressing room to suit up. Later.” With that he left her.

* * * * *


So here she stood, wearing number seventeen like a brand on her back, sipping champagne in a luxury box. Still embarrassed by her lack of control when it came to Connor, Gina was fully aware that she had to put a stop to his antics.

Gina knew deep in her soul that if she didn’t take charge now, she would be lost forever. And after what happened with her two ex-fiancés, she realized that she would not recover so easily from the inevitable ending of a relationship with Connor. Even with her newfound confidence, life-changing attitude and updated wardrobe, a woman like her would never be able to hold the attention of a man like Connor for long.

No, it was time to move on to the second half of her plan and make another item on her fantasy list come true. But this time, she was going to ensure that she was the director selecting the costar who was going to perform in her new play of life.

So why was she searching the arena, hoping to see Connor’s strong, confidant stride coming toward her?

Chapter Five


The sound of her cell phone vibrating on her desk vied for her waning attention. Absently reaching for it, Gina rotated her shoulders in an attempt to work out some kinks from sitting hunched over her computer for hours. A red light was flashing on the screen of her cell, indicating a new message.

Distractedly, she opened her messaging inbox and read the contents. Shock made her stiffen in her chair.
What the hell?

If I close my eyes, I can almost smell your arousal. Are you wet for me?

Was this some kind of prank? Gina’s puzzled gaze shot to her office door, waiting for someone to step into her office and yell, “Surprise—gotcha!” But her door remained stubbornly closed. Or perhaps someone messaged her by accident…

Should she send a blasting response telling the jerk where to go? Checking for the sender, she saw that the message had been sent from an anonymous number, making a response impossible.

Deleting the message, Gina turned back to her computer, determined to put this out of her mind and finish up for the day. The minutes passed by with excruciating slowness, her gaze automatically peeking at her cell, waiting for the message-waiting indicator light to flash. But nothing happened.

Definitely a wrong number. She dismissed the incident as an accident.

Vrrr, her cell vibrated a half hour later. Grabbing it, she opened her inbox with a slight tremor in her hands. But it was a message from her date for tonight, confirming the time and place that they were to meet.

She felt a pang of disappointment.

Where had that come from? Did she really want some freak sending her lewd text messages?

The question drained away, leaving her with a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach as a thought percolated in her mind.

No way, he wouldn’t. Would he?

Gina shook her head in denial and took a deep cleansing breath.

After crossing off number two on her wish list in the dressing room, Gina hadn’t seen or heard from Connor. He and the team had left the next day for their four-game road trip and weren’t due back until next week.

What had she expected? That he would come find her after the game and finish what he had started?

If she was honest with herself, she
wanted him to search her out. Gina had even lingered a little longer in the arena, hoping to see Connor striding toward her with a ready smile on his face just for her.

She should have known better. No, Connor had probably already found someone else to amuse himself with.

Thinking about Connor in any context played havoc with her hard-won equilibrium. She was resolved to put him out of her mind and focus on tonight’s date with a sales rep she had recently met.

Time to put her wish list into action with a new leading man.

The ringing of her office line had her glancing at her watch. If she ignored the call and left now, she would have more than enough time for a relaxing shower before meeting her date for a late dinner. Letting the call go to voice mail, Gina began packing up for the day.

Her cell vibrated on her desk again. Looking down, she read the incoming message with disbelief.

Baby, I know that you are there. Answer your phone—Trust me, I’ll make it worth your while. C.

I knew it…
Her gut had told her that Connor was behind the texts!

She punched the speakerphone button on her desk phone when the next ring came through, fury making her voice crack. “You sick jerk!”

When she didn’t get a response, she looked down at the call display. Had she just insulted someone other than Connor? Seeing the out of area number, confused, Gina hesitantly said, “Hello?”

“What are you wearing?”

Closing her eyes in momentary relief, Gina collapsed into her chair. “Connor, this has gone too far. Forget the damn list and leave me alone. I have a date to get ready for.”

“Answer my question. What. Are. You. Wearing,” he demanded, each word bitten off with crisp efficiency.

Exhaling in frustration, Gina let her head fall back against her leather chair while she stared unseeingly at the ceiling.

Considering he had ignored her for the last few days, she should really tell him to go to hell.

“Knowing my little Gina, you’ve got on a silk blouse tucked into a tight black skirt.”

Glancing down at herself, she wondered if she was that predictable.

“Undo the buttons on your blouse. Slowly.”


“Do it, Gina. Nice and slow, one at a time, all the way down until those beautiful tits are exposed.”

Longing. The moment she heard his voice, she knew how this was going to end. There was no denying either of them.

Of their own volition, her hands reached for her blouse, slowly letting one button at a time slip through the holes. Quivering fingers pulled the silk apart, leaving her chest only covered by the thin lace of her bra.

“Look down at those luscious tits. What color is your bra?”

She heard his deep groan when she whispered, “Red.” She could almost picture his jaw clenching as his expression strained with desire.

“Do they feel heavy—are they aching for my hands right now, Gina?” Not waiting for her response, he continued wickedly, “My tongue?”

Now it was her turn to moan in the back of her throat. The sight of her engorged nipples poking against her bra, aching for his touch, had Gina begging, “Please…”

“Wiggle that sweet ass of yours and lift up your skirt. All the way up around your sexy hips.”

“I can’t,” she sobbed.

“Do it, Gina!” he commanded, “Now. That’s it, now strip off that wet G-string.”

Rolling her hips to pull down her already soaked underwear, leaving them pooled around her ankles, she couldn’t help wondering how he knew she was following his every instruction. Well, no surprise there; he was a man always in control, maneuvering her to suit himself. And she couldn’t help but comply with alarming regularity.

“Connor, we’re insane. This needs to stop,” Gina rasped without conviction. “Anyone could walk in and see me here—see me like this.” She hadn’t even locked her office door!

His amused chuckle sounded in her ear, “Not insane—we’re both just incredibly turned-on right now. That’s what makes this so intoxicating and hot, the thrill of discovery…”

“Gina, you’re going to do exactly what I tell you.” Not giving her a chance to respond to his outrageous dictate, he continued wickedly, “I want you to reach down and run your bare hands on top of your thighs, back and forth. I can imagine your thighs quivering, just the way they did when I made you come all over my hand.”

Damn if her palms didn’t climb up her bare legs and massage her thighs. Such a simple gesture had her muscles jerk under what normally would have been an innocent touch.

“Hmmm, by the sound of your breathing, I can tell that you want more, don’t you, Gina? Run those hands up closer, yeah, that’s it, closer…

“Stop! Not yet, Gina. You need to wait for my command before you touch what’s mine.”

Her surprise at his possessive words had her shocked gaze landing on her phone, willing him to magically reach out and touch her through it.

“Now, Gina, now you can run one finger along your slit. Push those soft pink folds apart and feel your juices cover your finger. That’s it, baby, good girl. Move your finger back and forth for me, just up to your clit, but don’t touch yourself there until I give you permission.”

His dictatorial words should have had her feminine pride up in arms. Instead, they had her body humming with yearning, waiting for his hot words to command her further.

When she had formatted her wish list, she had promised herself that she was going to assert her independence and make her fantasies come true by taking charge. She was going to be the one telling her partner what she wanted. Never had she thought that she would be so turned-on by a partner’s domineering words or tactics.

Connor’s strained voice let her know that he was equally affected. “Hmm, baby, I’m going to let you touch your quivering nub. Go ahead and run your thumb across it, back and forth.”

Her thumb lightly grazed her clit. That not being enough, she moved over it again, this time with more pressure. Gina let her head drop back against her chair, closing her eyes, she clasped her clit between her fingers and squeezed with enough pressure that it had her crying out loud, “Ah, Connor…”

“That’s it, baby, work that clit for me. Rub it with your fingers, feel the friction. Feel those slick juices coating your hand, getting you ready for me.

“Imagine my mouth on you, lapping you up. Hmm,” Connor growled loud in her ear, “I can’t wait to get my tongue inside you and see what you taste like. Sugar and spice, my very own special blend.”

Clenching her jaw tight, her head rolling from side to side and eyes firmly shut, Gina could almost imagine Connor’s intimate kiss, his mouth laving at her forcefully, not missing a drop.

“Baby, my hand is a pitiable substitute for your hot pussy. I am so going to fuck you the next time I see you. It’s going to be hard the first time, baby. You’ve made me wait long enough. Not any longer, Gina. When I get back, I’m going get my hard dick inside your sweet, tight pussy.” His loud growl rasped against her ear. “Imagine it, Gina, both of us naked on a bed. Your legs like a vise around my waist. Screaming for more…”

Squeezing her thighs together, she worked her finger harder over her clit, listening to Connor’s rapid breathing on the other end of the line, proving she wasn’t the only one affected.

“Remember how my finger felt inside you? Hmm, I swear I can feel your hot pussy sucking at it right now. You were so damn tight. I’m going to have to be real careful before I get my dick inside you, work you slowly to get your ready for me. I’ll need to make sure you take all of me, because I promise you, when I do get inside that tight pussy, you’re not going to know where you end and I begin.”

Helpless to stop herself, a loud moan escaped her dry lips.

“That’s it, baby, touch yourself. Are you thinking about what it’s going to be like to have my hard cock hammering into you, Gina? Remember how hot I make you. Think about how I’m going to make you burn when I get inside you.”

A long sob escaped her parched throat. Gina felt herself reach the final plateau of pleasure, his words triggering a powerful release as she came all over her hand.

“That’s it, baby, jeez, Gina….” his husky groan echoed around her as he found his own satisfaction. “So good, baby, so damn good. Next time, I’m going to be inside you when we both come.”

Exhausted, each lapsed into silence on their respective digital ends. Her accelerated heartbeat still bumped rapidly against her ribs, making it impossible to speak.

“I know that you had sexting down as an item on your fantasy list. I took the liberty of mixing up your wish with a little old-fashion phone sex,” he purred. “Some things you just can’t get across in a text message—too much lost in translation.”

She could hear the gloating in his voice clear across the country.

His next words stole some of her afterglow.

“Cancel your date.” Although his words were delivered softly, she could hear the steel behind them.


Halfway across the country, Connor waited for her to agree.

A date with another man? Hell no, not if I have anything to say about it

Connor was a little baffled at his own instinctive reaction at hearing about her date. He had never demanded a woman cancel a date because of him. Jealousy was a foreign emotion to him. But there was no mistaking that it was fueling his fury that she had made plans with another man.


They hadn’t discussed being in an exclusive relationship. For the first time in a long time, he was unsure of how to proceed with a woman he was attracted to.

The guys would have a field day with that little tidbit.

Connor acknowledged to himself that he had made a strategic mistake the other night after the game Gina had attended. When he had left her wearing his jersey in the dressing room, he had had every intention of seeking her out after the hockey game and continuing what they had started.

Taking a hard hit to his ribs late in the third period had changed all of that. Connor remembered barely making it to the dressing room before he called out for the team doctor to check out his ribs.

Sure enough, the doctor confirmed what he already suspected. Connor had been sent home tightly coiled in tape to keep his bruised ribs in place. He hadn’t been in any shape to pleasure Gina in his bed. It was getting harder to bounce back from the minor injuries that were part of professional sports. It seemed to him that he’d spent more time popping ibuprofen and icing his body in the last few years than he had his entire hockey career.

He knew he had made a strategic mistake. It wasn’t one he planned on repeating.


Wrung out emotionally and physically, Gina wanted to do nothing more than cancel her dinner plans. But she wasn’t going to give Connor the power to dictate her actions. Been there, done that and finally threw out the ugly T-shirts to prove it.

BOOK: New Game in Town
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