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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #erotic romance eBook

Never Say Never (4 page)

BOOK: Never Say Never
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“So, are you going to bring him around?” Sam’s eyes lit up, and he licked his lips.

Laughing, Nick shook his head. “He doesn’t know anything about this place. Might have to wait a while.”

“But he’s into the lifestyle, right?”

“Eh…” Nick couldn’t answer honestly. Adam wasn’t openly into the Master/slave lifestyle, but Nick sensed potential. He was slowly grooming his lover in that direction—

moulding him into the type of man he desired and expected his partner to be.

“Oh, man! He’s a D/s virgin? Sweet!”

Nick grinned, his face heating and probably blushing. “He’s pretty sweet. I think we both want the same thing. He just doesn’t know it, yet.”

“Aw, I love it! Well, hey, bring him to the M.A.s.T. social whenever you think he’s ready. The fellas will be thrilled to meet him.”

“We’ll see.” Nick nodded. A Masters and slaves Together function wasn’t the first place he’d choose to bring Adam. He needed to break his lover in to the lifestyle before he’d be NEVER SAY NEVER

Jenna Byrnes



able to show him off as a proper submissive. The idea made his cock swell inside his suit pants.

Nick thought once again about ringing Adam’s doorbell and, as soon as he stepped inside the house, throwing him over the back of the sofa and fucking him. Yet, sleep before his morning meetings beckoned, and he knew his fun would have to wait.

“I really just came in for a drink before I went home. Trying to unwind after a long day.

Could I get a vodka gimlet, please?”

“Sure.” Sam turned around and mixed the cocktail. When he placed the drink on a coaster in front of Nick, he smiled. “If you really want to unwind, I could find an empty room in the back. I’m off at midnight.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I’ve done some really naughty things since the last time we were together. I should truly be punished.”

Nick grinned. “Sounds tempting. But I have a big day tomorrow, and I need to get home.” He sipped his drink. “Nice. Just what I needed.”

Sam leant forward on the bar and spoke quietly. “I know a few other things you need.

Just between us, no strings.”

Nick tossed back the rest of his drink and stood. “I’m sure it would be great, but I really have to go.”

Sam shook his head, obviously disappointed. “Nobody’s ever warmed my ass the way you did. I’m going to miss you if you stop coming around.”

Nick patted the man’s smooth face. “I’ll still be here. Let me get my new fella broken in, first. This place would scare the crap out of him.”

Sam laughed. “Probably. Okay, handsome. See you soon.”

Nick tossed some cash and a generous tip on the bar. He winked at Sam and strolled out to the private, underground car park. He enjoyed the monthly play parties at the Rose & Thorn. Safe, sane and consensual sex, wild and abandoned, was a big draw. But right then, his focus was on Adam. He intended to make his new lover the best submissive possible.

He simply had to figure out the best way to break the news to Adam.




Jenna Byrnes



The meeting with the potential new donors went as well as Nick could have hoped, but it lasted all morning. After an obligatory, long lunch with some members of the McAllister Foundation board, Nick was yawning by the time he returned to his office. Because he’d worked late the previous evening, he had no qualms taking the rest of the afternoon off in exchange. His supervisor, quite pleased with the events of the morning, agreed and told Nick she’d see him the next day.

He thought about his position on the drive back to his condo. McAllister was a non-profit entity whose goal was raising money and directing the use of the funds. Nick’s area of concentration was St. Mark’s Children’s Hospital, and according to the hospital’s board, he was quite successful.

It tore at his heart to see the faces of the terminally ill children treated at St. Mark’s, but in some ways, the fact it
for children made his fundraising job easier. Big budget corporations liked to be affiliated with those kinds of charities. But where he really shone, and his company used him as an effective secret weapon, was appealing to the socialite housewife groups.

For some reason, the ladies loved Nick. With dark good looks, quality suits and a slightly sheepish expression, he bowled them over, time and again. He realised his strengths and used them to the best of his ability.

The events usually played out the same way. When some of the women had a few drinks in them, he knew it was time to be careful. Many of them got touchy-feely, and there was a fine balance between putting them off gently and making them angry. He managed with an apologetic ‘I wish I could’ attitude along with the excuse someone special waited for him at home. Until recently, it hadn’t been true. Since it finally was, Nick amused himself wondering what the socialites would think if they knew the special person was a man—and, and at least in his plans, chained to his bedpost.

In the condo, he tugged off his necktie and strolled through the large, airy living room to his bedroom. He dug around in the closet for the black case hidden there. After retrieving it, he set the case on his dresser and opened it.

The smell of fine leather wafted to his nose. He lifted out the studded, black collar and matching leash. In all these years, he’d never had someone he’d wanted to bestow these gifts upon. Men had come and gone, but no one he’d really felt a special connection to. The pieces NEVER SAY NEVER

Jenna Byrnes



in his hands had been gifts to him from his first Master. Nick held the cool, smooth collar to his nose and inhaled, willing it to bring back the memory.

He’d been a stranger to the D/s lifestyle when Ricardo bound him for the first time.

After one intense, sexual encounter, he’d realised he enjoyed the bondage. But it took several years for their relationship to evolve to a certain comfort level. Nick had played out all aspects of the perfect submissive before he’d slowly begun to realise what he really craved was dominating someone as his Master dominated him.

Ricardo hadn’t been pleased but ultimately understood and had been a very good sport. He’d trained Nick in the ways of dominance before they’d parted. That had been when Nick had locked his collar and leash away in the small, black case.

There had been other men, a string of unsuccessful relationships, until he’d discovered the Rose & Thorn Society where he’d immediately felt at home. In the safe, clean environment, he’d acted out all his fantasies with other willing gays who’d been looking for much the same things he’d been looking for—sexual release and no strings fun.

When he’d landed his current position, Nick had thought his life couldn’t get any better. A job he’d loved, people who’d seemed to adore him, and wild, extreme and amazing sex whenever he’d wanted it.

Then I met Adam
. Almost as if a light had switched on in his heart, he’d discovered the element missing from his near-perfect lifestyle.
Someone to love
. Someone who loved him for more than his good looks and flirty personality. Adam had seemed like just the right person.

Smart, funny, gorgeous, insatiable in the sack—Nick was at no loss for adjectives to describe his new lover. They all fit the man who in just a few weeks had turned Nick’s world upside down. There was just one small issue between them.

Hell, it wasn’t a small issue. It was a huge one.

He hadn’t come right out and told Adam about his sexual preferences. His lover didn’t know Nick was as adept with a whip as he was in talking rich people out of their money. He didn’t know Nick craved dominance.

Over the past couple of weeks, Nick had given hints, and so far Adam had played along. But Nick was falling for him, and he knew the time for honesty was at hand. He needed to tell Adam the truth and see what happened.


Jenna Byrnes



Nick inhaled the pungent aroma of the leather collar one last time then set it and the leash on the bed. He stripped, hung up his suit and tie then tossed the rest of his clothes into the hamper. After checking the clock, he reached for his phone and punched the memory button for Adam’s cell.

“Hello, you,” Adam answered after just two rings.

“Hey, sexy. Can you talk?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. I’m working with a client, but he’s on the treadmill, so we have a few minutes. How’d your meeting go?”

“Perfect. So good, in fact, they gave me the rest of the day off.”

“Lucky dog. I’m stuck here until six.”

“Six?” Nick glanced back at the clock and groaned. “I’m horny, now.” He reached for his thick erection which pulsed every time he looked at the collar and leash on the bed.

“Guess I’ll have to do something about it.” He grasped his shaft and pulled, dragging the skin down over the head and back. “Um, yeah. I’m stroking myself.”

“Probably not the best idea,” Adam said in a cheerful voice, as if someone were listening to his end of the conversation. “I, uh, thought that was discouraged.”

Nick chuckled. “For you, stud. I can do anything I want. And right now, I want to stroke my cock while you’re talking to me.”

“Aw, geez,” Adam muttered. “Hang on.” Away from the mouthpiece, he said, “Crank it up a notch, Mr. Noland. You’re slowing down.” He returned to the phone. “Okay.”

“Mr. Noland? Is he cute? A hot, hunky handful of man flesh?”

“No, I wouldn’t necessarily concur,” Adam replied in his polite, ‘people are still listening’ voice. “You know, I really should let you go. I can call you back when I’m done with this session.”

Nick moved his hand up and down his shaft. “No. Stay on the phone with me while I jack off. Oh, fuck, it feels so good.” He stopped long enough to lick pre-cum from his fingers then proceeded to stroke again. Nick smacked his lips. “Tastes so good.”

Adam whispered into the phone, “You’re going to pay for this, you know.” He spoke up. “Yeah, Mr. Noland. Good. Keep going. I’ll be right there.”

Nick groaned loudly. His cock pulsed in his hand. An orgasm threatened, so exciting, so close. “Um, tell me some more how I’m going to pay. I’m almost ready to come.”


Jenna Byrnes



“I’m hanging up, now. I’ve got a paying client, and if I have to listen to you, um… I’ll never be able to finish this session. I’ll call you later.”

Chuckling, Nick relented. “Don’t call. Just come over as soon as you get off work. I need to fuck, babe
I need to fuck

“You bet. Can do. Have a nice afternoon. Thanks so much for calling.” Adam hung up.

Nick punched a button and tossed his phone on the dresser. He laughed all the way to the shower where he adjusted the water temperature and climbed in. He turned the nozzle until the heat from the water nearly burnt his skin. With a firm grasp on his cock, he sighed.

Tonight, sweet Adam. Tonight we talk. We share the truth.
He jerked fast and firmly.
everything goes as I’m hoping, I’ll strap a collar around your neck and attach the leash. You’ll be on
your hands and knees as I take you. I’ll pound into you from behind with all my strength.
He groaned as his erection throbbed. So close.
With one hand, I’ll grasp your hip, holding you so tight
I’ll leave a print on your flesh. With the other, I’ll hold your leash. Jerk your leash so you’re forced to
rear back against me.

Ribbons of creamy cum splattered the shower wall as Nick emptied his balls. Pleasure coursed through him. He shuddered and gasped, revelling in the lingering, delightful sensations. The fantasy excited him more every time. Jacking off to it was fantastic. The real thing would be even better.

If only Adam agrees



Nick caught a nap and was refreshed when he arose. He dressed in lightweight gauze lounge pants and a tight, black T-shirt. Restlessly puttering around in the kitchen, he finally decided to prepare a green salad and grill a couple of steaks. When his doorbell rang just after 6:00, he strolled towards the entrance with two glasses of wine in his hands.

“Man, are you a sight for sore eyes.” Adam glanced up and down Nick’s body, a huge grin on his face. “Wanna fuck right here or go to the bedroom?”

“Slow down, lover. Come in. Have a drink.”


Jenna Byrnes



Adam set down his gym bag by the door. “I brought some clothes to change into.

Figured I’d get a shower in sometime tonight.” He raised his head and sniffed. “Something smells good.”

“Hungry?” Nick thrust a glass into Adam’s hand. “I’ve got a salad chilling, and the steaks are almost ready. Medium-rare, yes?”

“Oh, yeah. Sounds great.” Adam nodded, sipping the wine.

Nick ran a hand through the curly head of hair and placed a kiss on Adam’s forehead.

“I hope so. I prepared everything just for you. Come on, let’s eat. We’ll need the energy later.” He guided Adam by the back of the neck into the kitchen. “Sit. Tell me about your day.”

Adam dropped into a chair at the bar-counter. “It was fine. The gym was pretty busy, and I had a bunch of appointments, so it went fast.”

Nick served two perfectly cooked steaks off his built-in grill onto plates and set them on the bar. He brought out the salads, dressing and steak sauce then refilled their glasses before he sat, bumping knees with Adam. “I’m glad you had a good day.”

“This looks fabulous.” Adam dove in. After one bite of steak, he rolled his eyes upwards. “Heaven. Perfect and tender. Just what I needed, tonight.”

Nick glanced down at his lover’s ass on the barstool. “Yeah. Perfect, tender and just what I need.”

Adam stopped chewing and grinned. “Why do I think you’re not talking about the steak?”

“Because when I get in the same room with you, hot stuff, you’re all I think about.”

Nick ate but kept his eyes on Adam.

“Um, I know the feeling. I couldn’t believe when you called me today and started jacking off. I had such a boner, I had to excuse myself to the bathroom. I stood back there and thought about the price of gas and the state of the economy—anything to get my mind off you.”

BOOK: Never Say Never
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