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Authors: Sarah Ashley

Never Say Love (9 page)

BOOK: Never Say Love
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Chapter 1


With the flight ended, they were soon disembarking the London Eye and looking for a cab to take them back to his apartment.

Quickly finding a black cab, they sat in silence for the journey. Benito still couldn’t believe what he was doing. Memories of the banter James had subjected him to this morning rushing around his head, but this whole thing was out of control.
was out of control, unable to stop the feelings, the desire to make this woman his, to claim her and to stay with her. He didn’t want to boot her out after his normal quick shag. My God, this was unheard of in the life of Benito Abelli!

Anyway, who said that he’d be committed to a deep and meaningful relationship for the rest of his life? Lots of people went out with the same person for a few months and then split. Somehow he felt that this was different, Lucy would be around for a little longer.

The cab trundled towards his home. “Shall I ask Lee to fetch your stuff or go with you when you collect it? What would you like to do?”

Looking towards him she nodded, “I’ll go with him, but when the girls are not there.
Tomorrow, after ten?”

“That’s fine. You’re not going to tell them that you’ve left are you?” he asked, reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Frowning she felt slightly overwhelmed, things were happening so quickly. “No! It’s in their names. I’ll just forfeit my deposit.”

“How much is that?”

“Not much, only a couple of hundred.”

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his roll of notes and peeled off several twenties, “Here, that’ll cover it.”

Shaking her head she looked at the cash in his hand “No, I’m fine, I don’t need it.”

“Take it Lucy. I’m the one who’s practically forced you to move out, take it. Please.” He opened her fingers and pressed the scrunched up notes into her palm before leaning forward and brushing a gentle kiss at her cheek. “Take it tesoro, please.”

His closeness was making her feel so very tingly again, her nether regions becoming a light, desperate to be touched in a way that they’d never been so before. She breathed deeply wanting him so bad. Taking the cash, her fingers brushed against his as she took the screwed up notes from him, holding them tightly. Another kiss placed lightly on her cheek, “Thank you Lucy,” he whispered, “you’re not going back there. You’re too special to live somewhere like that.”


Once they arrived at his apartment complex and after paying the cabbie, they made their way to the lift and to Benito’s apartment. Lucy liked it here, the relaxed feel of the place.

After they’d settled inside, Benito called Lee and arranged for him to collect Lucy tomorrow to accompany her to her flat, to help her move all of her belongings out and bring them to his place.

He finished his call and watched her as she looked around the room, the way she glided across the space, taking everything in, running her fingers over the back of an easy chair. He compared her to a blank canvas, he could mould her, grow her into anything he wanted. This young woman could be fantastic. He
going to be her teacher.

Walking over towards her, he brushed his finger tips over her cheek, the sensation running through her. Lucy closed her eyes slowly as he just watched. Her eyes
closed, her mouth slightly open as she breathed deeply, her fine features, such delicate fair skin. Reaching forward, he placed his hand on the top of her shoulder, his fingers drifting lightly around her neck as he drew her towards him. Leaning forward, her eyes still closed, as she anticipated the kiss that would surely come.

Feeling his lips brush against hers, she felt as if her insides had melted, as if she was made of jelly. She felt his tongue run across the crease of her lips. She’d been kissed by boys and men in the past, but they had pawed at her, forced themselves on her, stolen a kiss—there had been nothing gentle or seductive about their behaviour. Benito was a gentleman; a gentle man.

Impulses of nature took over as she moved her arms, wrapping them around his neck, her fingers finding their way into his hair, pulling him towards her, the urgency of their kiss intensifying with every moment.

His hands drifted slowly down her back, across her waist down towards her backside. He lifted her as if she weighed nothing, her legs wrapping around him, walking to the round dining table, placing her down. “Oh Lucy,” he pulled back suddenly shaking his head, “I don’t know if we should do this!” His tone was firm, although his voice soft as he turned away, his fingers in his hair, his back to her.

“But… I want to, please. Please,” she began to weep, her own head down. “Will nobody ever want me because I chose to save myself, is it
off putting to know that I’m a bloody virgin!” She yelled, through the tears. “Have I ruined myself? Have I?”

Standing from the table, she walked to the sofa, grabbed her bag before turning and heading towards the door. “It’s clear you don’t want me Benito! Makeup your bloody mind, you know where to find me—I’m going home.”

Rummaging through her bag she found the roll of twenty pound notes and threw them on the floor. “Is my virginity really that repulsive? I save myself for someone that
really like, and all I’ve done is make damn sure that I’ll
have a lover!”

As she moved further towards the door, tears streaming down her face she became aware of him right behind her, his hand on hers as she reached for the door knob. “It’s not that I don’t want you Lucy,” he whispered, “I like you, a lot. Hell, Lucy, you’re adorable.” Drawing her away from the door he looked down at her, “I really do, don’t go. Please stay.”

Stepping back from him, she watched as he pleaded with her, not with his voice or his words, but with his eyes. Thinking for a moment, a long moment, she made him wait before looking up.

Through the tears, she spluttered, “I’ll stay, but let
me make
thing clear Benito Abelli—I think you’re afraid of a long-term relationship. I think you don’t want the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing.” She looked at him, waiting for an answer. He just stared at her.

“That’s okay with me,” she added, “I’ve had boyfriends in the past. They have broken off with me because I wouldn’t, well you know,” she paused, looking at her feet again, “but that’s because I didn’t want to, not with
anyway. But, with you, whether it’s a long term thing or a couple of weeks, I want to, and I promise, whatever happens, it won’t interfere with our working relationship. Okay?” Taking a deep breath, blinking back the tears, she smiled gently through her tear-stained face, her smile still angelic, still pure.

Reaching out, he pulled her into a tight hug, holding her so very close. “Yes tesoro, anything you say.”

Staying wrapped in each other, her head buried into his shoulder, so comfortable in his arms.

To him, she felt tiny against his broad chest, she felt so right.

The thoughts running through her mind, the disbelief, unable to quite comprehend what had happened over the last few days. She had met this guy, this stunningly handsome man, he’d found her. She was sure she would have made herself known to him. He was obviously wealthy and incredibly good looking. My God, what would her mother say if she took him home, that was something she would not be doing; not just yet, anyway.

His closeness made her feel so very tingly again; she breathed deeply wanting him so badly.

Backing away from her, he gathered up the cash that she’d flung on the floor. Taking it, he opened her hand and pressed the crumpled notes into her fingers before placing another light kiss on her cheek. “Please don’t go Lucy,” he whispered, “please stay. Just go back there to collect what you need.”

Agreeing to stay, Lucy remained wrapped in his arms for what felt like ages— finding his warmth so comforting.

They spent the afternoon sitting, drinking tea and coffee and learning more about each other, their childhood, where they each had grown up and their families.

Early evening soon came around and after sifting through a variety of menu’s, pizza was ordered and delivered. They sat on the living room floor and ate whilst relaxing with a bottle of wine.

As the evening progressed, Lucy continually glanced at her watch. She so desperately wanted him to be her first and there was a clear connection between the two of them, but she’d seen his impressive length and was still concerned at how it would fit!

As evening moved to night and the inevitable hour approached, the time when he would want to retire to bed, she became more nervous. Would he suggest that she take the guest room? Would he invite her into his bed?

Breathing deeply, trying her hardest to control the feelings that ran through her, she desperately wished it would be the latter, that he would take her to his bed.


Standing, Benito offered Lucy his hand, “Tesoro, come to bed,” his voice a low growl.

Compliantly standing, she reached up to his hand, allowing herself to be guided through to his room.

Benito watched her as she looked around the room, the way she glided behind him, allowing herself to be controlled. Once again, he compared her to a blank canvas, he could mould her, grow her into anything he wanted.

Lucy’s impulses took over as she turned and moved her arms, wrapping them around his neck, her fingers pushing into his hair, pulling him towards her. Finding his lip, she kissed him deeply, the urgency of their kiss intensifying with every moment.

His hands drifted slowly down her back, across her waist, he lifted her as if she weighed nothing, her legs wrapping around him as he carried her towards his bed. “Oh Lucy,” he pulled back suddenly, shaking his head, “I don’t know if we really should be doing this!” His tone was firm, although his voice soft as he turned away, his fingers in his hair, his back to her, looking down at the floor.

“But… I want to, please. Please,” she began to weep again as she had done during the afternoon, her head looking down.

Turning and pulling her into a tight hug he held her so very close, “Oh tesoro. I want nothing more than to take you to bed, Lucy, believe me, please..” his voice sounding shaky as he reached for her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

Holding onto each other, her head buried into his shoulder, her breathing became deep as she calmed with thoughts running through his mind.

He desperately wanted her, in every way imaginable. He’d have to be gentle and not hurt her, physically or mentally, and they, both of them, would have to handle things in such a way that it didn’t interfere with their working relationship—well if this
developed into a relationship.
How do you have a relationship?
He thought, having never been involved with any woman, well for more than a day or two, it would be a learning curve—a steep one!

Deciding at that moment that work would have to stay separate, on all levels, their offices were already on different floors of the building and at different ends, he would distance himself at work, as much as possible. He couldn’t believe he was even having these thoughts, he was Benito Abelli. He was
going to have a relationship, was he? Maybe he was just getting older, changing.

Interrupted by his phone, disturbed from his thoughts as he held her, he moved away. Taking his mobile from his pocket, he scanned the screen,
international, it would be someone from home.

Speaking in his native tongue, he greeted the caller, “Hello,” as he carried on walking, leaving Lucy in his room; he wandered out into the living area.

Franco spoke. “We’ve had more threats son. Why they are being sent here, I have no idea, and I don’t know where and who they are coming from. Please be careful, watch your back and mind what you say.”

“We’ve received nothing here,” Benito offered the information, “nothing at all.”

Changing the subject, Franco sounded upbeat as he discussed his son’s love life. “Gia says that you’re serious about that young lady.” The older man seemed pleased that his son appeared to be finally settling down.

“Well, she’s special. You’d like her.” He glanced through his bedroom door at Lucy as she sat on the edge of the bed. Continuing to speak in his native tongue, knowing that she didn’t understand him, he spoke openly to his father. “Dad, she really is special. She is beautiful and…”

“What’s wrong Benito?” His father asked.

Benito laughed, “I really don’t know what to do! You know I’ve never had a steady girlfriend before!”

He heard Franco laughing and could imagine him lounging at home, a glass of expensive wine in one hand and a book on his lap, a broad grin on his face, shaking his head at his son.

Offering his fatherly advice he spoke clearly. “You send her flowers and you make sure she knows how special she is. Then you woo her, you worship her and you make her feel so damn precious that she thinks she’s the centre of your universe; she
be the centre of your universe. You treat her how I treated your mother, with respect, with dignity and you love her with all of your heart. Then, when the time is right, I want grandchildren. You understand me, grandchildren—you’re capable, aren’t you? Capable of making babies or do I need to tell you how to do that too?” he laughed.

BOOK: Never Say Love
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