Never Love an Outlaw: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love) (16 page)

BOOK: Never Love an Outlaw: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)
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“Feels like I've been waiting half my life to feel this pussy wrapped around my cock. You ready for me, babe?”

I stared up at him through narrowed eyes, wondering how he had the energy to speak when we were so fucking close.

“Yes! Please, Skin. I want you inside me.” Blood brushed my veins like sandpaper, melting me from the inside out.

No exaggeration. I hadn't needed anything this bad in my entire life, except my own freedom.

He bared his teeth and kissed me again, rubbing his cock harder through my folds, one thrust away from claiming me forever.

“You'll have to do better than that. I don't believe you. Is this what you want, babe?” He rocked his hips into mine, grunting as my wetness coated him. “This, yeah? If you wanna feel me fucking you straight through this mattress, then you'll beg for it, Meg. Beg for every damned inch.”

“Please!” I panted, feeling like the floor was dropping out underneath us. “'re
me, Skin!”

He let out a small snort. The steady rhythm in his hips brushing mine grew harder, more urgent, as if I'd finally said the magic word.

“Bullshit. We haven't gotten started yet, babe. You'll die and come back to life a few more times before I'm through with you.” His hips shifted, and I felt his cock's tip poised at my entrance, throbbing heat ready to own me. “You're mine now, woman. Hell, you were mine the second I laid eyes on you in that shithole. We're just making this formal with sweat and flesh since we've already spilled blood.”

His words lit me on fire. But it was nothing compared to the hard, sudden thrust of his hips. His fullness sank into me, gliding through my depths, stretching me open and taking me hard.

“Skin!” His name hissed across my tongue like a mantra.

He reached behind my head, seized my hair, and jerked my head straight. His strokes came, gradual and harder each time he pounded into me, staring deep into my eyes the whole time.

I saw fire. Smoke. Mountains coming down inside me, an avalanche of pleasure blanketing my soul.

The ruins of my old life suddenly set free, all the pain rocketing away from me, fueled by this ecstasy. Skin fulfilled his promise in every thrust, fucking me like I'd never imagined. There was nothing soft or tender about it, and I realized that wasn't even close to what I'd been looking for.

He took me like a man should, forcing me to feel every inch of him, every flex of his muscles. He reminded me I was a living, breathing woman, one who craved his sweet release a little more every time his cock slammed into me.

“Oh, God. Don't stop, don't stop, don't ever fucking stop,” I murmured, losing myself in the rising tide of ecstasy.

“Come on my cock, woman. I'm gonna pull out and walk away if I don't feel you clenching all over me in the next minute.”

Oh, shit!
His threat only made me fuck him harder.

The tearing and mild discomfort I'd felt when he stretched me open faded in the frantic pleasure shooting through me. My hips rose, bucking against his, taking his cock deeper with every stroke.

I loved how we fused, one in the moment, working without worry toward our own sweet release. And he guided me there, dragged me along, a leader I wanted to follow with my everything.

Growling, he fucked me harder, so rough my ass slammed deep into the mattress each time he went deep. The bed shrieked beneath us, but it had nothing on the scream building up in my core, the explosion ready to wreck my body.

“Come, baby girl. Come like the beautiful woman you are. Come so fucking hard you see stars and nothing else. Come now!” His chant threw me over the edge.

I scratched his neck so hard I was afraid I'd drawn blood. Everything below my waist tightened, convulsed, gushed, and I lost all my senses. My vision blurred and I turned into a shaking, writhing mess.

The release I found beneath him devoured me completely, like riding an atomic wave. I came forever in that sweet, merciful place where there was no pain or regret or fear, just soft warmth and raging passion.

Skin was a drug. My brain crackled like he'd given me a hit of something I'd never leave behind without wanting more. That scared me, but not so much I'd dream of letting him go tonight.

Not like there was much choice either.

He barely let me come up for breath as my climax faded. His face looked more intense than ever, rivulets running off both of us. He power fucked me straight through it and kept going, working his cock deeper.

The fire his friction kindled seemed almost endless. A minute or two after I'd come once, the ache in my womb was building again, and this time I wanted to feel his release too.

I dug my nails into his neck and rode him harder, jerking my body up and down in mad waves, begging for his come before the words even left my mouth.

“Make me come again, Skin. I want to feel your cock explode inside me. Don't let me come alone this time. Come with me. Please. Please.

His face twitched when I begged the last time. He jerked my hair harder, growling as his hips picked up speed, taking me so fast and hard it probably would've hurt if we hadn't built up to the perfect tempo together.

“You think you know what you do to me, babe? You don't know shit,” he growled, his voice darkening more with every word. “I'm gonna fuck you senseless. I'm gonna fuck my balls dry all damned night. I'm gonna give you something to remember when you're home in your mansion, one good memory to cherish, so fucking incredible you'll frig your clit to me even when you're married to some boring, white collar chucklefuck. You're
tonight, dammit, and my come's about to be yours.”

Please do!
I thought, right before everything in my head turned to static.

Please, Skin. Please. For fuck's sake, please!

My body raged. My muscles turned to iron as I locked onto him and rode him for all I was worth, panting and moaning the whole time, becoming his vessel.

He fucked me like a madman for at least another minute. Neither of us could make a sound except for the ragged, savage grunts spilling out of us.

Then he plunged into me one last time, holding himself against my womb, swelling so big I felt the torrent for a split second before it began.

“Fuck!” Skin roared first.

“Oh. My. God.” I was right behind him.

We came. Savagely, relentlessly, wildly.

Our pulses mingled and our bodies rippled with carnal delight. His fire tore through me, a blaze set by the molten seed he spilled inside me. His cock jerked inside me over and over, rooted so deep, filling me until I overflowed around him.

I'd lost it with him a couple times before, but this...this wasn't even on the same planet.

Climax swept me up in a tsunami of heat, skin, and his feral curses. I took one last glimpse at the dark, violent ink seething on his chest before my eyes pinched shut.

My orgasm throttled me, caused my pussy to tense around him, sucking greedily at his cock. The begging wasn't over, even though I couldn't speak. Every inch of me wanted more from him.

More, more, so much more.

I didn't know how I'd walk out of here with my sanity intact. Hell, Ricky and his Johns had shattered it long before I ever heard the name Skin. But the biker's name was all I could feel in my soul now, filling the holes torn wide open by the pimp and his bastards, as surely as he filled my flesh.

I opened my mouth and tried to scream his name one more time. It didn't work. Nothing more than a squeak came out while we were frozen in bliss. When the firestorm lifted and I could finally breathe, he buried me in another kiss, wiping away the new fears and obsessions he'd planted in my head.

Tonight was ours, and I was okay. Hell, I was
something I hadn't been since the last year at university.

I ran my hands up and down his chest, owning the moment. I had to stay here, every precious second, one with Skin and the night.

It was all I could do to stay happy. I ignored the foolish part of me that wanted him to own me forever.

VI: Conscience (Skin)

couldn't shake the whole night fucking her. My eyes were still sore as I sat there in church, waiting for the Prez to get his shit together, listening to the steady
of Joker slamming the knife on the table next to me.

The Veep's place at the table had about a thousand little cuts from all the years where he'd put his hand down flat on the old wood, stabbing his switchblade between his fingers. For some reason, it seemed weirder than ever today, watching him lost in his own tortured world 'til the Prez put a hand to his mouth and let out a sharp whistle.

“Fuck!” Sixty snarled next to me, covering his ear. Loud noises got his fucked up ear, ever since he'd been too close to a grenade going off a couple years back.

Joker stopped trying to take his fingers off and looked up at the Prez. Dust gave him the same dirty look I'd seen a thousand times before.

Same old club. Same old shit.

What wasn't the same was the way I'd fucked that sweet, wounded woman sleeping off the sex in my bedroom right now. It was twisted, it was playing with the last fire on earth I should, but damn if I regretted a thing.

No. No way. Fuck no.

My cock throbbed, wishing I'd kept her up for another hour. But then I wouldn't have gotten a lick of sleep at all.

Shit. What the fuck are you gonna do?

The question kept tossing in my mind. If only the incredible sex was all I could remember. Too bad fucking her brought these other feelings, this need to treat her like more than a piece of meat and a hostage.

“Let's get on with it, shall we, boys?” The Prez said darkly, training his dirty look on me next. “Your turn to brief us first, brother. The whore's your business, like you promised. You've had plenty of time to cook up a plan to get what we're owed. Spill it.”

I wracked my brain through last night's haze. It took all I had not to freeze up as all the brothers looked at me, waiting for this grand scheme I was supposed to have hatched by now to get us the quarter million.

“We let her walk.”

Boom. My words wouldn't have been any less surprising than a pipe bomb going off underneath our table.

Several jaws dropped. The Prez cocked his head like he hadn't heard me right.

“Skin...what the fuck? You'd better be kidding me, brother.”

“Don't think he is,” Firefly said, standing up and flexing his fists, his huge jaw twitching. “The girl's got him by the balls. I heard those two yesterday. Up all night, fucking their little hearts out.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.
All the sirens blasted in my head, especially when I saw the stocky boy walking around the table toward me, angling to make this shit physical if I didn't think of something, and
think fast.

“Come on, guys, it isn't like that.”

“Bullshit!” Firefly spat at the floor, ripping me up by the shoulders.

The bastard had brute strength. I couldn't get a good grip on him to fight back and free myself before he slammed me against the wall, rattling every bone in my body.

“We're disappointed in you, Skin. Your weakness has always been pussy, just like your old man.” He grabbed my throat and tightened his grip before I could say shit. “We've been more than goddamned generous with you. Now, you're the only boy getting pussy in this joint, and you wanna let this bird fly and leave the club empty-fucking-handed – after all we've been through!”

I saw his other fist coming up, ready to break my nose. Shit.

My knee came up and slammed into his gut. I knew the big Enforcer's weak point. It didn't fail me here, he stumbled back against the table and doubled over, struggling for air.

Everybody else was already up on their feet.

I tried to make a break, and ran right into Joker. I got in the first blow, but he had the edge, pulling at my cut and holding his cold blade against my throat.

“Try to run, brother, and I'll skin every fucking symbol of this club right off you.”

I held my breath, knowing he meant business. Hell, I'd watched him do it a few times to assholes who deserved it. The Veep was crazy enough to do it to one of our own too, as soon as the Prez said jump.

Speaking of the Prez, he was heading toward me. Angry, sharp determination flickered in his pale blue eyes. His lips peeled back, and I saw the gold tooth set in his mouth shining like a beacon, illuminating the only words that could bring me mercy or pure hell.

“Prez, go easy, aren't we jumping the damned gun?” Sixty pipped up. “He's gotta have something for us. Skin's all brains. He's never let us down. Cut the man some fucking slack.”

Crawl nodded at his side, sweeping his dark hair over his face, unable to hide his worried expression. Both my brothers backed me up, and they'd try to save my ass if it came to a vote.

Assuming you're worth saving.
The nasty thought ran through my head.

I had to give them something. I had to prove I hadn't lost my mind from getting pussy whipped.

Shit, I had to prove it to myself. I'd just had the best fuck of my life, and I'd promised her the moon, but damn if I'd let her get to me.

I owed this club my life. I looked up as the Prez approached, steadying my gaze, refusing to give a shit when his eyes flashed murder.

“Firefly's right. You've got your head all fucked up by this stray pussy cat we've let you take in. You've got ten seconds to start talking, and tell me why I shouldn't have the club drag her out back and find out the best way to get that money from her rich folks ourselves...”

She wouldn't survive a club interrogation. The guys wouldn't hurt her – I didn't think – but they'd scare the shit out of her, undo everything I'd tried to give her last night, dig up all the shit the pimp had done to her.

Good thing I came ready. I had an Ace in my hand, a little extra card I'd picked up from the pimp before I shot his shit-for-brains out. It just might stall them from doing something reckless and stupid.

BOOK: Never Love an Outlaw: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)
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