Read Nerds Are Freaks Too Online

Authors: Koko Brown

Tags: #Romance

Nerds Are Freaks Too (7 page)

BOOK: Nerds Are Freaks Too
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The driver looked at her through the rear-view mirror. “Are
you sure?”

“More than sure,” she replied, handing him some cash. “I
need to exercise my legs.”
And a few personal demons.

Roxanne alighted from the cab as soon as he stopped. Head
down, hands shoved in her coat pockets, she pounded the pavement. For how long,
she didn’t know—until she looked up and found herself in Old Town.

“Geesh, I have it bad.” Roxanne’s steps slowed until she
came to a standstill in the middle of the sidewalk. Not only had she walked
more than fifteen blocks, she’d also found her way to Leo’s neighborhood.

At half-past ten on a Saturday night, Old Town was a beehive
of activity. People streamed in and out of the bars and restaurants and a crowd
of moviegoers was flowing out of Regal Cinemas across the street.

Not in the mood for dealing with the crush, Roxanne decided
to head home. Turning around, she headed back up the block, toward the station
on the corner for one of the uptown trains. The rocking of the train and its
screeching starts and stops would be a welcome respite from the silent confines
of a cab.

Before she could execute her escape, the wind was knocked
out of her sails and she stopped dead once again.

Despite the dense crowd milling around her, she spotted Leo,
standing out like a Christmas tree at Easter. A tall drink of water with broad
shoulders, he stood head and shoulders above everyone else.

He was also an exotic foil to his beautiful companion—a
petite blonde clinging to his arm like a Chihuahua with owner-separation

“Sticky Vicky.” Roxanne instantly recognized the fashionable
shoulder-length bob and killer bod of Leo’s ex-fiancée.

Arm in arm, the two of them picked their way through the
crowd, moving in her direction. For what felt like an eternity, Roxanne watched
them as they talked and laughed.

“Probably catching up on old times,” she muttered, her nails
biting into the meaty flesh of her palms. While they chatted, she concentrated
on the pain. Better than acting upon the sudden urge to gift Miss Perfect with
another nose job. Leo had paid for the first one as a twenty-fifth birthday

Feeling the walls closing in as they ate up the distance,
Roxanne suddenly, desperately pursued a quick exit. Drawn by the bright lights
of a store, she ducked inside. Somewhat disoriented, Roxanne closed her eyes to
regain her bearings, feeling like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

“Hello! Welcome to Kandy’s House of Kink.”

Roxanne’s eyes popped open and she found herself
face-to-face with a twenty-something woman decked out in a hot-pink latex tank
dress and matching collar.

Roxanne bit down her bottom lip. The younger woman reminded
her of a walking, talking prophylactic. She stood in front of a wall of
brightly colored condoms.

“I’m running a totally rad special today,” the woman
continued, stepping forward and shoving a bubblegum-pink plastic basket into
Roxanne’s hands. “If you buy a pair of handcuffs at full price, you’ll receive
a fifty percent discount on all our dildos and vibrators. If you need any help,
don’t be afraid to ask. I’m Kandy, by the way.”

Killing two birds with one stone
, Roxanne thought.
She could hide from Leo and fulfill the wish list Constantine had given her
last week that she hadn’t had the balls to actually fill.

Right off, Roxanne found a pair of red, rubber-coated
handcuffs on a revolving carousel near the front counter and dropped them in
her basket. Remembering the discount, and one of the most important items on
the list sitting next to her computer at home, she ventured deeper into the

With its polished wood floors, fluorescent lighting and
clean, white-washed walls, Kandy’s House of Kink reminded Roxanne of a chic
boutique rather than a sex shop. So of course, she immediately lost herself
amongst the shelves lined with nipple clamps, oils activated by body
temperature, butt plugs, edible panties, cock cages and every kind of toy any
sexual libertine could want or dream of.

“Out on a late-night dildo run?”

The hairs on the back of Roxanne’s neck tingled. She knew
that voice, even in the dizzying bowels of Kandy’s House of Kink.

Why did she have to run in to Leo
? And standing
in front of a wall of plastic cocks! Sucking in a calming breath, Roxanne
slowly turned around. Of course, she didn’t immediately look up. That would’ve
been too much to handle all at once.

So while she fought to gain her bearings, Roxanne checked
him out. Starting at the tips of his scuffed square-toed boots, she let her
gaze begin a slow, upward crawl. She smiled at the haphazard cuff in his dark
rinse jeans, sure he’d flipped the hem more for ease of walking than as a
fashion statement.

Her smile faded slightly as she took in his muscular thighs
and slim hips. He looked so good in his jeans, Roxanne almost dropped her
basket just so she could see him bend over and pick it up.

Her eyes lingered on his groin a little longer before moving
on to his narrow waist and trim torso encased in a navy v-neck cashmere sweater
layered over a white t-shirt. His chest was so well defined, Roxanne was sure
the shirt itself loved being molded to his body. If she were in its place, she
certainly would.

He had to be the most mouthwatering specimen of male flesh
this side of a men’s magazine style sheet. And she should have noticed years
ago. He was what the fashion magazines dubbed a “sexy nerd”, with his perfect
body normally hidden behind loose clothing, inky curls barely tamed and his
baby blues hidden behind glasses.

Not bothering to check her thoughts, Roxanne finally
answered his question. “You know what they say? A dildo in the hand is worth
two fingers in the bush.”

A muscle jerked in his cheek, as if he were struggling not
to laugh. “Why haven’t you returned any of my calls? Have you replaced me
already?” He placed his hand over his heart and moaned and whimpered loudly. An
older couple standing at the end of the aisle looked at them curiously.

“Stop it. You’re going to make them think we’re doing
something naughty.”

Leo’s tongue glided slowly across his bottom lip. “If I
can’t convince you, how can I do any better with them?”

Before she went up in cinders and smoke, Roxanne changed the
subject. “Speaking of being replaced, where’s Vicky?”

“She decided to wait outside since I was only going to pop
in and pop out.”

Roxanne gulped, dreading the truth but wanting to know the
answer. “Are you here to buy condoms?”

Not taking his eyes off her, Leo shook his head. “I have
plenty of those at home and a couple in my wallet. I saw you come in here and
wanted to say hello. We’ve never gone this long without speaking.”

“Ah, sorry about that.” Roxanne reached up and scratched her
temple. She’d forgotten
was the guilty party. “Things have been
really crazy at the boutique.”

Leo nodded as if in understanding and then turned toward the
wall, giving Roxanne a view of his drool-worthy profile. “It’s been crazy at
the office as well, but I still found the time to call.”

Roxanne winced. He was making sure she knew she’d messed up

“Do you need any help?” And just like that, good old Leo
swept her transgression under the rug by changing the subject.

Hiding a grin, Roxanne turned. But her smile wobbled and
fell away as she faced what she immediately dubbed The Great Wall of Dildos.
are just too many to choose from!

“Confused?” he asked. “Don’t be. They’re all hung according
to size.”

“You said hung,” she snickered.

Leo’s gaze met and held hers. “Is that what you want? Hung,
I mean?”

Roxanne subtly crossed her booted legs at the ankles. It
didn’t help. The pressure only increased the tingling between her thighs.
Unable to help herself, she began to sway toward him…

Inhaling a shaky breath, Roxanne abruptly reached out for
the nearest thing she could find—a metal bar attached to The Great Wall. Her
added weight caused the fixture to break from the wall, dumping electric-blue
cocks onto the store’s wood floors.

Before she could even bend, Leo dropped down and scooped
them up.

“Thanks,” Roxanne breathed, her eyes drifting over his ass as
he straightened. His buns were so hard she could probably crack an egg on them.
What was wrong with her? She was panting after him like a neglected wife with a
pool boy.

“Don’t mention it,” he said, sliding them on an empty prong
above her head. “You didn’t answer my question.”

As he turned back to her, Roxanne eyed his crotch. “W-what
size are you?”

It’s official. I’m worse than a neglected wife. I’m a
puma on prowl during Fleet Week.

Leo must have thought the question odd as well, because his
eyes widened and he looked at her as if she’d grown a second head.

“Let me get this straight—you want a dildo the size of

“I’m seeing this guy who’s about your height,” she
semi-lied. “So I was thinking—”

“That cocks come in one size per height?” Leo interjected.

Knowing full well this had nothing to do with Constantine,
Roxanne quickly returned her attention to the wall before she could blurt out a
confession. Taking a random guess, she reached up and plucked a size-five cock
from one of the prongs. “Is this close?” she asked, holding the dildo out to
him as if it were nothing more than a box of cereal.

Leo shook his head. “Not even. Follow me.” Roxanne’s mouth
rounded in awe as he led her farther down the aisle. “You need about another
three inches. Do you know what color you want?” Leo stopped in front of a
display of monster cocks that made her slightly lightheaded.

“I, ah, I guess I…” Roxanne choked on her words. Leo didn’t
even try to help her. He just stood there, his ice-blue gaze boring into her.
Each passing second washed over her like a tsunami, suffocating and causing her
head to swim. Before she knocked down the entire Great Wall, she edged past
him. Eyeing a flesh-colored dildo, she yanked it from its bracket. “What about
this one?” she asked, holding it between them like a shield.

Leo cocked his head. He glanced at the wall and then back at
the dildo in her hand. “Close, but not quite. The head and the shaft are too

Tasting him already, Roxanne licked her bottom lip.

Leo stepped closer, invading her personal space. With
nowhere to run, Roxanne had to hold her ground or risk slamming into The Wall.
One cock shower was enough for one day. Heat rolled off him in waves, igniting
her body and sending her blood rushing through her veins like mercury.

“You know,” he said slowly, edging even closer. “If you want
my cock, I would love to give you the real thing.”

Before she could respond, Leo slipped his hand around the
nape of her neck and tugged her toward him. For the longest time, he didn’t say
anything, just rubbed the sensitive area beneath her ear with the pad of his
thumb. A light touch, but the effect went all the way to her soul.

“What about Vicky?” Roxanne had to ask. They’d broken up two
years ago and not once had he hinted at crossing that bridge again.

“You weren’t returning my calls. She called me earlier today
for some advice on buying a new computer…one thing led to another and—”

“Hey, baby. I thought you were just coming in to say hello
to a friend and you’d be right out?”

Leo stepped back slowly. “My
friend,” he
corrected. “I was and I did. You remember Vicky, don’t you, Roxanne?”

Roxanne glanced at the picture-perfect blonde. “I remember
Sticky— I mean V
. How ya been?”

“Better now,” Vicky said, her eyes practically devouring
Leo. “Now that I’m back with the only man I’ve ever loved.”

Roxanne wanted to puke.

“Can we go now? I hate these places. They’re so seedy.”
Vicky squeezed her eyes shut and a shudder racked her thin frame. “Sex shops
were invented for the desperate and the needy.” Vicky giggled. “Ha! That

“Yeah, it did,” Roxanne mumbled. Feeling ten times worse
than she had a minute ago, she edged past Leo. “Enjoy the rest of your date.”

“We’re no—” he began.

“We will,” Vicky interrupted.

She smirked as Roxanne swiftly passed, gripping the dildo to
keep from punching her in the kisser.

“I’ll call you,” Leo shouted after her. “Make sure you pick
up your phone.”

“But don’t wait up for it,” Vicky called.

The woman’s tinkling laughter followed Roxanne to the cash
register and continued until she was out the door.

* * * * *

Roxanne tried to rid her mind of seeing Vicky in Leo’s arms,
but she couldn’t no matter how much she tried. In truth, the two of them hugged
up together would be etched in her memory until the day she died.

But why?
She and Leo had double-dated often. She’d
even set him up with a few of her girlfriends. Of course, if any of them moved
on him today, she’d scratch their eyes out.

Roxanne’s steps slowed. If she couldn’t see the writing on
the wall by now…

There was no other explanation for her jealously and
inexplicable anger.

She was in love with Leo. And she’d gone and pushed him into
the arms of another woman!

Groaning loudly, Roxanne smacked her hand to her forehead.
She could feel a migraine coming on. She always suffered one whenever she
messed things up royally. And this debacle was the size of Buckingham Palace.

Maybe she could right the wrong. Leo hadn’t seemed too
immune to her in the store, even when Vicky interrupted them.

Making up her mind, Roxanne did an about face. She’d barely
tackled two blocks, so hopefully Leo and Vicky would still be in the area. With
Kandy’s collared sheep sign in her sights, she swerved in and out of pedestrian

BOOK: Nerds Are Freaks Too
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