Read Nemesis and the Fairy of Pure Heart Online

Authors: Ashley Du Toit

Tags: #Children's Fantasy

Nemesis and the Fairy of Pure Heart (10 page)

BOOK: Nemesis and the Fairy of Pure Heart
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Nemesis the Dragon

ella made it to the foot of the mountain just as the night was lifting. A scene so beautiful greeted her that she sank down, overwhelmed, into the carpet of soft grass and vibrant flowers beneath her feet.

In front of her was a lush valley, and through its centre stretched a vast lake. The still surface of the lake was a canvas for the reflection of the azure sky, the majestic ring of mountains that enclosed the vale, and the spectacular waterfall that graced the opposite end of the lake.

Just perfect,
thought Bella.

A movement disturbed the scene. Taking a moment to identify that it was coming from the sky above and not the surface of the lake, Bella lifted her head to see Nemesis swoop down to land on a large swathe of grass beside the waterfall. So awesome was the dragon in flight that Bella could not move, nor even breathe, and in the time that she sat, spellbound, Nemesis had looked around, stepped into the lake and walked straight into the waterfall.

That must be the entrance,
thought Bella, smiling in triumph.

Gathering her courage, Bella slipped through the carpet of flowers until she came to the edge of the lake. She lowered herself into the water. The water covered her body, washing away the ash from the mountain and cleaning her soft skin, making her glow. Already she was feeling better.

She swam across the lake and under the waterfall, and pulled herself up onto a ledge and looking around her. She was in the entrance of a cave. The odour of what she assumed to be dragon—a mixture of ash, sulphur, and something that smelled like snake—clung strongly to the cave, and parts of the walls showed scorch marks, she presumed from the dragon's hot breath.

The light was dim, but even in the half-light, and with the dragon's back to her, she could see that Nemesis was magnificent. As her eyes adjusted, she saw that one of his forearms was raised as if to strike. Her eyes leaving his massive beauty reluctantly, she looked beyond him to see that Arthur was standing directly in the path of the blow, his sword raised before him.

“NOOOO!” screamed Bella at the top of her voice. Both the prince and Nemesis turned to stare at her.

“Don't kill my Arthur, Nemesis, I beg you, for if you do, my dreams die with him.”

The mighty dragon slowly lowered his arm, and turned with unexpected grace to face her. Arthur took advantage of the dragon's distraction to rush to Bella and place his powerful body between her and the dragon.

“You've found me, my brave Bella,” he breathed out, “but you must go; you are in great danger here.”

Nemesis roared his anger at the sight of the two of them together.

“Arthur, you must trust this to me. Stay here, I beg of you.” Bella pleaded.

Arthur half-turned to look at her. He seemed ready to argue, but stopped at the look of determination on her face, and reluctantly nodded his head.

Bella walked around Arthur and toward Nemesis. She bowed her head before him, the traditional sign that she sought an audience. She felt his hot heavy dragon's breath move over her, once, twice, three times, and still she waited, unmoving.

Finally, Nemesis demanded in a deep, rumbling voice, “Why do you seek audience with me, Bella, Fairy of Pure Heart?”

Bella raised her head and stood up before him “Nemesis, Dragon of the Valley Mystic, Ruler of the Magical Realms, I have come to beg a wish from you.

“And why should I do this, Fairy?” he challenged.

“I have completed the Great Dragon's Hunt, O Mighty Nemesis, and I bring you the five tokens. Yarg, King of the Trolls told me that for these you would grant me one wish. That wish is for you to set my prince free.”

Silence filled the cave for a great length of time, until finally Nemesis said, “Show me your tokens, Fairy.”

Bella took the silken charm bag from around her neck, and laid it on the ground. Opening it, she pulled the tokens out one by one, naming them as she laid them at the dragon's mighty feet.

Nemesis stared at each gift in turn. “Tell me how you retrieved these tokens.”

Bella began:

“Laughter's gift, shared freely with me by the pixies;

A rescued kiss, a gift given as thanks for saving a witch's life;

Life's wind, a blessing from the elfins for help freely given;

Fire's Heart, snatched from deep within the Cave of Forgetfulness;

A Rainbows sliver.”

The dragon's bright yellow eyes glowed brighter and keener with each word that Bella spoke. When she had accounted for each gift, she lowered her head again, awaiting his response.

It came. “Why do you care so much about what happens to a mortal? Why would you have me spare his puny life?” Nemesis challenged her.

Bella sighed deeply, raising soft lavender eyes lifted to meet his fierce yellow ones.

“Nemesis, I knew that mortals were forbidden to immortals. Arthur did not. It was I who chose to defy that law, not the prince. You are a fair and just ruler, and I am trusting that you would not punish him for my disobedience. I beg you, free him, and return him to his mortal realm. You alone have the power to do this.”

By the time Bella had finished talking, her face was white and she felt faint waiting for his response. For a long while it did not come, silence stretching for what seemed an eternity. And then, “Yarg did not tell you the whole, Bella,” Nemesis boomed at her after a time. “There is one thing that I require of any who come seeking my favour: a gift that is theirs and theirs alone to give.”

Turning to look at Arthur for the first time since Bella had arrived, Nemesis asked, “Do you have anything such that you can give, mortal?”

Arthur walked forward to stand beside Bella. He held his sword across his two hands and lifted it up to Nemesis.

“I have this sword, which is mine and mine alone. With my own hands I cut the metal, moulded it from fire. I fashioned it, hilt and blade. It has never touched another's hand but mine.”

Arthur lowered the sword and placed it beside the other gifts.

Nemesis turned his searing gaze to Bella.

“And what of your gift, Fairy? What do you offer that is yours and yours alone to give?”

Bella lowered her head to hide the single tear that had slipped past her lashes.

She whispered, “All I have that is mine and mine alone is my immortality. I give it freely to you for you to grant my one wish: that you would return my prince safely to his realm.”

Nemesis hissed, lifting and smashing his tail down onto the floor of the cave with displeasure at the gift she had named.

Bella glanced quickly at Arthur. Tears ran freely down his face as he turned to face Nemesis. “No,” he said brokenly, “Bella must not pay such a price for my freedom. I shall stay here and serve you.”

As if the prince had not spoken, Nemesis thundered, “I accept your gifts.”

screamed Arthur, standing up suddenly, reaching for his sword. But before he could do anything more than blink, Nemesis had unfurled his massive wings and was chanting something in a strange tongue.

A blinding light flashed through the cave, and the air swirled in a vortex, trapping him, making him powerless to move. He screamed in frustration, and then suddenly he was gone.

Bella's was shaking with fright as she stumbled to her feet. “What happened?” she panted.

Nemesis moved closer to her, “Do not worry about the mortal. He is safe. I have sent him back,” he said as his massive body reached her.

Bella sank to the ground, laid her head against one of his powerful feet and sobbed. Feeling the storm of grief that raged inside her, Nemesis realised that Bella had not only given up her immortality for this prince, she had given her heart to him as well.

“Bella, you have shown great courage and loyalty throughout your quest. You have proven that you truly are the Fairy of Pure Heart.”

Bella raised tear-drenched eyes to look at him, and Nemesis continued.

“Now that you have given up your immortality, you cannot remain in the magic realms. It is forbidden, as you know.”

Again Nemesis paused. He looked deep into her eyes. “And so I have decided that I shall send you to your prince.”

Bella again began to sob, exhaustion and relief taking their toll.

“Be safe Fairy,” he whispered.

Then Bella felt herself moving, as if she was travelling in a rainbow, but without the swirling colours. She stopped moving and opened her eyes. Looking down at herself, she realised that she was in human form, and that she was standing beside Arthur.

He sat on the sawn-off tree stump where they had so often talked, his head cradled in his hands. Careful not to startle him, she placed her hand upon his shoulder. He didn't move. Bella jostled his shoulder harder until finally he looked up. He stared at her for a long moment.

“How is this possible?” he asked.

Bella giggled. “Now where have I heard that before?”


Circle's End

ome months later, on a particularly hot day, Bella was tending tulips. Their light sweet fragrances permeated the air, and their colours paraded proudly before her. Suddenly she had the feeling that someone was watching her. She slowly turned around, but no one was in sight. A dramatic “Pssst” came from behind a nearby tree, and a smile sprang to her lips as she spotted Nirb.

“I'm so happy to see you,” she said as she reached to give him a hug.

“I bring word from the immortal realms,” he grinned. “Teague is settled and living with the fairy queen; your friends Gariz and Pronkzie have found their way home, and Nemesis bids you be happy.”

“Tell me more,” she sighed with joy

“Well, the word from the immortal grape vine has it that Yarg the troll is actually a lost prince …”

He joined Bella in gleeful laughter at his ludicrous invention. When they had recovered from this hilarity, he looked searchingly at his friend.

“Are you happy, Bella?” he asked in a serious tone.

“Oh, yes,” she smiled.

Nirb nodded his head. “I'll be checking up on ye now and then, Fairy,” he said as he tapped his stick to the ground. A bright rainbow appeared just before he stepped into its glowing colours and disappeared.

“I'll be counting on it,” Bella said to the air.

She stood there long after he had gone, smiling to herself. She had lost her immortality, her magic and her wings, but she had gained so much more.

Nemesis and the Troll King

If you loved
Nemesis and the Fairy of Pure Heart
, be sure to look out for Ashley Du Toit's next book in the series,
Nemesis and the Troll King,
coming soon to a bookstore near you.

Kaylin, a beautiful fairy, lived in an enchanted kingdom filled with whimsical creatures. When Gray, a mortal prince, ventured into this magical kingdom, Kaylin tried to make him return to his own world, but he refused and was shamefully rude to her. To escape Gray's cruel words, Kaylin magically froze herself. Nemesis cursed Gray for his actions and turned him into a troll with no memory of his human life.

As this new adventure begins, Prince Dylan, Gray's brother discovers the mystery of his brother's disappearance with a little help from a leprechaun. Determined to tell his brother the truth he follows the leprechaun home. At first Gray doesn't believe Dylan but then he decides to send his brother home and to find Nemesis himself.

Soon Gray finds himself hunting for hidden magical tokens which could end up saving both of their lives. In a race against time, will Gray find all his tokens or will he live out his life as a troll?

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