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Authors: Cari Quinn

NeedMe (5 page)

BOOK: NeedMe
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She smiled. Cale had a cock big enough to make any woman’s
fantasies come true. And her lover, while not lacking anything in that
department, had the stamina of two guys.

Why had she waited so long for this again? Sheer stupidity?

Because Tony’s worth more than any orgasm, no matter how

Unthinkingly, she pressed the point of her pencil into the
pad. It was dark in the backseat but she could jot notes in the light from
passing streetlights. Besides, she needed to take advantage of the precious
moments she had while Cale and Tony were engaged in—what else?—sports talk in
the front seat.

“Men are stupid,” she announced.

Cale shot her a look between the seats. He was remarkably
good-tempered considering he’d wasted a good condom on a partial BJ that hadn’t
even ended in an orgasm. By mutual agreement, they’d decided to split after
Tony’s spectacular finish, mainly because the attentions of the crowd had
become a little

She didn’t really want a bunch of chicks checking out her
guys. One or two, fine. But there had been more than a couple of women who’d
stopped watching their own men in favor of watching Marcia’s, which meant one
thing. Party over.

So she didn’t share all that well. Galvin family trait.

“Problem, Blondie?”

“Yeah, I’m tired of hearing about RBIs. Wouldn’t you rather
talk about something more fun?”

“Like what?”

“She means her,” Tony muttered.

Cale laughed. “That so? You needing attention? Thought we’d
done pretty well already. With more to come.” His extra emphasis on the word
wasn’t lost on Marcia.

“You don’t have to talk about me,” she began, but Cale
lifted a hand and cut her off.

“I’d love to talk about you. Actually, I’d rather talk you
through instead.”

She’d already set aside her pad. She’d written all of three
probably incoherent notes.

She wet her lips. “What do you mean?”

“Take off your panties.”

“Am I wearing panties?” She slipped her hands under her
dress to check. “Looks like I am.”


She did as he asked and tossed the panties in the front
seat, laughing as Tony snatched them out of midair. Her laughter stopped when
he brought them to his face and took a deep breath. Heat flashed over her skin
as he passed them to Cale, who did the same thing. He wound her panties around
his wrist then jerked at his zipper. His long hiss of breath made her whimper.

What the hell was he doing? One-handed no less, since his
other hand remained on the wheel and his gaze stayed steady on the road.
Traffic was light this time of night in this part of the city but his attention
didn’t waver.

“Shit,” she whispered, glimpsing purple lace wrapped around
his shaft. Her thighs dampened even more. “You’re going to jerk off with my

“No, we’re going to jerk each other off.”


“Talk to me. Make yourself come and let me listen.”

“What about Tony?”

“This is your show,” her lover said, his voice languid. “I’m
feeling pretty good right now.”


“Don’t worry about him. He’s good. You and me, however,”
Cale’s eyes met hers in the rearview mirror, “need some relief, don’t we,

“Yes,” she whispered, waiting for further direction.

“Open up, let me see you.”

She knew he couldn’t see much, just as she couldn’t. Passing
streetlights only offered so much illumination. Didn’t matter, it was all just
part of the seduction. She spread her thighs, jerking up when she felt the skim
of Tony’s fingers on her calf.

He still faced forward but he’d reached around the seat to
caress her, to be part of this in some small way. She reached down to squeeze
his fingers before she returned her hand to her mound.

“Want to touch, don’t you?”

“Yes.” It seemed the only word she could verbalize.

“Go ahead. But tell me how it feels.”

“In detail,” Tony added with a low chuckle.

She slipped two fingers inside, already needing more
stimulation than one. Her clit budded eagerly though her own touch seemed a paltry
substitute for her guys’ cocks or wicked fingers.

“She’s not talking,” Cale said to Tony, adding a
tsk tsk

“Marsh, baby, tell us.”

Tony’s sexy command prompted her to speak. “Still wet. More
wet,” she corrected, slickening her digits in her arousal. “My clit’s so hard,”
she whispered, circling the pearl of nerves. “It feels like a juicy cherry.
Except smaller and—”

“And what?” Cale asked when she faltered.

She tipped up her mouth in a half-grin. “And you don’t need
to bite it to taste my juice.”

Their simultaneous groans made her both laugh and moan.
Again she slid her fingers inside, plunging them in and out while she fought to
catch her breath.

How could she already be so close to orgasm? Cale’s gaze
tracked her movements in the mirror, heightening her excitement. Even without
being able to read the desire in his eyes, she could feel it radiating from the
front seat. Tony’s too, especially when those wandering fingers of his moved
down to cup her heel. She had the world’s most sensitive feet and he’d already
pried her shoe off so he could swirl his thumb under her arch. Just that tiny
bit of stimulation combined with Cale’s heated gaze and her own movements drove
her to the brink of climax.

Then she was there, shooting over the edge. Throughout her
shudders, she didn’t break eye contact with Cale. Dimly she felt the tips of
Tony’s fingers sweep up the outside of her ankle and she pressed a little
harder to extend the vibrations traveling from her center through her body.

“Beautiful,” Cale murmured, tightening his hand around his

She flushed under the compliment. “But you didn’t come.”

“Nah, don’t want to mess up the Parkermobile.” Cale shot her
a disarming grin and pulled on the panties still wrapped around his length. “I
kinda like this new cock ring,” he added, his breath shortening from the
additional friction.

“What he likes is getting up close and personal with women’s
panties,” Tony said drily.

woman’s,” he tossed back.

The silence that descended after Tony’s awkward laugh wasn’t
like the many other comfortable silences they’d shared. This one was fraught
with things unspoken.

Marcia inched forward to rub her lover’s shoulder, relieved
when he took hold of her hand.

If tonight was just supposed to be a good time for all, how
come it didn’t feel like so much fun right now?

Chapter Five


Tony followed Marcia and Cale into the house, trying to
understand what the hell his problem was. And how to get rid of it. Fast.

When they’d left the club, he’d been fine with everything.
Watching Marsh suck Cale off hadn’t made him jealous at all. Actually just the
opposite had happened. He’d gotten off on watching them together, on witnessing
the pleasure they shared. He cared for and trusted them both without
reservation. So why had Cale’s comment in the car rubbed every nerve raw?

Cale wasn’t a poacher. He also wasn’t a schemer. This whole
been the one to bring up, though he knew Cale and
Marcia had considered it plenty on their own—wasn’t a setup created by Cale so
he could take his shot at Tony’s girlfriend. Cale didn’t work that way.

True, Cale had feelings for Marcia but as friends. He
certainly wasn’t in love with her. After what had happened at Penn State, Tony
honestly didn’t know whether Cale would ever be ready to go down that road
again. When someone lost the person they loved so painfully, it took a hell of
a lot to risk trying again.

More than anyone, Tony knew how badly Cale needed some fun
in his life. Even with his seemingly endless partying, his best friend rarely truly
relaxed. Only a jerk would let petty insecurity infringe on an evening all
three of them would remember for the rest of their lives.

Whether it would be with fondness or regret remained to be

“You coming?” Marsh asked them, stopping outside her bedroom
door. Cale hadn’t made a move to go inside, instead lingering on the threshold
like an unwelcome visitor.

That, more than anything, made Tony hang back.

“Give us a sec.” He flashed a smile at his girlfriend. “Get
ready for us, okay? Why don’t you put on that red satin number I love so much?”

She immediately brightened. Clothes talk always made Marcia
perk right up. “Oh, I bought something new. I’ll get changed.” Her eyebrows
drew together. “Don’t be long.”

“We won’t.”

Once she closed her bedroom door behind her, Cale shoved his
hands in his jeans pockets. “Look, man, I didn’t mean anything by what I said.”

“I know you didn’t.”

Cale frowned. “You sure didn’t act like it.”

“I know.” Tony scratched the back of his neck and lowered
his voice. “She gets to me. This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten pissed when
some guy looked at her the wrong way. It’s just the first time it happened with

“You love her. Of course you’re possessive.”

Tony started to argue. He wasn’t sure he was in love with
Marcia. Not for certain. If he loved her, that meant that he needed a
commitment, something more permanent than a semi-standing Friday night date and
sleeping over at her place a few times a week. He needed more of her.


“News to you?” Cale asked, a grin lifting his mouth. “You
look awfully green all of a sudden.”

Tony rubbed his jaw and shoved it all to the back of his
mind. He’d known he was damn close to falling for her to begin with. Having
Cale state the obvious meant now he could face reality and whatever that

“I care about her a lot,” he said, meeting Cale’s eyes
squarely. “And yeah, I’m pretty sure I want forever with her. But that doesn’t
mean she’ll go for it.”

“Is that what this is all about?” Cale circled his fingers
between them. “Because if you think offering her sex with another guy will tip
the scale in your favor…” He grinned again. “You could be right.”

“Such an asshole.” Tony laughed. “No, that’s not it. I love
you guys.” Maybe someday he’d get to the point where he could say those words
to Marcia too, except in the singular. “And I trust you. We’re having a good
time.” He swallowed over the unexpected tightness in his throat. “Aren’t we?”

“I am. But then again, I’m the only one who hasn’t gotten a
chance to actually, you know, get off yet.” He pried out the tiny purple lace
panties he’d tucked in his jeans pocket. “Think these belong to you.”

“Thanks.” Tony grabbed them and let out a long breath.
“Look, if I ever start acting like a dick, call me on it.”

“No problem there, trust me.” Cale clapped him on the back.
“So we good?”

“Yeah.” Tony stepped forward and gripped the doorknob.
“We’re good.”

“Hey, wait.”

Tony glanced over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

“If you love her, tell her. Make it count. You know?”

Since Cale was about as likely to spout poetry as he was to
give relationship advice, Tony knew he meant business. His best friend also
knew better than anybody the importance of not wasting time.

“Yeah, I do. And I will.” Tony smiled and turned the knob.
“C’mon. Marcia hates to wait.”

“No kidding.”

Their mutual laughter trailed off as they walked inside the
bedroom and caught sight of her draped across the sheets wearing a buttery
yellow see-through robe and panty set.

Cale gripped one of the posts of her huge bed. “Christ,” he

“Like?” Marcia grinned and tugged on the trailing ribbons
that fluttered over her softly rounded golden stomach.

She’d always had one heck of a body but her new curves were
a thing of beauty. The heavy swells of her breasts, the sexy globes of her ass,
those hips—God, just looking at her made him rock-hard and he could tell from
Cale’s expression he was similarly affected.

“You’re so beautiful.” Tony couldn’t help the emotion that
moved through his voice or the way his chest tightened when she smiled.

“You make me feel that way.” She patted the bed on her left
side, indicating for Tony to join her. “Cherished,” she added quietly, her
expression softening as Tony pulled his shirt over his head and lay down beside

“How do I make you feel?” Cale asked, walking over to the
opposite side of the bed.

“Sexy and fun. Young enough I can still do anything.” She
turned her smile on Cale while he tugged his own shirt over his head. Except he
didn’t stop there. He undid his belt and yanked off his boots and jeans,
finally lying down beside her when he was naked. She walked her fingers up his
chest to his jaw and angled closer. “Like we’re close friends. I haven’t had
enough friends in my life. Men
women. I’m not so good at being one, I

Clearly surprised, Cale closed his hand around hers. “You’re
a very good friend. You always have been to me, from the start.”

“Even though I extorted money from you for candy?”

“Even so.” Locking his fingers with hers, he lowered his
head to kiss her. Their lips curved as they met.

Tony swallowed over the lump that formed in his throat. God,
he’d turned into a sap. Who got emotional during a threesome? Wasn’t he
supposed to be demanding she suck his cock or issuing some other equally alpha,
dominant command?

Instead all he wanted to do, at least right now, was watch
the people he loved love each other.

Marcia reached out and grabbed Tony’s hand, bringing it to
her breast. She held on to her lover as she and Cale sipped from each other’s
lips. They didn’t rush, just leisurely nuzzled each other. Cale braced his fist
next to her head and rained kisses down her cheek to her neck, finally burying
his face in her golden curls. After a moment, he turned his face toward Tony.
“Thank you both for sharing this with me.”

“What are friends for?” With a grin, Marcia scooped her hand
through Cale’s hair, her eyes seeking Tony’s. Affection radiated in their hazel
depths. Maybe, he hoped, even love.

“Good friends give good sex,” Tony agreed somberly, leaning
in to kiss her smile. He tasted Marcia’s laughter when it spilled into his

“And good friends need to come really fucking bad. So excuse
my haste but I need to suck on these pretty tits.”

Tony shifted back to watch Cale untie her robe. As soon as
her body was revealed, his deft fingers seized hold of her nipples and twisted.
Dammit, she was so gorgeous, her beautiful body already straining with pleasure
as Cale flicked his tongue against a tight peak.

He alternated between her breasts, nibbling with enough
force to mark. She ate up all of it, writhing beneath him and letting out a
breathy moan when Tony pressed his hand against the yellow triangle of satin
that covered her mound. It was already wet and fragrant with her arousal.

“She’s ready for your cock,” Tony said, shocked at how
steady he sounded. He’d never thought he could go for something like this, but
apparently he was wrong. He was more than prepared to watch his best friend
slide inside the woman he loved.

There. He’d admitted it to himself at least. How much more
would it take to say those words to her?

Maybe after tonight he’d be able to go for it. If seeing her
make love with Cale didn’t spur him on to confess his feelings, he didn’t know
what would.

Cale slipped his hand into Marcia’s panties. She purred her
agreement as he circled her clit, a smile crossing his face. “Hell yeah, you
are, aren’t you, Blondie?”

“Oh yeah.” She canted her hips and shoved down her
underwear, tossing them off her toes with abandon. Without shame she parted her
thighs, revealing the glistening blonde strip of hair that proved how excited
she was. When Cale leaned down to drag the tip of his tongue along her slit,
she shuddered. “I’m so damn ready.”

“Good. Me too.” Cale retrieved his jeans and dug a condom
out of his wallet. He forced it over his erection before kneeling between
Marcia’s legs. “You sure?” he asked her.

She couldn’t nod fast enough. “Very.” Then they both glanced
at Tony.

“Just do it. Once we get this first time over with, we can
have some fun.” Tony grinned and settled beside Marcia, propping his head on
his hand to watch the show.

“Who says we’re not having fun now?” Cale asked.

“Just fuck her already. She wants it. She’s begging for it.”
Tony nipped Marcia’s taut nipple. She cried out and palmed the back of his
head, holding him in place while he lightly bit her flesh. “Aren’t you,
sweetheart?” he asked around a mouthful of her breast.

“Yes. God, yes,” she hissed. Cale gripped his shaft and slid
it through the wetness saturating her pussy, gliding up and down while she
clutched the sheets. He took his sweet time, finally entering her in one
smooth, deep thrust that made Marcia gasp. “Oh my…wow.”

Tony released her nipple and laughed at her stunned
expression. Cale had quite the reputation at pleasing the ladies but witnessing
it up close and personal as he began to rock in and out of Marcia’s tight sex
drove the point home.

It wasn’t as if Tony doubted his own ability to get his
girlfriend off. He knew he kept her happy sexually. This was just another
flavor of ice cream, a new experience for her to add to her roster. Better yet,
it was one he could enjoy with her.

He sidled down the bed and dragged the edge of his teeth
over her stomach as she locked her legs around Cale’s waist. Her moan gratified
him more than words. That sound was all for him, especially when he reached
down to pinch her swollen clit. She jerked, her eyes closing on another long

“Tony,” she whispered.

“Hmm, baby?” He couldn’t stop watching Cale glide in and out
of her pussy. The erotic noises of their bodies moving together caused his own
cock to stiffen painfully against his jeans. Pretty soon he’d need to undo them
and get some room.

“I want your cock in my mouth.”

“Shit,” Cale muttered, pulling out and surging even deeper
and harder than before.

No fucking wonder. Marcia looked sexy as hell with her sheer
yellow robe bunched around her arms and her plump pink lips parted. Her nipples
stood straight up, dark red and needy, and she rocked in perfect harmony with
Cale as if they’d been together hundreds of times. Add in a few naughty
commands and both guys were completely under her spell.

Just the way she liked it, Tony realized as she smiled and
motioned for him to stand.

“Don’t keep me waiting,” she murmured, eliciting twin groans
of impassioned pain from the men she had at her mercy.

Tony stumbled to his feet and fought with his buckle and
zipper, finally managing to fumble his aroused length out of his shorts. She
gripped his shaft and rubbed him back and forth over her lips while Cale
steadily powered in and out of her sex.

It felt like the heat in her eyes was all for Tony. Though
she shared her body with his best friend, as she opened her mouth and sucked
his cock into her wet warmth, her expression revealed more than words ever

Sharing this moment with Cale proved so much more than that
his girlfriend and Cale had the hots for each other. It also served as
something other than fodder for her sex advice book. What it showed more than
anything was that he and Marcia were rock solid. Their relationship could take
this, because they were strong together. Finally.

Maybe, just maybe, she loved him too.

Inhaling a long breath, Tony leaned over to the nightstand
and grabbed the pink highlighter she’d used to mark up her career skills book.
Though she didn’t stop nuzzling his erection, her smile turned quizzical.

“Thought one of us should take notes,” he explained,
uncapping the highlighter while Cale’s thrusts made Marcia’s hips practically
levitate off the mattress. “For your book,” he added, noting her eyes had
glazed in the way they always did just before she was about to come. He’d
looked into them so many nights while they were making love, wanting to keep
that connection between them every possible moment. Now he would get to watch
her climax from Cale’s efforts and enjoy that too.

“The book,” she agreed in a throaty whisper in between long
swipes of her tongue along his hard-on. “Right.”

Grinning, Tony wrote one word on her abdomen. “I’m sure that
will help bring back your memory later on.”

BOOK: NeedMe
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