Read Nathaniel Teen Angel Online

Authors: Patricia Puddle

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

Nathaniel Teen Angel (5 page)

BOOK: Nathaniel Teen Angel
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Chapter Seven


Eloise pointed at the sky. “In my dream, there was a full moon just like tonight and all the stars were twinkling. I was terrified at first—because I’m scared of heights, but the angel held me so tight, I began to relax. It was
exciting and it felt so real. Kind of like a roller coaster ride when you’re laughing your head off, but you’re terrified of falling. Then the angel took me up to a shooting star. Oh, my God, it was so amazing because he flew right up to it and I saw it close up. It looked like a colourful firecracker going off. It was the most beautiful dream I’ve ever had.”

Nathaniel was speechless; his heart was pounding so hard against his ribs, he was sure it was going to burst through.
He couldn’t believe she actually remembered him taking her for a joyride and showing her a shooting star. She obviously couldn’t remember what he looked like or she would’ve recognised him by now, but he was pleased the angel in her dream had curly hair, so it couldn’t have been Devlin. He gazed at her lovingly. Just knowing she still had some sort of connection to him sent shivers down his spine and he so wanted to take her in his arms. He inhaled deeply, breathing in her scent. He was still too nervous to kiss her, so he spoke to her instead.
“Sounds like a vivid dream, Eloise, even though you can’t remember what the angel looked like.”

She bit her lip. “
I might not remember his face, but I bet he looked just like you because that’s exactly how I imagine him—you know, all curly-haired with a brilliant white smile and movie-star good looks. And the angel in my dream had strong muscles like yours.” Giggling, she squeezed hard on his bicep.

Nathaniel flinched with pleasure as a strange sensation shot to his abdomen and thighs. He quickly crossed himself.
Sweet Jesus
, what was she doing to him? Holding his breath, he tried to calm himself. At this rate, he’d have a seizure and die before ever getting his wings back. Then who would guard her? His head began to spin. He couldn’t stand the thought of Lucifer of Devlin getting hold of her. Oh, if only he could have powers as a human. When he had wings, he had confidence, but at the moment he felt about as powerful as a fish on the grass.

Taking quick short breaths, he began to hyperventilate as the memory of Eloise squeezing his bicep when he took her to the shooting star came flooding back. Oh, Lord. Now he was remembering her kisses and how good she felt in his arms. There was no refuting it now. He
enjoyed her attention, which must’ve encouraged her to flirt with him—but oh, how her kisses had thrilled him beyond belief. His heart raced even faster and he gasped for air. Michael hadn’t lied. It was all true. He
fallen in love with Eloise that night, and even though Michael had erased his memory of it, he’d somehow kept it deep in his soul. He sat up and held his chest. Holy Heaven, he couldn’t breathe.

Eloise grabbed his wrist, sending an electric surge up his arm and jolting him out of his panic attack. “Nathaniel, you’re shaking. Are you all right?”

The concern on her face and the touch of her hand was all he needed to calm his nerves. He inhaled deeply and smiled. “It’s okay. I’m fine. Just a bit of anxiety, I guess.”

“Jeez, you had me worried for a minute. I thought you might have food poisoning or something.”

“Sorry, Eloise, I didn’t mean to worry you.”

She grabbed her phone. “How about I put some relaxing music on? I have a great song collection.”

He shrugged. “Sure, go ahead.” Though he liked most of her music, she sometimes played it appallingly loud, which annoyed him and her parents. He hoped she didn’t turn it up as loud as she did in her bedroom. He didn’t want to attract undue attention from the police. They’d probably arrest him for vagrancy.

“This is my favourite song,” she said, hitting the play button. “It’s called
and it’s sung by a girl called

He stared incredibly at her. “Did you say,

She huddled up next to him. “Yes and it’s from her
‘Fire Within’
album. I play it every night before I go to sleep.”

Nathaniel held her gaze. Just lately, she’d been wearing ear-buds when she went to sleep, so this was what she was listening to. He couldn’t believe the things she was saying. Could they
be coincidences? Her favourite song was ‘
Fire Within
’? What on Earth was happening? Surely she couldn’t know he was her guardian angel, or that he was The Angel of Fire and had lost his wings? He blew out a breath. He couldn’t wait to hear the words to the song to see why she liked it. He glanced down at her. “Can you play it back from the beginning?”

“Sure, and I won’t talk through it this time.” She rested her arm across his hips. “But just so you know, it reminds me of that dream I told you about.”

Oh, Lord! That was it. Now, he was sure he was going to die. The title alone was enough to give him a seizure, but the song reminding her of her dream was just too bizarre. And if he had to listen to it with her hand fidgeting with his waistband, it would be his demise.
Holy Heaven!
How much sensuality could a fallen angel take?

When the song began, Nathaniel moved her hand, then lay on his side with his head resting on his arm, but as soon as she laid beside him, he couldn’t help but take her hand in his. As the haunting music and sweet melodious voice of the singer drifted through the air, they gazed up at the twinkling stars and listened to the lyrics. Though the words could be interpreted in many ways, Eloise had obviously related them to her dream. He glanced at her pretty face. The song had moved him deeply, so he knew why she liked it. But knowing that he’d erased her memory of what happened that night, he couldn’t understand how she managed to dream about it, or that she envisioned the angel to look like him
. Yet for some reason she wanted to share it with him.

Tears clouded his eyes at the thought of Eloise never being able to remember him again, and he couldn’t believe he’d never be able to remember spending this beautiful night with her. He sniffed. At least she had beautiful songs like this one to listen to, but knowing it would be with some other guy one day was breaking his heart.

“So did you like the song?” she whispered, snuggling up closer.

“It was beautiful,” he said, wiping his tears away before she saw him crying and thought he was a wimp. He took a deep breath. The song had touched his heart more than he could ever tell her and the words had given him an insight into her feelings. But as much as he wanted to hold and kiss her, he knew it was wrong to encourage her to like him. It would accomplish nothing but sorrow.

She glanced up at him. “Hey, I thought that song would relax you, Nathaniel, but you’re so quiet. Is it because you have nowhere to stay?” She suddenly sat up and stroked his brow. “Please don’t be sad. I could ask my mother if you could stay with us until you find a place of your own.”

Though his heart was breaking, he smiled. “You are so sweet, Eloise, and I appreciate your offer, but I don’t need anywhere to stay. I’m getting a lift out of town tomorrow, so I thought I’d sleep under the stars tonight.”

Her shoulders slumped and she pouted. “You’re leaving

He shrugged. “Yes, I have no choice.”

She scowled. “What time are you going?”

“Four o’clock in the afternoon.”

She slammed her hands on her waist. “Well, that sucks because I was going to invite you to a party on Saturday night.” She grabbed his arm. “Please, Nathaniel, say that you’ll come?”

His chest constricted and he gently caressed her cheek. “I would love nothing better than to come to a party with you, Eloise, but I have to leave tomorrow. I have no choice.”

“Why?” She folded her arms and scowled. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going home because someone needs my help.”

She turned away and stared at her fingers. “Oh.”

Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around his knees and gazed at her. She looked so adorable with her long hair falling in ringlets around her shoulders, but when he saw the sadness in her eyes, his heart melted and he yearned to take her in his arms and comfort her. Though that’s what he’d intended to do, he knew now it was so wrong. He couldn’t just get her hopes up only to leave her with a broken heart. And if he did kiss her, he knew he might never be able to leave her. It was hard enough just being with her. He gave her a weak smile. “It’s getting late, Eloise. I think I should walk you home.”

She glanced at her watch, then stared up at him. “But it’s only eight-thirty and my mother won’t be home until eleven o’clock. Anyway my house is only three minutes up the road.” Her brows bunched together. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

He laughed. “Don’t be silly. Why would I want to do that? I’ve loved chatting to you. You’re delightful. I was just thinking you probably have school tomorrow.”

“I do, but I’ll be glad when it’s over. I hate High School, and beings I’m in my last year, I asked my mother if I could leave and get a job. She said I have to ask my father, but I bet he’ll say no.”

“I’m not surprised. You should stay on and learn as much as you can. Why do you hate school?”

She shrugged. “Because I had an operation and had to have weeks off school. Now, I can’t seem to catch up and I’m always in trouble for not finishing assignments on time. That’s why Tom came to my place today. He was helping me with my assignment.”

Nathaniel raised a brow. “I think he likes you, Eloise.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well I like him too, but not that way.”

His stomach churned as uncontrollable jealousy cut right through him. He knew she was lying because when he’d accidently possessed Tom’s body, she’d kissed him passionately, and she thought it was Tom. He clenched his jaw. Knowing Tom would be hanging around Eloise when he was gone was boiling his blood, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it. As the memory of that kiss came flooding back to him, all the muscles below his waist tightened. Terrified Eloise would notice, he held his breath and adjusted his jeans, then he closed his eyes and tried to calm himself.

“Are you all right, Nathaniel? You look like you’re in pain,” she said, resting her hand on his thigh.

Jerking with shock, he opened his eyes and stared at her. Holy Heaven. What was she trying to do to him? Not daring to move, he stayed rigid and still. “I’m ... I’m okay. I’m just having another panic attack.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” she said, kneeling behind him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “I wish I could help you.”

An uncontrollable groan escaped his throat, but not because she was pressing against his wounds. It was the thrill of her breasts against his shoulders.

She moved away. “Oh, I’m sorry, Nathaniel, I forgot your back was bleeding earlier. Did I just hurt you?”

“No, I’m okay,” he said, trying to slow his thundering heart.

“It looks like a storm’s coming,” said Eloise, pointing at the sky.

He glanced up at the black ominous clouds that were drifting across the moon. “Come on, I’d better walk you home before it starts raining. I don’t want you getting wet. Plus I’d better look for a drier shelter.” He silently cursed. He wouldn’t see Eloise again until she finished school the next day.

“Darn it. I was enjoying being out here,” she said, dropping her phone into her backpack and getting to her feet. “Why don’t you come back to my place for a hot drink? My mother won’t be home for a few hours.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” he said, rolling the blanket up. “Your parents certainly wouldn’t approve of it.”

“Don’t be so stuffy, Nathaniel. I’m a grown woman. Anyway, they don’t have to know.”

Nathaniel sighed. She may look like a grown woman, but she had a lot to learn about danger. As it began to spit with rain, he passed the blanket to her. “Okay, but I think you should tell your mother.”

“I’ll think about it, but let’s hurry or we’ll get wet.” Giggling, she linked her arm in his and pulled him along.

As they jogged up the road towards her house, it began to pour down. “This is fun, she said, glancing up at him. “I love running in the rain.”

BOOK: Nathaniel Teen Angel
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