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Authors: J. A Melville

Natasha's Awakening (10 page)

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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She heard Eric’s deep sigh beside her and Natasha smiled. It sounded like a mixture of relief and regret all rolled into one. She wasn’t finished with him yet but no way was she going to take the risk of missing out on her delicious meal again.

They ate for a while in silence, simply enjoying their meal. Well Natasha did. She wasn’t so sure about Eric. Every time she glanced across at him, his expression looked a little pained.

They ate their way through lobster, crab, calamari, mussels, prawns and smoked salmon. The food was to die for and Natasha couldn’t help showing her appreciation of the meal with frequent moans and sighs of enjoyment.

Finally when she’d eaten as much as she could, Natasha looked over at Eric. He was still eating but his expression wasn’t that of someone who was enjoying their meal.

“What’s wrong Eric?” she asked, “Aren’t you enjoying your meal?”

“I don’t have a problem with the food,” Eric told her, “It’s watching you eat it that’s the problem. You enjoy your food way too much. Every time you moan it sounds like you’re coming and when I think of you coming then I think of being inside you and since you got me all worked up earlier and threw me over for a platter of seafood, I’ve been sitting here in agony.” He complained.

Natasha couldn’t help herself, she laughed. “Oh you poor baby you.” She cooed.

“You find that amusing do you?” he asked her. He swooped in dropping a hard kiss on her lips, his teeth nipping at her fuller bottom lip before nibbling his way along her cheek until his lips were up against Natasha’s ear. “Just you wait until I get you back to our suite.” He whispered, his warm breath sending a shiver through her.

With one eyebrow raised Natasha slipped her hand back into Eric’s open trousers, gently freeing him from his briefs. She watched his face, daring him to say something but apart from his lips tightening, he remained silent.

Gently she wrapped her fingers around the length of him and gave him a squeeze, leaning forward until she had her lips to his ear. “Promises, promises.” She whispered.

Natasha brushed her lips against Eric’s ear feeling the shiver go through his body and his penis twitched in her hand in response. Slowly, she began to work him in and out of her firm grip. Sliding up his rock hard shaft until she reached the tip, flicking her thumb over the head, then down his length again.

Over and over again she moved her hand up and down him. She squeezed his balls, trailed her fingernails up him and circled his swollen head until he was trembling, his expression strained. Eric’s breathing became harsh and his teeth were clenched as he fought for control.

“Natasha, please.” His voice was strained. “I can’t hold on much longer.” Eric grabbed her hand to halt her movements and his eyes were showing a look of desperation in their blue depths when he turned to her.

She pushed at Eric’s hand. “Please Eric, let me take care of you. I promise to be gentle.” She joked.

“I don’t want to come in my pants baby. I’ll stain my suit and I can’t walk out of here like that.” He snorted. “Hell, I can’t walk out of here like this.” His smile was rueful.

“It’s ok Eric, I’ll take care of things.” She assured him. “Trust me.”

Reluctantly Eric removed his hand from hers and Natasha resumed her stroking of his shaft. Up and down the length of him, squeezing him, driving him closer and closer to the edge. She could hear his breathing getting more and more ragged sounding and his hips rose up as he thrust into her hand. When she felt a bead of fluid well from the head of his penis, Natasha knew he was close.

With one final stroke up the length of him she removed her hand and Eric’s eyes shot open, turning to her in confusion and frustration. Natasha smiled at him then dropped her head into his lap, her mouth opening wide and she closed her lips around Eric’s straining erection.

He let out a muffled groan and his hips bucked up, pushing himself deeper into her mouth. Natasha curved her lips over her teeth and started to move up and down his length, flicking her tongue over the head of his penis, licking up the pre seminal that was weeping from the end before taking him even deeper. She cupped his balls in one hand, squeezing them gently, as she sucked and rolled her tongue over Eric’s shaft.

He thrust harder into her mouth and Natasha relaxed her throat so she could take him deeper. Eric’s breathing was loud in their little curtained oasis, his body trembling hard and she was sure she could hear his frantic heartbeat where her ear pressed up against his shirt. Eric’s hand grabbed her shoulder, his fingers tensing, gripping her hard, he thrust again, pushing himself so far into her mouth he touched the back of her throat for a moment.

Just as Natasha heard his muffled cry around the hand he’d fisted in his mouth, he gave one more wild thrust and she felt him swell even bigger and harder just before he began to pump his warm seed into her mouth. She swallowed, her tongue flicking over his length, lapping at him, licking and sucking on his penis like it was an all day sucker until she’d taken every drop from him into her mouth.

Once he collapsed back against the seat, tremors still racking his body, his breathing heavy, Natasha dropped a final kiss to the head of Eric’s penis and then sat up. She looked over at him and watched as his eyes slowly opened. He turned to her and that slow sexy smile lit up his face.

“Damn woman.” He whispered. “How do you do that to me? You rob me of all self control. I’ve never been so fucking turned on before that I’ve wanted a woman to get me off in a public place.” He told her.

Natasha smiled, bending forward to touch her lips to Eric’s. His lips parted deepening the kiss and she leaned into him, opening her mouth, her tongue sliding over his teeth curling around his.

Eric pulled back, raising his hand to cup Natasha’s cheek. “I can taste myself on you.” He said.

Natasha grinned at him. “So do you like yourself?” she asked him.

Eric frowned, “I’m not too sure about that one sweetheart.” He grimaced and Natasha laughed.

She turned away from him to pick up her wine glass and took a sip. Eric watched her, his gaze fixed on her. “How about we get out of here now.” He said.

Natasha nodded, “Yes please Eric, let’s go.”

He zipped up his trousers and rearranged his clothes again, managing to look like nothing had happened.

Eric stood up stepping aside to let Natasha out of the booth styled seating. Once she stood alongside of him, he took her hand possessively before parting the curtains so they could both step through and into the main part of the restaurant. He dropped her hand for a moment to hook the curtains back open again then reached out to Natasha, who slipped hers into his strong, warm grip.

She glanced up at his profile as they walked out of the restaurant and she was pleased to see him looking relaxed. Obviously giving him a blow job had improved his mood. Eric glanced sideways at her, his smile widening and he squeezed her fingers.

They left the restaurant, walking across the vast foyer of the hotel, heading for the bank of elevators. As they passed the hotel’s function room Natasha could hear the sound of music coming from within and there was a board out the front advertising the artist who was performing.

As they got closer Natasha suddenly stopped dead and Eric was forced back to where she stood since their hands were still joined.

“What is it baby?” He asked.

“Oh Eric please, can we go inside?” she asked excitedly. “Look who it is.”

Eric’s eyes dropped to the board, reading the artist’s name. “He’s a Neil Diamond impersonator Natasha. I didn’t know you liked Neil Diamond.”

“I know it’s just an impersonator Eric, but I love Neil Diamond’s music. Maybe he won’t be that good but I want to go in and listen, just for a little while.” She looked up at him, her face alight with excitement.

Eric laughed softly at Natasha’s enthusiasm, “Ok, come on,” he pulled on her hand and they walked through the doors leading into the function room. The room was huge, the lighting dim except for the lights that shone down on the man singing up on stage. There was a large dance floor in front of the stage, and there were several couples dancing to the music, while others sat at the tables around the room watching the performance.

Natasha took the lead, searching for a table close to the dance floor and finally found one not too far back from the stage. While she made herself comfortable in one of the chairs, Eric left for the bar to get them something to drink. Natasha started moving in time to the music, loving the songs. Ok, he might not be the real Neil Diamond, but he was pretty good. She tapped along to Sweet Caroline, before Eric appeared at their table, drinks in hand. He sat down by her side, placing her Bacardi and coke in front of her.

While they sat and listened, they sipped on their drinks. Eric’s hand dropped down between them, finding Natasha’s hand and tucking it into his warm grasp. He rested their entwined hands on his thigh as he settled back to watch the performance. Natasha continued to sip her drink, feeling the effects of it slowly spreading throughout her body, making her feel less shy. She twisted hers and Eric’s hands until she could reach his thigh with the back of her hand and slid it up towards his groin.

Eric tightened his grip on her hand, “Oh no you don’t.” He warned her, his lips against her ear so she could hear him over the music. Natasha stuck her tongue out at him in response, and Eric laughed.

“You’re no fun.” Natasha pouted at him.

Eric bent to her and kissed her hard on the lips, “I think you’ve had enough fun for tonight sweetheart or at least while we’re in public.”

“Not quite Mr Rothman.” She warned him, “I want to dance.”

Eric groaned, “Seriously?” he asked.

“Yes Eric, just one dance, but I want to dance.” Natasha told him. “Come on.” She stood up, tugging on Eric’s hand. “Come on Eric, please,” she tugged on his hand hard, just as the Neil Diamond impersonator started to sing ‘Solitary Man.’

They found a place on the dance floor and Eric pulled Natasha into his arms, since the song was one that was slow enough for them to dance close. Of course Eric was a fantastic dancer despite his protests about being on the dance floor in the first place. He held her close, his body brushing hers, his thighs against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her cheek against his chest, breathing deeply of his scent, a mix of aftershave and just that heady scent that was Eric.

Eric moved Natasha around the dance floor, their hips touching, their bodies so close there was no gap between them. Their thighs brushed against one another and he pressed a hand into the small of her back, curving her so they were locked even closer together.

They continued to move slowly, their bodies moving in time to the music. Being so close to Eric was starting to affect Natasha, she could feel every masculine inch of him so close to her sex, and it was starting to make her long for the barrier of their clothing to be gone. She bowed her back, briefly grinding her pelvis against him, curling one leg around his as she leaned back.

To his credit, Eric didn’t miss a beat, dipping her back for a moment, then pulling her upright and cupping her buttocks for just seconds to grind her against him, where Natasha could feel the beginning of his arousal.

Eric bent to brush his lips against hers and they moved around the dance floor so close, they were like an extension of one another. Natasha wondered how she was ever going to be able to let him go. For someone who had entered this relationship a virgin, she could barely keep her hands off Eric now. How was she supposed to give that up and possibly go back to being nothing more than his employee?

The song ended and Natasha stepped back, reluctantly from Eric. “We can go now, if you’ve had enough.” She told him.

“I have.” He said, taking her hand. “I have other plans for you Ms Barrington and they don’t involve standing on a crowded dance floor I can tell you.”

He pulled her off the dance floor and they negotiated their way back through the tables until they got to the entry to the function room. Natasha glanced back one last time at the man on stage, just as he began to sing Song Sung Blue. Eric pulled her out of the room and back to the foyer where he headed off at a brisk pace towards the bank of elevators forcing Natasha to pick up the pace to keep up with him.

“Eric,” she jerked on his hand and he stopped to stare down at her. “Slow down please, where’s the fire? This dress doesn’t allow for me having to run in it.” She joked.

“Sorry baby. “ He said, slowing down so Natasha didn’t have to run after him in her high heels. They reached the elevators and Eric stabbed at the button impatiently. Fortunately they didn’t have to wait long before the doors to one opened almost silently in front of them. Eric pulled Natasha forward and into the elevator, before hitting the button for the penthouse floor.


                                                                            Chapter 5.

Once the doors closed Eric wrapped an arm around Natasha tucking her in close against him. She immediately turned so she was side on to him, wrapping her arms around his waist underneath the jacket of his suit. Unable to help herself she lowered one hand down over his stomach, over the front of his pants, cupping his manhood through the material. Eric gasped, his hand dropping to cover hers.

“Damn Natasha, you’re insatiable. I think I’ve created a monster.” He joked. “I’m starting to feel like a piece of meat baby. Do you only want me for my body? Can’t we get to know one another first? Don’t you want to explore my mind before you take my body?” and Natasha burst out laughing at Eric’s tone. He’d managed to come up with all the lines women often said to men and she had no doubt some of the women in his life had used those lines on him.

Despite his protests and his attempt to stop her, Natasha continued to caress him through his pants, feeling him growing hard beneath her hand. She reached up, touching her lips to his and Eric suddenly grabbed her, crushing her against him, his lips forcing hers apart, his tongue plunging into her mouth, kissing her forcefully as he ground his hips against hers, the hard bulge of his erection pressed up against her. Natasha responded with just as much hunger. Eric was right, she was insatiable and she was beginning to come to the conclusion that she’d never get enough of him. Just his touch, his lips, the brush of his body against hers, that sexy smile and she was lost.

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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