Read My Taboo First Time Online

Authors: Natalie Deschain

My Taboo First Time (2 page)

BOOK: My Taboo First Time
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I blinked, and realized what he meant as his tongue dragged hard over my clit, and I cried out. The rough moist touch of his tongue was so intense it edged on pain, and I writhed on the bed, throwing my head back as my eyes fluttered closed. He let me luxuriate in the touch for a moment before he lapped at me more gently, testing at my entrance with the tip of his tongue, moving it in slow circles, sometimes touching my clit so I hitched up and sucked in sharp breaths though my teeth. The warmth that had swirled up between my legs was growing hotter and hotter, from fire to firestorm. As much as his teasing tastes made warm fuzz slide down my arms and legs and fill me up with pleasant heat, it was not filling the clenching hollow in my middle that needed so desperately to be filled, like an itch but worse in every possible way. I needed him inside me.

He shifted, and with a touch of his lips on my clit he sucked, pulling a sharp gasp out of me and a shudder, flicked his tongue over it and went up, dragging it up over the inward curve where my belly met the junction of my legs, then higher, looping around my navel as his hands slid up my sides and pushed up my shirt, now sticky with sweat and clinging to my skin. He pushed the shirt up under my armpits and gathered up my breasts in his hand. My cheeks felt like furnaces and a flush spread down over my chest. He ran his thumbs around my nipples in slow circles, and they stiffened at his touch, becoming hard points that I could feel tugging, pulling in heat of their own.

“I’m not a video game,” I said.

He laughed, snorting.

He closed his mouth around my nipple and sucked. Hard. I squealed and laced my legs around him and my arms clapped around his head and held him to my chest. Sweat and cut grass filled my nostrils and he sucked my nipple until I could barely stand it, until it was almost numb, then let it pop out of his mouth and moved to the other, working his mouth wide before closing it around the nipple and tugging with a hard suck, only to open up and do it again. My breast popped out of his mouth and he worked his lips higher, leaving a trail of soft kisses from the sensitive skin in the middle of my chest and over my collarbone.

“You’re all bony,” he said, tracing the outline under his lips.

I grunted and tugged on him and he moved up, kissing up my throat, laboring over it, luxuriating over it until he sucked hard on my chin, then found my lips again. His kiss was wet and salty and made my stomach quiver. I was tasting myself on his tongue. He pulled away, tugging on my lips as he left me lying on the bed and stood up. He hooked his thumbs int he waistband of his shorts and shoved them down all at once. His cock bounced and slapped against his belly before swaying in front of him, heavy and hard. I stared at it, my throat suddenly going dry and tight as a fist at the sight.

“What?” he said.

“You’re, um,” I said. “You’re bigger than I thought.”

He grinned, and leaned forward, falling over me on the bed. His hands hit the mattress on either side of my body, pressing the springs down so they there me back up at him as he kissed me again and his cock slid against my belly, hard and hot. Feeling it against me sent a shiver up my spine and my hand snaked under him. I took hold of his shaft and felt it, closing my fingers around it and thinking about how it would feel inside me, spreading me open and filling me. He pulled back, and traced his fingers over my cheek.

“Are you okay?” he said, his playful aggression all evaporated. “We can stop if you don’t want to.”

I slid my hands along his sides and felt him tense. “I don’t want to stop. I’m just a little nervous.”

“A little?” he said.

“A lot.”

He blinked and ran his fingers through my hair. “Why don’t you be on top? It might be easier that way.”

He rolled over me and spread out on the bed, and his cock slapped against his belly with a surprisingly loud sound. He lay there, bronzed from the sun and flushed with excitement, veins popping out on his arms and legs and the chiseled muscles of his stomach, and his cock was so hard it jumped a little with every beat of his heart. He touched my hip and I crawled over him, discarding my top as I did, letting it fall with my underwear. Unsure of myself, I moved over him on all fours, and sat down on his thighs. I would have to hold his erection and guide him inside me. I held it in my hand stroked it a little, and he grabbed my arm.

“We can stop,” he said. “Really. Or I can finish you off with, um, you know.”

“By licking my pussy,” I said, mocking his faded bravado.

“Yeah,” he said, grinning.

I hitched myself over him and rested on top of his cock, pinning the shaft under me, and slid my lips along his length with a shift of my hips.

His head pushed back into the mattress and he grunted.

“Oh shit, oh Jesus fucking Christ,” he hissed, grabbing my hips.

I rose up, flexing my thighs to shift onto my knees, and put one hand on his chest. The other I wrapped around his cock, lifting it straight, and lowered myself until I could feel the head brushing my sex with a soft wet sound. I gasped as it touched me, and then again when I found the right spot and, my stomach churning with excitement, let my weight start to push him inside me. I was shocked that it came all at once, the head sort of popping in, and I croaked out a little cry as it sank deeper and I felt a sharp pain that turned into a burning sensation as I relaxed my legs and took him, slowly, into my body. He lay back on the bed and grabbed my hips. I thought he meant to push but he steadied me and slowed my descent, his grimace of exertion fading into a contended smile as I settled onto his hips, his cock speared up inside me.

“Does it hurt?”

“A little bit,” I said, growing used to the sensation.

It felt so weird, being so full. I’d used my fingers before but it was nothing like this. I put my hand on my stomach, trying to feel him through my belly, but he laughed at me and I pulled it away. He reached out, sitting up a little, and I gasped as I felt him shift inside me, pulling out just a little as his body contracted and then sliding in my tight channel as he took my arms and pulled me down, so I was lying on top of him, face to face. He wrapped his arms around me and I slid mine under his neck and rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. Slowly, I began to work my body against his, feeling our sweaty chests and stomachs sliding against each other as his cock shifted inside me. The pain had faded now, not gone but overwhelmed with a throbbing pleasure. He shifted and I shifted and we writhed until the sheets were twisted under us.

Something magical happened. His cock sliding in my cunt hit the right spot, stroking over it as I felt my clit grinding against him, and heat flared in my body. My stomach clenched and I heard him grunt, his movements becoming jerky, his arms shaking.

“What,” I murmured, gasping for breath, “What happened?”

“You got tighter,” he said, his hand slipping over my sweat slick body to cup my ass.

I lay there grinding on him for a moment, holding him tight to my chest and rolling my hips, my mouth parted in pleasure silenced by years of secret explorations with my door locked.

“Moan for me,” he said, murmuring in my ear.

Before I could he did, groaning loudly with his lips against my throat. I met his with one of my own, heavy and throaty.

“I want you on top now,” I gasped, squeezing him with my arms and legs.

He didn’t pull out of me. We just rolled over, slowly and carefully, lying face to face before I pulled him on top of me. He stared into my eyes until he found the rhythm I liked and then he began to thrust, harder and faster now, shaking the whole bed with his exertions. I felt myself tightening up, the warmth between my legs not spreading but going white hot, all seized up and clenched like a fist. I knew it would let go any second and held him all the harder, pulling him against me, and I put my lips to his ear.

“Cum in your little sister,” I whispered.

He seized up, then he went wild, shoving my ass into the bed with his thrusts. I clamped down on him and rode it out, letting my head fall back against the bed as he pushed and pushed, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through my body. I thought I was going to burst, fly apart like a balloon. When I felt him push me over the edge it came as a total shock and I bucked against him, lost in the shuddering, pulsing rush of alternating waves of heat and cold slamming through my body as he grunted out the peak of his exertion into my body, his face buried in my throat, his breath hot on my skin. It was like I was outside my body, lost in a coiling cloud of pure sensation, barely aware of my curled toes and the sheets clenched in my fists and the tingling of my scalp. I arched off the bed and pushed into him hard, and he threw his arms around me.

When it was over he didn’t pull out of me, but rolled not his side and yanked me along with him so I collapsed against him, totally exhausted, barely able to move.

All I could manage was a slow “Uhhhh,” for at least ten minutes.

I winced a little as he drew out of me, feeling tender from the intensity of him. He rolled not his back and I shimmied onto his side and curled my arms around his bicep and breathed into his arm.

“How was it?” he said.

“Great,” I murmured. “Let’s do it again.”

“I can’t,” he croaked.

I looked down. “You made my legs green and there’s grass all over my bed.”

He sat up. “Oh shit.”


“How are we going to explain the grass stains?”


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© 2014 Natalie Deschain

This book was published by Natalie Deschain

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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All characters depicted as engaging in sexual activity in this work of fiction are consenting adults, eighteen years of age or older. No blood relatives engage in sexual activity of any kind.

BOOK: My Taboo First Time
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