My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (7 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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Evan paid the bill and walked me to the front of the restaurant with his hand on the small of my back as he guided me. I didn’t say anything because it seemed harmless enough, but regardless I still had the butterflies taking flight. His touch is electric to me. Honestly, its scares the shit out of me, and I don’t know why.

Evan opens the passenger side door of his Hummer and I jump in. When we’re on the road, I speak. “Your father, what are we going to do about that?” I need to know.

“My father?” He blows out a breath.

“Yeah, after what he’s done I think something needs to be done, don’t you?”

He looks at me breaking his stare from the road. “I’ll take care of my father, Abby,” he says firmly.

“No, you said I could help.” I feel anger kick in.

“You don’t know my father, Abby, he’s not someone you cross. What needs to be done isn’t going to happen in a day, it’s going to take time and planning. I’ll be the one to step into that hell.” He doesn’t look at me.

“Bullshit Evan. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”

“No!” he raises his voice. “You have no idea who he is and that’s not something I intend to let you deal with… ever,” he lowers his voice at the latter part of his statement.

Inner sexy girl is tapping her impatient foot. “What are you going to do then?” I want something done about that man.

“I’m going to fucking kill him, Abby. I don’t want you to mention this again.”

“If you think I’m going to let this go you’ve got another thing coming, Evan Young.” I
mention this again because I intend to help. “So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.” I huff.

He laughs. “My pipe?” he scrunches his brows scrunch together.

“You’ve never heard that saying before?” I bite back my own laugh embarrassed.

“Yeah, I’ve heard it, just didn’t think I’d ever hear
say it.”

“Why is everyone always so surprised when I do or say something these days?” I shake my head “So, what’s all this stuff?” I ask pointing to his dashboard.
Electronic universe
is all I can think, and for a split second I feel a déjà vu moment come on but leave just as quickly.

“Just something I’m into.” He shakes his head.

“Oh.” I look out the window.

We drive in silence the rest of the way. When we pull into my parents’ driveway, I feel a sting in my belly and I realize I’m not sure that I want our night to end.

“We’re here.” He fumbles with the steering wheel.

“Thank you,” I blurt out.


I shrug. “I don’t know, for putting up with me, for dinner, for the ride home. Hey?” I realize something.


“How did you know I was at my apartment?”

“I didn’t know.” He turns looking out the window. “Sterling said he saw you leave on foot and I figured you’d go there since it’s so close.”

“Oh, yeah.” I nod. “Thanks again,” I offer.

“Abby, anything you need just ask. Seriously, anything you need, I’ve got you, ok?” His body’s facing mine with his hands on the console in front of him.

I don’t speak. Instead, I nod. When I look into his blue eyes and see the dimple destruction, I melt. I can’t think and feel lost in my own body.

“Can I take you out tomorrow?”

“I’ll call you.” I smile opening my door jumping out of the oversized Hummer.

“Hey.” He follows me to the door. “Why are you running from me, Abby? What are you so scared of angel?”

I lose it, all of it. Everything that I’ve been holding on to finds the light from the dark pace it’s been hiding because I can’t do it anymore.

“I’m scared that you’re too good for me. I’m scared that I won’t ever be what you want or need me to be, or at least who I was. What if you realize that I’m not that person anymore Evan? That could happen, and if I let myself go there I’d likely never recover. I’m not the person you think Evan. I’m broken, I’ve been broken for a long time. I can’t be fixed don’t you see that?” I’m standing in the driveway of my parents’ home making a fool of myself. “Oh God, I’m sorry.” I hide my face.

I feel him move into me. “Abby, listen to me.” His hand touches my chin bringing it up to look at him. “Never in any future that I see will I realize you’re not exactly what I want. I know who you are and I will love you every day for the rest of my life.”

My heart takes a leap of faith reaching into him as our lips meet. He takes me into his arms so tightly I think I might not breathe again till he lets me go.

His hands reach for my face as he pulls away. “If I don’t let you go now I’m not going to.”

I know that was hard for him and I see that he’s trying to honor my wishes. Wishes I’m not sure that I want him to honor anymore.

“Good night, angel.”

“Good night, Evan… ” I hesitate, but then turn and walk to the door.

Chapter Seven


The flight to D.C. is a little bumpy. I grab my bag when we land and disembark the plane. Yeah, one of my big expenses, I’ve never had anything come in more handy than this purchase does.

The car that I really want to avoid sits on the tarmac waiting for me. Dark town cars give me the fucking creeps, probably because they remind me of Thomas Carter.

“Fuck,” I toss my bag over my shoulder and head in that direction.

“Hello sir, I’m Dex. I’ll be your driver this afternoon.” He reaches for my bag.

I jerk my arm away. “I’ve got my bag,” I growl. I could fucking care less who he is or what he’s doing.

He raises his hands walking in a backward motion.

“We are having great weather for the time of year. Looks like you came at a great time.”

“Lucky me.” I look out the window.

Is she ok?

All clear.


When she showed up at my apartment, I was completely caught off guard. I’m so pissed that those fuckers I’m paying to keep her safe didn’t let me know what was going on sooner. It makes me think they weren’t watching her,
when I called them they knew right away where she was, so maybe they just didn’t think of it. It wasn’t a big deal, but she’s never met Nat and I get why she thought what she did. However, Nat and I? No. Definitely not.

She walked through the city all alone. Well she thought she was alone, but they were watching her keeping her safe at the distance I’d asked for.

I don’t know who hit her. It could’ve been anyone. She shouldn’t have been walking out in the open like that. I can’t imagine that ever happening to her again.

“Sir?” Dex stands at my door when we arrive.

I don’t speak as I reach for my bag and step out in front of the brownstone.

Walking in the front door I see the place is swarming with men in suits.

“Son, I’m so glad you found the time to take a few minutes out of your week,” Thomas announces from behind me.

I turn to my left seeing him and his assistant Beth.

“Evan.” She smiles. Beth has worked for my father for the last five years.

I nod in her direction. I want to know what this bastard wants so I can get back to my girl.

“Sit,” he says as we walk into his dark study.

I pour myself a glass of brandy and do as he says, “Get to it.”

He slides a folder toward me. “I need you to handle this. Quick and clean.” He nods toward the brandy. Beth stands in a rush to get his glass.

I flip through the pages not looking at a single one of them because it just the usual bullshit. “Ok, can I go now?”

“Stay for dinner. The kitchen’s preparing something nice for you.”

What the fuck?

“Not a social visit.” I finish my brandy in one gulp.

My father stands. “Evan, just stay for dinner then I’ll have Dex drive you to the airport.”

What? Is he dying or something? This isn’t like my father at all. “Sure, but after dinner I have to go.” I give in very unwillingly and against my better judgment.

“Absolutely.” He nods to Beth and she exits the office.

I stand and walk to the pouring another drink. “What’s going on out there?” I nod in the direction that Beth had just exited.

“Clean up.” He hesitates standing from his chair to look out the window.

“I see. There’s always something needing to be cleaned up, right?”

“You give me no credit at all do you? You never did.”

“No Thomas, I decided you weren’t worth it when you killed my mother.”

“I know what you think happened Evan, but you were just a boy.” He’s being unseasonably nice and it’s actually starting to freak me out a little.

Thomas Carter is a cold, sadistic son of a bitch. There isn’t anything warm and fuzzy about him. I imagine that’s how he got to the place with all the top dogs like he has.

“Hang on to this until I leave.” I hand him the folder.

He nods.

“What do you think is going to happen with the—” Drake bursts in seeing me and his posture becomes erect.

“I’m having a conversation, Drake.” Thomas waves him away and an evil grin takes hold of my face.

I hate that douche, he’s always been a dick to me. He has no soul. Doesn’t care if he hurts people.

I sneer at him.

Thomas tends to his business dealings while I walk around the enormous house wondering why the fuck I’m here and wishing that I was with Abby.

“You look great, Evan.” Beth approaches from behind me.

I turn wishing I hadn’t ended up in this room. “Hey.” I’m not feeding her the bullshit I know she’s looking for.

“Don’t I look great, Evan?” I knew that’s what she was after.

She grabs my hand lifting it to her breast.
I pull back. “You used to love to touch me here and
.” Her fingers slide up her thigh and under her black skirt. “Don’t you want to do that again, Evan? For old times’ sake?” She moves closer bringing her lips to my face.

I’ve had my fill of women. I’d never deny her if she had asked me, back then. I never denied anyone back then, but I’m dedicated to Abby and only Abby now.

“I’m not in that place anymore Beth.” I feel like she’s about to pounce.

“Oh, I didn’t realize.” She takes a step back, embarrassed.

“No, I know that. It’s cool.” I smile.

“Who is she?” Her hand slides up my thigh and over my dick. I’ve got nothing for her he’s as limp as he can be.

“There isn’t anyone,” I lie. If Thomas finds out about Abby, there’s no telling what he’ll do. And while I know Beth wants me at this moment, she’ll always remain loyal to Thomas Carter, for what reason I have no fucking clue.

“You’re just not into big tits and tight pussy anymore?” She’s offended.

I laugh because there isn’t anything tight about her. “I’m just not in a place to offer you what you want.”

She nods her head and turns to leave. “Your loss asshole.” She turns walking out of the room and flips me off as she turns the corner.

Yeah Ok,
I laugh. When she walks out in her bright red heels, I look down to my feet wishing I wasn’t here. The day goes by slow as fuck. When I return to the study, I see Thomas is there and he offers me a glass of brandy and cigar.

“I don’t smoke.”

He looks down at the large brown cigar. “Hell son, neither do I.” He lights it up. I wave the smoke from my breathing space.

“Nothing like a good brandy, cigar, and a woman. Am I right?” He laughs choking on the smoke

Oh fuck, I blow out a breath.
Did Beth say something to him?

“The more, the merrier.” I try to save the situation, so he does not think I have a woman if that’s what she’s told him.

He watches me, questioning my statement with his eyes. He gulps his drink in between cigar puffs. “Oh, shit son, there
bad for you. You’d do good to remember that.” He stands throwing his arm inside his jacket. “Dinner?”

Finally, I need to get this shit over with…

Dinner was boring just as I knew it would be, same ole shit. I’m just glad to be back in the space of my Hummer and only minutes away from Abby.

The folder that’s sitting on my seat is screaming at me. I pull over to take another look inside. What I see has me reach for the door of my Hummer puking my guts on the road.

I clean up Thomas Carter’s messes, but this mess will definitely
be something that I clean up. I’ll also have to deal with this to make sure no one else does.

The picture that stares back at me is haunting. He knows. He knows what I’ve been trying to hide for a while. Why does he think he’s a threat? Does he know that I know her?

My sister isn’t getting caught up in this. She could take care of him herself if needed, but I won’t ask her to do the one thing I should’ve done a long time ago.

Chapter Eight


“Marco called me and said that you had approached him.” Why would he do that?

“I saw him, but it wasn’t like that, Abby,” he defends. “Why would I do that?”

“If I knew the answer we wouldn’t be having this conversation would we.” Not a question, no this is my smart ass way of saying I don’t want to deal with this anymore.

I have two men acting like total douchebags toward each other and I’m the prize. This is definitely not the Cinderella story I dreamt about as a child.

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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