My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)
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With a happy sigh, she tilted her head to admire her work from all angles. Yes, it was merely her work she was admiring. Not Cole’s bunching and flexing muscles, nor the way his bulging pectorals were rising and falling so gloriously. Mmm. Nay. She was simply appreciating the images strewn delectably across his flesh.

She smiled, especially pleased with the way her name looked against his golden
abs. Without realizing what she was doing, she drew a heart atop his breastbone. When it finally dawned, she froze, her gaze flicking to his, hoping he hadn’t noticed. Thankfully, he had not. His eyes were oddly trained on her mouth…

Heart thudding, she re-dipped her finger, then made her way up to that heavenly dip at the base of his neck. Across his collar bone, she covered him with sexy little stars, embellishing his exquisiteness in her own special way.
Once his torso was completely covered, she set down the jar and smiled. “All finished,” she purred. “Although I believe it is now time to clean up my mess.” She licked her lips timidly, stepping closer, deliberating on where to start.

Knuckles white, Cole couldn’t believe he hadn’t cracked the countertop w
ith Sera’s fingers prancing up his torso and dancing across his neckline. But now, as she eased closer, murmuring about needing to clean up, he suspected he just might. “Use that talented mouth, Sera,” he murmured huskily, “and lick me clean.”

Slowly his eyes lowered to stare at her moistened lips. When they touched his tensing chest, a moan escaped his throat. She was intoxicating. He could still taste her on his tongue, could smell her exotic scent mingling with the chocolate. His angel’s lover stirred within.

Her fingers moved eagerly at his sides as her mouth worked its way over every inch of his torso. All around his neck she licked and suckled, inadvertently teasing him to the point of insanity. Breath left his lungs with a whoosh. Reaching out, he cupped her face and pulled her mouth to his. “Let me taste,” he said, claiming her lips. His tongue tangled with hers, stroking away any remnants of chocolate. When she gripped his forearms and kissed him back, he moaned into her mouth, a spark igniting inside him.

He heard her, felt her
gasp, as if overwhelmed by his passionate outburst. And Cole could completely relate. He was that close to igniting himself. With a growl, he dropped from the counter and lifted her up against him. Their kiss never breaking, her legs snapped around his waist. Low in her throat, he heard her purr, as if drugged by the moment’s intensity.

“Cole,” she panted, “you set me aflam
e. I am consumed by your desire.”

Tighter he held her, growling heatedly as she continued to whisper the sweetest sentiments against his lips. With one eye open, he whisked her into the bedroom, keeping her distracted as he laid her on the bed. Once she was spread out for his viewing pleasure, he snapped his fingers. All of he
r clothes disappeared. She blinked, in a daze.

In nothing but jeans, he stood there, licking his lips. One glance at the night stand and he snapped his fingers again, a can of whipped cream relocating into his hand. Slowly, he shook it, watching his angel catch her breath. He couldn’t help grinning at her wondrous expression. His kiss had leveled her.
Did she even realize she was naked?

Smirking, he watched her watching him. He could tell her wheels were turning. He’d give her something to think about. Whipped cream in hand, he leaned closer, drawing long, rich lines up the length of her legs. Taking her ankle, he leisurely licked and sinfully sucked every inch of her succulent skin. Only when he reached he
r uppermost thigh did he pause to flash her a decadent grin. She let loose a trembling sigh. But before she could speak, he resumed, gracing her other leg with the same sensual attention.

Sera should have resisted him the moment she realized she was in his bed. She should have, but the truth was, she was completely spellbound by this mind-blowing male, intrigued on a level she couldn’t even begin to understand, let alone fight. Inwardly she smiled, amused at the irony of how she’d set out to make him des
sert but had ultimately ended up being it. And to her surprise, she was utterly enjoying sating his sweet tooth. Chocolate and candies and whipped cream, oh my…

Biting her lip, she propped herself on her elbows and watched him. How delici
ous he was in his playfulness. She adored his heart-stopping smiles and the way they turned more wicked the higher up her thighs he traveled…

Her smile faded, suddenly
realizing just how close he was getting to her sex. She was certain she was just as slick from arousal as she was from the whipped cream. Would he know? Did she care if he did?

Cole paused, his breath hot on her core. Her heart hammered wildly. What would he do now? Captivated eyes watched as he flashing another grin, then picked up the canister again. With casual precision, he sprayed a V at the apex of her thighs, filling it in before turning to meet her gaze. Smoldering eyes held hers steady as he slowly swiped his tongue through the
rich, white cream. Sera mewled like a happy kitty.

And then he moved lower, his tongue’s firm tip teasing her flesh.
Sera had to fight to keep her eyes from rolling back. She didn’t want to miss a single moment of this glorious event. But his piercing gaze wouldn’t have let her even if she’d desired it. She moaned, his tongue continuing to do sinfully divine things to her sanity. She could feel her grin returning in full force. Could see her skin glowing ever brighter.

Through hitches and gasps, pants and laughs, her body squirmed and writhed. “Cole,” she mewled, “Your tongue- It’s- Oh God!” Her eyes went wide as her hips jerked hard. Gripping his comforter, she muffled a cry. “Oh God- What are you-” she sucked in a breath, shuddering against his mouth. “Cole, I- Oh!- Oh yes!” Her head fell back as her body arched hard off the mattress.

But Cole refused to relent. Mercilessly, he persisted, moving his tongue in fast, steady strokes. Skilled fingers circled her core, saturating themselves for smooth penetration. Slowly, he slid one inside, heard Sera gasped at the feel. But before she could react further, he drove in a second, growling when she cried out and clamped down around him. Burning eyes watched as she came undone, light exploding from her form.

And still, he wasn’t done. Not even close. She wasn’t coming down any time soon if he had anything to do with it. Savoring the sight of her, pulsing and writhing, he slowly pistoned his fingers, his hot tongue circling her tiny nub. He moaned against her flesh, knowing the vibrations would drive her wild.

A heady hiss rushed passed his lips as her nails sank into his scalp, adamant fingers pushing him harder against her writhing body. Cries for more filled the air as her juices drenched his hand, flowing steadily as his touch had her igniting a second time. He replaced his fingers with his tongue and lifted her legs over his shoulders. He wasn’t done feasting. He needed more of his angel. Hungrily, he lapped and nibbled, unable to get enough. In and out, his tongue slid from her core, devouring every drop she emitted for his taking.

Cole knew in this moment, if he opened his eyes they would surely be black. His inner demon was well past the point of arousal. He could feel its driving need to let loose and claim what was his. Sera. She belonged to him. Growling, he didn't relent until once again her channel was squeezing him hard, her juices coating his tongue, a sweet taste on his lips.
Her sharp, frantic mewl the last sound he heard before she erupted like a downpour inside his mouth. As she came apart for a third time, Cole moaned, deep in his chest. He felt starved, like he hadn't fed in years. He would ravish her until there was nothing left to take. And that’s exactly what he did.

Chest heaving, he finally set down her legs. He needed to take her like he needed to breathe. Her dewy, sated look was making him mental. She was his, as he was hers. But he knew she wasn't ready. Besides, she still didn't know who he was. He let out a growl, wishing he didn't love her
, need her so much.

With eyes flaring, he backed off the bed and stalked blindly into the bathroom. Down went the shutters as he slammed the door behind him. Leaning against it, he exhaled, then banged his head in frustration and slid to the floor in defeat. As his heart thundered and his mind raced, his face fell into his hands. All this time, he knew he had feelings for her, but only now did he realize how deeply. He'd kill anyone who got in their way, would lay down his life for her and her alone. Out there, spread out on his bed like the finest of feasts, was an angel who’d managed to take his heart without even knowing it.

He suspected he’d fallen in love with her that week they’d spent together so long ago, but as the years had gone by he'd grown so cynical that he'd brushed it off as puppy love. Now though, now he knew he'd truly loved Sera, that she was his and the only one for him. No one else would ever take her place. His little innocent angel had turned him inside out.

He groaned, knowing he was done for. There’d be no going back now that his heart was involved, which meant he was now vulnerable to everything out there that had it in for him. He couldn’t let that happen. He’d make sure no evil ever touched his Sera. She was his, damn it, and no one was going to touch what was his.



Demon Dreams, Memories Bring



Sera woke up in a cold sweat. Her heart was racing and her lungs were heaving. She’d been dreaming of Cole. They’d been making love, like lovers who’d been together since the beginning of time. Kissing and grinning. Thrusting and moaning. Her arms had been wrapped around him tight and he'd been whispering the most amazing sentiments in her ear. All as he'd claimed her. Again and again. She'd felt so happy she’d feared her heart would burst.

And then Cole had pulled away from their kiss to grin down at her. But he wasn’t Cole. He was a large, menacing, deep maroon demon with horns and fangs and pitch black eyes.

Sera bit back a cry as she remembered it vividly, not wanting to wake Cole out on the couch. To her dismay, it wasn’t solely the demon making mad, passionate love to her that horrified her so. What disturbed her to her core was recalling how she’d looked up at him with love in her eyes. Her heart hadn’t sputtered with fear; it had galloped with unadulterated excitement. She’d loved the demon! Had exalted in his arms! Breathed his name on smiling lips. Good heavens, she’d actually begged for him to take her!

“Oh God!” she choked, leaping out of bed. Planted against the wall, her eyes darted wildly around. She had to get out of there. It was now or never. She was falling for a male who was a   complete mystery to her. What if he was indeed some kind of threat and her mind was trying to warn her? Her heart hammered in pure panic. If she did not leave then, she would never leave, no matter what he turned out to be. She knew this intrinsically, recognized it as fact. Very soon she would be all but lost to him.

“I must leave,” she whimpered. “God help me, but I do not want to.” A tear escaped and she wiped it away, then drew in a steadying breath. Resolve wavering, she tiptoed out of the bedroom and crept down the hallway. As she entered the living room, she paused, her gaze lingering longingly on the male who’d stolen her heart. She squeezed her eyes shut and pursed her lips miserably. Now or never, now or never. Turning her head, she focused on the double French doors, and on a wing and a prayer, sprinted through them into the cool night air.


Cole rolled over, hearing the faint ‘snick’ of the back doors closing. He frowned, sitting up to look around. Face rough and unshaven, hair spiking this way and that, he got up and padded down the hallway in the sweats he'd put on the night before.

In the doorway of his bedroom he stopped. Sera was gone. Cursing a blue streak that would singe a sailor’s ear, he flashed outside, his hands clenched in fists as he scanned the perimeter.

“Sera!” he yelled. “You know it does no good to run from me! With the mood I’m in, you had better get your ass back here!”

Damn female, he snarled, storming off into the woods. He had to get a bead on her. As he stomped through the thickening underbrush, his muttered threats continued to flow. “I'm done being nice Cole. This shit is stopping now. She will remember who I am or so help me I will tie her ass to my bed for a year.”


Sera hadn't stopped running since the moment she fled the house. She was fast on her feet, but Cole's ability to materialize anywhere made him tricky to outrun. Through the dense forest her legs took her, fresh tears streaming down her face.

And then she heard his distant bellow, angrily calling her name.

“Oh God,” she panted, picking up speed. As soon as he caught her scent and pinpointed her general location, things were going to get much more difficult.

A stream was nearby. She could hear its gentle trickle. If she could just get to it, perhaps it could aid in covering her scent. She took a hard right, her bare feet traversing the leaf-strewn floor with grace and angelic stealth. All the while, air sawed through her lungs, her muscles burning like never before. She had to escape him, the male she feared she already loved.


Cole’s head whipped around, the sound of twigs snapping in the distance reaching his ears just as Sera’s scent flittered passed his nose. Instantly he flashed in its direction, catching the briefest glance Sera disappearing deeper into the woods.

“Sera,” he growled. “Stop this madness now.” Again he flashed after her, appearing directly in her path. But it wasn’t until he’d grabbed onto her shoulders, ready to shake some sense into her, that he noticed the tears on her face.

“Why are you running from me?” he frowned. She didn’t reply, only struggled to pull away. He tightened his grip. “Tell me what's wrong.” A determined foot made contact with his shin. “Stop that,” he grated, giving her a shake.

She peered up at him, irritated desperation flashing visibly in her eyes. “Cole. Please,” she groaned. “You must let me go. I cannot stay. I do not remember you! You have tried to make me see - and Lord knows I have tried - but I simply cannot!” Cole frowned, his heart pounding painfully as her fists beat at his chest. “I want to be with you,” she choked on a sob, “but I do not know how!”

He tightened his grip further, adamantly shaking his head. He wasn’t letting her go, no matter how hard she pleaded. “Forget it, Sera. I’m taking you back. We’ll figure something out.”

She dug in her heals, a shrewd sadness darkening her features. “I am sorry, sweet beautiful male,” she whispered, holding his gaze. “You would do well to forget me.”

Cole tensed, the resolve in her eyes beyond disconcerting. Dread mushroomed in his gut. His angel had an ace up her sleeve. Her eyes closed and her head fell back. Oh shit. But before he could shield his eyes, a brilliant light exploded from her form. Like a nuclear bomb, illuminating the darkness. He shouted, stumbling back in momentary blindness. Tripping over a small downed tree, he landed hard.

Swift feet, rapidly approaching.

A brief kiss left on his cheek.

“Be well, beloved Cole,” she breathed, her warm breath brushing his ear.

An equally rapid retreat.

As his vision fought to come back online, he suddenly heard large, flapping wings. The gust they created swept passed his face and rustled his unkempt hair. His heart thudded wildly. She was leaving, headed toward the treetops, rising to an elevation he’d soon be unable to reach.

“No,” he snarled, lurching to his feet. He wasn’t giving up that easy. With his eyesight returning, he let out a roar and leapt powerfully into the air. Flashing out in midflight, he reappeared directly in front of her, his strong arms snapping ‘round her tight. “I'm not letting you go,” he growled defiantly.

Sera cried out in alarm, dipping abruptly toward the ground. Her wings flapped frantically, struggling to stay airborne. “Cole!” she shrieked, but he only clung tighter.

A satisfied growl rumbled from his chest as he buried his face in her chest. He'd kept her from getting away. “You’re going to have to drop me on my ass if you want to get rid of me,” he smirked. Her pounding heart drowned out her kittenish curses. He lifted his gaze to hers, grinning smugly at her aggravated expression. But before she could rebuke him, he flashed them back to the house. The second they touched down, his fingers got busy sealing every shutter and door with a single snap.  

And still he gave her no time to speak. Into his bedroom he hauled her, then tossed her onto the bed. Breathing heavy, he watched as she scrambled to the headboard. “Oh yes,” he grinned wickedly, “you will remember me.” Her eyes went wide as again he snapped his fingers, instantly binding her spread-eagle to the posts.

Casually he brushed a leaf from his shoulder, then heatedly looked over his prize. She was completely at his mercy. Just the way he liked her. The way she used to like it, too. “I remember a time when you’d beg me to tie you to my bed,” he murmured darkly.

Sera paused from grappling with her restraints to eye him warily. Could his claims be truth? Could she really have desired such a thing? She didn’t sense deceit in his words...

No, she decided abruptly. Regardless of what was real or not, she would not be distracted. It all was irrelevant anyway. She didn’t remember, so it might as well have never happened.

Shaking her head, she resumed her bout with her binds. Just seconds ago she’d been breaching the treetops, so blessedly close to escape. But now she was bound, with Cole testing the last of her sanity. She scowled in frustration. The truth of the matter was she’d be impressed with his tactics had she not been the one thwarted by them. Blasted night, why must he be so irritatingly efficient!?

Anxiously she glanced around the room before finally looking at Cole. Despite his calm demeanor, he was still glaring steely daggers. She could feel his ire from clear across the room, wafting over her body in heady waves of resentment.

She watched his massive chest rise and fall, made note of his obsidian black eyes. True, he was infuriating, but sweet stars above, he was also positively gorgeous. Pure male in his rawest form...

Out of nowhere a purr crept up her throat. Damn her body and its betrayals! 

She shifted restlessly atop the bed, her hunger unraveling her will. Inwardly, she berated her resolve’s sudden ‘backseat status,’ while outwardly, her chin rose in feigned indignantly. “You should have let me go,” she contended. “This is ludicrous. Untie me and let us talk rationally.”

“You want rational?” Cole snarled incredulously. “Oh, I'll give you rational.” Warily she watched as he lifted his fingers. Oh God, she cringed, not his magic fingers. With a growl and a snap, she was flipped onto her stomach, her binds reaffixed in accordance with her new position.

Onto the bed she felt him climb. She froze, then squirmed in rising anticipation. She could feel him watching her every move, his heated gaze palpable, searing her soul. “The time for rationale ended long ago, baby doll.” A shiver wracked her frame as his voice stoked her fire, his hands roaming up the back of her legs. “We are so beyond that now.”

Her eyes went wide as his words registered, fresh apprehension piercing her gut. True, he’d succeeded in exciting her beyond measure, but that didn’t negate the fact that she’d never engaged in such behavior before. And her body's intense response was making it hard to think.

She squirmed, panting against the pillow, “Cole. Cole wait.” But he didn’t. Oh God, his hands had reached her thighs. And were still moving higher. Of its own volition, her body began to undulate, to flicker and glow. He was methodically unraveling her will. “Cole,” she mewled, “I- Oh!”

White-hot pain pierced her unsuspecting behind. Cole just bit her cheek! She jerked as a fresh growl rumbled up to her ear.

“When I come deep inside this luscious body of yours,” he murmured darkly from behind, “you won't even remember what ‘rational’ means.” Abruptly, he spanked her ass.

Sera yelped, her entire frame jerking. Despite herself, she bit back a laugh. “Cole! You wicked male! I cannot believe you- ah!” He smacked her yet again.

“Never again will you run from me,” he growled, rubbing away the sting. “You will stay with me always.”

His rumbling words sent shivers up her body, goose bumps erupting from head to toe. Sera moaned as her hips rolled shamelessly into the sheets. Her voice lowered, becoming husky as she rasped into the pillow, “You are naughtier than I have given you credit.”

Slowly, he stroked the apex of her legs. Sera groaned, mortified at how wet she’d already become. Cole chuckled, clearly aware of her current ‘state,’ too. “Your light makes you glisten all the more, Sera. You want me to take this, don’t you,” he murmured. But before she could answer, he slipped a finger deep.

She cried out, clamping down on him hard. “Oh God, Cole! Yes!” she mewled without thought, then swiftly changed directions. “No, wait! You mustn't!”

“Why?” he chuckled again. “Is this not for me?” Abruptly he withdrew. Sera bit her lip to keep from whimpering. “Mmm,” she heard him purr. “So sweet, you taste.” 

And that was it. The sound of him sucking his finger proved her final proverbial straw. To hell with wrong or right! “Cole,” she moaned, shifting restlessly. “Please. Do that again. But God… linger longer this time.” She peered over her shoulder, need covering her face. “Please.”

Cole grinned. “I know you too well, baby.” Expert hands lifted her hips, propping her lower body up into the most vulnerable positions. That brief taste had made him crave more, more of her sweet, savory juices. In the blink of an eye, he was on his back, his head positioned between her knees, ready to eat her whole.

Swiftly, he pulled her down to his lips, his hands gripping her ass, unyielding in their hold. Sucking and licking, he began to tease her. It didn’t take long to get her shamelessly grinding against him.

“That's it, Sera,” he rasped. “Let me taste all of you.” Skillfully, he tongued her entrance, drawing her juices out until they drenched his mouth and chin. His hand slid around to the back of her thigh. Two fingers slipped in deep. She gasped. He growled. His other hand joined the fun, his thumb moving higher to tease her rosette. She mewled, squirmed, but didn’t seem able to stop her writhing. Hell yes, she was magnificent.

Body on fire, he could barely breathe. But he wasn’t alone, by the way Sera was panting. And wickedly glowing. Good thing he was supporting her. He’d bet his balls if he let her go she’d topple down in a heap. He could hear her fists gripping and tugging at her binds, her clenched teeth biting the pillow. Oh yeah, he grinned against her folds, he was driving her fast to insanity.

BOOK: My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)
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