Read My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey Into Love Everlasting Online

Authors: Sharon Lathan

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #General, #Romance

My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey Into Love Everlasting (13 page)

BOOK: My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey Into Love Everlasting
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Memories flooded her as she hurriedly walked through the now familiar rooms toward the southern exit. Vivid recollections of her surprise encounter of Mr. Darcy a year ago with the subsequent invitation to his home.

First, the music room where visions of being introduced to his beloved sister Georgiana and hearing her play while a proud and relaxed Mr. Darcy smiled and laughed. Ah, his laughter! Such an amazing sound and sight that she had never witnessed from the stoic man of Hertfordshire and Kent. It had pierced her soul, Lizzy noting how beautiful he was, how carefree and joyous. "
You should always smile, Mr. Darcy,
" she had thought with emotions overwhelming, her spirit lurching at his evident happiness and then plummeting in the sadness of knowing he would never smile so for her.

Next into Darcy's study and out a side door to the wide corridor beyond. She passed through the vaulted archway to the broad stone terrace and was halfway down the stairs before she noted that Darcy was nowhere to be seen. She slowed, heart racing, and calmly crossed the stones toward the small table set for breakfast precisely on the spot where she had nervously attempted a bumbling conversation with Mr. Darcy all those months ago.

The round table was covered with a fine green linen tablecloth, an empty vase of Waterford crystal in the center, a china pot of tea, plate of sliced fruits, and two formal settings. Lizzy glanced around, fully expecting her husband to materialize from behind a potted bush or the lawn beyond, not that it is easy to hide a frame his size. She placed the roses into the vase, noting then the folded parchment propped against the glass.

A year ago today the road to my rebirth began. The interrupted journey of our destiny as one was resumed. Paths trod are frequently rend
with hazards and washed away areas, but the wise pilgrim presses on and picks up the trail inerrantly. By the grace of God such are we, my wife. Fate shone and brought you literally to my doorstep. Never will I doubt the hand of the Almighty on our life and will forever be thankful for the mercy shown me. The quest, both the one that brought you to me then and that brought you to this note, are over.
I love you,

She released a breathy laugh, whirling about seconds later at the unmistakable sound of boot heels striking stone. Darcy was rapidly descending the stairs, dressed in the exact outfit worn a year ago from boots to cravat, only rather than an expression of stunned befuddlement and nervousness, his countenance was radiant with broad smile and glittering eyes.

Lizzy could only stare, an odd sense of deja vu overlaid by vaulting ecstasy and love. How he stole her very breath away! His dimples flashed, teeth sparkled, eyes reflected the azure blue of the sky, and entire body exuded strength and energy. Purposefully he strode toward her, gaze never faltering, not pausing or slowing until a mere inch from her body. Without preamble he encircled her waist with one arm, pulling her into his chest while clasping her neck gently with his hand, leaning for a consuming kiss.

Lizzy moaned, hunger forgotten in the haze of instant passion as her hands slipped over his shoulders and twined into his hair. Darcy growled in his throat, kissing with ever increasing fervor, slow to be restored to anything remotely resembling rationality. Gradually the feverish kiss abated, Darcy brushing lightly over her lips, withdrawing to rest his forehead on hers with eyes closed in rapture and sighing heavily.

"Oh God, Elizabeth, I have been waiting for hours it seems with a rising need to kiss you! Whose foolish idea was it to send you scurrying about the house rather than running into my arms?"

Lizzy laughed shakily. "I shall not answer that question, love." She rose on tiptoes, nestling her cheek against his. "Mmmm, William, you smell delicious. Promise me something?"

"Anything, dearest."

"Always hold me securely when you plan to kiss me so marvelously so that I do not collapse into a heap at your feet?"

He laughed, kissing briefly before stepping back a pace. He caressed over her cheek, speaking softly, "You must be famished, my darling. I thought it might be nice to breakfast in style for a change. Sit and have some tea and fruit. I shall inform the kitchen we are ready to dine." He pushed her chair in, kissing the top of her head before disappearing into the house.

Lizzy did pour a much needed cup of tea and nibbled on a prune while she waited. It was not for long, Darcy briskly returning followed by Mr. Taylor and three maids, all laden with trays placed onto a small linen-draped sidebar. Lizzy was starving but found it hard to focus on food with her husband staring at her with fiery intensity from his seat mere inches away.

In due time the first course was set and the servants departed, the butler to loiter inside the doorway awaiting summons from his Master. For Darcy the interval of attendance was an agony of forced propriety when he wanted nothing as much as to touch his wife, a mission promptly executed the second they were alone. He leaned forward, lips gliding over her neck while he clasped one hand tightly and gently massaged over the bulge of their child with the other.

"Thank you for wearing the gown." His voice was husky and muffled against her skin, Lizzy shivering from the combined sensations. "I adore all your old gowns as they each spark such delightful memories, but this is my favorite." He lifted to kiss her lips. "Sweet. Delectable. I love you so, Elizabeth." He gazed into her eyes with pure adoration, Lizzy's eyes misty from the emotions elicited. "Do you know how often I dreamt of you in this gown?"

She smiled, running her fingertips over his face. "Apparently the answer is many times. How often, dear love, were you removing said gown in your dreams?"

He chuckled, unperturbed by the query. "Hundreds, although often I was at this spot in broad daylight articulating brilliantly all the proper phrases which
have occurred to me a year ago, and then I would kiss you precisely as I did a moment ago. So, dreams do come true." He kissed her again, deeply, clearly insatiable with the need to taste her entire mouth. A rumble from the vicinity vaguely under his hand erupted, Lizzy blushing but Darcy laughing. "I am keeping you from your nourishment, forgive me." He withdrew with a final pat to her womb. "Forgive me, my son, but your mother is irresistible." The baby answered with a well-aimed kick to his father's palm, Darcy's eyebrow arching in surprise. "My! Feisty, like his mother."

Laughing, they attended to their plates, Darcy likely hungrier than Lizzy, having been up for hours arranging his surprise with barely a few sips of coffee taken. Vastly differing from the afternoon being commemorated, they conversed easily about all manner of subjects, their clothing being the only similarity.

"William, your clever treasure hunt was inspired. How do you invent so many wonderful adventures?"

"Impressed, Mrs. Darcy, by the ingenious schemes from your admittedly dull-witted spouse?" he asked with a grin.

"You declared it, not I," she said with a smirk. "Yes, I am impressed, and delighted. I had a wonderful time, although I shall confess to being thankful the quest complete as your son was demanding food and I was aching to see your face." She reached across to caress his cheek, Darcy snatching her hand for a tender kiss to the wrist. "Thank you for the pearls. They are beautiful. Do you have a specific thought as to what I should do with them?"

He shrugged. "I had imagined a bracelet to accent your necklace. However, you may choose anything you wish. They were part of a shipment on one of my ships, gemstones and pearls from the Orient. My ears perked up, so to speak, when I read the cargo manifest. I acquired a pouch of diamonds and emeralds as well, if you want them to accompany the pearls. They would combine to create a beautiful broach or hair clip. They were a fortuitous parcel as I honestly did not have a planned gift for this day."

"Really? Perhaps my initial impression when I awoke was not far from the truth." She spoke teasingly with a caress to his hand.

He arched a brow in question. "What was your initial impression?"

Lizzy reddened slightly. "Well, I confess I was disappointed to find you absent. You have spoiled me, beloved, even further after today. I anticipated at the very least arising to have you staring at me and caressing with obvious intent. I hoped for that, I should say. Anything else would have been a bonus." She fluttered her lashes and he burst out laughing. "Therefore, when you were not in our bed I was crushed. I thought you had forgotten," she finished in a small voice.

"Elizabeth," he whispered roughly, grasping her hand, "how could you think I would forget one of the happiest days of my life? The pearls were an afterthought, but I have been laying plans and composing riddles for a week. You know how pathetically maudlin I am, thus you should never be surprised overly nor despondent. And as for caressing with obvious intent--that shall occur in a timely manner, I can assure you, several times if I have my wish." He grinned, bringing her hand to his mouth for well-placed kisses and nibbles.

Feeling rejuvenated after a full meal, Lizzy was ready for whatever her husband had planned for the day. Darcy rose from the table, assisting his wife from her seat. Lizzy's belly was not yet to the point where rising or sitting was laborious; in fact, her grace was unfailing; however, Darcy was prudent. A maid was sent to retrieve a bonnet and gloves for Mrs. Darcy, which Darcy placed on his wife himself, kissing and tenderly caressing throughout the procedure that should have only consumed a minute but instead lasted close to ten.

Lizzy smiled into his eyes, his fingers yet nestled under her chin, ostensibly straightening the bonnet's bow. "Where are we headed?"

He smiled enigmatically, offering his arm, tucking her securely against his side, and steered toward the steps leading to the grass. They walked at a leisurely pace across the manicured lawn, talking softly of the past.

"Often I have considered the various brilliant phrases and declarations I wished to say to you while visiting here, especially upon our initial encounter when you so surprised me," Darcy said as they reached the serpentine hedge and began weaving their way through the maze.

"What did you decide you should have said?"

Darcy laughed lowly, shaking his head. "I never did decide on a sure phrase. Oh, I came up with all sorts of clever witticisms or irresistible banter in my musings, none of which I would have remotely conjured at the time even had I not been nonplussed. Obviously if enchanting conversation were a forte of mine, I may not have been in such a predicament in the first place!" He squeezed her arm, Lizzy chuckling.

They passed through the vine-draped archway in the center of the maze. The central clearing was an exact circle of clover precisely thirty feet in diameter with an enormous elm tree in the center, trunk girded by a low brick bench. The entire maze spanned nearly two hundred feet with four entrances, north, south, east, and west. The paths weaved and twined with a combination of curves and angles, ultimately intersecting and leading to four equally spaced exits in the middle. All throughout the labyrinth were niches cut into the six-foot-tall hedges with statues or ornamentally sculpted bushes. Lizzy loved the maze. It had not taken her long to figure her way through all the pathways, probably aided by her superior sense of direction, and it was one of her favorite haunts.

She and Darcy strolled about the perimeter in contented companionship, smiling in remembrance.

Darcy continued, "In my imaginings I charmed utterly, but certainly not in reality. No, I stood there and moronically watched you walk away. For at least ten minutes I could not think coherently. If it were not for the lingering scent of your perfume, I may have convinced myself I had finally succumbed to my fantasies."

Lizzy stopped and was staring at him with skepticism. "You did not seriously smell my perfume?"

Darcy's brow rose. "Yes, I did. Lavender. It was in the air long after you departed." He leaned over, burying his face into her hair and inhaling deeply. "As I thought. Lavender. You splashed with jasmine," he nuzzled her neck, "but your hair wash is lavender, as it was at the Netherfield Ball." He paused to bestow a smattering of gentle sucks over her collarbone, Lizzy instantly shivering but also shaking her head.

"I cannot believe the details you recollect. Even after all this time you can yet dumbfound me, William. How did you note I used lavender?"

Darcy flushed slightly, taking her hand and sitting on the bench under the tree. "I noted everything about you, Elizabeth, both consciously and unconsciously. I caught whiffs while you dwelt at Netherfield, but the fragrance invaded my mind while we danced. Unfortunately I only had that one opportunity to get close enough to you, but I noticed your scent. It was intoxicating, but then everything about you intoxicated me, even your arguing, as it showed your spirit. At Kent I deduced it must be your favorite perfume as you always wore it." He caressed her fingers, staring at her hands entwined in his. "When I returned to Pemberley... after... I had the potted lavender outside my study window removed. I ordered Mrs. Reynolds to banish all lavender from the house. She must have thought me mad, although that oddity was the least of my peculiarities last summer."

BOOK: My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey Into Love Everlasting
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