Read My Billionaire Master: Indebted To Him (Part One) (A BDSM Erotic Romance Novelette) Online

Authors: Delilah Gardner

Tags: #billionaire erotica, #billionaire sex, #billionaire domination, #bdsm sex, #billionaire love, #billionaire bdsm billionaire romance, #billionaire bdsm, #domination, #bdsm, #billionaire romance, #contemporary romance

My Billionaire Master: Indebted To Him (Part One) (A BDSM Erotic Romance Novelette) (6 page)

BOOK: My Billionaire Master: Indebted To Him (Part One) (A BDSM Erotic Romance Novelette)
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Alfie pulled her past a dining room while describing how the eleven foot ceilings were just the right height for one of his artifacts; apparently he’d been gifted it by the royal palace. Her eyes widened as he took her past his office, containing only a full glass desk and wall after wall of filled bookcases, before ushering her into the adjoining den.


The grand centerpiece of the room was a floor to ceiling window, much like the entrance hallway, spanning a full wall that offered a view of the twinkling city below. With so many lights, Cassidy felt like she could just float into the city and become nothing more than another streetlight or blinking torch in the distance.


It’s so beautiful out there.”


Alfie let his fingers slide out of her hair and down the side of her face, brushing her lips as they passed. Cassidy caught her bottom lip between her teeth. Her nerves fluttered in her throat as he gazed at her, appearing to assess her like an artifact. Through her blush, she watched him while anticipating his first move. He finally released her gaze to drag his heated one over her breasts, down her stomach, and long legs before reversing direction and locking onto her eyes once again.


Trying not to squirm because she’d worn thongs once again, her eyes widened as her mind tried not to freak out at the realization that she was so near him. Seeming amused, he pulled her to his side as his gaze swung to the window for a silent bit of viewing pleasure. He felt so good pressed up along her side that she didn’t want to interrupt his internal reflection.


In an irresistible tidal wave, concerns and questions from the ride over came rushing back in their current moment of silence. Finally needing to know why she was there, Cassidy suddenly felt as if she’d lose her mind with anxiety.


What the hell am I doing here? Is this really a job interview, and for what!?!


Even though she knew she’d give him whatever he wanted, part of her questioned—
who interviewed someone at night?
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She bluntly asked, “Am I here for sex?”


Alfie let loose a deep, dark baritone laugh. Even though her cheeks felt scalded, her innocent eyes widened as she smiled. It had only been the second time she’d heard him actually laugh. Still watching the skyline, he answered, “Like the invitation said, you’re here for an interview.”


She acutely sensed his body was fully aware of her location, regardless of where his eyes were trained. Taking a deep breath, she stammered, “Yes, but… um…what kind of interview is this? You haven’t asked me a single question.”


Finally turning to face her once again, Alfie briefly studied her and finally grinned, “Okay, Cassidy Fearn, here’s a question: do you
trust me?”


Long lashes brushed her cheeks as she looked down and blinked while softly saying, “I don’t even
know you.”


A shrewd look bled into his eyes, “Oh, come now. You know enough about me. I bet you ran home and looked me up, didn’t you?”


She blushed, knowing he made her heart speed as if she’d ran a marathon. He was extremely handsome with each and every muscle perfectly cut as if a sculptor had formed him from marble. She loved the way he made her feel and the way he could steal her breath with a look and a gentle touch. With crystal clarity, she realized she also loved the way he took control of her when she hadn’t even known she wanted to give herself up. Other than that, he was still a stranger.


His hands rose to her hair, letting the strands run through his fingers like a waterfall pouring over a cliff. With a dark intensity that held no amusement, he said, “I’m going to ask you again.
Do you really trust me?
If you want to leave now, you can. Stay and it will be until I decide we’re done. I will make the decisions and you will do as I say. Do you understand?”


When she tried to look away, Alfie’s grip tightened in her hair and tugged in demand for an answer. His blue eyes seemed to see straight to her soul. She couldn’t help but think;
do you like what you see?


He tugged a bit harder, centering her with the use of his gentle pain as he growled, “Do you understand?”


A strange sense of calm settled over her. Firmly and with no hesitation, she nodded, “Yes.”


In a stern voice, he asked, “Do you
me, Cassidy?”


In every muscle and sinew within her tension-laden body, she wanted to believe that she did. Unwilling to offer anything but a positive, she breathed, “Yes.”


Do you want to give over your control and let me make all the decisions for you? Do you want to stay?”


She suspected Alfie knew her answer but she told him, “Yes.”


A dangerous and satisfied vibe rolled off him as he pulled her to him and breathed over her lips, “Then that’s all there is. Interview over.”


His kiss sealed the deal, letting her know she would no longer hold any control. She’d just signed it over to him. When he pulled back, enough light reflected to show his blue eyes were black with lust. Seeing this sent a thrill humming through her, causing her breath to hitch. Without releasing her from his gaze or his grip, he reached up to stroke her jaw as he murmured, “I’ve thought about this quite a bit. We’re not done. There’s so much to teach you about trusting me with your


Trust. I can do this.


Instead of kissing her again, he breathed over her collarbone to send shivers down her spine. As if he’d thrown a switch, his controlling attitude made her go limp in his arms. Remembering their last tryst, she curbed any words that tried to crawl up her throat. He lifted her to drape over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, sending a yelp to escape.


He chuckled as if he’d expected her shocked little bark. His palm smacked her ass cheek where her skirt rode up and hit bare flesh instead. He immediately rubbed the sting before grazing it with his stubble and offering a kiss to the tender cheek.


Carrying her into his bedroom while he stroked her ass with hands and stubble sent her into a restless sensual squirm. Wanting him in every way, she gasped when his fingers dragged slowly over her slit to spread her dampness over her ass.


His jaw moved against her sensitized skin when he spoke, “Trust me, Cassidy. I’m going to enjoy pleasuring you in every way. Fulfilling every little fantasy you ever had.”


Wiggling, she gasped on the memory of the last time he’d pleasured her. Anticipation made goose bumps flood her skin as she thought of the many orgasms she’d experienced. Anxiety skated along her blood but, when he pushed at her sensitive region between openings, her fingers clenched around the back of his shirt as she dragged in a lungful of air. Even though she’d always liked foreplay, she’d never enjoyed anything to do with anal.


Suddenly dropped onto his bed, she sank down as the breath whooshed out of her. A huge California King, it dwarfed her but made him seem like royalty. Gazing at him as he crawled over her, she fancied that he was a king upon his throne hell-bent on ravishing his naughty wench. Stifling a giggle, her mind launched the vision into her as his queen.


Jerking her mind back to the moment, she chastised her sudden fairytale imagination. In a streak of clarity, she realized that she wasn’t sure what was expected of her. She squirmed when watching his gaze stalk her as if she were his prey while her dampness became quite evident under his roaming fingers.


Seeing her wide-eyed and waiting, he grinned, “So, my dutiful interviewee, are you ready for me to shatter everything you know about pleasure?”


Cassidy opened her mouth to mumble some frenzied and entranced agreement, but he cut her off with a finger pressed over her mouth. “Ah-ah-ah. Remember? No talking. Just lay back and accept whatever I offer… yes?”


Grabbing her by the hips, he pushed her up the crisp white blanketed four-poster bed until the crown of her head bumped against the impressive dark wood headboard. Reaching under her skirt, her hips jerked when he removed her panties in one quick yank. Deftly turning her over, he unzipped her dress to slide sensually over her body in a caress.


As if she weighed nothing in his grasp, he smoothly rolled her back to face him. Slowly removing her bra, his teeth and tongue teased her nipples into taut buds before becoming rougher, which granted him a mewling noise. The minute her voice hit the air, he left her nipples to circle his index finger around her belly button. His gruff voice ticked off every spot he touched, drenching the air with a sensual texture that mesmerized before he suddenly left her to remove his own clothing.


Sinking back down to her, his fingers entwined with hers for a fraction of a second before he curled them around his thick cock. Having been thoroughly overwhelmed in their previous tryst, she dragged in a harsh gasp at his size. His amusement at her response flooded her nipple with hot breath, “Ah, the simple pleasures of your innocence.”


A cold liquid was squeezed into her palm from an unseen bottle before he guided her hand sensually over his shaft. Already knowing her answer, he asked anyway, “Would you like to hold my cock all night? Ah, but no—I want your warm and soft folds clenching around me.”


Sliding her fingers over every inch of his cock, her back arched at just holding him. Not even completely hard, he was wide in her palm and growing wider by the second. She panted from his ache-driving words as they filled her with the need to have him inside her.


Lavishing her mind while her body responded with a will of its own, he breathed into her hair, “Mmm. You smell like a perfect little innocent angel. I'd have to be a monster to have my way with something so beautiful.”


He suddenly scooted his cock out of her grasp and turned her onto her side again to tuck her petite frame under his chin. In a tone meant to toy with her mind, he growled darkly, “But that won't stop me.”


Her heart pounded as her mind frantically screamed those nerve-wracking words;
I'm not on the pill


She immediately bit her lip as she staunchly thought,
Don’t talk—just trust him!


While kneading her thigh, he directed her leg up and over his hip as he scooted flush against the curve of her spine. Placing her ass against his lathered cock, he spread dampness when his cock rested against her cleft. He trailed kisses down her cheek and throat, biting at the sensitive juncture joining shoulder to neck. This time he moved slowly, holding her in place with his hand on her stomach.


My sweet, angelic Cassidy,” As if he could sense her deep need to be filled, he nipped her earlobe and breathed, “You’re going to get all the hard cock you can stand tonight.”


His fingers suddenly closed over her wrists, pulling them over her head as his gaze pinned her in place. Tying her by the wrists to his bedframe, he cocked an eyebrow, “I need you stay still. I trust you can do that.”


His finger landed on her lips when they parted to answer as warning bled into his eyes. Moving over her chin and down her body to slide over her clit, his hand didn’t stop until his fingers dipped inside to spread her slit while sensually rubbing his cock between her legs and over both openings.

BOOK: My Billionaire Master: Indebted To Him (Part One) (A BDSM Erotic Romance Novelette)
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