Read My Alphas: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Emily Cantore

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My Alphas: The Complete Series (13 page)

BOOK: My Alphas: The Complete Series
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The door was a darker wood, set off against the pale boards that formed the cabin. She turned the key in the lock and heard it open with a satisfying click.

Cass walked in with Edon close behind her, hardly believing her eyes.

Kitchen table with chairs, an electric oven, a sofa, a bookcase overflowing with books. Polished wood floors and thick rugs. Leading off from the main area was a bedroom with a queen size bed. In the other direction was a bathroom, complete with shower. The sunlight was shining through the window, making it look like something from a fairytale.

Cass turned on the spot, her eyes wide.

“Does it have hot water?”

“Try it out.”

Cass ran to the sink, turned the faucet and water spurted out, dropped in pressure and then came on strong after some grumbling in the plumbing. Within ten seconds it was steaming.

She turned it off and ran to the bedroom, touching her hands against the bed. It was the perfect combination of soft and springy. She picked up a pillow and pressed it to her face, delighting in the touch of the cool material before dropping it back and walking out to the main room where Edon stood, watching her.

“So if I understand this correctly… you have me sleeping on a bed in a cavern under pelts and washing in a ‘sorta hot’ spring and you had this hidden away the entire time?”

Edon stepped closer and bent over her to whisper in her ear. “Wait until you see the cinema we have built over the mountains.”

Cass had been grinning, delighted with this little dose of civilization and then Edon’s lips brushed her ear and a tingle ran up her body. She stepped back from him, feeling her eyelids becoming heavy and gave him a look that was trying to say - hey, watch it mister. From the way he looked back at her, it may have come off more seductive than she intended.

They watched each other, only for a few seconds and Cass realized although Edon was far more serious than Rey, hidden under that was a kind of playful cheekiness.

“Let me tell you about it,” Edon said, halting the temperature rising between them. Cass blinked herself out of it, finding herself almost unable to look away from the Alpha. All the chattering thoughts about which Alpha should she be with, what would happen, someone was going to die, had all faded away, eliminated by the nearness of him.

“After the Garrett Act was passed we thought our connection with this land would mean something and it would be granted ours by right. But buried in the conditions was continuous association. We had to have a permanent dwelling. The dwelling had to have power, water, be furnished and so on. So we built this. Solar powered, backup generator, bed, sofa, fridge, water tanks and septic system. It gets enough sun to keep the fridge running although I’d wait for a sunny day if you wanted to cook anything.”

Cass knew of the Garrett Act because it had been big news when it passed. Harold Garrett, a sixty-year-old state senator had done the impossible and enshrined (some) werewolf rights into law. Unfortunately, to get it across the line, those laws were riddled with conditions and caveats. As far as she was aware, no werewolf pack had managed to legally win control over their land.

She heard Edon tell her all this and some part of it reached her but she couldn’t seem to stop looking at the curve of his lips and imagining kissing them. A wild piece of hair was sticking out and she wanted to touch it, to brush it back behind his ear. So, he told her all this and she stood there, looking up at him, saying nothing.

Edon finished talking and then stood there, looking down at her. Cass was entranced with every line on his face, the curve of his chin, the shape of his nose.

“You bathed in the spring,” he finally said.

“Yes,” Cass whispered.

Edon turned away from her, opened a cupboard and reached in. He then turned around with something in his hand and pressed it against her.

Cass looked at the white handprint on her top.

“You put flour on me!”

Edon didn’t answer but then pressed the hand to his own clothing.

“It seems I have flour on myself and will need a shower,” he said.

He unbuttoned his shirt while looking at Cass. She watched his fingers, so nimble despite the size of his hands. She felt her stomach flittering. It had only been a day since mating with Rey and what was she doing? That thought quickly vanished.

His shirt unbuttoned, he dropped it to the table and then moved closer to her. He reached down and delicately undid the top two buttons of her top.

“Oh my, what soft skin you have Miss Wolf,” he murmured in her ear.

Cass sighed and tilted her head more, feeling his lips brush her neck.

In a second he had the rest of her buttons undone and slipped the shirt off her. Despite her near-hypnosis, Cass found herself sucking her stomach in. Edon waited, raised an eyebrow and then poked her in the side. She squealed and couldn’t hold it in.

“Stop!” she squealed.

He knelt, kissing down her neck and across her breasts. Cass closed her eyes and felt the deep heat of desire come across her. Even kneeling down Edon was almost as tall as her. She opened her heavy eyes and saw his wild copper hair. She brushed her fingers through it, feeling him kiss her stomach, his head pressing her breasts up. Felt him reach behind her and unclasp her bra with practiced ease.

Soft kisses on the underside of her breast, nibbling up to take a hard nipple in his mouth. She gasped at the heat that bloomed across her body.

Edon was soft and slow but there was a sure power in his movements. He was worshipping her body and taking his time with it.

He finally stood up, trailing kisses up her body and took Cass by the hand, leading her through to the shower. He turned it on and while the plumbing grumbled, he knelt down to undo her pants, sliding them down her hips. The cool floor under her feet had brought her somewhat back to reality but the sure touch of the Alpha had her body under his control. He touched one leg and she lifted it so he could slide her pants out. He then slipped her underwear down and she stepped out of them, her hands resting on his shoulders. For a moment he knelt there, his lips touching her belly and Cass knew he could smell the wetness between her legs.

Edon stood up and Cass realized at some point he’d taken off his pants. He reached past her, pressing is body against hers and adjusted the shower to temperature. Then he stepped across, pulling Cass in with him.

She sighed as the hot water hit her. Every nerve burst into life as the water ran down her body. She turned her face under the spray, feeling the droplets drum on her skin.

Edon reached up to a shelf and squirted some liquid into his hand. Cass smelt vanilla mixing with the steam from the shower. A werewolf with body soap?

He rubbed his palms together, lathering up and then stroked his hands down her body, starting at her shoulders.

She groaned again as his fingers undid knots she didn’t even know she had. At first the nearness of Edon had been heating her up and now it was relaxing. That serenity so rarely obtained in real life came washing back through her when he was around.

Cass kept her eyes closed as Edon washed her body, his strong fingers stroking her skin, the scent of the vanilla filling the room. He washed her hair, using something with a faint apple scent, teasing the knots out. Eventually he rinsed the soap and suds off her and turned off the water.

Cass opened her eyes, looking up at the spectacular Alpha. His body was hard, ridged with muscle and covered in faint scars and just this morning she’d seen him tear invading werewolves apart. And now he had cared for her, touching her with a gentleness that had calmed her, relaxing muscles she didn’t know were tense. He was a contradiction, a puzzle to be solved.

Edon walked her out of the shower and dried her with a towel, Cass thinking all the while she should say something but finding herself lost for words. Was this paradise?

The moment of calm and serenity was abruptly broken when Edon picked her up, flung her over his shoulder and carried her out of the bathroom. Cass squealed, feeling the strength of him lifting her up as though she weighed nothing.

Looking down she saw a few seconds of his perfectly formed ass, muscles moving smoothly before he slipped her off his shoulder and was for a moment holding her in both arms like they’d stepped across the marriage threshold.

Cass stared up into his eyes. Light hazel, flecked with green and as she watched, she saw his pupils dilate. His breathing was becoming ragged and she realized whatever control he’d been exerting on himself was starting to crack. It both scared and delighted her.

He carried her through to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. She felt the springs give way under her and despite the hungry Alpha in front of her, couldn’t help but imagine what sleeping there would be like.

Her eyes roamed down his body, down his perfect chest, down the hard lines of his stomach and down to between his legs. He was a giant in all things too and she felt a throb between her legs.

She pulled herself up the bed, moving back as he came forward. He moved like he was stalking prey and Cass soon had nowhere else to go. She’d reached the top of the bed. Edon brushed his lips across hers and then kissed her again, hungry for her flesh. He trailed sideways, nipping her neck and moving down her body. Cass felt his teeth touch her skin over and again but instead of pain it was hot pleasure that burst forth. Soon he passed her belly and moved to between her thighs. Cass groaned at the heat of his mouth as he touched her and clenched her hands into the cool sheets. He began to lap, swirling his tongue, his strong hands holding her hips. They still bore the bruises of Rey’s mating and there was a pain there but it was overcome by pleasure.

With Rey, it had been fast. He’d bitten her neck, touched her body and in record time she was on her knees with him behind her. Edon was the master of restraint, torturing her with his tongue, driving her insane.

She felt the muscles of her legs twitching uncontrollably as he swirled and licked and she reached down to grip his hair. He urged her on, faster, faster and soon she was moaning, her body shaking as pure pleasure burst out beneath Edon’s tongue.

All too soon the intense pleasure became too much and she tried to push him away but he was far too strong. He relented though, kissed her on the inner thigh and sat up. He moved down the bed, gripped her legs and pulled her down with him. Then, between one gasping breath and the next, he slipped into her, his enormous girth making her gasp.

He lay his body atop her, encasing her in his strong arms. She felt tiny beneath him, as much under his control as she’d been under Rey’s.

He moved back after a moment and pressed her knees together and up, still inside her, tilting her hips back. He rocked forward and Cass tried to breathe as his cock hit all kinds of sensitive spots. Starting in slow rhythm he bounced her up and down on the bed, using the springs to his advantage. Using his arms and his hips to bounce her, down and up again.

Cass felt the rush coming a bare instant before it hit her. There was normally some warning - some tingles, a buzz, a heat but this was sudden and felt pulled from her, almost against her will. Edon carried on as though she wasn’t having a mind-blowing orgasm, sticking to his rhythm, heightening the sensation.

Between gasps she realized he could go for hours like this and if she felt sore after Rey, she’d be wrecked after Edon.

Without warning, he pulled back, flipped her over and thrust into her again, his fingers taking hold of her hips. For the second time in two days she was on her knees, a werewolf behind her.

She felt a buzzing but it had been too much already. Orgasms pulled out of her like fish from the deep blue sea. Edon sped up, growling, his fingers pulling her back and forth as he slammed into her and then he roared as he came. Cass felt herself twitching in response, gasping facedown into the sheets.

He pushed her forward then, even as she collapsed and then the Alpha was on top of her, the moment feeling identical to Rey. But then he flipped her over, smoothly slipping back into her and encasing her in his arms. He was breathing heavily, face and neck red, his hazel eyes glowing in the light.

Cass turned away from his intense gaze and gasped at the face in the window.



Edon had intended the order to go: cabin, talk of the future, mating.

But her body had made him skip the talking. He’d almost dragged her to the bedroom many times. When he’d unbuttoned her top and touched his teeth to her neck. When he’d pulled her into the shower and she’d wrapped her arms around him. When she’d moaned as he dug his fingers into her shoulders.

With each breath and sound, Edon felt his control crumbling. Finally he’d dried her off and could stand it no longer.

He’d pulled her into bed and mated with her, ravishing her body, delighting in every curve. The taste of her had driven him wild, flooding him, pushing away all rationality. She’d been pliant in his hands, soft and warm and he’d sunk himself into her.

Now they were face to face and he was still inside her and he sensed what she saw out the window.


They had not agreed on any plan, instead relying on their unspoken communication and somehow Edon knew
had been the plan all along. If they were to have any chance of sharing a mate they would have to
their mate.

BOOK: My Alphas: The Complete Series
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