Must Love Ghosts (Banshee Creek Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Must Love Ghosts (Banshee Creek Book 1)
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His voice trailed off. Abby still did not react.

"And I didn't know you were Cole's girl," he finished.

There was a long silence. The sun was setting and darkness enveloped them. The police car drove around the parking lot, patrolling the perimeter.

Abby shivered. He should let her go. She should go home to Banshee Creek, back to her friends...back to Cole's friends. But he didn't want to let her go.

Abby sighed in exasperation and stepped forward, looking resolute. She grabbed his shirt, and leaned close, until her nose almost touched his.

"Read my lips," she said. "I'm. Not. Cole's. Girl."

He stood perfectly still.

"Not anymore," she whispered against his lips.

The kiss was soft and sweet and he felt something wet touch his cold cheeks. Were those her tears? Where they his? He couldn't tell. The kiss went on and on, warming his soul.

The police car returned. This time, the patrol circuit was a little bit tighter, a little bit closer to where they stood.

"Mmm," Abby breathed, her arms wrapped around his waist. "I think he's trying to tell us something."

He couldn't answer. The kiss had rendered him speechless.

"So," she said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Your place or mine?"

He stared at her, unable to believe his good fortune. She giggled at his expression and the familiar sound undid him. He bent forward to kiss her smiling lips.

The patrol car returned, flashing its lights, and he reluctantly let go.

"First things first," he said. "We're going straight to Virginia Vintage Motors so Rafe can take out the homing device."

Abby laughed. The sound was lovely, like golden bells tinkling.

"Okay," she said. "Then we'll pick up some of Patricia's donuts and go home."

He smiled. Home, that sounded good.

Home to Banshee Creek.



Author's Note
: I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, I'd love it if you took a moment and left a review. A full list of books is available on my website,
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you'll get updates on when the next Banshee Creek stories are published and the first PRoVE novelette,
A Night with the Golden Goddess

One Night with the Golden Goddess (Paranormal Lockdown Romance #1)

A SEAL turned paranormal investigator, a skeptical archaeologist, and a naughty fertility goddess...

what could possibly go wrong?

Turn the page to check out the next book,
Ghost of a Chance
, and find out Gabe Franco's plans to turn Banshee Creek into the country's premier paranormal destination and how Cole's sister, Elizabeth, intends to thwart them.

Thank you for reading -

Ghost of a Chance (Banshee Creek #1)

How to Tame a Ghost Tycoon

B-movie actress turned real estate agent Elizabeth Hunt should have it made. The real estate market is thriving and she has a fabulous house to sell. Too bad the house is in Banshee Creek, a tiny Virginia hamlet that has been recently crowned as the "Most Haunted Town in America."  Working as an actress in L.A. was tough, but selling haunted houses is even tougher. The spirits are not real, of course. They are only stories, and with the help of the Banshee Creek Historical Preservation Committee, Elizabeth hopes to put the ghost stories to rest. Her hometown will again be known for its vintage homes, its heirloom apple orchards, and its historical, not phantasmagorical, attributes, and she won't let anyone, even her long-time crush, Gabe Franco, stand in her way.

Gabe has a big problem. His new marketing campaign for Banshee Creek Cidery is based on one thing, ghosts, but the Historical Preservation Committee nutcases are trying to erase the town's spookier traditions. He has to stop them before they render his investment worthless. Unfortunately, the leader of the anti-ghost crusade is all-too-tempting Elizabeth Hunt, his best friend's sister and the one woman who is strictly off limits. But when Elizabeth rallies the townsfolk against him, Gabe wonders if he'll lose his business...or his heart.

Available Fall 2015.

Copyright and Disclaimer

Copyright © April 2015, Ani Gonzalez

Cover Art by Ani Gonzalez © April 2015

Edited by Rhonda Helms

Copy Edited by DJ Hendrickson

Produced in U.S.A.

Published by Ani Gonzalez

25883 N Park Ave

Suite 520608

Elkhart, Indiana 46514

Must Love Ghosts
is a work of fiction and the characters, events and dialogue found within the story are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is completely coincidental.

No part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any from or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without permission in writing from the author.

BOOK: Must Love Ghosts (Banshee Creek Book 1)
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