Read Mrs. Robin's Sons Online

Authors: Kori Roberts

Mrs. Robin's Sons (7 page)

BOOK: Mrs. Robin's Sons
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“Look at how he’s staring at you. I swear he gives a whole new meaning to the phrase,

‘puppy love,’” Noah joked, and Rylee looked at him in confusion. He was focused entirely on the Doberman in the cage. Rylee finally understood that his earlier comment was about the dog, not Nick. But it still didn’t lessen the guilt and embarrassment she felt at her behavior.

She turned around to look at the dog. He leaned his head against the cage and poked his nose through the metal grates, his eyes focused on her.

“What’s his name?” She reached through one of the spaces to rub his head and scratch behind his ears.

“This is Zeus.” Noah handed her a treat for the dog.

“Zeus, huh?” Rylee held out the treat to the dog, and he eagerly ate it from her hand. “I like that. It’s strong and powerful, just like you are. Right, handsome?” Zeus barked as if he understood and agreed with her. She laughed and continued to rub and pet him while he licked her fingers and made soft whining noises in his throat.

“We probably should head back,” Noah finally said.

Rylee looked at her watch and was surprised to see that they’d been away from the picnic for nearly an hour. “Wow, I didn’t know we’d been gone so long.”

“Time tends to fly when you’re having fun with someone you really like.” Rylee looked up sharply at Noah. His words were casual, but the look on his face was anything but. “It’s been almost an hour, but to me, it feels like only minutes since we got here.” Rylee swallowed hard, and nodded. Despite the voice in her head that begged her not to, she said, “I feel the same way.”

Neither of them attempted to move, neither tried to speak. They continued to stand there, surrounded by the random noises from the dogs and the distant sounds from the picnic, and let the unspoken words, and undeniable attraction, float in the space that separated them. The moment was broken when Zeus began to whine again.

“You can’t get enough of the most beautiful woman here either, can you, Zeus?” Noah spoke softly to the dog, but his eyes remained locked on her.

She blushed and quickly squatted down by Zeus’s cage. “I’ll come and visit you again before I leave, handsome,” she promised, and rubbed him once more before they left.

They walked silently down the road toward his mother’s house. Nick met them once they reached the yard.

“Hey, angel.” Nick put his arm around Rylee and pulled her close to him before he leaned down and kissed her on the neck. “I was just coming to look for you.”

“I was showing Rylee around the place,” Noah said.

“Cool. Did you meet all of the beasts?” He looked down at her.

“I sure did.” She smiled back. “They’re amazing…this entire place is amazing.” She hugged him tightly. “Thank you for inviting me here,” she whispered in his ear. “I’m glad I finally got a chance to see it. I’m very impressed.”

Nick leaned down and gave her a long, lingering kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. As she lost herself in the sensations of his kiss, she remained acutely aware of Noah’s presence in the background, watching them.

She opened her eyes and looked into Nick’s smiling face. “You’re very welcome,” he said. “Hopefully, this is the first of many weekends you’ll spend here.” He nodded toward Noah with a smirk on his face. “That is, if my brother doesn’t mind you hanging around all the time.” “It’s cool with me. But I think you should know that you’re not the only one around here who wants Rylee for yourself,” Noah warned.

Rylee’s heart fluttered wildly in her chest as she waited for Nick to respond.

“Oh, yeah?” Nick turned to face Noah. “Anybody I know?”

Noah nodded slowly, his face somber. “Zeus has a crush on her.” He sounded so serious that it took a moment for them to realize what he’d said. Finally, Nick’s head fell back, and he erupted with laughter.

“I knew Zeus was a smart dog. He’s definitely got damn fine taste in women.” Rylee’s laughter joined his. She glanced at Noah and saw that he was laughing as well, but his eyes remained serious.

“Come on, beautiful.” Nick kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Let’s go.”

“That sounds good to me.” She smiled at Nick, and then looked over at Noah again.

“Thanks, Noah,” she said softly.

Nick glanced briefly at Noah. “Later, bro.”

As she and Nick walked away, Rylee heard Noah softly mutter something. She wasn’t completely sure, but it sounded a lot like, lucky bastard.

Chapter Thirteen

As soon as they got back to his house, Nick lifted Rylee and carried her into his bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed and came down on top of her. He’d wanted her all day.

And now he couldn’t wait, couldn’t move fast enough to get her clothes off.

He kissed her. Their tongues slid and tangled together, and moans were pulled from both of them. Nick continued to work on Rylee’s clothes as they kissed, and he finally managed to get her bra off. He leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth, and laved it with his tongue.

Rylee made little whimpering sounds, begging for more, her body undulating

underneath him.

“Mine.” He raised his head, held her gaze, and dared her to deny it.

“Yes…yours,” she confirmed, and his lips captured hers again. The kiss went on and on, their tongues moving in time with the grinding of their bodies.

Once they were both naked, Rylee slid down his body until she reached his cock. Her mouth opened, and she swallowed his thick, hard length. The sensation had Nick crying out, pushing deep, and taking her mouth. She relaxed her throat and let him all the way in. Her

lips were wrapped tight around his cock, and she dragged them against his skin as he slid in and out of her mouth.

“Rylee…fuck…” Nick gazed down into Rylee’s eyes, watched as his cock disappeared into the warm, wet heat of her mouth over and over again.

He eased his cock out of Rylee’s mouth and pulled her up his body, so that she straddled his waist. “Ride me.” His voice was strained, filled with desperate need.

Rylee snatched a condom off the nightstand and covered Nick’s erection before she eased down onto his cock.

“That’s it, baby. Ride my cock.” He was thrusting deep, pushing up and into her heat, making Rylee’s whole body arch, her hips pushing down to take more of him inside her.

She was so hot, so wet, so tight, and Nick was struggling so hard to hold onto his orgasm, his fingertips were digging into her hips with the effort not to come.

“Kiss me.” Nodding, she bent forward, her lips meeting Nick’s with a moan. Nick’s tongue fucked her mouth, tasted her, his eyes burned for her. “Come for me, baby,” he whispered against her lips hoarsely. “Now.”

His words seemed to ignite her. Rylee screamed as her orgasm hit, and her pussy clamped down hard on his dick. Nick continued holding her, pushing deeply into her, pulling her quivering body against his chest and pressing kisses to her temple.

He started moving again, thrusting hard and fast into her heat. He was shaking hard, his fingers almost bruising her skin, pounding in and out of her, desperately seeking release.

“Goddamn, Rylee…baby. Oh!” A yell ripped from Nick’s throat as intense, white-hot pleasure shot down his spine and exploded from his cock.

He lay there, clutching Rylee to him. They were both panting hard, trying to catch their breath. Neither of them was able to find the strength to move, and they both pretended not to notice the figure that stood in the shadows and watched them from outside the bedroom door.




Nick heard the front door close and glanced at the clock. It was after three o’clock in the morning, and Noah was just returning home. Nick quietly climbed out of bed, trying not to disturb Rylee, and made his way into the living room.

Noah looked up when he walked into the room. “Hey,” Nick spoke softly.

“What’s up?” Noah kept moving around the room, avoiding eye contact. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“It’s cool. I wasn’t asleep.” He paused for a moment. “I was waiting for you to get home.”

Noah swore softly, and a huge sigh escaped his lips. Finally, Noah looked at him. “Look, man. If this is about earlier, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to watch the two of you. It just sort of…happened.”

They were both silent for a moment, before Nick spoke. “You want her, too, don’t you?” It was more a statement than a question, but Noah answered anyway.

“Yeah, I do.” He sighed again. “But probably not the way you think. What I want, I’d never ask from you. I know this is different. You…she’s different.” Noah picked up his keys and headed toward the door.

“Listen, I’m just going to crash at Mom’s house for the rest of the night and give you and Rylee some time to be alone.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Nick argued. “This is your house, too.”

“Yeah, I do. Besides, if you saw me earlier, she probably did, too. I don’t want her to think any worse of me than she already does.”

“Rylee’s not like that, Noah. She won’t treat you differently, even if she does know that you were watching us earlier.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Listen, I’ll talk to you later.” Noah opened the door. “Noah, wait,” Nick called out to him before he could leave. “You know I don’t have a problem with you being with Rylee.” He was as close to Noah as any two brothers could possibly be. They’d always shared everything with each other. Especially their women. Nick tried not to think about how much it excited him to know that Noah had watched him and Rylee, and he couldn’t help but imagine the three of them together. “It’s just that she doesn’t know that we’ve always shared women. I haven’t found the right time to talk to her about it yet.”

“Yeah, I can see why you might not be in a hurry to have that conversation with her,”

Noah said quietly, turning to face Nick, his eyes serious. “’Cause I gotta tell you, bro, Zeus isn’t the only one who wants her. And, if she were mine, I don’t know if I’d be able to share her.” Noah walked out the door and closed it quietly behind him.

Chapter Fourteen

Rylee stood under the spray of the shower and let the warm water rain down on her.

Her mind wandered back to the night before, and she groaned.

How in the hell do you manage to get yourself into these situations? She closed her eyes and ignored the voice in her head. But, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t block it out completely. Just like her friend Drew predicted, she’d gone and fallen hard for Nick after only knowing him for a few weeks.

And, if that wasn’t bad enough, she found herself wanting Noah in ways that she should never even consider thinking about with her boyfriend’s brother.

She’d seen Noah the night before, could still feel his eyes burn along her skin as he watched Nick and her make love, and just the memory of it made her ache all over. Her mind had been consumed with visions of the three of them together since then.

She sighed, climbed out of the shower, and dried off. She was focusing so hard on how she was going to get herself out of her latest emotional disaster that she didn’t hear Noah’s voice getting closer to the door until it suddenly swung open.

They both stood there, staring at each other, and Rylee was pretty certain that the shocked expression on Noah’s faced mirrored her own. His mouth opened and closed several

times, but no words came out. His eyes slowly traveled down her body, and Rylee felt herself shiver under his gaze.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” She had no idea how long they’d been standing there, looking at each other, before the sound of Nick’s voice behind Noah snapped them both out of their trance.

“God…I’m sorry, Rylee. I didn’t know you were in here,” Noah whispered hoarsely, still staring at her, drinking in every detail.

Nick walked farther into the bathroom until he stood behind Rylee, and his hands caressed her bare shoulders.

Rylee was completely speechless, her mind and body in turmoil, torn between what she knew was right, and what she so desperately wanted.

“Look at him, Rylee,” Nick whispered in her ear. “Look at how much he wants you.”

Rylee’s eyes trailed over Noah’s body, and she took note of his slightly flushed skin, the rapid rise and fall of his chest, his hands tightly clenched into fists at his sides, and the huge bulge pressing against the zipper of his pants.

When her gaze returned to his face, her breath caught in her throat. Noah looked at her with such intense passion, it made her whimper.

Nick’s hands slid over her shoulders to knead and massage her breasts. “You see it, don’t you, baby? You see how much you turn him on.” He ground his erection against her ass. “How much you turn us both on.”

Rylee’s eyes rolled shut, and her head fell back against Nick’s shoulder. One of his hands released the breast it was holding, moving down her stomach, between her legs, and into her slick folds.

“You’re so wet, baby,” Nick said, and she heard Noah groan. “You feel it too, don’t you?”

Rylee could only nod her head, too overwhelmed to respond. “Do you know how gorgeous…how perfect you are?” He punctuated each word with a kiss to her neck.

“God, Rylee, you’re everything we could ever want…ever need in a woman.”

“It’s true,” Noah said. “You are so damn beautiful…so sexy. I want you so much, Rylee.

I ache with it.” The raw need she saw in his eyes, the slight tremor she heard in his voice, confirmed his words and ignited her own desires.

“Prove it, Noah,” she said softly. “Show me how much.”

Noah visibly shuddered at her words, and he reached for her. His hands wrapped in her hair, and his lips crashed down on hers. Their kiss was desperate and hungry. Their tongues tangled together, and Noah moaned into her mouth as he pressed against her until her body was sandwiched between him and Nick.

Their hands moved in unison over Rylee’s body, leaving sparks of pleasure in their wake. She cried out when Noah gripped her ass and pulled her against his hard erection. His lips moved down her neck until he reached her breast, where he sucked the hardened nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, yes…” Rylee moaned. Her hands clung to Noah’s broad shoulders, and she pushed her breast closer to his mouth as she silently begged for more.

BOOK: Mrs. Robin's Sons
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