Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] (6 page)

BOOK: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]
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Slazzamar didn't miss the suggestiveness in his tone. He realized he desired Darren with a ferocity which frightened and confused him.

"What do you say?"

Darren moved away from the wall, stepping trustingly close to Slazzamar.

He did want to get to know this human, but Slazzamar couldn't let the man go into the building, with the risk he would get harmed. Slazzamar cared about the possibility Darren could get hurt.

"Where is your friend?"

"On the second floor. Such a heartbreaker of a story. My friend Nessa caught her boyfriend fucking the next-door neighbor only a few nights ago. I mean honestly, what kind of parent names their kid Bunny, without expecting her to grow up into a man-humping whore? But then today, we find out Nessa is pregnant. Oh, how unlucky can you get? The poor thing—you know it's good she has a friend like me."

Half of what he rattled off made no sense, at all, but Slazzamar did glean one valuable piece of information. Slazzamar looked up at the lights on the second floor, pointing to them.

"Is she in that apartment?"

"Yes. Do you know Nessa, too?” Darren asked, wide-eyed.

"I know of her, but I would not go up there—your friend Nessa has company."

"Oh goodness, Larry's come back again. I'd better call the cops."

Darren dug around in his pockets, pulling out one of those human gadgets Slazzamar had yet to learn how to use.

Slazzamar snatched the phone from Darren's fingers.

"No calling the human law—this is an Outer Realm matter now. She is protected as long as Neman is with her."

"An Outer whater? And who is Neman?"

"He is an ex-god, demon hunter and the baby's father."

"Okay, you seem to know way more about this than I do. Who are you really? And give me back my phone, Mr. Slazzamar-I'm-not-human-and-scary-as-mud.” Darren pointed a finger at Slazzamar's chest. His eyes danced, and his cheeks were flushed, making him all the more attractive.

Watching Darren's tongue flip around in his mouth as he spoke was beginning to make Slazzamar's body burn, so he did the next thing that came into his head. He pressed Darren back against the wall again and kissed him, pushing his own tongue into Darren's willing mouth.
was the word which popped into his mind as he tasted the spicy masculine flavor of this human man.

Darren kissed him back with lost abandon, nibbling on Slazzamar's lower lip. He hadn't even noticed Darren winding his fingers up into his hair, while Slazzamar plundered his mouth over and over. This was something Slazzamar could easily become addicted to. A deep, husky groan and Slazzamar wasn't sure if it came from Darren or himself.

The sudden feel of the electricity in the air, the kind only magic or the presence of Outer Realm beings could provide, alerted him to danger. Slazzamar broke the kiss. Darren scrambled to pull him back. Slazzamar noticed the desire in Darren's eyes and his aroused cock tenting his white pants. He pressed his fingers over Darren's mouth to silence his protests.

"Hush, be very quiet. Watch—if we are seen or heard, they will kill us.” Pulling Darren deeper into the shadows and keeping him tight against his body, he turned his attention back to the building across the street where he counted at least five shadowy figures creeping across the parking lot and vanishing inside.

The game had begun and not due to any of his information. For once, his conscience was clear. Slazzamar felt the beating of Darren's heart and his hot breath against his neck. He felt Darren's fear, yet it was not for himself.


He cared for his friend. Slazzamar looked into Darren's eyes, and even in the shadows, they picked up aspects of light, amazing Slazzamar.
This human is beautiful.
In that moment, Slazzamar decided that Darren was his.

"Trust me, Darren—just watch.” Darren nodded, then turned to watch. All earthly hell broke loose on the second floor. Slazzamar could feel the magic bolts before the flashes of light. A woman screamed, glass shattered, Darren gasped and pushed against him, struggling to get free. Slazzamar used his strength to keep him pinned. The whole side of the second-storey wall blew apart. Slazzamar waited for the escape he knew Neman would make with the Chosen One.

"There—you see.” He pointed to a couple running for their life across the car park, and toward them. “She is safe; do not fear, you will see her again.” With that, Slazzamar pulled Darren into a tight embrace. “Prepare yourself, human, now we go to my home.” Slazzamar let his power build, knowing the teleport would be covered with all the other magic in the air. With a telltale
, they were gone.

Neman grabbed Nessa, pitching them both to the ground and rolling to cover her body with his. The explosion sent glass and debris flying everywhere and smoke billowed out from the gaping hole in the side of the building.

"What in blue blazes!"

Vanessa gasped from under him, her wide eyes staring at the almost total destruction of her small dwelling. Now was not the time to stare and gape. He pushed himself to his feet, pulling Vanessa along with him.

"My apartment!” Her wide eyes stared up at the destruction of her home.

"Sorry, sweetness, not much I can do about that. We have to run now.” He glanced over the visible parts of her body, checking her for injury. Seeing none, he kept a firm grip on her upper arm, tugging her at a hurried pace towards his bike.

"Are you all right?” he asked. She seemed to be in a state of shock.

"Oh yeah, bloody brilliant...what the hell is going on!"

He didn't have time to explain. Two out of the five demons appeared in the crater they'd just created in the apartment-block wall, their glowing, red eyes searching for their intended targets. How, in the gods’ names, had they found her so fast? He swept up the helmet and placed it on her head, pushing it firmly down. He swiftly lifted her up, placing her on the back of the Ducati. The sheet wrapped around her body hiked up to show her creamy thighs straddling the bike.

"Hang on, beautiful.” He mounted in front and her arms slipped around his waist, holding him in a death grip, fingers inches from his cock. Her naked thighs pressed against his. However, now was not the time to be thinking about sex. Even so, with just her pale, pink sheet wrapped around her body like a toga, leaving her thighs and arms exposed, he couldn't help but want her again.

Another bolt shot at their heads, splintering a power pole. His bike roared to life, the back wheel spinning with a burning of rubber before the tread caught traction, skidding them out onto the road, the falling poles and wires narrowly missing them. One of the demons hit the ground, running toward them. Neman pushed his bike into a higher gear and sped out of the demon's reach. He could feel Vanessa's trembling arms tighten in fright around him. He needed to get them far enough away to be able to teleport without being traced. Teleportation, although an easy way to get around, left a distinct signature. Any supernatural creatures with the ability to teleport could trace each other within the first ten to fifteen minutes of teleporting.

"Where are we going?” Nessa's voice was barely audible above the rushing wind.

"Right now, anywhere away from here!” he yelled back. The warmth of her front pressed tightly against his back. He felt her body trembling in the cool night air.

Cursing the demons for mounting a surprise attack, he noticed the energy in the air, giving him enough time to pull on pants, boots and shirt and wrap a confused, sleepy Vanessa in her bed sheet before carrying her to the back window and the fire exit. Vanessa screamed when the front door splintered loudly into thousands of pieces. Power bolts haphazardly flew, missing their targets and destroying everything else nearby. He was thankful they were lousy shots. Never weaponless, Neman managed to embed four daggers into the heart and head of three demons, when they came barging though the gaping hole they made in the door. Moving swiftly to lift Vanessa into his arms, and holding her tight against him, he'd leapt over the railing, landing easily on his feet from the two-storey drop.

Now he'd have no choice but to explain everything to her. After all, seeing is believing to humans. Tonight she saw and experienced a lot, but the first priority was to get her to safety.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 6

For the second time in Nessa's life, she wore a sheet, not counting the time she was six years old running around in her mother's best white sheets pretending to be a ghost. She smelled like chocolate, the sheet being no real mystery. As for the source of the chocolate smell, she had her arms wrapped around him, her front pressed firmly against his back, while she hung onto him for dear life. The cold night air was slowly turning her into a blue popsicle, while they powered along the east coast of Sydney on a rather expensive-looking motorbike.
The new, great mystery is, why is there a gaping hole in my apartment wall? Who the heck is Neman? Who are those weird-looking men, who blew my apartment to oblivion?
At least she ruled out the possibility of Neman being an underwear model.

Everything happened so fast. Only now, shivering on the back of a bike, could she try to make sense of what had happened. She poked him in the ribs—she wanted off this ride and an explanation. “You trying to freeze me to death?” she yelled against the rushing wind. Immediately, the bike slowed and pulled off the main road before coming to a complete stop. Neman's long legs kicked out the stand before he dismounted.

"Sorry, sweetness. I think we're far enough away now so they can't track us."

Nessa pulled off the helmet.

"They, as in the ones who made confetti out of my apartment? I always wanted to remodel, but something a little less conspicuous. The landlord is going to be more than a little pissed."

Neman lifted her off the bike, pulling her into his embrace. He rubbed her arms, his warmth comforting and his smell...oh, he always smelled so good, heating her blood, turning her on, making her want him. Oh, for goodness’ sake, somehow he'd managed to turn her into a horny twit!

"You feel it, don't you?” he said, giving her a lopsided grin which could melt the polar icecaps.

"Feel what?"

"The irresistible pull between us. Just being close to you, Vanessa, I want you again."

She swallowed and pulled herself out of his arms.

"Irresistible bull, you mean.” Nessa tugged the sheet tighter around herself, then put her hands on her hips, attempting to give him her best, angry glare. “Are you even going to attempt to explain what happened back there? Or who you are?"

"You want it sugar-coated, or straight-up?"

"I'm standing here in a bed sheet in the middle of the night out in the Australian scrub with a complete stranger, my apartment blown to bits, and you have the nerve to ask me if I want it sugar-coated!"

The corners of his mouth curled up into a cocky grin. “You look rather fetching in a sheet, and I wouldn't say complete stranger, not after what we've done."

Nessa felt her stare turn murderous.

"All right.” He lifted his hands to show his surrender. “You may not believe what I'm going to tell you."

"Try me, buster!"

Neman stepped in close, his arm snaking around her waist and pulling her against his warmth. She looked up into his eyes; even in the darkness they seemed to have a golden glow.

"Before I do, I want to get you to a safer, warmer place. Then I vow an oath by the gods themselves, to tell you anything you want to know.” He placed his right hand over his heart. “No harm will befall you, Vanessa, I promise.” He finished with a soft, “Please."

His warmth, his smell, his touch turned her into goo in his arms. He really did make her into a horny twit.

"All right, but it's darn cold on the bike."

Another smile split his handsome face. “We don't need the bike anymore, sweetness—hold on tight."

With his arms secure around her, but confused by his statement, Nessa felt a kind of electric charge in the air, and every fine hair on her body stood up. Instinct made her grip onto his shirt and squeeze her eyes shut as the power built. With a sudden
, it faded. Immediately, she felt warm air and light surrounding her.
Whoa, what a buzz.

"You took that rather well, I must say."

Neman's amused, deep voice made her open her eyes.

"Most mortals feel sick or panicked when teleported."

Neman let her go and she stumbled backwards to take in her new surroundings.

Daylight streamed in through large, opulent windows. Colors of cream and gold dominated the room, soft carpet beneath her bare feet, a large king-sized bed stood invitingly in the middle of the room, with ornate furniture carefully positioned to add to the luxury of the huge bedroom. She could fit her entire apartment and more in this one room. Neman moved around her to the windows, where he drew the thick, gold-patterned curtains across to cut out the light.

"I kind of hate to state the obvious, but it was the middle of the night a few seconds ago."

"We're in the northern hemisphere. It's late morning in Los Angeles."

Nessa felt her head start to throb while she battled to make sense of everything.

"You somehow magically transported us from Australia to the United States?"

"That about sums it up, yes, but we call it teleporting."

"Bet you save a fortune on airfare."

Neman chuckled at her comment. “You'll get used to it. To me it's as natural as breathing."

"I see.” She padded on her bare feet to the end of the bed and sat down, feeling tired and hungry. She hadn't eaten anything for dinner. “I've had some weird dreams before, but this takes the cake.” Neman walked over, sat down and pinched her arm, hard.

"Ooww! What was that for?” She retaliated by punching his arm. His deep resounding laughter was a delightful sound.

"Still think you're dreaming?"

She looked at the gentle smile on his face as she rubbed her arm. “No, okay, so I'm not dreaming. Which brings me to two obvious questions, Houdini. Who and what are you? You just called me a mortal, which implies you're not."

BOOK: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]
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