Read Money (The Keatyn Chronicles Book 10) Online

Authors: Jillian Dodd

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Romance

Money (The Keatyn Chronicles Book 10) (11 page)

BOOK: Money (The Keatyn Chronicles Book 10)
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Thank you.

Perfect. Now you will get back together and have children. It is time.

The way she says it is very commanding, like she can just wish it, and it will happen.

When we lost our child, your son was in the company of another woman and didn

t seem to care much. I can

t be married to someone like that.


s changed. His father

s illness has made him see the error of his ways. He has grown as a man.

So did he break up with the bimbo or did she break up with him?

There is a short lapse of silence.

She is the one who ended the relationship.

So he really hasn

t learned all that much.

He regrets losing you.

With all due respect, I strongly disagree.

Bam must grow up and take over his father

s business. He is ready for the task. He will be giving up his polo career for the good of the family. That should give you an idea of the level of his sincerity and growth.

I wish you all the best and will say a prayer for your husband. Thank you for calling, but I must go now.

I quickly hang up and walk into my house, shocked at the contrast of how it looks now compared to how it looked this morning.

It looks empty. Barren.

Like me.

But as I wander around, I start to see what Peyton saw. A house with stunning architectural details and character and, with all the formal furniture moved out, it already feels more like home than it ever has.

I nod my head, my mind and my heart coming together with one thought. I

m going to have a child

whether through adoption or surrogacy, it

s time for me to pursue my options.


s Penthouse - L.A.


I get a group text from Dallas that includes Keatyn.

Front Door wants a face-to-face meeting with the three of us to hammer out the final details. I know you are filming, Keatyn, but could you meet tonight after?


re wrapping up now, so maybe 9?

Are you sure you

re up for that? You

ve been going all day.

I need food more than sleep right now. Can we have a late dinner?


ll get us a private dining room at the usual place. See you soon.

I send Ariela a quick text to let her know I have a late business meeting and that I

ll call her after, and then I head to the restaurant. When I get off the elevator in the lobby, Shelby is just walking in the building.

What are you doing here?

I needed to see you. You haven

t called me since you said you

d find me a place to live.

My assistant is working on it.

She frowns then looks down at the floor, her shoulders shaking.

Why are you crying?

I ask.

My roommate kicked me out of the apartment. She said if I can

t pay my rent, I have to go. I have nowhere to go, Riley.

“I said I’d cover your rent. How much do you need?

It doesn

t matter now. She already has someone new moving in. My stuff is all in my car. I don

t know what to do. I

ve been poor before but never homeless. I can sleep in my car, but I need somewhere safe to park. Could I at least park here where it

s safe?

I close my eyes tightly, knowing I have no option. I put my arm around her and walk her to the elevator.

Come on. I

ll take you upstairs. You can stay with me until Tyler finds you a new place.

She sobs into my chest.

Thank you. Thank you. I

m sorry I

m bothering you. I

m so embarrassed.

I hug her. I

d be a dick if I didn

t offer her some comfort.

Why are you embarrassed?

For not having enough money to pay my rent. I never should have gone to those red carpet events with you. I was just so excited. Opportunities like that don

t often happen to a girl like me.


re a sweet girl, Shelby. I

ve been fortunate that I

ve never had to worry about being able to pay my rent, but I imagine it

s not pleasant.


s not.


ll have the valet park your car and bring up a few things that you might need for tonight. I have to go to a business meeting. I

m due there in ten minutes.

I escort her to the guest bedroom.

Make yourself comfortable.

I expect her to say something about sleeping in my room, but she doesn

t, and that makes me feel better. I know this isn’t just a ploy to get with me.

Do you have anything to eat here?

she asks timidly.

I grab some money out of my wallet and toss it on the coffee table.


s a bunch of delivery menus in the drawer next to the fridge. Just give them my name, they should have the address.

You eat take out a lot?

she asks.

Sure. Why?

I just figured you went to fancy dinners every night.


I say with a chuckle.


ll be back soon.

When I get to the meeting, Keatyn greets me with a hug.

I don

t usually hug her back, but tonight I do.

What was that for?

she asks.

Shelby showed up at my place because she got kicked out of her apartment. I

m letting her stay with me until Tyler finds her somewhere to live.

Why did she get kicked out?

Because she didn

t have the money for rent.

Riley, you

re a good judge of character. How are you feeling about this girl?

She thought she was going to have to sleep in her car tonight. She didn

t even ask to stay with me, just wanted a safe place to park and wondered if she could park in my garage.


s sad. So is she sleeping with you tonight?

I showed her the guest room and told her to put her stuff in there. She didn

t argue.


s Tyler coming on the apartment search?

Honestly, I have no idea. Dallas and I spent most of the day going over all the details in this contract, then I stayed late to catch up on email.

Call him,

she says as a waiter brings her a glass of sparkling water and asks what I would like. I order a bottle of wine for the table then call Tyler.

After getting an update, I tell Keatyn,

He says the only place he

s been able to find is a furnished unit in my building. I

m not sure I want her that close.

You could always put her up at a hotel for the month. She

d probably enjoy it.

Hmm. That

s a good idea. Then if it is my baby, I

ll buy her something permanent. I

ll text Tyler and tell him to book a bungalow. It will be like a vacation for her.

Is she still working?

Yeah, but she said she

s been sick a lot.

But you said that she works at a nightclub. Has she had morning sickness all day?

I don’t know. Do you think she

s lying? She seemed so upset about the apartment. Hell, I don

t know what to do or think.


d move her into a bungalow first thing in the morning,

Keatyn says.

Dallas slaps me on the back, letting me know that he

s arrived. He has the studio attorney and three other executives with him. Everyone exchanges pleasantries, and we get down to business.

The negotiations go smoothly on most points until the Captive Films name comes up.


m hesitant to part with Captive,

Keatyn says.


ve worked hard to develop the brand, and it

s my understanding you are wanting just our assets.

The brand is part of what we want to acquire,

an executive for the other side says.

And what about
The Keatyn Chronicles
trilogy? It

s not addressed in the contract. When you put this deal together, the movie hadn

t released yet. So we either pull it from the deal, or you adjust the value accordingly.

Oh, I don

t know about that,

the attorney starts to say.

Keatyn looks the CEO straight in the eye.

Donny, you know what the box office numbers have been. And I know you know that industry experts are predicting the video and on-demand sales will be some of the best in movie history.

By the time we finally come to an agreement, it

s close to midnight.

That was grueling,

Keatyn states, echoing my thoughts.

I thought it was exhilarating,

Dallas counters.

And it went amazingly well. We got almost everything we wanted. I think their CEO was starstruck. When you whipped out your smile on him, I thought he might pass out.

Keatyn laughs.


t be silly. I

m still on the fence about the name, though. I don

t think I can give it up.

BOOK: Money (The Keatyn Chronicles Book 10)
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