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Authors: S.J. Frost

ModelLove (15 page)

BOOK: ModelLove
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A warm smile rose to Ian’s lips. “I love you too.”

Temaru lifted his head, bringing his smiling lips to Ian’s
and wrapping his arms tight around him.

Ian moved his hips in slow, deep thrusts. Temaru broke the
kiss to take in a quick breath, a pleasure-filled moan leaving him on the
exhale. Ian kept his pace unhurried, his lips still close to Temaru’s. Despite
how slowly he moved, his pleasure grew with each thrust. It wouldn’t be long
before he came.

Temaru slung one leg across Ian’s lower back, his calf resting
on Ian’s ass. He pressed on Ian’s ass, as if wanting even more of him. Ian
pushed into Temaru as deep as he could and stopped, letting them each feel the
other. He took Temaru’s lips in another kiss and started thrusting again,
rocking Temaru lightly under him.

Temaru shifted beneath him, his cock rubbing against Ian’s
abdomen. His fingers dug into Ian’s back on every thrust. Ian’s cock hit his
gland perfectly and sent jolts of pleasure through him. Rather than his orgasm
rushing to the surface, pleasure built on top of pleasure until it couldn’t be
contained. Temaru arched up to him, gasping out a moan as he climaxed.

Hearing Temaru’s moans and feeling the muscles inside him
clamping onto his cock finished Ian. He thrust deep into him and let his body succumb
to his orgasm. As pleasure echoed through him, he didn’t want to release his
hold on Temaru. He managed to lift his head enough to place a tender kiss on
Temaru’s lips.

His eyes closed, Temaru whispered, “I really do love you.”

Ian brushed his lips across Temaru’s. “I know you do. You’ve
shown me so many times, even before we both knew what we were feeling. I just
hope you know how much I love you.”

Temaru opened his eyes, looking into Ian’s. “I do.” He
grinned up at him. “It’s one of the reasons I came here. I thought if you’ve
fallen for me as much as I have you, then there’s a good chance you won’t think
I’m crazy for flying across the world to be with you because I couldn’t wait a
few more days.”

“That’s one of the big things telling me how much you love
me.” Ian rested a hand on the side of Temaru’s cheek. “That, and flying around
the world to give me your support when I go to do something I’m terrified

“I didn’t want you to feel like you had to do it alone. I
always want to be there for you in any way you need me.”

Ian touched their lips together again. “I love you too.”

Temaru gave him a confused smile. “But, I didn’t say it just

“Yes, you did.”

Understanding fell over Temaru’s expression. He wrapped his
arms around Ian, pressing their lips together to further express his love for

Chapter Thirteen


Temaru opened his hand and stretched his fingers in an
attempt to relieve some of the pressure from Ian’s viselike grip on it. Ian had
grabbed hold the instant they’d climbed out of the limo that’d brought them to
the fashion show. Now that they were in the building, he was sure his
circulation was being cut off.

They’d arrived in Paris the day before and he couldn’t deny
it was nice to be back, even if it was cold. He came to the conclusion he
didn’t care to see snow ever again and he’d done enough shivering to last him
for the rest of his life. Fortunately, his shivers didn’t last long when Ian
was near him. Whenever the cold started to get to him, it was as though Ian could
sense it and he’d stand behind him, wrap him in his arms and share his body’s
warmth with him.

Thinking of those moments, Temaru wondered if maybe they
should extend their stay in Paris by a couple of days. It would be fun to show
Ian the places he used to go when in college. Not to mention how beautiful it
was in their hotel suite, lying in the king-size bed, the large window looking
out to the Eiffel Tower and the Champ de Mars, the city below glowing in the
night. He would ask Ian if he’d like to stay a little longer when the show was
finished. Right now, Ian looked too stressed to think on anything other than
what was happening in that moment.

They stopped outside the doors to the backstage area. Even
with the doors closed, Temaru could hear many voices and bustling going on
behind them. He glanced at Ian, seeing him staring at the doors, making no move
to open them. “Are you okay?”

Ian nodded. “Yeah. I guess. Mostly, anyhow. I feel like
throwing up, but yeah, I’m fine.”

“Feeling like throwing up is never fine.” Temaru took Ian’s
other hand and turned him so Ian was looking at him instead of the door. “You
don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“That’s the crazy thing. I want to do it and I don’t want to
at the same time. How messed up is that?”

“I think it’s understandable. And if you want to do it, even
if it’s just a small desire, you should. That way you’ll have no regrets.”

Ian took a deep breath. “You’re right. So, you want to open
the door and drag me in?”

Temaru reached toward the door, keeping Ian’s hand in his
and rested both their hands on the handle. “How about we open the door together
and walk in side by side?”

“I like that plan better.”

Holding the door with Temaru, Ian pulled it open.

Noise poured out, voices talking so fast, it was hard to
understand what anyone was saying. Temaru walked into the large area with Ian,
both of them pausing at the same time to watch as designers and their
assistants dashed to and fro, preparing their models for the runway. The models
themselves were less hurried, most standing calmly as the designers picked and
pulled at their clothes and hair. Makeup artists added finishing touches to
make them appear flawless.

Temaru saw there were more female models than male. From
what was passed on to Ian about the charity show, the majority of designers
taking part specialized in women’s fashion. It made the male models stand out
even more, not that they needed to. All of them were tall, toned and chiseled.
He looked to Ian. And none of them compared to the man at his side. He gave
Ian’s hand a reassuring squeeze.


Ian looked away from the chaos to Temaru, taking in the soft
smile Temaru was offering him. Having him at his side gave Ian the boost of
confidence he needed. He pulled in a deep breath, lifted his chin and walked
forward, his body loose and his strides confident.

Ian saw others turning their attention toward him and it
seemed the noise level in the space was dropping. People were noticing him.

Quick movement to the right caught his eye. Sergio Fabbri
stepped out from behind a privacy curtain, a shirt tossed over his shoulder and
measuring tape slung around his neck.

Sergio glanced up, his concentrated visage brightening as he
saw Ian. He rushed toward him, holding his arms up and out. “Ian! You made it!
How was your trip?”

Ian bent to him, embracing him lightly as Sergio placed a
kiss on each of his cheeks, and returned the kisses to Sergio’s cheeks. “It was
great. Thank you again for the hotel room you set up for me. It’s beautiful.”

“It was nothing. I’m just happy you’re happy.” Sergio’s gaze
went to Temaru. He slapped both hands to his chest over his heart. “My god,
you’re even more stunning in person. Temaru Marceau, yes?”

Temaru nodded and extended his hand to Sergio. “Yes. I’m
flattered you know my name.”

“I could never forget the name of my muse’s muse. It’s so
wonderful to meet you. You made him glow in those shots.”

Temaru turned a smile on Ian as he spoke to Sergio. “Now I’m
even more flattered.”

Ian leaned toward him, giving him a soft, chaste kiss.

A sigh came from Sergio. “You two are so sweet.” He moved to
Ian’s side and took his other hand. “I have a few minutes, so let me introduce
you around. I’m sure you know some of the people here, but there’s nothing
wrong with getting reacquainted. From how everyone’s looking at you, it seems
most of them already know who you are.”

“I doubt that,” Ian said.

Sergio snorted. “You underestimate the influence you had and
that you
have. Once everyone finds out you’re coming back, you’ll
have to fight the designers away. Everyone will want you walking for them and
being in their campaigns.” He bumped playfully against Ian’s side. “Just
remember to give me preferential treatment.”

“I think that’s guaranteed.” Ian glanced around. “Where’re
Mitch and Rodney?”

“Out by the runway, I think. Rodney was setting up his
equipment to shoot the show.”

Ian walked forward with Temaru as Sergio guided them from
person to person, introducing him. He wasn’t surprised to see designers and
photographers, even many models, he knew from his days on the scene. He
surprised by how many people remembered him. So often, Sergio didn’t get the
chance to introduce him before the other person would say something like, “Ian
Eldridge! How wonderful to see you!” Some he could tell were being fake. Others
seemed genuine. One thing he did notice was how everyone paid such high respect
to Sergio, proving what a good reputation he had.

A few people also offered condolences on Aiden. While he
tried to accept them with grace, each one stung. He knew it would happen. He
couldn’t enter the modeling world again without his brother’s memory and he
didn’t want to. It was hard now but he hoped it would get easier. He knew it
was because of having Temaru at his side that he was able to maintain his composure.
He felt stronger, calmer and more confident with him close.

Soon, Sergio didn’t need to take him up to people any
longer. People were coming to them. Standing in a group surrounded by models,
photographers and designers, Ian found himself wishing for Mitch to come bail
him out. He appreciated the attention, but it was starting to get overwhelming.
With designers hinting at wanting him to work for them, he really needed Mitch
to go into agent mode and start taking numbers.

Just as he was contemplating sending him an emergency text,
Mitch appeared, walking hand in hand with Rodney.

Rodney waved to them. “There you are! We were looking for

Mitch released Rodney’s hand to hug Ian. “Have you guys been
here long?”

“A little while.” Ian hushed his voice for only Mitch to
hear as he hugged him. “It’s about damn time you showed up. People are
attacking me for work.”

“And why are you saying this like it’s a bad thing?

Ian pulled back from the hug. As he met Mitch’s eyes and saw
his bright smile, it hit him that even if he did feel overwhelmed, what was
happening at this moment was an amazing thing. His career was about to launch
yet again.

Sergio laid a hand on Ian’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, I have to
go and check on my models to be sure they’re ready to walk. Do you need

Ian shook his head. “I’m fine. Go make sure your boys are
doing well.”

“Ah, but you’re one of my boys now too, so I have to take
care of you, as well.” Sergio stepped around him and went to Temaru, leaning in
to kiss his cheek. “You’ll both have dinner with me tonight?”

“It would be our pleasure,” Temaru said.

“Good. Then I’ll see you both after the show.

Temaru turned a smirk on Ian and lowered his voice. “He’s
very nice. He’s like a young sugar daddy.”

Ian snorted in an attempt to hold back laughter. “Yeah, but
at least he seems to genuinely care.”

“And that’s what matters.”

The sound of Mitch’s voice distracted Ian from saying more.
He glanced to his side where Mitch stood a couple of feet away talking with two
designers and listened to what Mitch was saying.

“He only recently decided to come back, so his schedule is
fairly clear at the moment. But with saying that, we’re finalizing some work
he’s going to be doing for Sergio Fabbri for a very large campaign this summer
and most likely for fall as well. So if you’re interested in having him
represent your work, I’d recommend booking him soon. It’s taken all of ten
minutes for word to move through this place that he’s modeling again. Between
people coming up to me and my phone vibrating nonstop, by the end of this show,
he’ll be booked up for the next year, if not more.”

Mitch, master salesman. No one could surpass him in building
hype and urgency. He didn’t doubt his schedule would be booked full for a year
by the end of the show, thanks to Mitch making him sound like the most
desirable asset a designer could beg for and Sergio’s backing.

Temaru nudged Ian with his elbow. “Mitch is showing he’s
almost as good of an agent as he is a friend.”

“Yeah, he is. It just goes to show how amazing of a friend
he is and has been to me.”

Rodney gave Ian a light slap on the arm. “Haven’t you
figured out by now that he loves you? We both do.”

Ian wrapped an arm around Rodney’s shoulders. “I knew it,
just didn’t realize how much.” He pulled Rodney tighter to him and kissed his
cheek. “I love you guys too.”

Mitch turned around and flung up both hands as he moved
toward them. “Is this the thanks I get for trying to get you work? Turn my back
and you’re moving in on my husband?”

Rodney slipped one arm around Ian’s waist and patted him on
the stomach with his other hand, his gaze on Mitch. “But your man likes it.” He
snapped his head toward Ian. “And good lord, I swear your abs are even harder
than they were when we shot your portfolio.”

Ian grinned at Temaru. “Well, I’ve been taking in more
protein the past few days.”

Mitch slapped him on the back. “I’m sure you have. But we
better get to our seats. The show’s going to start soon.”

Temaru’s hand in his, Ian followed Mitch and Rodney out to
the seating in the first row near the runway. Rodney left them to man his
camera. Within a few minutes, the show began. Music filled the auditorium, the
deep bass reverberating through the space. Models walked one after the other,
their steps almost in sync with the beat.

Temaru watched them pass by, go to the end of the runway,
turn this way, that way and start back on the path they’d travel, all while
maintaining flat expressions. He leaned toward Ian, whispering, “This is it?
This is what you get paid thousands of dollars to do?”

Ian slipped his arm around him, his lips close to Temaru’s
ear. “It’s harder than it looks.”

“I bet it is. I don’t think I could make my face look dead
while my body is moving.”

Ian snickered. “Now, I had style and personality on the

“That’s true. I saw some videos of you walking different
shows on YouTube.” Temaru leaned close to him, his voice deepening to a husky
tone with a playful edge. “It was the first time I ever masturbated to anything
on the Internet that wasn’t porn.”

Ian snorted trying to catch a laugh before it slipped out.
“I can’t even tell you how happy that makes me.”

“It made me very happy too.” Temaru nodded toward the
catwalk as a tall, lean blond made his way down it. “But it really is true, you
stand out among all these guys.”

“Which is a good and bad thing. It’s good because it means I
draw attention. Bad, because if I draw too much attention to
, then I
distract from what I’m wearing. That’s why these models walk the way they do,
because it’s about the clothes, not them. Their bodies are the canvases for the
designers’ art. At the same time, designers want their art on models who are
going to draw attention and show off their designs in the absolute best way.
It’s a delicate balance.”

Temaru watched a leggy female model sashay by. “Then I guess
it’s more complicated than I thought.” He looked to Ian. “I want to see you up
on a runway someday.”

Ian toyed with the ends Temaru’s hair. “You will. I

Bringing his attention back to the show, Ian took mental notes
on the models, especially studying the male ones, on how they moved and showed
off the designs. Coming to the show had been a good idea. Watching the models,
interacting with people on the scene again and most of all having Temaru’s
encouragement, he felt he could do this again.

As the last model walked off the runway, the designers
strutted out to take some applause. Sergio led the way. He reached the end of
the runway and bent to take a microphone being offered up to him. Ian shot a
curious glance toward Mitch, but Mitch shrugged, showing he was just as
confused to what Sergio was doing.

With a sweeping gesture toward the crowd, Sergio commanded
everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to take this moment to
thank you for coming out today. As all of you know, this is a very special
show. We’re gathered together to extend our generosity to those in need and
those who are the most helpless in the world, the children. With your kind
donations, many needy children around the world will have their first winter
coat and their feet will no longer go bare. For this, I wanted to personally
thank you.”

BOOK: ModelLove
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