Read Mob Mistress Online

Authors: Renee Rose

Mob Mistress (8 page)

BOOK: Mob Mistress
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“No, sir!” she yelped.

He stopped and rubbed away the sting, then craned his head around to inspect her backside. She had examined herself in the mirror that morning, fascinated with how quickly her butt recovered from punishment. Only a few red lines remained from her whipping.

“How is your sweet little ass today?” he asked.

She considered lying. She certainly didn’t want him to ever spank her harder than he had. But he seemed so good at reading her, he would probably know a fib when he heard it. “A little sting-y in places, but mostly fine,” she admitted.

He turned her to face him, squeezing and kneading her ass. “Does it scare you to hear I can’t wait to spank you again?” he murmured.

She swallowed. Her pussy said no, regardless of her reluctance to admit anything to her demanding lover.

He released her and gave her ass a slap. “Go on and get ready.”

“Yes, sir,” she laughed and went into the bedroom, pulling on a halter top and short cut-off jeans.

“Mmm, mmm,” Bobby said when he saw her. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

He drove her to the salon, and offered to come in with her, but she talked him into waiting in the car, knowing if she showed up with three thousand dollars in cash and a Sicilian-looking boyfriend, the owner would know she was in bed with the mafia. She debated depositing the money and writing a check, but she didn’t want to have to pay taxes on it, either. In the end, she just walked in and handed the money over without explaining why she paid in cash.

When she got back in the car, she lunged for Bobby, leaning across the center console to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. She didn’t want to be the sort of greedy woman who used him for his money, but she couldn’t deny the gratitude and relief his assistance brought, which made him all the more attractive. She supposed there was some form of biological force at work there — male as provider.

“Thank you,” she said when she sat back in her seat.

Bobby looked smug, tweaking her nipple before he started the car and pulled out into traffic.

The flash of a car right next to her window triggered her driving anxiety and she shrieked, jumping out of her skin.

Bobby’s hand fell on her thigh. “I’m going to have my secretary set up that appointment for you. You’re using the phone scheduler, right?”

She exhaled and nodded, the tension in her shoulders easing.

Bobby somehow managed to find parking close to the stadium and they picked up tickets from Will Call. When he led them to their seats, a good-looking Italian man and beautiful young woman stood up. The woman wore a baby carrier in the front and a tiny baby head peeked out the top of it.

“Joey, you brought the family!” Bobby exclaimed with surprise.

She stiffened, wondering if her appearance with Bobby in front of the woman would cause trouble with his wife at home.


* * * * *


He shook Joey’s hand. “Hi Sophie,” he said, kissing her on the cheeks. He touched the baby’s head. “It’s great to see you out and about, Sadie,” he cooed, leaning down to see her big eyes. Sophie bounced up and down and the baby smiled at him.

“Aw, she likes you!”

“Of course she likes me, she knows I’m family,” he grinned. “Sophie, Joey, this is Lexi.”

Lexi stood back, looking slightly uncomfortable, which didn’t seem to fit her personality. But then, she thought he was married, so she probably worried about what they would think. Well, Sophie may clue her in on the truth, but he could handle that. He hadn’t lied. He never told her he was married, and he didn’t wear a ring. He couldn’t help it if she’d made a false assumption.

Lexi shook their hands and they settled into the stadium seats, the men sitting beside each other, with the women on the outside.

“Well, they’re getting the hits they need, if they can only get some pitching,” Joey said.

“Yeah, they’ve got the starting pitching, if they can only get some relief. They blew another save last night — it’s the tenth one they’ve blown this month.”

Sophie pulled the baby out of the carrier and draped the fabric over her shoulder, pulling up her shirt to nurse.

“Don’t look at my wife’s breasts,” Joey warned.

He grinned. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He dropped a hand onto Lexi’s bare thigh. stroking her soft skin.

When the little one finished nursing, Joey took her from Sophie, holding her to his shoulder and patting her back. Despite the newness of the baby and it being his first, Joey looked comfortable handling her.

“So how is fatherhood? What do the two of you do all day, just sit around and stare at your little princess?”

Sophie laughed. “Pretty much. Joey made me quit work five months into the pregnancy, and now that he’s semi-retired, we’re home a lot. This is an exciting outing for me.”

Lexi leaned forward, finally relaxed enough to join the conversation. “What did you do before you quit?”

“Massage therapist,” she said.

“Ooh, you’re a lucky man, Joey,” Lexi said, flashing her beautiful smile.

“I’m blessed,” Joey said, sounding truly religious about it as he gazed at his wife.

“Sophie, may I hold her?” Bobby asked, leaning across Joey to look at her. “I’m good with babies, I promise.”

Sophie smiled. “Sure.”

Joey carefully transferred the little bundle to him and he laid her on her back on his lap, cradling her tiny head in his palms, staring at her miniature features. It had been so long since his girls were babies, but the wonder and awe of being a new parent flooded back as if it were yesterday.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” he asked.

Lexi murmured in assent.

Little Sadie looked straight into his eyes, her mouth tugging into a lopsided smile.

“Thank you for the smile,” he whispered. To Lexi, he said, “It’s like looking into the eyes of God, isn’t it?”

When she didn’t answer, he looked up to see her staring at him with a strange look.

“Do you want children?”

Pain flickered across her face. “I used to. I just haven’t been... in the right situation to think about it.”

He realized he shouldn’t have asked. They were not in the sort of dating situation that warranted discussing future desires for children, and it obviously pained her. He had no interest in remarrying or starting a new family, although the thought of Lexi’s belly swollen with his child did ignite a sort of masculine pride.

He picked up the baby and inhaled the smell of her, kissing the top of her peach-fuzzed head before handing her back to Joey.

Lexi remained relatively quiet for the rest of the game. He tried to tease her out of it, but this problem was not one he could easily fix for her.


* * * * *


True to his word, Bobby’s secretary scheduled an appointment for her with the EMDR therapist, as well as an appointment for a massage at a studio nearby. When she texted him to say thanks he replied,
I take care of my girl.

His girl. The words produced bittersweet feelings. The depth of her feelings for him had grown, which had begun to pain her.

Bobby Manghini was not an available man. He had a wife and kids. And no amount of wishing he would stare at a baby they made together with the same reverence she saw in him at the baseball game would make it happen.

This relationship was purely business — he took care of her and she made herself available. Nothing more. Nothing less. The sooner she got back on her feet and could walk away the better.

That evening, as she finished up her last client, the door swung open and his dark figure crossed the frame.

Her heart double-pumped, adrenaline erasing the weariness of working on her feet all day. The receptionist had gone home for the day and she and her client were the only other people in the salon. She beamed a smile at him and held up her finger to indicate she would be done in a minute.

He nodded, leaning up against the wall, his arms folded across his chest.

“Do you know him?” her client asked nervously.

She grinned. He did appear dangerous, the way he chose to stand rather than sit, as if he were waiting to rough her up.

“Yes, he’s my date,” she said, surprised at the level of excitement fluttering in her chest.

“Ooh,” her client murmured appreciatively. “Lucky you.”

When the woman had paid and left, she started to pull off her apron.

“Wait just a second, little girl. I am here to collect on one of those free haircuts,” Bobby rumbled.

“Oh!” She re-tied the apron strings. “Okay, just give me a minute.” She tidied her station, sweeping the cut hair away before calling him over.

He sat in her chair, gazing up at her with a predatory look. She spun him around to face her, moving in close to straddle one of his knees as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Just a trim?” she purred.

He grabbed her ass and kneaded it, his grasp possessive. “Yeah. Whatever you think is best,” he said.

She picked up his hand and tugged it. “Come on, I’ll shampoo you.”

Leading him to the sinks, she offered him a chair and reclined it, warming the water to the perfect temperature before she used the gentle spray nozzle to wet his hair. Something about serving him this way made the entire experience erotic for her, the sense of power she derived similar to what she felt when giving him a blowjob.

She massaged his scalp with shampoo, the pads of her fingers becoming a sensual tool to stimulate his pleasure, his sighs of appreciation fueling her desire to please. By the time she had lathered, rinsed and repeated, a steady pulse of desire thrummed through her.

“Lexi,” he said, his voice gruff, “If you don’t sit on my cock soon, I’m going to bust.”

“Bust, huh?” she said, making her voice seductive as she lifted the back of his chair to bring him upright and wrapped a towel around his head. She walked around the front of him and knelt down, unbuttoning his pants and lowering the zipper.

“Huh uh,” he said, when she freed his length and leaned forward to take it into her mouth. “I said ‘sit on my cock’.” He pulled out a condom and sheathed his straining length.

“Right. You always have be in charge, don’t you?” She stood.

He gave her a sharp slap on the back of her thigh. “Come here,” he said, lifting her skirt and pulling her forward to straddle him. “It’s not that you don’t give the very best head,” he said, as if he feared he offended her. He stroked the lips of her pussy through her panties, then slid them off and dipped two fingers into her juices.

She gasped, jerking at the shock of pleasure rippling through her.

“It’s just that I really need to be in you right now.” He cupped her ass and pulled her hips so her exposed pussy rubbed over the side of his cock.

“Yes,” she panted, grasping his member and lifting her hips up to guide him in.

He closed his eyes, holding her butt cheeks and pulling her against him with a slamming force, rocking his hips up each time to thrust.

At this rate, she would not last long. “Oh God,” she moaned.

“Lexi…” he grunted.

The sound of her name uttered with such appreciation stoked her passion even more and she clawed at his back, her own animal aggression matching his.

“Please?” she whimpered.

“Go ahead, baby,” he urged and she bucked at the command, the words all she needed to reach the summit and topple over the edge into ecstasy. Shuddering all around him, she came, stilling to relish the sensation of having him so deep inside her. When the room stopped spinning and her breath had quieted, she opened her eyes to gaze at the expressive lines of his face.

He wore his satisfied-cat look, heavy-lidded and sexy.

“Did you…?”

He shook his head. “Nah.” He shrugged. “But it was just enough to take the edge off. Now I can stand you cutting my hair.”

She scrambled off him, the task made difficult by the post-climactic languor. He helped her to her feet and handed her the discarded panties, then followed her back to her chair, looking as relaxed as she felt while she draped him in a cutting cape.

His hair was simple to cut, but she took her time, wanting to get it perfect.

His phone rang just as she finished. He looked at the name and stood up from the chair before she had a chance to brush him off and remove the drape. “I need to take this,” he said, striding toward the back of the salon.

She swept up the hair and threw a load of towels in the wash. Then she followed in the direction Bobby had gone to retrieve his cape and clean him off. He held up his finger with a frown when she found him.

“I’m just going to grab this cape,” she whispered, darting forward to pull it off him.

When he returned, he said, “Lexi, don’t eavesdrop.”

“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I just wanted to grab the cape from you.”

“I was on the phone. I left the room. It means the call is private. This is one of those rules that protects you.”

She stared at him, angry, but not enough to let him know. “I thought you weren’t a criminal,” she said quietly.

“Yeah, well, some of the people I deal with are.”

“Sorry,” she lied, turning and walking away to check the laundry, even though she knew it wouldn’t be done yet.

She stood at the washing machine, not seeing anything. Bobby’s strong arms closed around her from behind. Not rough or demanding. Conciliatory.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be an asshole,” he said, running his hands up and down her arms, across her waist. He turned her to face him. “You didn’t know. I shouldn’t have barked.” He cupped her face. “Forgive me, little Lex?”

Her nose burned unaccountably and she nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s my girl.” He brushed his lips across hers, then kissed them softly, coaxing a response from her. When he pulled away he stroked the back of his finger up her neck and under her chin. “You’re still a little pissed off,” he said, his eyes glittering with amusement. He turned her back around to face the washing machine. “Probably you just need to get fucked again,” he said in a low voice.


* * * * *


He pulled her skirt up and her panties down to her thighs and started spanking, loving the irony of apologizing by way of punishing. She offered no resistance and he banked on her being more than aroused by the time he finished warming her ass.

BOOK: Mob Mistress
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