Read Mistfall Online

Authors: Olivia Martinez

Tags: #romance adventure fantasy young adult science fiction teen trilogy, #romance action spirits demon fantasy paranormal magic young adult science fiction gods angel war mermaid teen fairy shapeshifter dragon unicorns ya monsters mythical sjwist dragon aster

Mistfall (26 page)

BOOK: Mistfall
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“It’s been a long day Finn, don’t beat
yourself up about it,” I replied, trying to remedy the

Seemingly placated, he finally looked me in
the eye. His lips turned upwards in a smile for the first time
tonight. “Thanks.”

I clasped my hands together in relief. “All
right then, it’s late and I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

I turned on my heel and went back into my
room followed by Finn’s goodnight. I closed the door quickly behind
me, just in case Finn changed his mind, and rested my head against
the door for a few seconds.

“What was that about?” John asked, wrapping
his arms around me and kissing the back of my head.

I turned around in his arms. “Are
Otherworlders susceptible to mental illnesses like the humans?”

He raised his eyebrow at me in question. “Not
that I know of, though I’m curious as to why you’re asking.”

“Well then, somebody really needs to take a
look at Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde out there,” I replied pointing my
perfectly polished pink finger at the door.

Having missed my earlier confrontation with
Finn, John was understandably confused. We sat down on the bed as I
recounted what had happened earlier after everyone else had gone
into their rooms.

Once I was finished, John became upset with
me. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” he demanded angrily.
“There’s no way I would have let you go out there right now if I
knew he’d been hostile towards you.”

I stood up and moved away from him. “I know
how to handle myself John,” I pointed out, becoming irritated.

John slammed his fist down on the mattress
causing a small down feather to find its freedom. “Why do you have
to be so damned stubborn?” he scolded.

“What in the world is your problem?” I asked
incredulously, throwing my hands in the air.

Realizing he was being an over-protective
jackass, his mood dissipated slightly. He came over to me and
grabbed both of my hands. “I know you can hold your own,” John
acquiesced, pulling me forward. His hands let go of mine and slid
down my back, resting on my waist. “The fact that you went out
there isn’t even what made me upset,” he confessed.

I crinkled my forehead, baffled at his
admission. “Then why are you mad at me?”

“Just because you can take on half of the
Otherworld, it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone,” he chided

John was right. Remember what I said about
learning to not be so independent where he was concerned? It
appeared that it was going to be harder than I thought.

“I’ll try not to be so headstrong, but give
me some time to adjust,” I entreated him.

Could I be dependent on another? Melissa had
always been there for me, but she had always left me to choose when
or how I needed her help. John wanted to take some of the weight I
always seemed to carry alone.
But what if he drops the ball?
It could be the difference between life and death. My life and
death. He wouldn’t do that though. I can trust him, can’t I?

John tapped me on the nose with his finger.
“Quit over thinking it,” he chuckled, amused at his own ability to
read me so well. “I’ve waited five long years to get you back. Do
you really think I would just up and leave you hanging?”

“How did you know what I was thinking?” I
asked, astonished at the acuity of which he was now able to see
through me. John was good at reading my expressions, but there was
no way he could tell my exact wording.

He laughed again, his mood back to normal.
“I’ve been here,” he said while tapping my head. “It gave me a lot
more insight on you.”

I narrowed my eyes in mock anger. “Cheater,”
I accused.

John smiled, pleased with himself, before he
kissed my forehead. “I love you Violet and I promise I’m not going
anywhere. You can trust me.” Looking back down at me, I could see
the playfulness dancing in his eyes. “I do remember you saying
something about a goodnight kiss,” he baited me.

I winked and taunted him back. “That’s why
you came, isn’t it?”

“Does your offer still stand?” he asked,
hopeful for a positive response.

“I don’t know,” I teased. “I’m going to have
to check my schedule and see where I can fit you in.”

I laughed at the silliness of the
conversation. John didn’t join in with me, being determined to win
the battle of the witticisms.

“It’s a good thing then that I had your
secretary clear your schedule,” he said.

“Well Mr. Gwyneddson (that was John’s last
name), it seems I can pencil you in after all,” I replied in my
most coquettish voice.

He pressed me close to his body. “Well, have
your secretary hold all your calls then, we might be here awhile,”
he instructed, hinting at something I wasn’t picking up on.

“My calls?” I laughed. “Exactly how long do
you expect this kiss to last?”

“Oh Violet, I don’t just plan on kissing your
lips.” His voice then dropped to a lusty octave. “My intentions are
to kiss and taste every last inch of you.”

“You win,” I blurted, not having anything
clever to say in return. The blood that had previously been fueling
my brain and fled south and now supercharged my libido. I was
turned on immediately, hot magma now pooling in my center.

John took advantage of my verbal block and
kissed me quickly as he hoisted me up in his arms.


20. Sexy Chapter!!!


John deposited me on the bed, lying down
beside me, the lust swimming in his emerald eyes as he once again
brought his lips down upon mine.

His kiss was slow. John was planning to take
his time with me which turned me on even more. Being summertime,
his lips and tongue tasted like strawberries.

Elves are curious creatures. They have a
tendency to taste like fruits that were in season. Their affinity
for earth magic makes this possible. It’s not common knowledge
amongst Otherworlders and I don’t go around smooching Elves

I only know this from the kisses John and I
had shared. He told me that sometimes Elves could even taste like
honey. I know what you’re thinking…naughty readers. I don’t know
and if and when that happens, I’m not going to kiss and tell. But,
between you and me, the thought had crossed my mind too.

John managed to find my leg underneath the
hoop and all my petticoats, his hand sliding its way up, stopping
only when he reached my upper leg. I mewled a little when he
grasped my thigh firmly.

“I love hearing you react to me,” he

My voice was heavy, “Mmm…you should be in for
a real treat later,” I goaded.

I attempted to drape a leg over John and he
tried to free my breasts from my corset and dress. I wasn’t
successful and he growled in frustration, unable to spring my
breasts from their prison.

“It’s time you get out of Marie Antoinette’s
private collection,” he suggested, giving up after failing once
again with the dress.

“What do you suggest I change into?” I asked
as sexily as I could.

He shook his head in negation at me. “No
Violet. No magic. I want to watch you undress for me.”

I was caught off guard by John’s request, but
had no problem going along with it. Wordlessly, I slipped away from
him and the bed. I kicked off my shoes and attempted to reach
behind me to unsnap and untie all the clasps and ribbons, to no

“You’re going to have to help me. I can’t
reach,” I giggled nervously.

When he stood, it was made clear to me that
he needed no encouragement as far as things were headed. The
quality of the fabric of his breeches was being tested by his erect
A lefty,
I thought. Melissa’s question of
measurements came to mind.

I pulled my long, dark, wavy hair over one
shoulder to give John access to the back of my dress. I almost
melted into a puddle when he nipped at my neck before unbuttoning

“Maybe using magic wasn’t such a bad idea,”
he murmured while fumbling with the unrelenting clasps.

I turned to him, ready to do away with our
clothes the good old’ fashioned magical way, but he put both hands
on my waist, turning me back, stopping me. “I’m not serious
beautiful girl. I’d much rather do battle with your garments in
order to see them slide off your body,” he said, his voice low and
thick with arousal.

At long last John was able to undo all the
clasps so I could slip out of my dress and hoop, only to be met
with the laces of the corset. “I’m glad this isn’t everyday dress
for you,” he growled. “Though, you are a vision in a corset and
flimsy skirt.”

I was suddenly finding the corset restricting
and hard to breathe in. The sooner he could un-tie the ribbons, the
sooner I could feel his hands on my body and his skin against mine.
The corset came undone quickly and I let it fall to the ground.
Turning around, I was greeted by John’s hungry stare. There was no
doubt in my mind that he wanted me. I felt like a gazelle being
stalked by a voracious lion.

“The skirt,” he grunted and pointed.

I kept eye contact as I shimmied out of the
thin linen skirt, bare except for the purple thong I was wearing. I
turned around three hundred and sixty degrees so he could admire
the view. With all the exercise I get training and killing bad
guys, I’m not self-conscious about my physique.

“Come here,” he ordered.

The only time John had ever been so demanding
was when we trained. I listened, never arguing as he was the better
warrior and my training could mean the difference between life and
death. I didn’t think anything he was going to demand of me right
now had anything to do with my survival, but I found his take
charge attitude in the bedroom arousing and sexy as hell.

I took the three steps that divided us and
put my hands around his neck and kissed him once more. He may want
to take charge of the rest of the night, but I was going to have
this one kiss the way I wanted it.

I ran my tongue along his soft and full lower
lip and John parted his lips, allowing me access. Our tongues
played a feverish game of catch and release. When John put his
hands in my air to arch my head back, the sensuous kisses he
trailed down my neck caused shivers to radiate out from my spine to
my toes.

When I tugged at his lip with my teeth I
began to undress him, starting with his shirt. “Your turn,” I told

“Are you in a hurry?” he chuckled.

“No, but I want to feel you,” I admitted.

He stayed my hands after I unbuttoned his top
button. “Tell me Violet, how bad do you want to feel me?” he
demanded, his tone gentle.

I could feel his heart racing, like a rabbit
thumping its foot, under my hands. All I had to do was answer his
question and he’d give in. If the hard erection pressing against my
stomach through his breeches weren’t evidence of his arousal, the
electric four leaf clover green of his eyes were. I knew my own had
to be little neon signs of vivid purple.

Sexy talk, like vocalizing what I want, was
not something I had ever been quite comfortable with. At the moment
I was a little nervous to answer John. I wasn’t one of those girls
whose every move or word dripped with sexuality. When it comes to
this kind of thing, I have two left feet.

“Tell me, he growled, growing impatient with
having to wait to touch me.

I sucked in a big breath. I would say I put
my big girl pants on, but I was a hair’s breath away from being
completely naked. “I need to feel you John,” I told him. “I want to
feel your body against mine, your hands all over me and to feel you
move inside me.”

John stared at me, as much in shock as I was
that I actually was able to say what I did. “Please,” I added to
break the awkward silence. He responded by moving one of his hands
up to the back of my neck while the other grabbed a hold of my
waist. Saying nothing, he walked me like that, backwards towards
the bed. I felt the mattress behind my knees and could go no
further. John motioned for me to sit and I obliged as he stripped
down before me.

He pulled his shirt up and over his head and
I was regaled by the perfection of my emerald eyed, chocolate
haired god’s upper body. John’s broad and tanned upper body was
well defined with just a smattering of hair peppering his chest.
His arms were strong enough to kill, yet gentle enough to hold me
with. I thought his washboard abs were made even sexier by the
happy trail leading to the million dollar question.

“Up here beautiful girl.”
Oh Hades. Did he
really just catch me staring at his crotch?
I put my hands over
my eyes and fell back against the mattress. “Was I that obvious?” I
asked, fearing the truth.

John climbed atop of me and removed my hands
from my face. “Please don’t be embarrassed,” he crooned into my
ear. “I think it’s awesome knowing how much you want me.”

I was still embarrassed, but at least John
wasn’t teasing me over it. “Do you know what I love?” I asked him,
hoping to make him forget my crotch watching.

“What?” he asked curiously.

“You John. I love you.”

Smiling, his electric eyes took me in from
head to toe. “You are so beautiful.”

I couldn’t help the wide, toothy grin that
plastered my face. “You’re not so bad yourself,” I told him,
running my fingers through his chest hair.

John scooted me back so I was further in on
the bed. “You’re still wearing pants,” I pointed out.

“So eager,” he chuckled. “They’ll be gone
soon enough, I promise.”

I pretended to pout which made John laugh
more and shake his head at me. “If I take my pants off now, I won’t
be able to control myself.”

“That’s okay by me,” I told him, beaming.

“Patience Violet,” he requested of me. “I
want to take my time with you.”

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Spoilers,” he teased, leaning down to nibble
on my earlobe, giving away nothing.

BOOK: Mistfall
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