Read Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs) Online

Authors: Lexxie Couper,Mari Carr

Tags: #Erotica

Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs) (17 page)

BOOK: Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs)
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He popped the first button with his teeth and tongue, and then the next, and the next, his hand slipping under the fabric as he did so, cupping her breast with firm pressure.

Keith’s breath fanned her shoulder; his lips teased her flesh. His finger stroked her inner walls, an exquisite caress she never wanted to end.

Everything about the moment was perfect. So perfect. She didn’t want
of it to end. Ever.

She opened her eyes and gazed at the ceiling, burning the moment into her mind. The two Aussie cowboys and the American teacher, the most perfect romance ever. She would relive this fantasy over and over again.

She would—

Marc’s teeth released the last button of her dress just as his hand tugged her bra cup from her breast.

Keith moved first, his mouth claiming her newly exposed nipple. Marc held her breast for him with one hand, even as he settled between her spread legs and his tongue dipped into the shallow hollow of her navel.

Harper sucked in a ragged breath, her mind spinning.

Keith suckled on her nipple, wriggling his finger deeper into her sex. Marc kneaded her breast, raining kisses over her belly.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh…

“No,” she moaned as Keith withdrew his finger.

“Shush,” he chuckled against her breast.

“Think she wants more, Blue?”

The devilish intent in Marc’s low murmur sent a surge of wet excitement through Harper. It soon turned to charged pleasure as his tongue replaced Keith’s finger, swiping over her sodden folds.


He lapped at her pussy, sucking her clit past his lips before giving the tiny nub of flesh a soft nip.

“Holy fuck!” she burst out, her hips bucking upward.

Marc chuckled between her legs. “Like that, do you?”

She nodded, her breaths shallow and rapid.

That Keith was steadily feasting on her nipple only intensified the delicious tension building and twisting in her core.

“You’re so fucking sweet, love,” Marc rasped, his thumb rolling over her clit. “I could spend the rest of the day between your legs, licking you out.” He lowered his head back to her sex, laving her cleft with a slow stroke of his tongue. “You taste like heaven.”

He thrust his tongue into her heat, his free hand smoothing up and down her leg.

She whimpered. Arching her back, she pushed her breast harder to Keith’s mouth. When he lifted his head, she cried out in protest and then moaned in pleasure as he moved to her other breast.

Between her thighs, Marc fucked her with his mouth and tongue.

She rolled her head on the back of the sofa, her toes curling as the heat in her core turned to a tsunami of constricting tension.

“I’m going to…” she panted, fisting her hand in Marc’s hair, dragging the nails of her other hand over Keith’s back. “I’m going to come. I’m going to come…!”

Her orgasm crashed over her, robbing her of further words.

She writhed on the sofa, both men worshipping her body as her release detonated.

When she didn’t think she could take any more, when the pleasure threatened to undo her, Marc withdrew his mouth from her pussy, trailing a string of tiny kisses up her belly, over her rib cage, her breast. He suckled the nipple not in Keith’s mouth, a sharp, fierce pressure that made her sex clamp, and then lifted his head, smiling at her. “I love the noises you make when you come, love.”

A breathless laugh slipped past her lips. “I don’t make noises.”

Keith removed his mouth on her nipple with a pop. “Bullshit.” It was only then Harper realized his hat was nowhere to be seen. “You make noises I’ve never heard another living soul make.” He moved on the sofa, wrapping his fingers around her wrist to place her hand on the massive bulge of his crotch. “It turns me on. See?”

She nodded, her mouth dry. She knew they weren’t finished. It was always the way between them. Since the very first time by the billabong a lifetime ago. They made her come over and over, with their hands and lips and tongues, before finally allowing their own release.

“I want to hear those noises again, Blue.” Marc grinned up at Keith from between her legs. “You up to it?”

Keith’s nostrils flared. “Bloody oath.”

Her sex still pulsing from her fading orgasm, Harper squirmed upright on the sofa. “I think it’s my turn to be the boss.”

Keith cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah, and what does the boss want us poor hired hands to do?”

For a split second the words wouldn’t come. She stared at them, her pounding heart not just in her throat but in her ears, her belly, her core.

Tell them. Show them how much you trust them. How much you love them.

Her breath caught.


She looked at them, her lips tingling.

They didn’t say a word or push her.

Just waited.

Realization hit her. She
love them. Of that, she had no doubt.

“I want you both inside me,” she said, the truth making her voice a husky whisper. “I want Marc to fuck my ass while you fuck my pussy.”

Both men sucked in a sharp breath. They’d never suggested double penetration. They’d always taken turns being inside her. Sometimes she’d given one of them head while the other filled her, but never had they otherwise penetrated her at the same time. She was an anal virgin. They knew that. She’d confessed it, her cheeks aflame, two days ago.

Marc had laughed. Had said, “That’s okay, love,” brushing a knuckle over her cheek. “So are Blue and I.”

Now, watching them gaze at her, she knew how shaken they were by her request. How powerful it was.

“Are you sure?” Keith asked.

“Don’t do something you’d rather not,” Marc said, “just because you think it’s what we want.”

She let her lips curl into a slow smile. “Well, if you Aussie cowboys don’t think you can—”

Keith lifted her off the sofa before she could finish. She clung to him as he strode to the bedroom.

“Get the lube and condoms from Amy’s bathroom, Thomo,” he threw over his shoulder as he tossed her onto the bed.

“Righto, mate.” Marc hurried from the room, but not before Harper saw his erection straining against the fly of his jeans.

“Are you sure, darl’?”

She turned to Keith, her heart filling with warmth at his murmured question. “I am. There’s nothing I’ve ever been more sure of.”

He closed his eyes at her confession, his face etched with an emotion she couldn’t fathom. Not grief, but something…

“Fuck, Harper,” he groaned. “How are we ever going to let you go back to the States?”

“You don’t.”

His eyes opened, raw emotion shining in their blue depths. “Don’t say
if you don’t mean it, darl’.”

She smiled. Just as Marc entered the room.

Harper burst out laughing.

Marc held out his arms. “What?
ready. What have you two been doing?”

He stood in the doorway, naked except for his hat, his boots and an unwrapped condom balancing on the bulbous crown of his erection.

Keith snorted, turning back to Harper. “Are you
sure, darl’?”

“Sure about what?” Marc crossed to the bed, a swagger in his step.

Harper grinned. “Tell you later.”

“Alrighty then.” Marc frowned at Keith. “Why the fuck are you still dressed?”

Keith scowled. “Shut the fuck up, Thomo.”

Harper had never been so happy, so…so…free. She felt free, as if finally throwing off a weight that had kept her imprisoned.

Repositioning herself on the bed, she tugged her dress over her head and tossed it aside.

“Struth, I’ll never get sick of looking at you, love.” Marc’s groaned proclamation made her happy. So goddamn happy.

It wasn’t until Keith joined her on the bed that she realized he’d removed his clothes. She touched the spider tattoo over his heart with the tips of her fingers. “One day you’re both going to tell me about these tattoos,” she said, studying the black spider with the bright-red mark on its ass. “But not now.” She returned her gaze to Keith’s face. “Now I just want you both inside me.”

He kissed her, pressing her to her back with gentle force. His hard, warm body covered hers and she scraped her nails up his back, over his shoulders. And then let out a squeal of delight as he flipped over, taking her with him.

“Fuck, that’s a gorgeous arse.”

Harper wriggled onto her elbows and knees above Keith, smiling at Marc over her shoulder. She should be nervous. What she was about to do…holy crap, she should be nervous. But she wasn’t. She was alive.

“It is,” Keith agreed. “And these are gorgeous tits.”

To prove his point, he captured her breasts with his hands as they brushed his face, closed his lips around one tight nipple and sucked. Hard.

She gasped. And then moaned as Marc’s warm lips found her slit. He licked her sex, slow, sensuous laps that left her panting.

For long moments both men worshipped her body. Keith’s mouth moved from one nipple to the other, his wicked suction sending searing fingers of pleasure to her core, while Marc’s tongue slipped in and out of her pussy, his thumbs parting her folds to grant him deeper access.

Harper moaned, the building heat within her tingling the base of her spine.

The orgasm claimed her before she could cry out, fast and powerful. She balled her fists in the duvet beside Keith’s head, biting her lip.

“Don’t hold back, darl’,” he ordered around her nipple. “Make all the noise you want. No one’s going to hear you.”

She threw back her head and cried out, her hips bucking, her belly clenching, her pussy contracting.

“That’s it,” Marc murmured. “That’s what we want to hear.”

“Oh God,” she panted, her head hanging, hair tumbling about her face. “I didn’t expect that.”

Keith grinned at her. “We Aussie cowboys can be pretty bloody amazing when we want to be.”

A deep, blissful contentment stole through her. “You can say that a—”

Marc’s mouth on the puckered opening of her anus stole her voice.

She gasped, her eyes flinging wide, her stare locking on Keith’s face.

“Are you sure, Harper?” he asked again.

Harper’s heart squeezed at the concern swimming in his eyes.

“Fuck me,” she murmured.

He studied her, motionless for an agonizing second, and then twisted a little beneath her and said, “Give me a condom, Thomo.”

The mouth on her ass disappeared. She didn’t bother to stop her moan of disappointment. Movement from the corner of her eye told her Marc had handed something to Keith.

She arched her back, allowing Keith’s hands to slip below his waist. Dropping her head, she watched him sheathe his erection in the condom. When his entire length was covered, his hands lifted to her face, his fingers brushing her hair behind her ears. “Are you ready?”

She nodded, suddenly lost for words.

He parted his lips, to say what, she didn’t know. Before he could, she took his engorged cock in her hand and, without hesitation, lowered herself onto it.

Keith hissed and ground out a hoarse “Fuck that feels so good” as she slowly took his entire erection inside her.

She held his stare for a heartbeat, letting him see her pleasure, her trust. “So good,” she agreed. “And it’s only the beginning.”

He let out a ragged breath. “It is.”

With a groan, possibly because Harper chose that moment to squeeze his embedded cock with her inner walls, he turned his gaze to Marc. “Your turn, mate.”

“This is gonna be cold, love,” Marc murmured as he swiped his finger over her anus.

Cold was right. Harper sucked in a sharp breath, the lube on his fingers like ice on her flushed skin.

Then Marc’s finger was pressing at her opening, painting the thick gel over—into—her anus.

Pleasure unlike any other radiated through her. Her groan left her on a shaky breath. Her pussy squeezed tight.

“Jesus, darl’.” Keith’s jaw tensed, his hands on her breasts kneading with firmer urgency. “If you keep doing that I don’t think I’ll sur—
, that’s so good!”

“Breathe for me, love,” Marc’s voice was gentle, calm.

She did as commanded, taking a long, slow breath. As she exhaled, he slipped another lube-slicked finger inside her ass.

And again exquisite pleasure rolled through her.

She couldn’t stop her hitching cry. “Oh God, that’s so…”

Marc bent over her body, his lips grazing the flesh between her shoulder blades. His cock nudged the inside of her thigh, hard and undeniable. “Fucking amazing.”

Her heart slammed hard and fast. Casting him a look over her shoulder, she nodded. “Please,” she whispered. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”

Hungry need burned in his eyes and, with his own nod, he took his cock in his hand and pressed the head to her anus.

BOOK: Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs)
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