Read Minor Demons Online

Authors: Randall J. Morris

Tags: #Demons, #azazel, #action adventure, #Dark Fantasy, #Fantasy, #angels and demons, #Lilith, #Angels, #leech, #shadow

Minor Demons (29 page)

BOOK: Minor Demons
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Asmodeus was about to teleport away in fire as well but Shadow threw his uncle’s scythe. It sliced clean through Asmodeus right arm and he dropped his scythe and screamed. Shadow flipped through the air, landed on the giant beast’s back and positioned his angel blade across his throat. He grabbed his blade at the other end and pulled backwards as hard as he could. His weapon sliced clean through the neck of Asmodeus. Before his massive head could slide off his blob-like body, Shadow had turned into a shadow rage monster. The rage monster lifted Asmodeus into the air in one of its massive hands and threw it in its mouth. The monster gagged for several seconds while trying to swallow Asmodeus, but he was eventually able to get him down.

When Shadow had returned to his regular form, he ran to his dying uncle. Cain was making small coughing noises and blood was coming from his mouth.

“Shadow, you need to find them and kill them. Avenge me and then you will be powerful enough to go get your father from his prison.”

“I just killed Asmodeus.”

Shadow was going to beg his uncle not to die, but realized there was no point. For the first time since his father had been taken, Shadow broke down and cried.

“Hey now. Don’t go all pussy on me in the end. I still have some things to tell you.”

Shadow was able to force a smile. Cain choked up more blood and then tried to rapidly reveal everything he needed to.

“I’ve planted fake memories in your head for years. I’ve made you remember things that never happened and forget things that you shouldn’t have seen. I did it to protect you, but also to protect myself. When you find out what I’m talking about, don’t let it change you.”

Cain was interrupted briefly as more blood leaked out of his chest. He paused for a few moments and then continued.

“You are my successor. Don’t let any of the other middle demons take command of the armies of murder. They rightfully belong to you.”

Cain looked like he wanted to say something else, but he choked up blood one last time and his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. As his life left him, an earthquake shook the foundations of Hell.


eech barely had a few minutes to enjoy his victory when he saw Shadow limping towards him. He ripped part of his cloak and helped Shadow bandage his shoulder.

“Is Nightmare still around here somewhere?”

“Nope. He took off. Round two goes to Leech. I owed him a good ass-kicking after the death pit.”

Shadow looked impressed and Leech grinned mischievously.

“Well, to be fair, I had Muan shooting him with poisoned darts through most of the fight.”

Shadow realized that Muan was bowing at Leech’s side. Leech smacked him in the back of the head.

“I told you not to do that anymore. Shadow and I don’t want you bowing all the time. You’ll ruin your knees.”

Leech noticed that Shadow’s face was exuding a pain far worse than what the wound in his shoulder should have caused.

“How did it turn out with the major demons?”

“Asmodeus fell and so did...”

He couldn’t finish the sentence. He wasn’t ready for his uncle to be gone.

“...Lucian actually took down Cain? I never would have called that.”

“No, I let the fight get away from me. It took Asmodeus AND Lucian to kill my uncle. Then Lucian ran like a coward and I killed Asmodeus.”

“I’m sorry bro. I wish I could have helped.”

“You did. I wouldn’t have lasted without my angel blade and there’s no way I could have taken a major demon and Nightmare at the same time. I appreciate it, Leech.”

“No worries. Where’s Lilith?”

Lilith rode in on the mount of Abigor.

“She’s taking a victory lap after she demolished the forces of Asmodeus.”

Leech grinned up at her.

“You know, babe, demons that talk about themselves in third person are usually annoying assholes.”

Lilith dismounted and went to punch Leech but he caught her arm and pulled her in for a hug.

“I’m glad to see that you’re ok, babe.”

Lilith leaned in and kissed Leech on the cheek and then they both turned to Shadow.

“So what now, bro?”

“We hunt down their armies. Then we kill Vixen and Lucian. General Cain will be avenged by the three of us.”

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andall Morris has a bachelors degree in history from BYU and enjoys writing history articles, travel / photo books, and action / adventure fiction. He spent two years in the Philippines as a missionary and speaks fluent Tagalog. He has worked in the IT field for over seven years. His works are currently available as ebooks, paperbacks, and audio books. Morris has been a self-published author since early 2012.

Feel free to contact me:


Twitter: @RandallJMorris


[email protected]

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BOOK: Minor Demons
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